Ghost Rider Through The Multiverse

Chapter 34 - Ch 32 Visiting the family

(Honestly, this chapter is pretty shit. I haven't done any proof reading to check for mistakes.

I had motivation for this chapter a few days ago, but then something came up and I got stressed out. I held off on writing this chapter in hopes of doing it when the stress was gone, which it is, but now I don't have motivation for it.

As I said on the previous two chapters, I will now be going over to the Ben 10 ff for awhile.)

While Leo and the girls were chatting, Luffy was running around Shandora with the guys.

It wasn't long until a bunch of people came down the vine in the centre of the city.

There were Shandians and Skypians together. Some of the Shandians were showing obvious hostility to the Skypians, but they remembered the warning they were given and refrained from taking action.

At the front of the groups were the Shandian Chief and Ganfall, who had collected his people from their imprisonment.

When the group got to the bottom of the vine, they saw Leo and the girls sitting near a big golden bell.

Ganfall walked over to them.

Ganfall - "I never expected this place was here this whole time, nor that you would be responsible for ridding us of Enel."

Wyper - "I don't believe for a second that they were th-"


The annoyance was cut short by a blast of air pressure sending him flying into a building.

Leo - "If he annoys me one more time, I'm ripping his head off. Don't test me."

Chief - "I will keep him in check. Apologies."

Leo - "Whatever."

Leo waved his hand, dropping the bodies of Enel and his people.

There were sharp gasps when they saw the body of Enel and then they stared at Leo with fear, noting to not piss him off.

The remainder of the day went without any problems. Luffy and the crew returned before night, there was a small party and everyone went to sleep.

- The next morning -

The crew were sitting together and eating breakfast, while also discussing what they wanted to do.

Luffy wanted to go explore with the guys, Robin wanted to see the ruins of Shandora, while Nami didn't really care.

When everyone went off to have their fun, only Leo and Nami were left.

Leo - "Seen as we finally have time, do you want to go somewhere?"

Nami - "Sure! But where?"

Leo - "If you're ready, then you can find out now."

Nami - "Yeah, I'm ready."

With her confirmation, Leo swept her up and jumped into a portal before she could say anything.

- Over a certain orange farm -

Two women were relaxing infront of a house, when a orange-red circle appeared above them and two people fell out of it.

Bellemere/Nojiko - "Huh?"

Nami - "What the-"

Leo - "Surprise!"

Leo put her on her feet.

Nami looked back and forth between Leo and her family, then ran over to Bellemere and Nojiko with teary eyes.

Nami - "Mom! Sis!"

Bellemere/Nojiko - "Nami!?"

Leo - 'Leo!'

While the girls had the reunion, Leo was stood twiddling his thumbs.

After a few minutes of hugging, the girls separated and wiped their tears away. Nami turned to Leo, saw that he was waiting for them to finish and giggled. She ran over and kissed him.

Nami - "Thank you, Leo."

Leo - "You're welcome."

Bellemere - "My, oh my~"

Nojiko - "Way to go Nami! Didn't know you had it in you~"

Nami got embarrassed and his her face in Leo's ċhėst.

Bellemere - "And here, I was hoping I might get him~"

Nami spun around and looked at her seriously.

Nami - "No. You're not allowed."

They were surprised by how serious she was.

Bellemere - "Oh? And why not?"

Nami - "I don't want to share with my mom."

Nojiko - "Then what about me?"

They were only joking with her, but with how serious she was, they were beginning to wonder.

Nami looked at her with narrowed eyes.

Nami - "Hmm... Maybe."

Nojiko - "Obviously you wouldn- wait what!?"

Bellemere - "What!?"

They were surprised that she didn't reject her.

Nami - "I don't mind if it's my sister."

Leo - "Funny, considering you forgot about her the other day."

Nami - "Shut it you."

Leo - "*Snigger* Yeah yeah."

Nojiko - "Can we get back to-"

While Nojiko and Bellemere started to interrogate Nami, Leo looked off into the distance in slight confusion.

The girls noticed that Leo was distracted.

Nami - "What's up Leo?"

He shook his head and looked at them with a smile.

Leo - "I just feel something over there. It's not important."

Nami - "Are you sure? I don't mind if you wanna go look."

Leo sighed and made a clone that sprouted silver wings, then flew off.

Leo - "There. My clone can deal with it and I can stay to spend time with you."

He looked at her with a loving gaze, which she reciprocated.

