Ghost Rider Through The Multiverse

Chapter 30 - Ch 28 I don't have a title...

(I fuċkėd up with the Poneglyph scene in Ch 25... I now have to rectify that... I should have read further ahead before hand.)

Everyone - "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!?!?"

Everyone but Leo got on guard, ready to fight Robin.

Robin just looked at Leo.

Robin - "You didn't tell them?"

The others started looking between them in confusion. And in Nami's case, a bit of suspicion.

Leo shrugged in response.

Leo - "I thought it would be a funny surprise."

Luffy - "What's going on? I'm confused..."

Leo - "She is here because I brought her. Well, technically it was my clone, but let's just ignore that."

Nami - "So, why did you bring her on board then?"

Leo - "A couple of days ago, I sent off 24 clones to look for something in Alabasta. One of my clones found Robin here wandering around, trying to find the ship. So, he went to say "hi" and then he decided to stick around, to then bring her to the ship."

Robin - "By 'say "Hi"', he means 'scare the hell out of me'!"

Nami - "What were you looking for?"

Robin - "I would also like to know. You said, you would show me when you have it."

Leo - "I can't really bring it out on the ship... Hmm... Give me a sec."

Under their gaze, Leo walked over to the side of the ship and stuck his hand out.

A big stream of Hellfire came out and started to form into a massive platform. A few seconds and it was complete.

He had just made a big buoyant structure and attached it to the ship.

With his platform made, he jumped over, raised his weight to 10 tons with the Kilo Kilo fruit to see if it would sink. The platform didn't sink, so he figured it should hold under 100 tons with more surface area, which was around the weight of the Poneglyph.

He turned to the others and signalled them over, which they did, curious of what he was going to show them.

Leo - "You ready?"

He stared at them with amusement, mostly Robin.

They all nodded, so he didn't waste anymore time and brought out the Poneglyph he had taken.

Among the crew, there was confusion. They had no idea what this big block was, nor why it was important.

But for Robin, there was shock and disbelief covering her face. She ran towards Leo, grabbed him by his shoulders and spoke frantically.

Robin - "How did you get this!? Where was it!? Why didn't you show me sooner!?!?"

Leo - "Calm down. Calm down. I already told you that I knew where some were. I knew that there were two in Alabasta, I just didn't know this ones exact location, so I had to search for it. It was buried in the desert, in some kind of old temple I guess. No one even knew it was there, so I took it. Now, go read it already."

She let go of him and excitedly ran closer to the Poneglyph.

Zoro - "I don't get it... What's so amazing about this big block?"

Leo - "This "big block", is called a Poneglyph. They contain knowledge of historical significance. There was one in Alabasta's Royal Mausoleum and was the reason Crocodile wanted to take over so much. He wanted to get his hands on an ancient weapon capable of easily destroying islands."

They now realized the Poneglyph importance.

Leo - "Unfortunately for him, even if he had got to know what was on that Poneglyph, it wouldn't have helped him. It only contained stuff about the Kingdoms history. A brief mention of the weapon, but nothing about a location or how to build it. And finally, an apology..."

Nami - "What was the apology about?"

Leo - "It wasn't clear... Just: 'I'm sorry... We have failed to protect the last of them... We have no way to defeat him anymore... We can only hope that the prophecy comes to pass, as 'he' said it would. May the Will of D be passed on.' And that's it..."

Sanji - "Who are these people that they're talking about? And what is 'the Will of D' supposed to be."

Leo - "I don't know who they are talking about... But I have some suspicions... As for 'the Will of D'. It is related to those who have the initial 'D' in their name. Like with Luffy and the Pirate King."

He pointed towards Luffy as he spoke.

Luffy - "Huh?"

The crew looked at him with slight surprise.

Usopp - "But wait, the Pirate King's name was 'Gold Roger', so that doesn't make sense."

Leo - "That was a mistake. His name was 'Gol D. Roger'. The Marines are just idiots."

By this point, Robin had finished reading the Poneglyph and walked over to them looking thoughtful.

Leo - "You done?"

Robin - "Yes. Thank you very much for showing me. I'm now one step closer to discovering what happened in the Void Era. I don't know how I can repay you for helping...?"

Leo waved her off dismissively and walked over to the Poneglyph.

Leo - "Forget about it. I did it on my own."

He placed the Poneglyph back into his inventory and walked to the ship.

Leo - "You should all get back on the ship. Unless you wanna be dropped into the ocean?"

