Ghost Rider Through The Multiverse

Chapter 20 - Ch 18 Art is an Explosion!

(Okay, I have realized that my fanfic is in the novel section... Should I fix that?)

(Made a slight adjustment to the measurement system, just rounded the numbers to solid multiples of 10.)

Pleasantly pleased about his gains for the day, Leo quickly made his way over to Nami.

Running at a tenth of his max speed, he covered 10 Kilometres in 5 minutes, it would have been faster, but there was a lot of trees in his way and he didn't want to demolition the jungle, soo...

(A/N: That would be 50 metres in 1.5 seconds, I found something saying Captain America can do 100m dash in 1.5-2 seconds, so Leo's speed plus maneuvering would be faster than Caps. I was doing a lot of math...)

After Leo's jungle expedition, he was swiftly arriving at a small clearing between the two giant sea king skulls.

Before actually stepping out though, he stopped and saw that Nami, Zoro and Vivi had been caught, they were stuck on a big wax cake looking structure and in the centre was a spinning section with lit candles, spreading wax into the air and covering them. Below them was Mr.5, Miss Valentine, Miss Goldenweek and the boasting Mr.3.

Mr.3 - "Become my candles with fear in your hearts! Hahaha!-"


A huge stream of fire came from the the side and incinerated the spinning section, the source of the fire was of course Leo, who was in his Ghost Rider form with his hood up. (Seriously, please tell if I should use GRF or GR form.)

He had sent a stream of Hellfire at the candles to stop them from spreading more wax, and then started walking towards the 4 Baroque works agents.

Seeing the only 2 people, who he would actually consider friends, being suffocated and turned into wax statues for this sick bastards satisfaction, had seriously pissed him off.

(That's not to say that he doesn't like the others, but he gets along with those two more)

As he was walking, he had his head down, stopping them from seeing his face.

When they saw him, the 4 agents had different reactions.

Miss Valentine - "Who's that?"

Mr.5 - "That should be the last target."

Mr.3 - "I don't care who he is, kill him for ruining my art!"

At that moment, Leo lifted his head to look at Mr.3, letting them see his burning skeletal face and causing Mr.3 to flinch.

Before anyone could say or do anything, Leo disappeared from view, only to reappear in front of Mr.3, with his fist lodged and twisting into the man's gut.

Mr.3 was then sent flying off into the jungle while spewing blood and eyes rolled into the back of his head, whether he was dead or not, Leo didn't care.

Mr.5 reacted quickly and swiped at Leo, using his Devil fruit to create the strongest explosion he was capable of.

*BOOOOM* (Should I stop with the Onomatopoeia?)

The explosion made a large amount of smoke that covered the both of them.

The smoke was quick to disperse, showing that Leo had Mr.5's arm in a one handed grip, which was slowly tightening, he took the explosion straight to his head, but it didn't even phase him.

Leo's grip was so tight, that he was breaking Mr.5's arm.

Mr.5 immediately tried to use his other arm, but he wasn't able to thanks to Leo pulling him and knocking him of balance.

Leo then brutally kneed him in the stomach, let go of his broken arm to grab him by the head and slammed him face first into the ground.

Miss Valentine - "10,000 kilogram press!"

Without a seconds hesitation, Leo spun around, raised his right arm to the sky with his hand in a gripping position.

From the sky, came Miss Valentine, who seeing her partner fail, thought that she could somehow do something to change the situation.

She was wrong.

Leo caught her by the throat like she weighed nothing, her Devil fruit was absolutely useless in the face of his strength, what was 10000 kilograms, 10 tons, in the face of 79 tons? Of course he could catch her without issue.

Miss Valentine - "GAAAAHHHHH!!!"

Having her broke like twigs caused her an unbelievable amount of pain, and he was about to continue, but...

Miss Goldenweek - "Colour trap - Black, the colour of betrayal." (legit the name, wtf...)

She put a sign on his back with black paint, and when she did this he stopped what he was about to do, he dropped Miss Valentine, turned around and walked over to Miss Goldenweek.

Vivi - "Oh, no! This is bad! She is a portrait artist and she can cause different reactions with her paint when she puts it on someone!" (I feel like I lost brain cells...)

Nami - "What does black do?"

Vivi - "It makes a person betray their friends!"

Nami - "... This probably won't end well for her..."

