Ghost Rider Through The Multiverse

Chapter 31 - Ch 29 Part of the Crew

(Part of the ship.)

(Or A town of Sinners)

The night passed peacefully and Leo managed to avoid sinking the ship. Everyone awoke and started doing whatever they felt like.

Leo ended up sitting with Robin, talking about archaeology. Well, more like Robin talked and Leo listened, occasionally asking questions.

While they were talking, Nami came over and leaned on Leo's shoulder, with a bit of a playful expression.

Nami - "Hey, Leo? Are you sure that you're not trying to get Robin in your harem?"

Her words both shocked and confused Robin.

Seeing that she was playing around, Leo pinched the bridge of his nose and decided to see where things go.

Leo - *Sigh* "Didn't we just talk about this? You're not going to let this go, are you?"

Nami - "Nope! I've decided that I want some sisters."

Leo - "Don't you already have a sister?"

Nami - "Uhh... Oh! Would you look at that bird."

She pointed to an empty sky...

Leo - "There's no bird there..."

Nami - "You didn't even look."

Leo - "I don't need to, I can't feel any souls over there."

Nami - "Uhg!"

Realising that she had lost their back and forth, Nami sank to the ground in defeat. Then she went and latched onto Robin's waist, and pretended to cry.

Nami - "Waah. Robin, Leo is bullying me!"

Leo - "Hey! That's not true! She started it."

Robin was beyond confused, looking at them acting like a pair of children, not understanding how things developed like this.

When the two of them saw how confused Robin was, they started laughing together.

Nami let go of Robin and went next to Leo, who created a seat for her.

Robin - "What's going on...?

Still laughing at her confusion, Leo answered.

Leo - "Nami was just messing around. Don't worry about it."

Robin calmed down and collected herself.

Robin - "So... Are you two in a relationship?"

Leo looked towards Nami, as if to ask what to say. Personally, he didn't mind if everyone knew, but she might want to wait a bit longer.

Nami however, simply grabbed hold of his hand.

Nami - "Yes! We are."

Robin - "That makes sense... But what was all that about making a harem? And the inclusion of myself in said harem?"

Nami - "Well, Leo said he might have more lovers in the future."

Leo - "Correction, if I happen to have feelings someone new and they feel the same, and they are okay with my other relationships, then I will get with them. And only if everyone else is in agreement."

Robin looked at them strangely and then directed her focus on Nami.

Robin - "And you're okay with this?"

Nami - "Yeah. He already explained his reasons and I think they are acceptable. Plus, I know he won't just go chasing any pretty girl he comes across."

Robin - "Oh? How can you be so sure? And what reasons if I may ask."

Leo - "Well, I didn't accept you proposition back at the Mausoleum, so I think I have that in my favour."

Robin - "...Fair enough... And?"

She opted to ignore that he implied she was pretty.

Leo - "As for my reasons..."

Nami looked at him with worry and tightened her grasp on his hand, but he just smiled at her.

Leo - "Rather than explaining it all, it will be easier to just do this..."

He then telepathically sent what was necessary. A bit about his life, his friends, the bitch and her betrayal, how he was killed and offered power, along with a brief summary of his abilities. Though he didn't show who gave him his power.

Robin was stunned silent for a moment and then she spoke louder than necessary.

Robin - "YOU DIED!!?"

Two words and everyone's attention was focused on them.

Leo - "Didn't have to shout..."


Luffy came over, wondering what she was shouting for.

Luffy - "What's going on? What does she mean, 'you died'?"

Leo looked at Luffy and sighed.

Speaking loud enough for everyone to hear, he called them.

Leo - "Whoever wants to know about my past, come over here."

He waited a few seconds, in which everyone had gathered.

With a sigh, he telepathically connected to everyone at the same time and resent what he sent to Robin. Nami was also connected.

Within a few seconds, the mood turned solemn.

Zoro - "... Well, that explains a lot..."

Usopp - "I wondered why you seemed so cold..."

Chopper - "Why do humans betray each other like that?"

Leo - "I don't know Chopper... But, I made them suffer for it!"

His face turned incredibly cruel and he savagely smiled remembering what he did to them. The problem was, he was still using telepathy and sent the memory of their torture accidentally.

The males cover the crotches subconsciously when they saw how he cut the guys dɨċk off. And the females weren't much better when they saw what he did to the bitch.

Zoro - "Can't say that they didn't deserve it, but..."

Nami - "...That had to hurt..."

