Ghost Rider Through The Multiverse

Chapter 3 - Ch 2 Vengeance


Having let loose a howl that contained all the emotions that he was unable to express during his last moments, he sat there looking into the air.

Slowly, he shifted his gaze downwards to look at his hands that had become nothing but bones and flames.

He clenched his hands into a fist a few times, immersed in how bizarre it felt and looked with his skeleton appearance.

After a few minutes he got over it and decide that it was time to do what he was there for. He reverted his appearance to being an ordinary human and stood up. (the appearance isn't important right now as he is gonna change it)

Without wasting anymore time, he made his way out into the street and started walking towards his house where he could feel was the location of his targets.

While walking, he had a vacant expression, there were no emotions to be seen, and that coupled with his bloody appearance would have made for an eerie sight were there anyone around.

Fortunately for him, as if everyone had gotten a warning, there was no one to be seen. All the buildings he passed had their lights off, there were no cars passing by and even the street lights seemed to have dimmed in his presence.

He continued walking while he kept thinking on what had happened and what he was going to do to that bastard and whore. But, he also thought about his interaction with God.

'I hope you wont keep a hold of your anger for to long.' These words kept running through his mind and made him wonder if he should even bother trying to get revenge, should he really stain his hands with their blood? Is it worth it?

He had never actively killed anything before in his life and here he was, on his way to kill his ex and her lover...

Over and over, he would ask himself 'is it worth it?' and then he would remember their faces as he was lying there bleeding out, the looks of amusement and mocking towards his very existence.

Each time he remembered their faces his anger would flare up and he couldn't help but think. 'How? How could I ever let go of my anger? Especially when they're still alive!'

It was frustrating for him, his whole life he had been a good person. If he saw someone that needed help, he would try to help them. When he had time, he would do charity work with one of his friends.

And now, here he was, going to get revenge on the woman he loved and spent so much of his time on. The woman who shortened the amount of time he got to spend with his friends because of her jealous and possessive behaviour.

Thinking about it now, his friends always disliked his relationship with her, saying that he could do better. As if they knew about how she really was and just didn't say it outright to spare his feelings, hell, even her 'friends' seemed to give him pity at times and stopped talking about some things when he would enter the room.

Now that it all was clicking into place, place he almost felt like laughing at how blind he was.

To make it all worse, he also realized that he would never get to see his friends again or the one girl that had actually happened to like him, but he had rejected despite also liking her a fair bit, all because of already being in a relationship.

He was such an idiot...


It had been about an hour since he had started walking and he was now at his destination, it was now that he had to decide what he was going to do. Was he going to get revenge or give up and leave for his new life travelling the multiverse?

Standing in front of the door, he was also wondering what they would be doing right now. Are they panicking about the consequences of their actions or coming up with their story for when his body was found.

Now with no obstruction in his path, he walked in side and towards where he felt their presence.

But, no matter how much he thought about what they would be doing, he never would have expected what he saw.

For the second time today, he had walked in on them having sėx! Right after his DEATH!! After THEY KILLED HIM!!!

However, unlike last time, he didn't rush at them to beat them up, despite his now superpowered body making it easy for him to do so. No, instead he waited. He waited and watched for the exact moment he could make a big impact.

And his wait wasn't long.

Bastard - "*grunts* I'm gonna ċum! Take it you sŀut!"


It was right at that moment.


Bastard - "AAAHHHHHHH!!!"

Now without a dɨċk, the bastard was lying on the floor with blood pouring from his crotch and tears from his eyes.

MC - "Sorry to interrupt you for a second time!"

Whore - "Wha! AAHHHH!!"

Confused by what was happening and the new voice that she was familiar with but didn't think about who it belongs to, as it was impossible to be hearing it.

The whore had first looked at her lover who was bleeding and on the floor, and when she heard someone else was there she looked over to see who it was.