Zoro - "What do you mea-"

Leo had grabbed Miss Goldenweek by the throat and let out a monstrous roar to her face, with his mouth open wider than a flesh and blood human could possibly get.

When he did this, he also manipulated her emotions, bolstering her fear of him, resulting in her trembling, crying and urinating out of said fear.

He looked into her eyes with his hollow sockets for a moment, and then he dropped her on the ground and walked away, but not before burning her brush and paint.

The only reason he isn't killing her, is that she looks like a kid and he wasn't ready to fall that low without a really good reason.

(A/N: For the record, she looks like a kid, but she is actually 16 years old.)

Walking back over to the other two, he went straight to Mr.5, who was trying to get up.

Grabbing him by the collar of his coat with his left hand, Leo brought him in front of himself and placed his right in a flat palmed, piercing position, aimed at the man heart.

Slowly his hand started to vibrate, and those vibrations got quicker and quicker over 30 seconds.

Without hesitation, he thrust his hand into Mr.5's ċhėst, but there was no blood... His hand was vibrating so fast that it phased through clothing, flesh, muscle and bone, to grab his heart.

GR Leo - "Hurts, doesn't it? I wonder how many people you have hurt in your life...? Oh well, that doesn't matter anymore."

*Pssh* (I don't know what sound it makes, just imagine reverse flash's heart grasp thing)


Leo ripped his heart out and dropped it, along with his body to the ground, and devoured his soul, that was apparently merged with the Devil fruit?

He gained 6 tons, plus the explosion powers of the Devil fruit, which was strange as Mr.5 wasn't strong enough to give that much, based on previous experiences.

Looking at Miss Valentine, who was crying while trying to crawl away, he walked over, stood on her stomach to hold her still, leaned over, then grabbed her face and looked her in the eye.

GR Leo - "What a vile bunch you are, such a waste of life... Let's get this over with."

His sockets lit up with flames, which were reflected in her eyes as she immediately felt the pain and suffering she had caused, done onto her, she got to experience what it was like to be slowly crushed under 10 tons, as was her favourite method of killing her targets.

Miss Valentine - "AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!"

(85 tons)

He stood up straight and looked to the sky while reverting back to his human form, he took a deep breath and then looked over to the trio trapped in wax, who were staring in at him in slight bewilderment, amazement, and in Vivi's case, fear!

This was the first Vivi saw him in his Ghost Rider form, aswell as watch him fight, if you can call it fighting... She had seen people die before, but not from having their heart ripped out or from a FREAKING STARE!!!

Plus, his glowing red eyes were just eerie and intimidating. If she never saw them again, it would be to soon.

Nami and Zoro had seen him fight before, so they weren't surprised by the outcome, but it was definitely a surprise to see him stick his hand through a guys ċhėst and kill someone with his stare... How is that fair? What was even the point in him fighting them? He could just look at them and they'd be dead!

Of course that isn't exactly how it works, but it also wasn't far off.

Leo started to walk over to them while ignoring to dead bodies and traumatised girl.

When he got there, Zoro looked at him with a smirk and jokingly asked.

Zoro - "What was the point of weapons training if you're just gonna use your hands?"

Leo - "What can I say? I'm more of a brawler, I guess. Weapons are just good ways to utilize your strength."

Nami - "Yeah, yeah. Hurry up and get us out of this already!"

Without saying anything, Leo punched the wax while adding some vibrations.

His punch shattered the whole structure, causing them to fall on their ȧsses.

He smirked and asked.

Leo - "Is that better?"

Nami - "Uww, couldn't you have melted it instead?"

He tilted his head.

Leo - "You know that would have boiled you, right?"

She then had a look of realization, blushed out of embarrassment and turned her head to the side.

He chuckled while patting her head and then help her up. (A/N: HEADPAT SUPREMACY!!!)

At this point, Leo had started patting her head without even thinking about it.

After helping Nami up, he looked to the side where there were two giants on the ground, Brogy and Dorry. Dorry was heavily injured and Brogy had his hands and feet pierced with giant wax swords.

He was about to go help Brogy out and get the swords out, when from the jungle came Luffy and Usopp.

Luffy - "HAAAAAHHH!!!"

He came to a stop and looked around with serious expression.

Luffy - "Where are they!? I'm gonna beat them up!?"

Leo and the others stared at him and pointed to the two corpses.

Luffy - "What happened!?"