Sanji - "Leo! How could you do something like that to such a pretty-"

Before he could finish, a pressure descended on everyone.

Leo - "Sanji... I know you have your disposition... But don't EVER try to defend that filth infront of me again!... Or we'll be having problems."

Sanji - "Gulp... Right... Sorry..."

The pressure stopped and silence ensued.

Until, Luffy, who had been silent till now, walked to Leo's side and put a hand on his shoulder.

Luffy - "I'm sorry you went through that..."

Leo - "Don't worry about it... I didn't mean to make everyone feel depressed. Sorry about that."

He smiled at them.

Leo - "But look at it this way... I've never been more free! And isn't that what being a pirate is all about!? Freedom!"

His words lightened the mood and brought smiles to their faces.

Leo - "Now, you can all back to what you were doing. Shoo."

Zoro - "Yeah yeah."

Luffy - "Sanji! I want meat!"

After a few more words from everyone, they went back to what they were doing.

Leo, Nami and Robin sat in silence. Robin looked like she wanted to ask something but was he hesitant.

Leo noticed her hesitating.

Leo - "Just ask what you want."

Robin - "... How do you cope?... How can you sit there and smile at them?"

Leo - "At first, I didn't."

Robin - "What do you mean?"

Leo - "Truth be told, it has only been around a month."

Robin - "Wha-"

She was shocked.

Leo - "For the first week or so, I simply ignored what had happened. As if it had nothing to do with me. Pretending everything was fine."

He sighed, thinking of how stupid that was.

Leo - "That night at Whiskey Peaks, when you showed up. I've told you I was in a bad mood, right? To be precise, what had happened had caught up with me and it hit me hard... I had also snapped at Nami when you left."

Nami held his hand, comforting him.

Leo - "That night and the following day, I stayed in the storage, on the verge of a mental breakdown. I had then gotten up and went to apologise to Nami. That's when she got me to tell her what happened and helped me. From there, things got better."

He turned to Nami and smiled lovingly.

Leo - "She is the reason I can smile right now. Without her help, I likely would have left and just started slaughtering people I see as bad."

He then turned back to Robin.

Leo - "The reason I can smile and cope with it, is because I had someone there for me."

Robin - "... I see..."

She fell into contemplation. Seeing this, Leo sighed.

Leo - "Let's just drop the matter. So, what were we talking about?"

Although, she was unsure about what to think of the matter, she decided to leave it for now.

Robin - "Oh, right. We were..."

Like that, they went back to talking, with that added company of Nami.

After a little while, Nami looked at the Log Pose and saw that it was pointing up.

Nami - "Huh!? Why is it pointing to the sky!!?"

She started panicking for a moment and then remembered what Leo told her last night.

She looked up and then to Leo.

Nami - "Sky Island...?"

Leo nodded.

It was right then that debris started falling from the sky and a Galleon followed soon after.

Then a discussion was started about going to the Sky Island like in Canon, but Nami was more accepting towards it.

Luffy jumped onto the Galleon and scavenged a map. After almost drowning...

Nami then told them to that they should see what else they could get, but it had already sunk...

Nami - "Alright guys. Get to scavenging!"

Zoro - "How are we supposed to scavenge that thing all the way down in the ocean."

Leo just stood there with his hands in his pockets, looking at where the ship had sunk.

Leo - "Yeah... If only one of us was capable of staying under water for an indefinite amount of time and had outrageous strength..."

Everyone - "Righ-"

They all looked at Leo, then facepalmed.

Nami - "Leo... Will you get it please..."

Leo - "Sure."

He then changed his clothes to swimming shorts and hopped over the side of the ship.

Everyone - "..."

Usopp - "We should really stop forgetting about him..."

They all nodded in agreement.

As Leo swam down at great speed, he saw a bunch of Sea Kings. So he abducted them...

He continued swimming to the sea floor and found the Galleon. He then made a bunch of chains and wrapped them around the ship.

When he was confident that the ship was secure, he started swimming back up at a moderate speed, pulling the ship with him.

A couple minutes later and he emerged, finding that another ship had arrived and that the sky had darkened.

He couldn't quite remember what was happening right now, just that it should.

While he was floating it the middle of the two ships, he heard some shouting about 'being in someone's territory' and 'scavenger pirates'.

Leo just started pulled the ship further out of the water, then infused a bit of Hellfire into it to keep it floating. He didn't change its form, but it did cause glowing cracks to form all over.

