Ghost Rider Through The Multiverse

Chapter 35 - Ch 33 Hard Work and Reward

(How are you guy's doing?)

After returning to Skypiea, Leo and Nami joined the crew in partying, which was a continuation of the previous nights party.

They all ate and drank alcohol until they passed out. Minus Leo, who went to sleep normally due to his inability to become inebriated.

- The Next Morning -

Leo got up earlier than the rest of the crew, stretched a little bit and then looked at the sleeping bunch with a mischievous smirk.

He made a big gong and hit it powerfully, causing it to ring loudly and startle the crew awake.


Leo - "*Sniggering* To wake you all up. I want to help you all get stronger while we're up here."

Luffy - "REALLY!"

Leo - "Yup. No arguments from anybody? Good, now get up."

After giving them a few minutes to wake themselves up, Leo had them gather up.

Leo - "Alright, I've got some stuff for you all to wear."

Leo started throwing sets clothes at them, which confused them. That was until they caught them and fell to the ground, stuck under them.

He had made weighted clothing for them. To do this, he simply used the Chomp Chomp fruits abilities. Using his fire to devour some clothes from the people he had killed and then create new ones while infusing the powers of the Kilo Kilo fruit, changing the weight to whatever was needed. The only problem was, was that they couldn't be more than 10 tons per item. (Obviously not all at 10 tons)

Making the clothes was similar to using his Hellfire, just without the Hellfire signal in them.

There were; shirts, wrist bands and shoes. Plus some swords for Zoro and a special set for Chopper. Basically, Goku's weighted clothes.

After watching the funny sight of them all crawling out from under the clothes, he explained what was going to happen.

Leo - "Right. So, as you can see, the clothes that I gave you weigh a lot. You're all going to train until your muscles are burning, at which point I will heal you."

He showed them his newly acquired 'Angel Fire'. The silver one from the Devil Fruit, not the blue 'Flames of Redemption' that come from the Ghost Rider, which are just a show that the Spirit of Vengeance and the Rider are no longer at odds, and grants the ability to revive people.

Leo waited for them to put the clothes on (over their normal ones) and was about to have the crew start their training, but remembered something and looked at Luffy, Robin and Chopper.

Leo - "I have something special for you three."

He threw some bracelets at them. Which just so happened to have Seastone in them.

The three put on the bracelets. Luffy fell to the floor, devoid of any strength. Robin only seemed to go a bit weak in the knees, so she probably had built a bit of resistance beforehand. And Chopper returned to looking like a normal reindeer, falling to the floor beside Luffy. (I don't know what happens with Chopper when he touches Seastone)

Leo - "Those bracelets have some Seastone in them. You two take a while to get build some resistance to it and then start exercising. Robin, you should start doing whatever you can until the Seastone doesn't bother you."

He received some weak groans and then turned to the rest.

Leo - "Well, what are you waiting for? Get going! If you slack off, I'm going to set some beast's on to you."

A sadistic smile made its way on to his face as he laughed creepily.

Getting creeped out by Leo's sudden change in personality, the crew shivered and then started running like their life depended on it. Though, considering that they were wearing the weighted clothes, they weren't all that fast.

While the crew was 'Running', Leo decided to test out his new lightning powers. He pointed towards a tree and shot a black lightning bolt out of his finger, which totally decimated the tree he aimed at. Along with several others behind it...

Leo - '... Well, that was unexpected.'

After seeing the destructive power and colour of his lightning, Leo could feel a dėsɨrė to see the full extent of its power, but he restrained himself so as not to destroy the whole of Skypiea by accident. He can play with it later in his dimension.

For now though, Leo decided to try out an ability which he doesn't believe will be too useful.

He transformed into his angel form, sprouting his silver wings and halo.

He grabbed his halo from over his head and looked at it while spinning it on his finger, then threw it at a tree.

The halo flew through the air and sliced straight through the tree, like it was paper. The top of the tree slid off from the cut section and made a resounding *Boom*.

Leo saw the halo go through a few more trees and then recalled it, making it go back to the point above his head.

Seeing the potential of his halo, Leo checked what else it could do. He threw it again and it multiplied several times, and then he made them explode, decimating whatever was in the blast radius.

Having tested his most recent abilities, he decided to focus on training the other for now.

Using Observation Haki to keep an eye on them, he was able to tell when some one was slacking. So, when he saw that Usopp wasn't putting his all into, he discreetly made a clone and had him transform into a Tiger, which then started chasing after Usopp.

Needless to say, Usopp started putting his all into the training.

10 minutes in and Luffy got up and joined the others in their tor-uhh... 'training'...

Luffy pushed himself more than the others in order to make up for his short delay.

20 minutes in and Chopper also joined. Him and Robin were quite slow, but they were making progress.

Every now and then, when he saw that someone couldn't go on anymore, Leo would throw some Angel Fire at them, healing their strained bodies and revitalising them.

After a whole hour had passed, Leo had them stop running... Only to start doing push ups, sit ups and squats.

Occasionally, he would end up looking at Nami's body and get slightly aroused, but he would shake his head and look away. Nami noticed him looking at her and would blush a bit, but also had a slight smile.

Nami was wholeheartedly committed to the training, she didn't complain or slow down despite being in great pain and constantly becoming exhausted.

She had never been one to obsess over being strong before, but since she met Leo and when she started to have feelings for him, she didn't want to always need protection from others. Being a burden isn't fun...

When Leo agreed to train her, she was thankful, and now that it's finally happening, she didn't want halfass it.

After a while, Leo let them all stop working working out and healed them for the umpteenth time.

When they were told they could stop, they instantly dropped to the floor.

Luffy - "So hungryyyy!!!"