They pointed at Leo, making Luffy stare at him for a moment before throwing his arms up into the air.


He then started to sulk and draw circles on the ground, while muttering.

Luffy - "Leo gets all the good fights..."

Leo was about to say something, but out of the trees came a wax mech with Mr.3 inside, who had blood running down his head.

Mr.3 - "I'll make you pay for ruining my perfect plan!"

They all look at like he is an idiot, especially Nami and Zoro.

Leo - "Hey, Luffy! Why don't you fight that guy?"

Luffy - "YES!! Okay! Gum Gum-"

Leo stopped paying attention to them and went back to what he was about to do.

He walked over to Brogy's hand and looked at the wax sword, trying to figure out the best way to remove it, but decided to just go with the simple way of pulling it out.

To get a better grip, he decided to use another power he hadn't gotten the chance to use.

He started to grow bigger and bigger, the only problem was, he was growing to big...

He had never used his ability to grow bigger, and as result, he wasn't able to accurately control the size he became and when he stopped, he was 40 metres tall... Almost twice the size of Brogy and Dorry...

Of course, his gigantification caught the attention of everyone there, most had their jaws drop, some gulped, and Luffy.

Luffy - "SOOO COOOOOOL!!!"

His eyes were sparkling in amazement.

Mr.3, seeing that he had no chance of winning, took this opportunity to run away.

Leo noticed that he was bigger than he intended, but he chose to just ignore it and pull out the toothpi-swords...

After pulling the swords out, he shrunk back down to his normal 6,2.

When he looked around, he notice everyone staring at him.

Leo - "What?"

Vivi - "Y-you just..."

Usopp - "You just turned into a 40 metres tall giant!!"

He slightly tilted his head to the side.

Leo - "So? I turn into a flaming skeleton, why does that surprise you?"

That left them completely speechless as he had a point.

Zoro - "Seriously, how many abilities do you have?"

Leo - "A lot and they'll just keep increasing, so it's best not to think about it."

They couldn't help but wonder if he really needed more abilities and it was at this point that Luffy noticed that his opponent was gone.


Nami - "He probably ran away when you were distracted."

Luffy- "GRRRRR! NO FAIR! Nofairnofairnofair-"

He just started running around in a circle.

Leo - "Haah... Luffy! How about you fight the next guy?"

He stopped running around in a circle, looked over and grinned.

Luffy - "Okay!"

Leo - " Haaaaah... It's like looking after a kid..."


With everything having settled down, there was a new problem.

A crying giant.

Brogy was crying over the 'death' of his friend and rival, the problem was that his crying was on par with Midoriya Izuku...

He had already made a huge puddle in the area.

Leo put his newly acquired control over earth to use and made a big platform for them to stand on, as well as some seats.

Brogy had been crying for 3 minutes now, but that was suddenly put to a stop when Dorry got up while complaining about passing out.

Everyones eyes bulge out dramatically at him being alive, while Leo was just sitting there making different shapes out of earth with his Devil fruit.

They all started chatting about something or other, Dorry got bandaged up, Vivi was worrying about how long it would take for the Log pose to record the islands signature.

Then came a happy Sanji from the jungle, shouting about how happy he was that Nami and Vivi were safe.

Sanji then thought that Dorry was Mr.3, which lead to him explaining that, while he was wandering in the jungle looking for them, he found a house and answered a call from Mr.0, who mistook him for Mr.3. So Sanji told him that everyone was dead and pursuit was no longer necessary.

Usopp then complained about the fact that, the moment they get rid of their pursuers, they get stook on an island.

Then Sanji pulled out an Eternal pose to Alabasta, causing Vivi to hug him, much to the perverts delight.

Luffy then tried to start a party with three crackers, but Nami quickly shut that down. Sanji reminded Zoro of their hunting contest, which seem to remind Brogy and Dorry of something.

Luffy said bye to the giants, they wished them luck, and everyone set off to the ship.


When they got to the ship, Zoro and Sanji started to argue over who caught the bigger animal and won the contest.

Nami told them to hurry up and get on the ship, and Leo stored the two animals in his inventory.

They then started sailing down the river to come out on the western side of the island.

When they were coming to the exit, they could see the backs of the giants, who were standing at either side of the river.

Brogy - "The most important reason why all the little ones who come to this island,"

Dorry - "Do not reach the next island lies straight ahead."

They didn't understand what was happening and were staring up at them.