Everyone took a moment to register what he said and then sprinted for the Going Merry, passing Leo on the way while he laughed at them.

Leo - 'I'm glad I came here...'

When he got back to the ship, he deconstructed the platform he made.

Leo - "Things got a bit side tracked, but now that that is done with. Robin, you can ask what you wanted to."

Robin - "Oh! Yes, thank you."

She walked to the front of the ship and faced everyone, who were waiting to here what she had to say.

Robin - "I would like to join your crew!"

Simple and straight to the point.

Luffy - "Okay."


Robin - "Didn't you accept a bit too easily?"

She was genuinely confused.

Luffy showed his classic grin.

Luffy - "Well, Leo trusts you, so you must be a good person! Shishishi!"

Robin looked at Leo, who just stood there with a smile, looking like he already expected this to happen.

The thing is, Leo did expect it. He had come to the conclusion that, unless he directly stops the event from happening and intervenes in someone's fate, the world should create the necessary circumstances for canonical like events to happen or replace it for a similar one.

For example, if he directly prevents an event like Whitebeards death at Marineford, he will probably die to something/someone else at or around that same time period.

Nami, standing at Leo's side looking at him with a raised eyebrow.

Leo easily noticed her behaviour.

Leo - "Is everything okay, Nami?"

Nami - "Yeah... Can you come to my room later?"

Leo was confused about what she could want. He was pretty sure that what she wants isn't sėxuȧŀ, because he couldn't feel any ŀust from her. Plus, he doesn't believe that she would be so quick to go there with their relationship.

Leo - "Sure..."

From there, the day went normally. Robin got properly introduced to the crew, and entertained Luffy and Chopper with her Devil Fruit abilities while conversing with Leo about random topics, as she had done the previous day.

Soon, it had started getting dark and most of them had gone to bed.

Leo was supposed to be on night watch, but he had to see what Nami wanted, so he made a clone to take his place on watch.

He went straight to Nami's room and knocked on her door.

Nami - "Come in."

With her invite, he opened the door and saw her at her desk, working on her map.

Seeing her busy, he sat down on her bed and waited for her.

- 20 minutes later -

Nami carefully place her tools away and sighed contentedly. She turned turned and saw Leo sitting on her bed, staring and smiling at her affectionately, making her blush in embarrassments.

Nami - "How long have you been there...?"

Leo - *Chuckles* "I knocked 20 minutes ago and you said to come in."

Nami - "Sorry..."

Leo - "Don't be. I enjoyed watching you work!"

She blushed even more, which Leo found cute.

Leo - "So, what was it that you wanted to talk about?"

With his question, she calmed herself down and looked at him seriously.

Nami - "Do you like Robin?"

He initially was confused, but quickly realized what she meant.

Leo - "Not the way your thinking."

Nami - "Really? I'm not jealous or anything... Well, maybe a little. You just seem to like having her around a lot."

Leo - "I do, but not because I fancy her. I don't know about the future, but not right now. Being with her... Somewhat reminds me of my old friends."

Nami - "Oh..."

She got up from her seat and moved to the bed, sitting down next to him and taking his hand into her own.

Nami - "Hey... Are you sure you can't see them again? You said, you can't go back, but why is that? If you need help, then we could all try."

He looked at her gratefully and started rubbing the back of her hand with his thumb.

Leo - "I appreciate it... But, it's not that simple. You see, I... Uhh..."

Seeing him struggle to say what he wanted, she felt a bit sad.

Nami - "You don't have tell me if you don't want to..."

Leo - "It's not that. I just don't really know how to explain it... I'll just be blunt. I'm not from this world!"

Bluntness may no have been his best decision, if the concerned look was anything to go by.

Nami - "Leo, are you okay?"

Leo - "Well, that's a better reaction than I was expecting."

To save some time and her concern, Leo showed her a few memories of his world using telepathy.

Needless to say, she was very shocked, so it took her a while to collect herself. When she had, she looked at Leo, still filled with shock and disbelief.

Nami - "... How...?"

That's all she could say.

Leo - "God... When I died, I should have been able to go to Heaven, but I was consumed by rage and incapable of passing. So, I was given wishes, which I used to become something known as a Ghost Rider or the Devils Bounty Hunter. I just modified the abilities a bit. After I got my revenge, I was asked what the first world I want go to, and here I am."

Nami, who had sat there, completely bewildered, sudden became worried and looked concerned.

Nami - "WAIT! Is it okay for you to tell me this!?!? Aren't you going to get in trouble!!?"