Usopp - "Why me!!? What did I do to deserve this Hell!?!? Why has God sent a Demon to torment me like this!!!?"

Sanji - "Why are we the only ones training?"

Leo walked over to them with a smirk.

Leo - "I'm not training with you, because the ground would shatter under the amount of weight I can hold. Anyways, stop complaining and come eat. I made food seen as you all still need to eat." 'Technically, it was a clone.'

Leo left them to finish eating, as well as giving them time to have a small break, and then called them to continue training.

The crew begrudgingly made their way over to him.

Leo - "Okay. Good new! You don't have to workout anymore for the time being."

Crew - "Yaaay!"

Leo - "Bad news! You're going to be sparring against my clones. And you have to keep the weights on, while they will use more strength than you."

Crew - "Nooo!"

Leo laughed at their misery and created a clone for each of them. Except Nami, who he would train with personally.

For the sake of letting the ones with Devil Fruit powers fight to their full capacity, he let them take off the Seastone bracelets.

Each crew member was taken some distance from the others by the clones, so that they could begin training, leaving Leo and Nami behind.

Leo - "So, what kind of fighting style would you like?"

Nami - "I like to use a staff when I have to fight."

He nodded, making a couple staffs and throwing one over to her.

Nami caught the staff, only to almost drop it.

Leo - "Well, let's get to it."

With that, their training started. Leo started by taking her through basic stances and then putting them into practice by fighting. He would occasionally correct her stance, but she did pretty well overall.

- Robin's training site -

When C.Leo got to where they would be training, he immediately got to training Robin.

He had made a suggestion to practice using daggers and throwing knives, which she agreed to.

Producing 4 daggers and 6 throwing knives, along with some sheaths for the daggers and a pouch for the knives. 2 dagger on the back, at the hip, and 1 on each leg, while the pouch was on the side of the hip. He had the same equipment.

He took the daggers from his legs and started with teaching her how to fight normally, and when she got used to that, he then started mixing things up.

While continuing to fight her, he surprised her by creating an arm out of fire, making it grab a dagger from his back and putting it to her gut.

Robin was surprised by the unexpected attack and simultaneously realized what he was showing her.

C.Leo backed up and got back into a fighting position, waiting for her to attack.

Robin attacked him and started using her Devil Fruit in a variety of different ways, some of which she picked up from C.Leo during their fights.

And that's how their training continued.

Similar things were happening with the others.

Chopper was taught to target specific body parts, that he, as a Doctor, was knowledgeable about.

Usopp was more or less getting taught Observation Haki, because the clone would pelt him with rocks and shout "DODGE!" a bunch. He was also taught some defensive skills and improved his aim.

Sanji had his own fighting style sharpened and used against him occasionally, along with being told how to perform Soru.

Zoro basically did what he and Leo always did and sharpened their swordsmanship against one another.

And finally, Luffy was shown what it was like to fight someone like him, because the clown was using the Spring Spring fruit against him.

The sparring went on for a long time and they all made rapid improvements. They did stop eventually and were given more food and time to rest.

Unfortunately, they were made to workout more afterwards...

By the end of the day, everyone was significantly stronger and more skill. But were also dead tired, with the guys cursing Leo, who had a shit eating grin.

They went to bed, glad that their hell was over. Too bad it was going to continue tomorrow...

Leo also gave Nami the promised massage as a reward for her hard work.

- The Next Morning -

The Crew was once more awakened by the sound of a gong and jumped up. They tried to run away, but were dragged back by chains.

They ended up redoing everything they did yesterday, but with heavier or more equipment.

They trained, ate, sparred, ate and then trained some more.

This pattern continued for a week straight. Occasionally, they were made to fight and kill some beast's from his dimension.

- On the eighth day -

Leo - "Okay. Yesterday was the end of your forced training. Go! Be free!"

The guys all jumped and cheered, and then they ran away shouting.

Guys - "No take backs!/Let's go exploring!/I need some booze!"

Leo watched them run away and pretended to be sad.

Leo - "It almost feels like they are running away from me. I wonder why?"

Nami - "Sure~ For what possible reason could they doing that~?"

Leo - "Right!?"

They both laughed a bit at their nonsense.

Robin wryly shook her head.

Robin - "Well then, what shall we do with our freedom?"

Leo looked at her.

Leo - "Sunbathe?"

Nami - "Ohh~ Is that your way of saying, you want to see us in bathing suits~?"

Nami looked at him flirtatiously, which he returned.

Leo - "Well~ I certainly wouldn't complain~"

She smirked and looked at Robin.

Nami - "You hear that, Robin? He wants to see us in bathing suits~ What do you think~?"

Robin - "*Chuckles* Sure. I don't mind~"

Nami - "Great! Then let's go change!"

Before Robin knew what was happening, she was being dragged by an overly excited Nami to get changed at the ship.

Leo smiled and made his way to the ship, which had long been moved over to Upper Yard.

When he got the ship, he changed his clothes into a pair of shorts and took a seat, waiting for the girls.

Nami and Robin came out after 20 minutes.

Leo looked at them and had his mouth open to talk, but the words got caught in his throat as he blushed a little.

Nami was in a blue, skimpy bikini, and Robin was in a black one.

The girls giggled seeing his reaction.

Nami then posed sėxily.

Nami - "What do you think~?"

Leo - "... You look too sėxy in those bikinis..."

They blushed a bit and looked at each other, then back to Leo.

Nami/Robin - "Thanks..."

They then took a seat on either side of Leo.

After getting over their mutual shyness, the three of them spent their time chatting and laughing with each other.

By the time the others returned, Leo and the girls were fully dressed.

The crew ate together, had fun and then went to bed.

(Finally! I will be done with Skypiea soon!)

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