He made his way up onto the ship and then looked at both sides, who were now looking at him.

Scavengers - "Hey! That's the ship that fell. That belongs to us!"

Leo - "So? We're pirates. Stealing is the norm."

Scavengers - "... Shut up!"

After that a bunch more shouting came, but Leo didn't concern himself with it.

What he was concerned about, was that he could sense a soul heading his way from under the sea, so he was wondering why.

As the vessel of that soul got closer, a silhouette could be seen in the water.

It was then that Leo remembered what was about to happen.

Leo - "Shit..."

A giant turtle head appeared and chomped down on the Galleon.

Everyone - "HE WAS EATEN!"

Meanwhile, Leo was inside the turtles mouth, muttering.

Leo - "Three... this has happened three times... GRR!"

His body started to shake violently, his right arm in particular.

He then threw a punch straight upwards, destroying the turtles head and making bone, brain and blood start raining.


< Low Mortal - 28.53%>

He was now visible to everyone, cover in blood and other bits of the turtle.

While everyone was staring at him in pity, 3 giant silhouettes appeared, which freaked everyone out.

Except for Leo, who was pissed.


He sent a massive stream of fire at the sky. It create a massive burst of light and heat, and the silhouettes disappeared.

Leo - "Grr..."

His faced the Scavengers and pointed at a big one who resemble a monkey.

Leo - "You! Explain to them how to get to the Sky Island."

He then jumped over to the Going Merry.

Leo - "I'm going to go take a shower... Stupid sea monsters... Stupid shadows..."

He continued muttering about things being stupid as he walked.

30 minutes later, he went back outside in his Rider clothes.

The crew looked at him, about to say something, but he glared at them and they shut their mouths. Though there was still some sniggering.

Usopp - "So... Three times huh?"

Leo - "That's it! Get here you bastard, I'm gonna throw you to the Sky Island!"

Leo started chasing after Usopp, as he ran around the ship screaming for help and the others laughed.

When Leo had enough of chasing Usopp around, he caught him and then tied him to the mast upside-down.

Leo - "Hang out there for awhile."

He then walked over to Nami, who was steering the ship.

Leo - "So, where are we heading."

Nami - "That monkey guy, Masira, is leading us to Jaya Island. He said his brother would help us."

Leo - "Okay then."

They then just made small talk for the journey. But, for some reason, Leo had a bad feeling and the closer they got to Jaya, the more it grew.

- 40 minutes later -

Scavenger - "Hey, you guys! We'll be there soon, just so you know."

The bad feeling Leo had before had become far worse over time. The feeling wasn't that something bad was was about to happen, but rather he felt strange.

Leo's whole body felt hot, which shouldn't be possible. He can feel warm or cold sensations, but can't get hot or cold.

Over time, he felt like something was beneath his skin and he was about to burst into flames.

If any of the crew were to look at his face, they would see that he had orange glowing streaks under his skin, but he had his hood up because he noticed them.

Soon enough, Jaya came into view and Leo's body started feeling weak, out of his control. He had to hold onto the railing just to stay standing.

Nami notice that something was wrong with Leo and went to check on him.

Nami - "Hey, Leo, are you okay?"

Leo raised his hand to get her to keep a distance. He also looked away, so that she couldn't see his face.

Leo spoke with his voice breaking in from Hellfire.

Leo - "I'm FiNe. JUsT feELing A bIt WEiRd. It's bEST to KeEp a DisTANce."

As he spoke, his body started to smoke.

Suddenly, his grip on the ships railing got so strong that he crushed and ended up falling to the floor where he started screaming in pain.

Leo - "AAAHHHHH!!"

He flickered into his Rider form.

GR Leo - "Thieves..."

Back to human.


Back to Rider.

GR Leo - "Murderers..."

To human.

Hellfire started streaming around him.

Nami - "LEO!?"

Zoro - "What happened!?"

Nami - "I don't know!! He just sudd-"


Rider again.

GR Leo - "Rapists..."


Robin - "What's he saying!!? WHAT does he mean!?!?"



GR Leo - "TRAITORS!!!..."

Human once more.

The Hellfire spiralled around him and shot to the sky. The crew had cover their eyes from the light.


Then, finally, the fire calmed down and was absorbed into him.

The crew uncovered their eyes and saw him eerily standing slouched over.

Nami - "L-Leo?..."

He turned his head to her, revealing not his good looking face, but a burnt skull.

He then turn his head towards Jaya Island.

