Ghost Rider Through The Multiverse

Chapter 2 - Ch 1 Rebirth (slight edit)

'Why? WHY? What did I do to deserve this?'

Lying there in his blood, his life started to play before him. It started with all his happy memories, from the time he spent with his parent to the day when he had asked the whore to be his girlfriend and she said yes, then as it went on it got to where he currently was.

He got angry reliving the worst point of his now dwindling life, even if it was just within the hour. But he still wasn't dead and his suffering had just begun.

Over and over again, his life was played to him, with each experience he saw less happy memories and the ones involving the whore became sources of rage. The more his rage grew, the more indignant he felt and the more he wished he could get revenge on the two of them.

His dėsɨrė for revenge lit a fire in him, bringing a new light to his eyes. Though, even as the fire grew, his life continued slip away.

Feeling that he wouldn't last much longer, he did the only thing he could at that moment and put all his emotions into a single scream.


And like that, his eyes lost all light.


But this wasn't the end. (who would have guessed ????????)

Having just passed away while filled with rage and indignation, and not really having anything afterwards, our mc stayed in his lying position while in a white space.

So consumed by his emotions, he couldn't even comprehend his current situation or how he was still conscious and able to continue to be feeling rage at all.

He stayed like that like that for a long time and it got to the point where there had to be some form of intervention. That intervention came in the form of a cough.


Hearing the sudden cough, he was broken from his dazed state.

He looked at the one responsible and saw man in a white suit, with short hair and a blurred face.

"What's going on??"

Now that he was back in control, he started to look around to ȧssess his situation, though that didn't help as his situation was too weird.

Deciding that trying to figure things out himself was pointless, he looked towards the only other person around expecting answers to his queries.

Seeing that he had his attention the unknown person decided to talk.

"Hello, I am what you would know as 'God', but I'm better known as the 'Creator' by other divine."

This sudden revelation left him speechless. But, he was now more focused than ever as he wanted to know why he was here.

Clearly knowing what was happening in his head God continued.

"Now, seen as you want to know why you're here I'll keep it short. You're getting a second chance at life. And no, it doesn't matter if you were religious or not."

Hearing that he was going to get a second chance at life he was obviously shocked, but also now had more questions.

"Why do I get this chance and what do you mean by 'second chance at life' exactly? Will you just revive my dead body or do you mean reincarnation?"

Again, God already foresaw his questions and simply answered.

"There is no particular reason why you get this chance, you have a fair amount of accumulated karma from your past lives, you also have been a good person in your current life. Though I do have a soft spot for those who have suffered betrayal from a close one, that's why I let jesus come back to life in the past, he started calling himself my son after that though because his mind needed a coping strategy after his experience." (No offense is meant to Christians, personally I'm agnostic and this was just something I made on the spot)

Hearing all this from God, he got his reason and learned something new about the history of the world. But, God still wasn't done as he hadn't answered his other question.

"As for how it all will work, you will get some wishes and because your world wont be able to process this in the current age you will go to another world. And yes, what you consider fictional worlds are included."

"Okay, so how exactly does karma work and how many wishes do I get?"

His questions were once again answered.

"The karma system is essentially: you have bad karma, you get a suitable punishment in Hell and then are reincarnated as a clean soul with no ego. You do good and you get rewarded with Heaven, where Karma is like a currency and once you run out you get a clean slate. Good karma can be used straight away or left to accumulate for later incarnations. And finally, the amount of wishes you get will depend on the wishes themselves."

This all left him with one more question.

"Why can't I just go to Heaven?"

Quite disinterested in the pointless question he off handedly answered.

"Not that it matters seen as you dont want to, but it is because you are too consumed with rage and the dėsɨrė for revenge."

He wasn't sure how to feel about the fact that his emotions were evidently what's stopping him from going to Heaven. Although, he would indeed prefer to have wishes.

"Haah... okay. So I want to be a Ghost Rider, but I want to alter the abilities a bit. Is that ok?"

God - "Sure, go wild!"

