Before Hui Qi could recall the figure in his memory, several steel bars suddenly flew out of the smoke and shot at him like sharp arrows.

Hui Qi dodged sideways with a flash of his body, and the dagger in his hand turned into a long knife and swung it smoothly. With a flash of cold light, he cut off a steel bar. However, more steel bars attacked like a rainstorm. Hui Qi stepped forward and turned the blade to cut off several steel bars again.

The attack of the steel bars became more and more intensive. The long knife in Hui Qi's hand drew arcs of knife light in the air, cutting off all the surrounding steel bars.

Kamishiro Rize's face was ferocious, and several scales behind him rolled up everything that could be used just to delay the executioner's actions. If the executioner approached Kamishiro Rize, he could not imagine his miserable situation. I am afraid that the best result would be serious injury, and the worst would be that his head would be chopped off on the spot.

Swish! Swish! Puff!

Several flying knives pierced into Kamishiro Rize's body like lightning, and one of them poked a bloody hole at the position of the kukuri.

In Kamishiro Rize's shocked eyes, several flying knives fixed the scales firmly.

In the battle, Rize, with her strong physical fitness as a ghoul, clearly captured the flight trajectory of the Quinque dagger. However, her body was unable to react in time, and she could only watch helplessly as the pain came.

"How to deal with it? Make your scale kagune into a dagger or other weapons?"

Hui Qi walked in front of Kamishiro Rize and looked at her kagune. At the same time, he took out several daggers and stabbed them into the kagune again and again to prevent it from detaching.

"Little brother~ are you really willing to do this to me...let me go, you can do anything you want……"

"Changing face? Who are you trying to fool?" Huiqi looked at Kamishiro Rize with amusement. The force of the steel bar flying over was very strong. The wall behind him was also hanging with steel bars. If it was an ordinary person, he would probably be caught like a skewer.

Rize, who was interrupted by Huiqi, stopped talking. His original lustful expression returned to normal. He stared at Huiqi with a look of deep hatred.

Just when Huiqi was about to end Rize's life, the sound of an ambulance suddenly rang in his ears.

"Huiqi: No! Show mercy!"

A familiar voice came from the car, and a nurse followed behind him.

""Jana Akihiro?" Following the voice, the person who came was Jana who I hadn't seen for many days.

"It's me, it's me. Please don't do anything to Rize... I need her as experimental material." Kano Akihiro came over anxiously, pleading in his tone.

"Your human experiments are not over yet?"

"No, the previous ghoul material is not good, the stability of the Rc Hei bag in the body is too poor, I need a stable Rc Hei bag"

"Hmm? So Rise is stable?"

"Yes, she is a ghoul from the Hexiu family, so her Rc value should be fine."When he said this, Kano Akihiro looked a little guilty. After all, he had never conducted experiments on people from the Hexiu family, so no one knew whether the Rc value was stable or not.

"Got it. I'll give Li Shi to you, and we'll proceed as usual."

"Thank you, thank you."

Kano replied excitedly, then took out a potion from his pocket and stabbed it into Rise's retina. His decisiveness made Huiqi stare at him.

‘As expected of a researcher, he is steady, accurate and ruthless. I will upgrade my equipment later. ' Huiqi thought to himself that he had cooperated with Jiana for quite a while. Jiana was responsible for upgrading some of his weapons, and Huiqi needed to provide a small amount of ghoul materials.

"There is another one on the roof. I will go and catch it. We will act together later."

After leaving a word, Huiqi moved towards the roof.

On the battlefield, Akihiro Kano and the nurse carried Rize Kamishiro and Ken Kaneki to the ambulance for the corresponding first aid measures. Rize Kamishiro, who was in a coma, was thrown aside.

One minute later,

Huiqi returned to the car with a gloomy face, holding a piece of blood-stained rag in his hand.

"What happened? Seeing Hui Qi's bad face, Jiana Mingbo asked while doing first aid.

"He ran away. He was like a cockroach. He could run away even though his tendon was cut off."

"So... that ghoul might be extraordinary, able to withstand my modified Quinque and escape.……"

Kano Akihiro frowned and thought about the reason. The lethality of his modified Quinque to ghouls was unquestionable. The power of it could be seen from the fact that a few flying knives crippled Rize Kamishiro.

During the conversation, the ambulance had arrived at Kano's private hospital. Huiqi carried Rize Kamishiro and Ken Kaneki to the laboratory, and the nurse behind her followed him jogging.

After throwing Ken Kaneki and Rize Kamishiro on the operating table, Huiqi chose to watch from the side. At this time, Kano Akihiro and the nurse had already started to get busy attaching various instruments to Ken Kaneki.

Experimental record 1

First aid measures are being taken for the patient. The target's vital signs are rapidly declining and have entered a critical stage.

Experimental record 2

The patient's vital signs are weakening, and there is heavy bleeding inside the abdomen. Some internal organs have been destroyed and need to be replaced with new internal organs.

Experimental record 3

First aid is ineffective... First aid is ineffective... Try electric shock therapy...

Experimental record 4 failed... Failed... Perform internal organ transfer surgery...

Experimental record 5

The results of the surgery are unknown. The patient's physical characteristics are gradually returning but are still unstable... Need to be fed with human flesh and blood to increase Rc cells.

Experimental record 6

Failed! Failed! Life characteristics are unstable and the Rc value is too high. Suppressive measures are being taken... The heart rate is accelerating beyond the normal level.

Experiment record 7 is transplanting the kurobuta...

Experiment record 8 failed... The experimental subject is unstable, and ghoul characteristics such as kurobuta appear, and the body has a rejection stress reaction.

Experiment record 9

After the injection of Rc inhibitor, the rejection reaction is reduced... The experimental subject is in a low state and needs to be continuously observed.

Experiment record 10

The target was sent back to the ward to rest.

Hui Qi watched all this happen, without any emotion in his eyes, just like a spectator, but he still clapped his hands when he saw the final success.

"You really did a great job... But he is a half-ghoul now, right?"

"Yes... I will need to eat human flesh and blood to maintain my satiety."

"Then let's kill him. I'll be the one to help him if he commits a crime in District 20."

After saying that, Huiqi took out a dagger and pointed it at the unconscious Kaneki Ken, preparing to cut his neck. However, Kano Akihiro hurriedly stopped Huiqi's hand.

"Don't! I need Kaneki Ken's data. His condition is much more stable than the previous experimental subjects. This is a leap forward."

"So what does it have to do with me? Keeping it is also a hidden danger"

"Wait, wait! Believe me! If you keep him here, you will definitely get a surprise."

After a moment of silence, Hui Qi put the dagger back into his coat and stared at Kaneki Ken and Kano Akihiro with deep eyes.

"It better be a surprise, otherwise I'll hang you in front of CCG's door"

""Okay, okay, I'll do anything as long as you let me go." Jiana heaved a sigh of relief and wiped the sweat off his forehead. The sudden situation just now really frightened Jiana. The death of such a precious experimental subject would make Jiana heartbroken.

‘Acquired one-eyed ghoul... Then what's wrong with her? Huiqi opened Kaneki Ken's eyes with one hand, and under his eyelids was a scarlet eye.


Corresponding to the first episode of the first season

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