Ghost Rider Through The Multiverse

Chapter 19 - Ch 17 This Island Was Stupidly Named

(I'm implementing a power system to record how strong he is. It won't be an actual system, more like he is just mentally recording it and making stages.

It is mostly based on DxD classification system, but this is based on physical strength rather than magical. If I had to say, I would think that magic/abilities are x100 stronger than what their physical body would be capable of. For example, they punch a wall and make a crack or small hole, but using magic they completely destroy it. Though strength could vary based on the type.

For the record, with the Ultimate class strength he would be capable of making a magnitude 8 earthquake from what I found, and that would be city destroying level. Read and you'll see.

If you have something better, please tell me.)

It had been 4 days since Leo had his talk with Nami and he had been feeling a lot better, he still didn't express himself much, but he was improving. Healing takes time after all.

(A/N: I don't actually know the time frames for a lot of it as it wasn't mentioned, but I figured I would make my own, I would think it takes more than a few hours to go to another island. Hope it doesn't bother you.)

Leo had actually been spending a lot of his time talking to Nami, they would tell each other about the thing they done in the past. He would tell her about his friends and family, the stuff he would do with them, stuff he liked. And she told him about her life, there wasn't much happiness given that she spent most of it stealing from people to raise money for her village, but there was the odd occasion she had fun and got a funny story from her time as a thief.

He had also started sparring with Zoro as it was a good way get used to actual fighting, rather than using brute strength to tear people apart...

When he mentioned that he was interested in also learning to use a sword that really caught Zoro's attention. So, when they started sparring, Leo had to try really hard to hold back and not kill Zoro accidentally... It meant that he was getting hit a lot, but it didn't hurt him or anything, so no problem.

Seeing as he had no personal experience with a sword, he started by using a single sword, and given the Japanese culture that One Piece had, he chose to use Genjis sword, but in red. (Overwatch!... I was listening to the Hanzo vs Genji rap battle by JT music)

Zoro ended up feeling jealous because of his ability to create any weapon he wanted and the strength of said weapon.

Right now, Leo was sparring with him while using a spear, which, thanks to the weapon handling book he got at Logue town, he could actually use, after fully understanding the basics.

He actually seemed to be pretty good at picking up how to use a weapon or how to fight in general, he didn't know if it was natural talent or a side benefit of being a Ghost Rider, which is basically a natural fighter itself.

Or it could be both.

Zoro was also extremely happy about sparring with him. Leo was the strongest on the ship and can give him a real fight, there also wasn't the worry of injuring him, as he had found when he swung at Leo's neck when he got excited, but didn't even leave a mark.

With a mutual dėsɨrė to become stronger and also using weapons, they had begun to form a solid friendship.

The reason for Leo was more than just the spars though, Zoro, unlike the other 3, wasn't a complete dumbass, if you ignore his poor sense of direction...

Their current spar was coming to a close when...

Luffy - "WOOHOO! Our second island on the Grand Line!"

Looking over, Leo could see the island and 2 huge mountains, that were actually the the skeletons of sea kings.

They were stand at the front of the ship looking at the island.

Vivi said that they should be careful, because she was worried about what Robin had said about the island. Usopp was scared of potential monsters. And Sanji mentioned that they were running low on food.

10 minutes later and they were entering into the island through a river.

On either side of them was dense jungle, that made them exclaim about how it seemed like the whole island had never been explored by people.

They even questioned how this place was 'little' in any way?

Nami pointed out that the plants that weren't in any of her encyclopedias.

{GUAAA! GUAAA!} (A/N: dont ask me.)

Nami - "KYAAA!"

At the sudden squawking, Nami got frightened and without thinking, quickly hid behind Leo for protection. And he wasn't even closest to her...

Sanji - "Terrified Nami is sooo cute!"

Leo - 'Is he for real...'

Sanji was probably one of the people he likes the least, right after Usopp actually. He knows that Usopp gets better over time, but right now he was just an annoying wimp. Like seriously, he tries to run from everything that can be seen as challenging to himself, which is EVERYTHING! How can you live your life when you're so afraid to lose it!? Death could come at any moment, without warning, so why not take a risk every now and then?