Despite being slightly shocked at the way God put it, he started listing his changes.

"So to start:

First, I want to remove any and all limitations, being capable of growing stronger by training and consuming souls, the stronger the person or the more sinful they are the more strength I obtain. Starting with the usual Ghost Rider strength of 25 tons. And be able to take abilities that were possessed by the one whose soul I consume without affecting my personality.

Second, I want to be able to use Hellfire and make Hellfire constructs (I.e. the chains and let's say vehicles for convenience) in whatever way I can imagine. In the case of vehicle construction, then so long as I have a vague idea of how it looks, I want it be made and functional.

Third, I want Sin perception to include psychic and empath abilities.

Fourth, I want to be able to control my body age, structure and looks even with the immortality. As an extra part to this, I want it to be impossible to take away my powers, trap or track me without my allowing it.

Fifth, I want the ability to travel the multiverse. Either with transmigration with self made background or reincarnation into a character of my choosing. Also include a complete language comprehension.

Sixth, I want a personal dimension/inner-world that I can use like an inventory (time dialation and isolated space) and can also be able to put living creatures into.

Seventh, for any girls I might get into a relationship with, I want our souls to get connected so that even if they die I can revive them easily and so i cant be... betrayed... again... Although if they want to leave, I want to be able to get rid of the connection."

Although he wasn't sure about trying to have another relationship right now, it didn't mean he wouldn't in the future. He also didn't want to trap them in a relationship with himself if they no longer liked him though, so he made a way out aswell and although he knows its low to make it impossible to betray him, he just didn't want to take the risk again...

God - "Ok, you can have all of that, but I am also going to put a 10 person limit to the amount of people you can revive in each world using your Ghost Rider ability, unless they are soul bound to you. Although, you wont need a body to revive a person, just target the soul and when you are reviving them their body will be recreated."

He just nodded as he thought it was more than fair and he wasn't really planning to start mass revivals. He also noticed the loophole that was left for him.

God - "Also just as a precaution, you wont get stronger from consuming the souls of weak, innocent mortals and if you do it anyways you will get a temporary nerf down to 10% of your total power for a month."

After thinking about it for a moment he didn't really care, as he wasn't the type to slaughter innocents, even for power.

"I wasn't really planning to do that anyways, but I guess it takes away any insensitive. Though I was wondering, why did I need to tell you my wish when you can read my mind? And why did you agree to my wish?"

God - "Well I could just read your thoughts and instantly give you your wish, but that kind of ruins the moment. And I agreed to your wish because it's not too OP, like you're getting instant godhood or any of the 3 O's, so I don't see any harm."

After hearing Gods answer he was speechless, he just got immortality and infinite growth, but here he's being told that it's not OP! *sigh* This is what it means to be God.

"Okay... Uh, um, I was wondering if..."

God - "Alright, you can go back and get your vengeance, but after that you have to leave and you can never return to your world. Is that understood?"

God looked at him and waved his hand with a sigh.

God - "*sigh* I hope you wont keep a hold of your anger for to long. Good luck child."

After God wave his hand, our mc felt empowered and started to fade away from that space, but he managed to hear the last words of God and gave his reply.

"... I'll try..."


Back on Earth, at a certain demolition site, a body lay lifeless in the dead of night.

Not even 10 minutes had passed since the last traces of life fled it, but in that time, the world around it had gone silent and all light seemed to have dimmed.

Suddenly a small flame started to flicker into existence. That small flame started to slowly spread, but it didn't burn the clothes on the body and continued to grow until it covered the whole body.

After the entire body was engulfed in the fire, the skin started to burn off until there was only a skeleton left in the clothes.

The skeleton continued to burn and the fire condensed to be just around the bones themselves and the skull that has the most accentuated of the flames, for some reason also had sockets that seemed to be like a void, not letting in or out any light.

But then, two flames lit up within them and the once motionless skeleton sprung up into a sitting position and let out an eerie howl.


(nearly 1900 words. damn.. anyways same as last time please feel free to give constructive criticism. next ch we get revenge! woohoo!)

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