GR Leo - "Hungry..."

Before anyone could say anything, he disappeared with a burst of speed, using so much force that the boards beneath him got destroyed.


When they realized that he was gone and heard the roar, they looked to the front of the ship, where Leo had been looking. They ran over and saw a series of wave that were created with a centre point. These wave were made from Leo kicking off the water with enough force to run on it.

The crew all panicked, worried that something was wrong with Leo, so they started doing everything they could to follow him.

Within seconds, Leo had crossed hundred of metres, arriving at the islands docks. Unfortunately, there were a lot of ships in his path and he wasn't in the state of mind to care. So, instead of avoiding them, he went through them and destroyed many in the process.

Then, he arrived at the town and continued his charge. For any who were in his path, they met a similar fate to the ships... Just more bloody.

Where ever his foot landed, a crater was formed.

A few more second and he appeared behind a large man with thick, woolly black hair down the back of his neck, underneath a black bandana.

GR Leo - "You..."

Blackbeard - "Huh?"

He turned around saw Leo standing in his slouched position.

Blackbeard - "Who are you?"

GR Leo - "Traitor..."

Blackbeard - "Huh? Oh! Zahahaha! Are ya one of Pops'? Did he send ya to bring me back? Zahahahahaha!"

Leo raised his body, showing his burnt skull and then raised his right hand and pointed at Blackbeard.

GR Leo - "Your soul is mine!"

Blackbeard - "Then come get it! Zahahaha!"

Right then.


Leo's head moved to the side, dodging a bullet, and though the shooter was surprised, he continued shooting.

*Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang*

Two shots were aimed at his head and two at his ċhėst.

But again and without looking, he dodged while also using minimal movement.

At the final shot, Leo smoothly turned his body. While turning, he made a hand gun and aimed at the one who was shooting at him.

The man was surprised. He was little more than 300 metre and using a sniper, yet his target had dodged all his shot and was now targeting him.

Was about move positions, but before he got the chance, he was already falling to the ground.

*Bang x4*

Only after already being shot did he hear them.

His arms from his elbows were missing, likewise for his legs below the knee.

What hope did he have when Leo can make guns far superior to anything this would could imagine.

Leo turned back and de-materialized the gun, just in time to grab a pair of hands that were heading his way. He ended up with his fingers interlocked with his opponents.

The one facing him was a large man wearing a wrestling mask and possessing huge arms.

The man started using all his strength to force Leo back, but he couldn't even make his fingers bend.

Leo crushed his opponents hands, causing him to scream out and then he delivered a vicious kick straight up to the bottom of his opponents chin, and to make it worse, there was also a strong explosion.

His opponent was lifted off the ground and as he was, Leo let go of one of his hands and with the other one, swung his body straight into the ground. The sound of bones breaking could heard all around.

Leo let go of the hand of his victim and leaned back at an unnatural angle, letting the blade of a scythe pass over him.

Still in his unnatural position, Leo looked at his third attacker.

He was an old sick looking man sitting on an equally sick looking horse and holding a big scythe, ready to swing down.

Leo, without bothering to change his position still, grabbed hold of the horses leg and flung it into the air.

The old man and horse went flying in a man whose arms were replaced with white wings and wearing a top hat. (I don't know if Laffitte was part of the crew yet, but I think he is.)

The winged man caught the old with his legs.

When they looked where Leo was, he had disappeared.

Behind the two men, Leo's body materialized from sand. While behind them, Leo made three sand blades then swung his arm, sending them at the winged man's mid section and, well, wings...

Now with no way to stay in the air, the two men started falling to the ground, one without most their body.

Leo turned to sand again and position himself behind the old man. He then put the old man in a Full Nellson facing the ground, put his knees at his back and created spikes that pierced into him. Then, to finish things off, Leo increased his weight to 10 tons.


There was a big dust cloud, which when dispersed, revealed an equally big crater, along with the old man, who's back was bent inwards.

Leo walked out of the crater and picked up the old man's scythe, then swung it at the horse that had almost just reached the ground and bisected it.

With all the attackers dealt with, Leo could attend to his main target.

Blackbeard could be seen trying to free himself from chains that tightly restricted his movements.

They were the reason Leo didn't move from his initial spot during the first three attacks. From the moment he arrived, he was preparing for this moment.

Leo walked over to Blackbeard and picked him up, he then made a thick metal chair and threw Blackbeard onto it. Thick metal restraints formed around his wrists and ankles, and were then connected to the chair, letting the chains disappear.