But, the fact that Usopp improves is why Leo doesn't outright hate him. Sanji on the other hand, he will only become worse. He almost dies from a nose bleed! A NOSE BLEED!!

Back to the matter at hand.

Sanji - "Don't worry, it's just a normal bird. And even this island, is nothing but your average jungle!"

Right as he said that, the 'normal bird' started flying over, but it wasn't a normal bird, it was a big ȧss dinosaur the size of a mountain bear, that was like a mix of a bird and a lizard. The name of which is, Archaeopteryx, but 4 times bigger. (A/N: it looks similar.)

Rather than just looking at it, Leo jumped up to it and snapped it's neck.

He fell back down onto the deck while consuming its soul.

Leo - "What? He said we're running low on food."

He dropped the body and walked back over to Nami.


The sound of an volcano erupting came.

Nami - "Does that sound like your average jungle!? That sounded like a volcano exploding or something!"


From the jungle came a heavily injured tiger, covered in it's own blood, and then it collapsed and died, to which, Leo graciously took its soul.

When he did, he notice something, consuming the souls of animals seems to give him more than it should. At first, with the 'bird', he bȧrėly notice as it was just that weak, but from the tiger, he got 1 ton from it. It by no means seemed strong enough to lift 4 tons, even at its best, and while creatures in One Piece are generally stronger than the norm, at most it should on be capable of 2 tons, and that's pushing it. That would mean he got half its strength, but why? It'll require testing.

He was quickly brought back when he heard Nami shouting.

Nami - "This is definitely not normal! Otherwise, why would a tiger, king of the jungle, collapse covered in it's own blood!?"

Usopp - "Alright, then it's decided. We are to not set foot on this island!"

Nami - "Let's just quietly wait on our ship, and the very second our Log pose finishes recording! After all, we have to hurry on to Alabasta as soon as possible."

Luffy had other ideas though, he asked Sanji to make a lunch box, a 'pirate lunchbox'... In other words, meat.

Luffy - "I smell adventure ahead!"

This caused Nami to start shouting at him.

Nami - "W-wait just a second! Where do you think you're going."

Luffy - "On an adventure! Shishishi! Wanna come along?"

Nami seeing that there was no chance of stopping him, could only give up and cry out her grievances.

That was until Leo started to pat her head, making her blush, but she didn't stop him as she actually enjoyed it. This had actually become a common occurrence, whenever she was frustrated with the nonsense that comes with the crew, he would end up patting her head, and there is a lot of that nonsense that goes on, even if it was only the last 4 days...

Vivi - " Could I come along with you?"

Luffy - "Sure, sure!"

Nami - "Even you!?"

Vivi then explained that it would be a good way to keep herself from worrying and would help clear her head while waiting for the Log pose to finish recording.

Vivi - "I'll be fine! Carue will be by my side, after all."

Carue - {....! ....!}

Nami - "Your trusty bodyguard looks to scared to even quack..."

Sanji then pitched in, telling Vivi that he would make a lunchbox for her as well, to which she asked him to make a drink for Carue.

Once Sanji had finished their lunchboxes, Luffy, Vivi and Carue set off cheerfully.

Zoro then walked out while stretching.

Zoro - "Well, seen as I'm not doing anything either, I'll go for a walk."

He then jumped of the ship and started walking, but was stopped by Sanji.

Sanji - "Yo Zoro, wait!"

Zoro - "Hm?"

Sanji - "We're running out of food onboard so if you see any animals that look to be edible, can you hunt it down and bring it back?"

Zoro - "Sure thing, I'll go hunt for some animals that you'd never ba able to kill yourself."


Zoro - "Huh!"

Sanji - "Did I hear you wrong, or did you just imply that you can hunt bigger game than I can...?"

Zoro - "Isn't that obvious?"

Sanji - "That's it! I challenge you at hunting!"

They then started walking into the forest, in different directions, while trash talking each other.

(A/N: Sorry, I was bored and was stuck.????????)

Leo - 'This is almost as bad as Naruto and Sasuke...'

Nami - "Haah! Well at least you're staying, Leo."

Leo - "I don't remember saying that."

He looked away while pretending to ignoring what she just said.