Leo jumped a bit when she suddenly shouted and then stared at her wide eyed. Before bursting into laughter.

Leo - "Pft-hahahaha! I tell you that I'm from a different world and met God, and that's what you have to say?"

He continued to laugh, meanwhile Nami was glaring at him and pouting.

After he calmed down, he place a hand on her cheek and looked her in the eye lovingly.

Leo - "I really do love you!"

He move his head towards hers and kissed her. Not on her cheek, and not on her forehead, but on her lips.

There was no ŀust behind his action, just love.

Nami was surprised by his sudden kiss, but she didn't have a problem and instead, sunk into it.

While kissing her, Leo felt a warm feeling arise in his ċhėst, but he ignored it. Little did he know, Nami was feeling a similar phenomenon.

30 Seconds later, Leo pulled away from the kiss, letting him see her adorable blushed face.

Leo - "You look really cute when you blush."

Nami - "S-shut up!"

She buried her head in his ċhėst in order to hide her face. He just smiled and started to stroke her head.

Nami - "... So? Will you be in trouble?"

Leo - "I doubt it. When I modified my abilities, I made it so I can travel to other worlds. I don't really want to spend eternity in a single world and I don't have any plans on leaving my loved ones behind. So telling you shouldn't be a problem. And even if you did start telling everyone you meet, what are the odds that they'd believe you."

Nami giggled and hugged him.

After a short silence, Nami removed her head from his ċhėst and looked at him curiously.

Nami - "Wait. So how do you know about different worlds?"

Leo - "Well, I don't actually know how it works, but even worlds that you consider fiction can be real. I don't know if that applies to all of them though. And I have yet to check, but I'm pretty sure there are copies or alternate versions of every reality." 'If there are, then won't that mean that I get betrayed multiple times?'

He started to grimace at that thought.

Leo - 'Does that mean there are more of me running around in the multi verse?' (There aren't)

Nami - "Does that mean, that this world is a story in your world?"

There was the question he was worried would appear, but he answered honestly.

Leo - "yes..."

He then waited for reaction.

Nami - "So, do you know the whole future of this world?"

She looked at him curiously, while he looked at her with utter confusion.

Leo - "No... The 'story' was never complete when I died... and there is a lot I don't fully remember... I'm sorry, why aren't you freaking out?"

Nami - "I don't know. I'm shocked, sure, but I'm more curious than anything."

She put a finger on her chin in a thinking manner, while he looked at her, flabbergasted.

Leo - "...You're weird..."

She pouted at him.

Nami - "Hmph! Well, you're weirder..."

Leo just stared blankly at her childish retort.

Leo - *Sigh* "Well, I love you regardless. It's also better than you having an existential crisis."

He started patting her head, which she enjoyed.

Leo - "Is there anything else you're interested in?"

Nami - "Hmm... You said you don't know the whole future, but what are some of the things you know? And what are some of the things that you knew of that have already passed?"

Leo - "My presence may have changed some things, but from what I remember, our next destination should be a Sky Island called Skypiea. As for some of the already passed events, I guess there was you getting sick and us having to go to Drum Island. Though I thought you might have been fine so long as you didn't lose your shirt, but I guess not. It was part of the reason I was so angry back then, I was angry that I forgot and ran off into the jungle, putting your life at risk."

He really was regretful about that.

Nami - "So that was why... Well, it all worked out and we found Chopper, so just forget about that. Okay?"

Leo - "Okay."

Nami - "Good! Now then, there is something I want to do."

Leo - "What is it-"

He was cut off by her wrapping her arms around his neck and smashing her mouth onto his.

Leo didn't expect for her to take the initiative, but he reciprocated the kiss nonetheless.

Moments later, they withdrew from their kiss.

Nami - "I love you as well."

Leo smiled happily and hugged her.

They stayed there hugging for a while, then Leo loosened his hold.

Leo - "It's late, you should probably go to sleep."

Nami - "Yeah, you're right."

Leo stood up and gave her a final kiss on her head, then started to leave.

Nami - "Don't sink the ship while on watch."

Leo - "Heh. I'll try. Goodnight."

He then left her room, closing the door behind and resumes his watch duties.

(I wonder how many people will drop because he told her about knowing about One Piece?

Okay, I'm gonna take some time to read through all of the Skypiea arc, this is so I don't mess up like I did with the Poneglyph. Kinda surprised no one called me out on that...

Also, don't expect a full story for the Poneglyphs.)

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