Leo stood over him domineeringly.

Blackbeard - "W-wait! I'll give you whatever you want! Please!!"

His pleas were useless however.

Leo placed a hand Blackbeards own and flattened it. With his other hand, Leo vibrated it and very carefully, moved his index finger and thumb, passing through the skin and muscle of Blackbeards finger, then pinched the bone and started pulling it up.

Slowly, the bone tore through the muscle and then the skin that was meant to keep it covered.

Blackbeard started screaming hysterically, begging for mercy. But, Leo simply moved onto the next finger.

The onlookers, who thought that they would simply be watching a good show, all started to shiver and feel sick. Some were actually sick and some pissed themselves.

Leo made his way through each finger, until he ran out. Only then, he move onto something different.

This time, Leo placed his hand on Blackbeards ċhėst, then he made Hellfire metal wires and made them pierce into his body, making their way all around his body, avoiding arteries.

When the wires were spread throughout Blackbeards body, even wrapping around his heart and lungs, they had barbs form all over them.

Just the process was painful enough and he was screaming bloody murder, but now... With every breath, every heartbeat and muscle twitch, Blackbeards would receive unbearable pain.

To make things worse, the wire was also extremely hot and was burning him.

This would have killed a normal man from the start, but who was Blackbeard? He was the person who took an attack from Whitebeard and only started to complain about it hurting. He was extremely durable and this durability was what would prolong his suffering.

With that, Leo retracted his hand.

Leo then turned and disappeared. Everyone thought that it was finally over and the monster had left, but they were dead wrong.

Seconds later, Leo reappeared carrying the bodies of Blackbeards crew. He walked behind Blackbeards chair and dropped the bodies.

For those lucky enough to be unconscious, he directly smashed their heads with a stomp. So, the old man and the wrestler got off easy.

As for the shooter and now wingless man, they received a Penance Stare, then had their heads stomped.

Leo looked at the four dead bodies and started to laugh creepily.


Then, abruptly, he stopped...

Slowly he turned his head to his surroundings and subsequently, his witnesses.

GR Leo - *ROAR!!!*

He started to rampage and slaughter everyone. Well, everyone that deserves it.

He used everything in his arsenal. He shot them... He cut them... He tore them... He lashed them with his chains and disintegrated them... He burned them to ash... He looked at them...!

Exploding them. Crushing them under his weight. Piercing them with earth spikes. Covering them in wax to suffocate. Mummified them.

There were very few abilities that he didn't use to kill them and for every kill, a body joined the pile.

He went all over the town, into every establishment. No one escaped. No one.

The towns people had long since hid inside the houses. It didn't matter if it was their own. When they her about a 'Demon' running around killing everyone or worse, were present to see it happen, they hid.

Within minutes, Leo had slaughtered them all. If there was a single pirate left, then they weren't pirates, but unfortunate adventurers who were called pirates.

When Leo was done, there wasn't a single sound. One would think the town was a ghost town if they were new here.

Leo stood atop his mountain, the undisputed king, as he dropped the final body to his master piece.

With the town cleared, the final sinner was Blackbeard, so he blew him to bits from the inside. He would have used Penance Stare, but he miscalculated and caused him to pass out from pain.

< Low Mortal - 50.5% >

- 10 Minutes later, With the crew -

It took 15 minutes to follow after Leo, because the waves be made pushed them away from the island. (Almost just spelt 'island' like 'eyeland'... I need sleep...)

When they and the Scavengers got to the docks and disembark the ship, they started running to town. The trail of destroyed ships was enough to know that was where Leo went.

When they just got to the entrance, they saw blood streaming out.

Scavenger - "What happened here...?"

They were bewildered.

The crew, knowing the likely cause of this, started running through the bloody streets, with the Scavengers following soon after.

The further in they went, the stronger the smell of iron that filled their noses became and finally, only when they felt the nausea couldn't get any worse, they got hit with a site that would give them nightmares.

They found the source of where the river of blood was coming from.

A mountain of corpses, which situated upon was the creator and reason for their presense in town.

Some of the Scavengers could hold it anymore and threw up their lunch.

Nami - "L-Leo!? W-what happened here!?"

Leo - "I happened."

Sanji - "We know that, you idiot! But why!!?"

Leo looked at them expressionlessly, but there was a bit of amusement in his eyes.

Leo - "Okay. Well, first, I was minding my own business."

Sanji - "Bullshit!"

