Ling Chuan found Yoshimura Kozen and told him about the cause and effect of saving Fuekou Chaomu, and then he and Yoshimura Kozen went to the back door of the antique coffee shop.

"Mr. Yoshimura, thank you very much." Fueguchi Chaomu saw Yoshimura Gongshan coming out and said hurriedly

"We'll talk later. Follow me first," Fangcun Gongshan said to Fukou Chaomu.

The three of them came to a guest room in the antique coffee shop.

As soon as they entered the room, Fukou Chaomu immediately bowed to Lingchuan and asked,"My benefactor, what is your name?"

Lingchuan helped him up, then replied with a smile,"Just call me Lingchuan."

""Thank you very much for saving my life, Mr. Lingchuan," Fueguchi Chaomu replied immediately.

Lingchuan waved his hand, then looked at Yoshimura Kousen and asked,"Mr. Yoshimura, how are you going to arrange for Mr. Fueguchi?"

Yoshimura Kousen asked kindly,"I wonder what arrangements Mr. Fueguchi has for him next?"

Fueguchi Chaomu thought for a moment, then looked at Yoshimura Kousen and said in a firm tone,"I want to join the Stable District. After what happened before, I don't want to hide anymore. Now I just want to grow up with Ryoko and Hinami"

"Good," Fangcun Gongshan replied


After the three of them finished chatting, Lingchuan brought Fuekou Chaomu to the door of Fuekou Ryoko's room, knocked on the door and asked,"Ms. Ryoko, are you in there?" Soon

, the door opened. Fuekou Ryoko saw that it was Lingchuan and was about to say something when she saw Fuekou Chaomu next to her, and ran over to hug her.

"You two, I won't bother you anymore. I'm leaving now." Ling Chuan looked at this embarrassing scene and said awkwardly, then turned and left.

"Mr. Lingchuan, etc.……"When Fuekou Ryoko heard Lingchuan's words, she quickly separated from Fuekou Chaomu and shouted. Before she finished her words, Lingchuan disappeared around the corner.


On the other side, in an official hospital affiliated with CCG, Kotaro Amon looked at Mado Wuo who was lying unconscious on the bed after an arm transplant.

Thinking about what the doctor had just said,"The patient's arm has been reattached. There should be no problem with normal life after recovery, but he can't fight with Quinque."

Thinking about it, Kotaro Amon whispered to himself,"Mr. Mado, I will definitely find the ghoul with the black mask and kill him to avenge you."

After that, he left the hospital and went to the CCG headquarters to report the work and the newly discovered high-level ghoul.


CCG Headquarters Base

After returning, Kotaro Amon went straight to the office of Yukinori Shiohara

""Excuse me, Mr. Shinohara," said Kotaro Amon to Yukinori Shinohara, who was working with his head down.

"It's Amon, what's wrong?" Shinohara Yukinori looked up and replied

"Mr. Mado and I are here���During the operation to expel 'Gecko', we encountered an unknown ghoul. His strength was very strong, probably between SS and SSS. 'Gecko' was knocked back by one punch, and Mr. Mado's arm was cut off by one move. He is still in a coma." Kotaro Amon said seriously to Yukinori Shinohara.

After hearing this, Yukinori Shinohara straightened his expression and asked quickly:"How is Mado Wuxi? Does that ghoul have any characteristics? What are its kagune?"

"Mr. Mado is out of danger, but he may not be able to fight Kukin again. The silkworm was wearing a dark mask, and only the eyes could be seen. The kagune was a little strange, it was a pair of purple-red feather kagune, but it could also change into a kagune similar to the armor and attach to the hand."Yamon Kotaro replied

"Then I will temporarily classify him as an SS-class ghoul, codenamed"Black Hawk". As for the injured ghoul, I will notify all branches to issue a wanted notice and expel him."

Shinohara Yukinori thought for a moment and then asked

"Yamen, please tell me in detail how you met him this time."

"OK, Mr. Shinohara, Mr. Mado and I found the hiding place of the"Gecko" according to the clues we got.…………………"Kotaro Amon reported the work to Yukinori Shinohara in detail.

"You just said that Black Hawk only went to rescue the ghoul injured by Gecko, and then you had a fight, and after he defeated you, he did not continue to attack, but took away another ghoul instead." Shinohara Yukinori listened to what Amon Kotaro said, thought for a moment and then said:"Then we can look for clues through the ghoul he rescued, and then find him."

"Yamon, try to find some clues first. If you find any, come back and report in time. Then I will arrange for a quasi-special investigator to assist you in expelling him," said Shinohara Yukinori to Yamon Kotaro.

""Okay, Mr. Shinohara," Amon Kotaro replied, then turned and left.


The next day was a rare day off. Lingchuan slept in at home in the morning, and went to the antique coffee shop in the afternoon to wait for Kaneki Ken to get off work and then had a one-on-one training with him. (ps: Don’t ask why I didn’t go to school, because I didn’t want to go hahaha) On this day, Lingchuan prepared to go home with Kaneki Ken after the sparring with him.

When passing an alley, bursts of beating sounds came from inside, and Lingchuan knew that the story of Tsukiyama Mi and Nishio Nishiki was about to begin, and he would be able to come into contact with Nishino Takakisue.

Sure enough, Kaneki Ken saw that it was several ghouls beating up Nishio Nishiki and hurried over to help.

Soon, Kaneki Ken knocked them all down with the skills he had trained these days, and then helped Nishio Nishiki out.

"Lingchuan, I have to take Senior Nishio home first, you go first." Kaneki Ken supported Nishio Jin and said to Lingchuan

"It's okay, I'll go with you," Ling Chuan replied.

Then, under the guidance of Nishio Kin, the three of them came to Nishio Kin's house. Just as

Ling Chuan was about to knock on the door, it was opened, and the red-haired, handsome Nishino Takami rushed out, and quickly took Nishio Kin from Kaneki Ken's hand and helped him into the house.

"Jin, where have you been? Why are you injured again?" Nishino Takami asked in a panic.

"I'm so hungry, I want to eat... meat, I feel like I'm going crazy with hunger." Nishio Nishiki said weakly.

Nishino Takami raised his head and looked at Lingchuan and Kaneki Ken angrily.

Seeing Nishino Takami's expression, Nishio Nishiki said weakly:"Don't be like this... Takami"

"But they are……"Nishino Takami said in confusion

"Yes, they are the bastards who cut a hole in my stomach, but... this time they saved me," Nishio Nishiki said weakly, and then fell asleep in Nishino Takami's arms. After Lingchuan and Kaneki Ken helped send Nishio Nishiki to bed to rest, Nishino Takami went downstairs with them, and then looked at Lingchuan and the others with an excited look and asked

"Please tell me how to save Jin"


(ps: Supporting characters that are not mentioned in the original anime will not increase the proficiency of kagune)

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