Nami on the other hand, jumped at him and tightly held onto him, exaggeratedly crying.

Nami - "Nonono! You can't go too! What if something comes to eat me!?"

He carefully pried her off himself while she attempted to resist.

Leo - "You'll be fine, just stay on the ship. Here take this."

He made a small stick, that looked like a popsicle stick.

Leo - "If you are in a lot of danger, snap it and I'll be right there."

This stick was made from his Hellfire and he could track it anywhere, when it is snapped he will feel the energy split in two and will immediately go there. This was something he had worked on in the last few days for such an occasion as this.

After giving her a final head pat, he turned to leave.

Usopp - "Hey! Why don't I get one!?"

Leo turned his head to look at him.

Leo - "Because, I believe she will only use it if she really needs to."

Before he could be interrupted again, Leo sped away, into the jungle.

After running for a minute, he slowed down and came to a stop at a random location.

He had a few goals for setting out.

First, when he arrived, he could sense the soul of a Devil fruit, it was very distinctive after all. He couldn't accurately pinpoint its location from a distance, but he could find the general area and then narrow it down from there.

Second, he wanted to discover what was going on with the soul devouring situation, and he already had a pretty good test for it.

Third, and this will be very important, he wanted to breathe life into his dimension. Fortunately, that would be the easiest thing to do.

So, working from the bottom of his list, he knelt down, closed his eyes and placed his hand on the ground. Putting all his attention on this task, he move all the plant life in a fifty metre radius around himself, plus about ten feet of dirt, right into his dimension. Then he mentally commanded for all poisonous plants to be expelled, along with bugs that got caught with the plants.

Once that was done, he created a replica of 'Little Garden', extended it so that it was 5 times the original size, placed the 50 metre of the original on the new island, accelerated the time so that 1000 year passed in an instant, and this caused the island to be covered in dense jungle.

He then got rid of some of the trees, created a couple small lakes, a few open section and he was done. Now he just needs some animals, but that could wait for after his second goal.

With stage 1 of goal three complete, he stood up while opening his eyes, allowing him see the missing 50 metres around him, fortunately he didn't take the area directly below him or he would have fell...

He quickly sped away from that place so he wouldn't be held responsible...

Anyways... On to goal two...

He went to where he felt the nearest soul and when he got there, he saw a quadrupedal dinosaur, an Ankylosaurus.

Not wasting time, he attacked it gently, so as not to kill it and only anger it, which he succeeded.

Now with the creatures ire, he backed up a couple of metres to give it space to attack. It pawed at the ground and then charged at him, and he stood there waiting.

When it reached him, it rammed its head into him, it pushed him back a bit. This was by no means because it was close in strength, it was just because I was bigger and was able to use the ground better. In fact, from what Leo could tell, its strength was only about a third of his, meaning a little more than 20 tons...

It was impressive, but still not enough.

With that figured out, Leo killed the big reptile.

He didn't consume its soul yet though, he had some quick calculations to do. There was an hour left anyways.

Picking up the body, he made rough estimate that it weighed 6 tons, and then to be able to move around efficiently, it would probably be able to carry 2-3 times it's own weight, so about 18 tons in strength maybe.

With that much determined, he put the body in his inventory and looked at the soul.

Leo - 'If my calculations are right, along with my ȧssumptions that I'm receiving half the strength of creatures, I should get about 10 tons... Well, here goes nothing.'

He consumed the soul and immediately felt the effects, it was the most he had gotten so far, 11 tons.

He now had a strength of 79 tons, or by his self made measurement system: Low mortal 00.79%.

It worked as such:

Low mortal : 0 - 10,000 tons - Can compete with tanks and missiles.

Mid mortal : 10,000 - 100,000 tons - Can easily destoy buildings.

High mortal : 100,000 - 1,000,000 tons - Can start lifting an Aircraft carrier.

Ultimate class : 1,000,000 - 10,000,000 tons - Can destroy cities with ease.

Super class : 10,000,000 - 100,000,000 tons - Can destroy continents.

Further shown with a percentage bar of progress in that class.

It was, 'rough', to say the least, there was very little to back any of it up until he proved it himself, and there was no level after Super class because of how far off it currently seems.