Leo - "I wasssuh."

Sanji - "And exactly, what happened whilst you were "mInDiNg yOuR oWn BuSiNeSs."?"

Leo - "So, I was just walking into town, chillaxing like a baller and all of a sudden, these schmucks came up to me. One of them yelled out; "Why don't you give us all your money? I need some good booze." And I responded with; "I'm not ya mother last night!" And they took exception to that. Buut, you know how that song and dance goes... Aaand, I killed all but one of them."

Sanji - "What happened to the last one?"

Leo - "Wussed out like a bitch!"

He made finger guns to his head.

They all just stared at him in incredulity, while he just stared at the without expression. Well, that was until.


He started laughing his ȧss off and rocked backwards, falling down the corpse mountain.

Rather than making his way around or over the mountain, Leo just sent them all to his inventory. They should make good snacks for his zoo. He also sent a small burst of fire off his body to get rid off the blood on him.

He then walked over still sniggering.

Leo - "You should've seen your faces!"

Usopp - "Wait! So was that all a joke?"

Leo - "No. Only the first part. I killed everyone who deserved it. There were also a few who wussed out like little bitches. Buuut, they made easier for me so whatever."

Zoro - "But why did you do all this."

He jestured to all the blood and the tortured Blackbeard.

Leo - "Well, as I have just discovered, and this is important for the future, if there is an accumulation of sinners in a single area, my instincts go into overdrive and make me want to do everything in my power to kill them."

He the walked over to Blackbeard.

Leo - "And this filth here, is the reason I went out of control."

Luffy - "Who's he?"

Leo - "This is or was Blackbeard, aka Marshall D. Teach. Ex-crewmate of the Whitebeard pirates. The one Ace was looking for. And most importantly, a traitor. Which you should all realise is a particular sore spot for me. Because I tried to fight my instincts to come and kill everyone here and because he specifically was among them, I lost control of my body. Well, I regained control after killing half of them, at which point I figure I should finish the job."

Nobody knew what to say and could only shiver at how casual he was.

Nami started walking towards him.

Leo - 'uh-oh... this can't be good.'

She started to hit his ċhėst.

Nami - "Stupid! Jerk! Idiot! I thought something was wrong with you and you just wanted to go on a killing spree!? Dumbass!"

She continued to hit him with tears in her eyes.

Leo - "Sorry. C'mon, stop hitting me, you're gonna hurt your hands."

He brought her into a hug, which she reciprocated, and stroked her head to calm her down.

Leo looked at the rest of them.

Leo - "We should probably leave."

Everyone - "Right..."

They all started walking, but Nami didn't seem to want to let go, so Leo picked her up and started walking.

Leo - "... I'm sorry, Nami... I didn't do it on purpose."

Nami - *sniffles* "I know... But when you started screaming in pain, I was so scared... I've never seen you like that... The only time you have been physically weak, was when you revived Bellemere... and then you were only tired..."

Leo - "I won't die, so don't worry about it so much. It shouldn't happen again if I avoid areas populated with sinners or if I can get more control over myself. So, please... Don't be sad. You're making me feel like I'm not holding up to my end of our deal."

Nami - "Well then, you're going to have to make it up to."

Leo - "Hmm... I think I know what I can do."

Nami looked at him with suspicion.

Nami - "You're not thinking something ŀėwd, are you?"

Leo - "No. I was thinking something wholesome."

Nami - "Hmm... If you say so..."

She then nuzzled into his ċhėst and he continued to follow behind everyone, and mentally made a list of gains.

Leo - 'Dark Dark fruit. Spring Spring fruit. Bird Bird fruit: Model Dove. Marksmanship knowledge. Wrestling knowledge. Medical and Scythe wielding knowledge. Navigation and Infiltration knowledge. And most importantly, what seems to be a rudimentary Observation and Armament Haki. Strange that it's only rudimentary considering that Blackbeard seemed pretty good with it, but it's no problem. His souls sure was strange though..."

He continued walking with a slight smile.

(Okay. I'm not sure if Laffitte was part of Blackbeards crew yet, but he should be based on what I read. Also, I don't know what his Devil Fruit actually is, so I went with a Dove because of the white wings and that it would be good for infiltration.

2 questions.

1. Do you all want the Going Merry to come to life?



2. I plan to get a Devil Fruit at Skypiea. But I have two in mind. Choose a type.



This time, I will actually take longer to get a chapter out.. I forgot how I could use Jaya Island first.)

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