Bellemere and Nojiko, both started 'oohing and aahing' at them, causing Nami to turn red from embarrassment.

Nojiko - "*Giggles* Nami's all love struck~"

Nami turned around with a pout.

Nami - "Shut up Nojiko!"

Leo laughed and hugged her from behind while patting her head, making her relaxed and happy.

Leo - "You look cute when you get embarrassed."

And like that, she was back to being red.

Nami - "Be quiet you..."

The other two laughed at Nami, but they were happy for her.

After that, they went into the house for awhile.

- In the sky over the East Blue -

C. Leo was hovering in the sky, looking at a bunch of floating islands.

He was slightly confused, but remembered that it should be from one of the movies, but he wasn't to bothered with the movies and only knew some basic plot from them.

(A/N: I haven't watched the movies. I don't really like to.)

C. Leo - 'Let's see... A Devil Fruit that makes things float. Some plant that stimulates evolution. And that's all I remember.'

C. Leo - "Welp. Let's get to killing."

Without wasting time, he swooped down to an island with a Palace, a bunch of sinful souls and someone with a Devil Fruit.

He didn't bother with theatrics and went straight through the roof, then started his slaughter. Though he did spare a few, but only to use them for some experimenting.

Once all the underlings were dead, he took out some dude that looked like a clown and then a balding blonde haired old guy who had sat watching the slaughter in shock.

< Low Mortal - 77.77% >

When the old man died, all the islands started falling from the sky, so Leo quickly used the Float Float fruit, which got an upgrade when he got it. It now was more like Telekinesis on steroids, capable of permanently making something stay floating.

The Devil Fruit is nice, really nice, but the plant that stimulates evolution, known as IQ, is even better. It increases both strength and intelligence in animals, so he can now make his XP farm more efficient.

Plus, he has the experience of the clown, aka Dr. Indigo, a chemist that had already altered the IQ plant into the SIQ, which boosts the strength increase, but at the expense of making the subject more violent. So, it is pretty much a failure.

Fortunately, with the good doctors experience, he can make his own modifications.

Anyways, with people dead, all he had to do was loot the place. So, he did that. Including the lab.

Once the looting was done, he started lowering the islands down from the sky and dumped some IQ on an island that had some human inhabitants that were sick, and the plant was the only cure they had.

C. Leo made a clone and had it go set up a laboratory in the dimension, as well as start some experiments on the IQ. Which he had planted in multiple areas around his two islands, where he would make living conditions harder and then made a garden to grow more for experiments.

When the islands were all on the surface and he made sure they wouldn't end up sinking into the sea, C. Leo made a portal to his original and then dispersed.

- Back to Leo and Nami -

Leo was sitting with the girls when he got his clones memories and was content with what he got, resulting in a slight grin.

Nami noticed his grin.

Nami - "So? Did you get something good?"

Leo - "Yeah. A new Devil Fruit ability and a plant that stimulates evolution in animals."

Nami - "Are you going to use the plant to evolve the creatures on your islands?"

Leo - "Mhm. Already placed the plants."

Bellemere and Nojiko, who seemed to have been forgotten, were looking between them confusedly.

Bellemere - *Cough* "Did you just say he has his own islands?"

Leo - "Technically an entire world(dimension) that I have control over, where I remade a couple of the islands we have been to."

Their brains seemed to shut down as they tilted their heads side to side, so Leo and Nami left them to reboot.

Nami - "What was the Devil Fruit ability you got."

Leo - "It was originally the ability to make yourself and objects float permanently when touched, then control them. But, it got upgraded to an extremely strong Telekinesis."

Nami - "Well, that's nice..."

Nami looked away with a pout.

Leo - "What's wrong?"

Nami - "You keep getting stronger and new powers, but still haven't started training me like you promised."

Leo - "Is that all? I plan on starting everyone's training tomorrow. I might also be able to share some abilities with you, but I don't know yet."

Nami - "Do you mean your fire?"

Leo - "No. From what I can tell, I can't share that at all, but I maybe able to share the Devil Fruit abilities or atleast some of them. We can check it some other time though, let's just relax for today."

She nodded in response and looked at her confused family with a smile.

They both managed to get Bellemere and Nojiko rebooted, and continued spending their time talking. Every now and then, Nami would stop and look at Leo with a sweet, happy smile, which was caught by the other two girls who were glad to see Nami happy.

When the day was coming to an end, Leo and Nami said their goodbyes and returned to Skypiea.

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