When she saw who was standing there, she could help but scream. After all she had just recently watched him be murdered by her lover and it was even clearer by the blood he was covered in.

She fell to the floor and started crawl backwards to get away from her should be dead ex.

MC - "What, not going to welcome me home? Whats wrong, you look like you've seen a ghost?"

He took a step forward and she tried even harder to get away, but he just ignored her for the moment and went towards the bastard crying over his lost appendage.

MC - "Dont worry I don't plan to take too long with you, I have other places to go to afterwards."

As he said that, he picked the bastard up with one hand and with the other he made stakes with his Hellfire construct ability, and then he pierce each shoulder, propping him up on the wall.

Whore - "What are you!? How did you do that!?"

Despite her questioning, he didn't bother to answer and instead just bound her with chains. After all what is the point of answering the questions of a dead person.

Now that he had both of his targets he could get to work. He could just kill them and get it over with, but that doesn't seem like it would satisfy his anger, so he decided to torture them first.

The problem is that he isn't knowledgeable about the subject and so just kept things simple, he just ripped the bastards arms and legs off with brute force and cauterized the wound so he wont instantly die, but will feel a lot of pain.

After he was done there, he listened to the bastard scream and cry for help.

With that done, he turned to the whore, who had pissed herself from fear and was crying her eyes out.

Whore - "Please, please dont do this! You love me remember!"

For the first time since his return from death, he had emotion appear on his face and there was only disgust.

Even when he was being killed for no reason, he still didn't break down crying and beg for them to let him live, and now here she was, trying to use his love against him.

MC - "Yes, I do remember."

She suddenly felt hopeful, but the he continued.

MC - "I remember you telling me that I was just a convenient tool and then being stabbed for no reason at all..."

She was terrified by his cold stare and was about to start begging again, but she wasn't given the chance as he started talking again.

MC - "You know something I just realized? I interrupted the two of you twice now, why dont I help you out."

He was looking at her nȧkėd body while he said that.

She instantly caught his meaning and thought that this would mean she would get live.

He picked her up by the chain and against all her expectations, he made baton in his other hand, the worst part and the thing that frightened her most was that it was glowing red and exuding a very high temperature.

Whore - "No! No! Plea-AAHHHHHHH!!!"

With no mercy he rammed it inside of her, she screamed for a moment and then passed while foaming at the mouth.

He just looked at her for a minute as she occasionally twitched and then just dropped her body like trash.

With that done he decided to leave the room and went to the kitchen.

When he got there he saw his phone on the countertop, he guessed that they took it when he was unconscious. He stared at it for a moment before picking it up and turning on the screen.

He almost crushed his phone when he saw the screensaver of her on it, but moved past it and opened a group chat he has with all his friends.

Although he couldn't explain what exactly was going on, he at least wanted to say something before he leaves forever.

-group chat open-

MC - [Hey, this wont make a lot of sense and I cant explain, but I just want to say I'm sorry for being such an idiot... I should have listened to you all. Thanks for everything, goodbye.]

-GC closed-

Finished with that, he thought about one person in particular who he felt somewhat guilty towards.

The girl he now feels he should have chosen, she was another friend from when he was in school, her name was Vanessa. Given that he will only have this one chance he also decided to PM her.

-PM with Vanessa-

MC - [Right now this might be completely stupid, meaningless and plain simply unfair to you, but I wont ever get this chance again. I wanted to say, i should have chosen you back then and even all the way up till now. I'm sorry I was blind and didn't return the love you showed me, when you were the only girl who did. Goodbye.]


With the last of his business done, he made the Hellfire constructs on his targets explode and kill them.

Now that his targets of revenge were dead, he couldn't stay in that world any longer and so his his soul and body separated, his body was returned back to the demolition site and his soul left the world, never to return there.

(So how was the revenge? what about the torture? I wanted to make him skin them alive, but that would take skill, skill that isn't supposed to have... yet.... Anyhow comment and give feedback)

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