For now it is good enough though, he can always change it if he want.

With goal two complete, there was just one and three, so to save time, he made ten clones and sent them to go get a dozen of each creature, with equal mixes of genders. and just incase, they also were to read the minds of the creatures so that they could retrieve any young that might belong to the abducted, and it also allow them to find out if the creature had any special habitat requirements.

With their mission set, the clones set off, and with the clones taking care of that, OG Leo can go get the Devil fruit.

So, with a spring in his steps, he made his way over to the point where he felt the Devil fruit was, all the while listening to 'Smooth Criminal' and humming along. (A/N: it came on in my playlist and I couldn't not do this.)


It took an hour, some turn arounds because he stopped paying attention when a clone would disperse and he would get it's memories, but he finally found his prize.

A pink, eggplant shaped Devil fruit, with brown, square, spiral like shapes.

Leo - 'Weird, I thought eggplants were vegetables... Oh, well.'

Taking the Devil fruit into his hand, he immediately felt it 'squirming' in an odd attempt to flee, but he didn't care about that.

He started to devour the soul, once again produce the black aura effect, turning the fruit to sludge, burning the curse away, and finally receiving the info on what the fruit does.

And he couldn't help but to smile.

Immediately wanting to try it out, he raised his right leg and stomped down.


The power of his stomp cause a dust cloud, but that soon got swept away by the wind, allowing him to see the results of his new power.

Spread out before him, there were dozens of spikes made out of earth, sticking up as if to pierce his enemy.

The name of the Devil fruit was 'Earth Earth fruit'. It is a logia type that let you control the earth around you, and like all other logia, turn into that element.

But, there is something different about the abilities thanks to it falling into the hands of Leo, he can not only control and turn into earth, but also create it! Thanks to him having his own energy source, which is what allows for the usage of Hellfire, the powers given by the Devil fruit also draws from that energy source, making it possible to make that element. Though it does take significantly more energy than making fire or controlling the surrounding earth, it allows for various opportunities.

With a soft kick to the ground, sending a wave through the earth, he flattened the ground back to normal while feeling quite pleased about his gains.

Now that he was done with two of his goals and his clones completing the last one, which shouldn't take long, he had nothing to do, so he made his way over to Nami by tracking the Hellfire signal.


Leo - "George, George, George of the jungle~"

He got bored while walking so he started swinging on vines, which reminded him of a movie he watched as a kid, 'George of the jungle' and its theme song, which lead to him singing it...

Leo - "Look out for that tre-OOF!"

He, ironically, smacked right into a tree because the last of his clones dispelled themselves, flooding him with their memories.

Leo - "If I didn't know any better, I would say that was intentional... Good thing no one saw..."

He got up and patted the dirt off, then he took a quick look at his fully functional far-zo-jurasic park...

After a quick observation, he saw the new creatures and plants that were added, giving a nod of approval, while mentally patting himself on the back, he decided to accelerate the time inside to make a few hundred years go by.

But that plan was a bust,the time didn't change at all, which lead to a great amount of confusion. He tried again, but this time making it a difference of 1/365, so for every day outside, a year passes inside.

Looking at it was like watch a video being fast forwarded.

So, clearly the time is changeable, but not to an extreme difference when there are living creatures there.

Leo decided to try a few other things, like slowing time down and even stopping it, which worked! He just can't speed it up too much, the max, atleast for now, is 5 years for every day, unless he is inside aswell, in which case he can speed the time up as much as he wants, but that means he has to sit there for that amount of time as well, with nothing to do...

It was disappointing that he couldn't have his super XP farm, but what can he do about it?

Fortunately, he is able to to isolate the island from the rest of his dimension, making it possible to have different time dilations. And that's what he did.

After confining the island and a mile of the sea around it, he accelerated it to the max.

Leo then continued his way over to Nami with a pleased smile.

(Sorry if you didn't like the info dump, but I wanted to make a way for him to constantly gain strength, but not too extreme, which meant I had explain his abilities.

What do you think about the measurement system? I feel like it would make it simpler than saying 'he has 67 tons of strength, blah, blah, blah.' and so on.

Alternate titles:

• Making a XP farm

• Abduction

• They do move in herds)

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