"Here, this is Rize's information. This is all I have... and Quinque can come and get it every half a month." Kano Akihiro came to Huiqi's side to check Kaneki Ken's physical data and handed a piece of paper to Huiqi.

"Got it."

Hui Qi took the information and read it continuously, with a trace of solemnity flashing in the depths of his eyes from time to time. According to the information in his hand, the surname He Xiu is likely to be a ghoul organization.

‘He Xiu... He Xiu... CCG Chairman... CCG Director? '

At this moment, Hui Qi was suspicious. The surname was too special. The Oku in front of him actually had an invisible connection with CCG.

‘Investigate secretly. Your surname is really special. If you are not careful, your fate will not be good. Hui Qi crumpled up the information he had read and threw it into the trash can.

"Hehehe…If the experiment is successful, I can proceed to the next test.……"

Akihiro Kano looked at Kaneki Ken with admiration. This experiment had extremely sufficient data, and based on this data, it was enough to replicate the next artificial ghoul.

"It's better not to create an evil offspring, or the rumor of a one-eyed ghoul will spread. You know I don't like one-eyed people." Hui Qi said coldly, interrupting Kano's words.

"No problem, no problem, I will keep them by my side."

After hearing Kano Akihiro's assurance, Huiqi left the ward. In the next few days, Huiqi will need to observe Kaneki Ken's condition. If he gets out of control, he needs to be controlled on the spot. After all, no one wants the rumor of artificial ghouls to appear. As soon as she walked out of the door, Huiqi ran into a yellow-haired boy. The other party was also surprised by Huiqi's appearance. It seemed that he didn't expect to come out of Kaneki Ken's ward.

The two did not communicate, but just stared at each other and then passed by.

In the following few days, Huiqi frequently came to the hospital to observe Kaneki Ken's condition. During this period, she often met Kaneki Ken's good friend Nagachika Hideyoshi. After a long time of meeting, Nagachika Hideyoshi took the initiative to greet Huiqi.

After a brief exchange, the two did not say anything else, and Huiqi unexpectedly received a call from Mado Wuxu.

"According to the investigation, the last ghoul had a family... a woman and a girl. If you see them in the 20th area, remember to kill them.…"

"You handle it yourself, I don't have time to patrol the 20th district."

Huiqi answered bluntly. Mado Wuxu has been wandering around the 13th district and no one knows what he is busy with. As a result, Huiqi's workload has increased and she has no time to find other ghouls.

Just observing Kaneki Ken's situation is already taking time to act, and Mado Wuxu actually wants Huiqi to find ghouls.


The person on the other end of the phone answered with only two words, as if he knew Huiqi's answer.


Huiqi hung up the phone without hesitation, left the hospital, and returned to the CCG office to start a new busy life.

Darkness... drowsiness... suffocation surrounded Kaneki Ken, and his mind fell into a deep state at this moment.

Kaneki Ken vaguely remembered that when he was dating Rize, the relationship between the two quickly heated up.…

"The internal organs are seriously damaged. We need a transplant as soon as possible."

"The family’s consent has not yet been obtained!"

"Dr. Garner!"

"I take all the responsibility and start transplanting now……"

"Kill it... half-human…"

"No, the data... is important."

Kaneki Ken, who was in a coma, vaguely heard different conversations, and then a wave of warmth surged from deep in his body like a warm stove.

The fantasy deep in his mind was completely shattered the moment Kaneki Ken opened his eyes.

Soon the news of Kaneki Ken's awakening reached Huiqi's ears, and three minutes later Huiqi followed the nurse to the ward.

""Mr. Kaneki?" the nurse called out tentatively.

However, Kaneki Ken covered himself with a blanket and had no intention of seeing anyone. There was also delicious food on the bed.

‘I can't eat it. Has the increase in Rc value also changed the structure of the tongue?

Seeing this situation, Huiqi had a conclusion in her mind. Although Kano Akihiro said that Kaneki Ken would not eat human food again, some things still need to be seen with your own eyes.

"Haven't you eaten yet? Kaneki-kun, your friends are here to visit you today."

"How's it going? Kaneki Ken?"

As he spoke, Kano Akihiro walked into the ward, with a hint of excitement in his eyes. The experimental subject had already woken up and showed signs of not eating human food. These all proved that Kano Akihiro had succeeded!

"Oh, Huiqi is waiting for you. I didn't expect you to come so soon."

When they walked into the innermost room, Jiana barely noticed Huiqi standing beside them.


"Why can't I eat...……"

At this moment, Kaneki Ken couldn't help but ask when he heard the outside world's communication.

"Maybe your body hasn't recovered, Kaneki-kun." Kano said bluntly.

Three days later...

The recovery ability of ghouls is far superior to that of ordinary humans. This characteristic successfully appeared in Kaneki Ken after the khaki transplant. After being discharged from the hospital, Kaneki Ken tried many foods, but he couldn't eat them all. They were as disgusting as a stinky sponge in his mouth. Even his favorite hamburger was now disgusting.

"Huiqi Special, Takatsuki Izumi's autograph session will be held in District 19"

"Takatsuki Izumi?"

Hui Qi subconsciously filtered out other useless information and only kept the three words Takatsuki Izumi. It has been a while since he heard this name.

""Yeah, it's a pity that I can't go because of work." Misaki sighed. CCG staff members don't have fixed working hours, and on-duty staff like Misaki have to stay in CCG.

"I can bring you one."

Hui Qi said with an inexplicable smile on his face.

"Really?! Thank you Huiqi for waiting!"

"Of course it's true, because I also want to meet Takatsuki Izumi."

Immersed in surprise, Misaki didn't notice the change in Huiqi's voice. If Mado Wuo was here, she would know that something bad was going to happen. At

4 o'clock in the afternoon,

Huiqi packed her things and waited for the train to arrive.

Today's train was particularly crowded, and everyone's shoulders and heels were pressed together, but the crowded train still couldn't extinguish everyone's humanity. Through the communication with the people around, it seemed that they were all fans of Takatsuki Izumi.

Ding Dong, we have arrived at District 19.

Hualala, the torrent in the car successfully washed Huiqi out

‘It's so annoying, when will the autograph session end?' Takatsuki Izumi complained in her heart but responded to the fans with a smile on her face, and signed her name in the book one by one.

The assistant beside her noticed Takatsuki Izumi's state and hurriedly approached and whispered."It's only half an hour away, come on!"

"Ha, there's still half an hour left.……"

Takatsuki Izumi leaned slightly to the side and sighed as he looked at the long line. Half an hour was enough for him to sign all the books.

Next... next... next...

The crowd gradually dwindled under Takatsuki Izumi's efforts, and Huiqi stood at the end of the line with two books in her hands.

"So slow, I can't wait any longer"

""Brother, I am too. I will soon be able to see the famous Takatsuki Izumi. I am so excited!"

The man in front of him turned around and said excitedly with a happy expression on his face.

"Really? I think she'll be happy if you give her a snack." Hui Qi had a speechless expression on his face. If he knew that his favorite author was a ghoul, would he still be like this?

"Really! Really! If so, I would like to"

"Stay away from me!"

At this moment, Hui Qi's mouth twitched and he said with a disgusted tone. It turned out that the guy in front of him had special attributes.

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