Dorry - "You fought so that our pride can remain untarnished."

Brogy - "Thus, in turn, no matter the foe..."

Dorry - "We must not let you flag of pride be tarnished either...!"

Brogy - "Trust in us and sail straight ahead! No matter what happen, sail only straight ahead!"

They were a bit confused, but Luffy listened to them.

Luffy - "Got it! Sail straight ahead!"

They just got out into the sea.

Dorry - "Let us meet again,"

Brogy - "One day in the future."

Nami - "Look! Up ahead!"

The sea started rise, and out of it came a back fin.

Dorry - "So you have come, 'Island devourer!'"

Brogy - "In the name of Elbaf, we vow to clear a path!"

The figure finally emerged from the sea, showing a giant goldfish.

They started to freak out, Nami was trying to convince Luffy to turn the ship, but he and Usopp, who was finally growing a backbone, were adamant in continuing forward.

They were getting even closer to being eaten... again.

Leo stared at it for a moment, then he walked over to the railing and turned to the others.

Leo - "Hey! I'll catch up to you all in a little bit!... Also you might want to hold onto something."

They looked at him in confusion, and he jumped over the side and into the sea.

They all panicked as they thought he was a Devil fruit user and wouldn't be able to swim, so they ran over and looked into the water.

The water had started to boil and then a few seconds later, Leo came out on his bike and drove away, across the water.

Then the goldfish closed its mouth and swallowed them, without them realizing.

Dorry/Brogy - "HAKOKU!"

Leo saw them swing their weapons, the resulting force cut through the sea and the goldfish, leaving a hole and sending the ship flying out the other side.

He could even hear Nami's screams and happy laughter of Luffy.

Deciding not to take too long to get back, Leo drove over to the corpse and devoured the 'Island Devourers' soul.

The moment he ate it, he felt a flood of power and started to uncontrollably laugh.

(423 tons)

338 tons! That goldfish had 676 tons of strength.(I made shit up)

He could feel his whole body, all his powers, become stronger than ever, and it was amazing!



It took him a few minutes to calm down, he was sitting on his bike while taking deep breaths.

He looked to the sky with huge grin and then back down, into the distance where he felt the Hellfire signal that was still with Nami.

Revving the engine a bit, he started driving over to the ship.


He wasn't going full speed, so he had a bit of time to think.

He was thinking about how he got more strength from Mr.5 than he should have, and about how his soul and the devil fruit were merged.

From spending time around Luffy, he notice that his soul was different, but he ȧssumed that it was because of him being the main character or the 'Will of D' or something like that.

After seeing what happen with Mr.5 though, maybe it was because of the Devil fruit. If the Devil fruit has a soul, then maybe it corrupts or mutates the soul of the consumer... Excluding himself of course.

But then, why would that affect his gains from consuming the soul of a Devil fruit user? And what about people from different worlds? Would he get a quarter or half of their strength? What would set them apart? Their souls?

If that is the case, would that not mean that people from One Piece have fractured souls, and that Devil fruits 'fix' or take the place of the 'missing' fragment?

But then there is the curse? Why would that even be necessary?

Leo - 'This is confusing...'

He could now see the ship, so he shook his head and decided to think about it another time.

When he got close enough, he jumped up on to the deck, his trip only took 10 minutes or so.

When he got on the ship, they all looked at him.

Leo - "Yo."

They all waved at him, but then Nami got up and stormed over to shout at him.

Nami - "Don't 'Yo' me! What the hell was that about!? Why'd you jump overboard!?"

He raised his hands up and tried to placate her.

Leo - "Easy, easy. I just wanted to try 'something.'"

She was the only one who knew he could consume souls, so he answered vaguely, but she still understood.

She was still not happy though.

Nami - "Well give more of a warning next time! I was worri-uhg!"

She suddenly stopped mid-sentence and held her head.

Leo - "Nami? You okay?"

He put his hand on her head to check her temperature, but she knocked his hand away.

Nami - "Don't try... to change... the subject. I'm... just... fine..."

She fainted and Leo caught her while panicking.

Leo - "NAMI!?"

(I want to say, I wont be including movies in the story.

I will be using the English names for Devil fruits other than Zoans, this is because 'Inu Inu no Mi' sounds better than 'Dog Dog fruit' does.

I have decided to make characters stronger than what their canon counterparts would or should be.)

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