After settling Nishio Nishiki, Lingchuan and the other two went downstairs to the park downstairs.

Kaneki Ken looked at Nishino Takami and asked in confusion:"Miss Takami, you are a human, right? Why do you want to be with a ghoul?"………"

Nishino Takami replied softly:"Because I want to be with him."

Kaneki Ken hesitantly asked:"Even if Nishio-senpai killed someone?"

"As for me, as long as my parents and brothers were not killed, I would have pretended to ignore this matter, because he needs the corpses," Nishio Takami replied calmly.

Then he looked at Lingchuan and Kaneki Ken with an emotional breakdown, and cried,"Lingchuan, Kaneki, please tell me how to save Nishiki!"

"Now... maybe..." Just as Kaneki Ken was about to say something, Lingchuan patted his shoulder.

"Miss Guiwei, you should also be studying medicine, right?" Ling Chuan asked

"Yes... yes," Nishino Takami asked in confusion.

"For Senior Nishio, Miss Takami should be willing to do anything, right?" Lingchuan said

"Yes, I can do anything as long as I can save Jin." Nishino Takami said firmly.

Ling Chuan looked at Nishino Takami's determined eyes, leaned close to her ear and said to her:"I have a plan………"

After he finished speaking, Nishino Takami looked shocked, and murmured as he looked at Ling Chuan,"Is this...really...Is it possible for me..."

"You can think about it carefully, Miss Guiwei." Ling Chuan stood up and said with a smile

"Let's go, Kaneki, it's getting late." Lingchuan knew that Tsukiyama Ken might be watching this place nearby, so in order to give him a chance to successfully capture Nishino Takami and start the plot, he then called Kaneki Ken to leave together.

Nishino Takami sat on a bench and looked at the backs of Lingchuan and the other man who were leaving in front of her, thinking about the plan Lingchuan had just told her.

After sitting there for a while, Nishino Takami stood up and said in a firm tone:"I must do something for Jin."

Then he turned and left. Just as Nishino Takami walked a distance, a man suddenly jumped out from behind and knocked her out, and she lost consciousness.



"The host gets to know Takami Nishino and gains 10 points of kagune proficiency. The current kagune proficiency is 545/1000.

Here, Lingchuan, who was walking on the street, heard the system prompt in his mind.

Lingchuan was also wondering whether Tsukiyama would kidnap Takami Nishino according to the original plot. After all, the masked Lingchuan in the ghoul restaurant left him with a huge psychological shadow, and he didn't know if he had recovered.

But soon, a phone rang, interrupting Lingchuan's thinking. Lingchuan picked up the phone and saw that it was Kaneki Ken calling.

"Lingchuan, Yueshanjian kidnapped Gui………"Kaneki Ken's urgent voice came from the phone

""Okay, I got it. You guys go first, I'll be there soon," Lingchuan replied and hung up the phone. After hanging up the phone, Lingchuan couldn't help but complain in his heart:"This Tsukiyama Ken is really obsessed with Kaneki Ken, this is true love!"

Then he slowly walked towards the Tsukiyama family's church.


On the other side,

Kaneki Ken and the weak Nishio Nishiki came to the church according to the address.

Nishio Nishiki looked at Nishino Takami who fainted in the middle of the candlestick, and looked at Tsukiyama

Ken angrily:"Tsukiyama!" Tsukiyama Ken looked at Nishio Nishiki in surprise and said:"Nishio, I don't remember inviting you."

Nishio Nishiki shouted:"Give Takami back to me!" Tsukiyama Ken said elegantly:"That's not possible, this lady is the spice tonight, in order for Kaneki to taste her in the most delicious state."

Nishio Nishiki shouted in surprise:"What did you say?" Tsukiyama Ken replied crazily:"To be precise, I want to eat Kaneki while Kaneki eats her."

Nishio Nishiki whispered:"Asshole"

Kaneki Ken on the side also said to Tsukiyama Ken:"What a pervert"

Then Nishio Nishiki rushed towards Tsukiyama Ken, but because he was too weak to release his kagune, Tsukiyama Ken knocked him down with one blow.

Tsukiyama said sarcastically:"Just take a good sleep over there."

Kaneki Ken then attacked Tsukiyama, but was soon knocked to the ground by Tsukiyama.

Just as Tsukiyama was about to take the next step, a flying kick hit him, leaving a wound on his face.

"How about this attack? A simple and clear attack from behind. The person who came was Kirishima Touka.

""Touka!" Kaneki Ken shouted in surprise

"Ah, this is not good. It's been a long time since I last saw a scratch." Tsukiyama said contemptuously.

"I will break your bones and make you unable to eat, Tsukiyama." Kirishima Touka moved her arms and said to Tsukiyama.

Then a battle began.


Soon, Kaneki Ken and Kirishima Touka both fell to the ground with serious injuries. Nishio Kin rushed towards Tsukiyama like crazy, and was pierced through the body by Tsukiyama with Kaku, and thrown to the ground.

Tsukiyama stood there and sneered:"Heh... How can you win if you don't even release the Kakuzo? The power of ghouls is based on the Kakuzo. If the box is the engine, then human flesh is the gasoline. If you just eat low-quality food, you can only exert such weak strength."

Just as Tsukiyama finished speaking, a voice came from the door.

"Really?" Ling Chuan, who arrived late, asked with a smile after hearing Yue Shanjian's words.

"Lingchuan! You are here!"

Jinmu Yan, who was lying on the ground, heard Lingchuan's voice, turned around and said happily

"Arrogant, why are you here?" Kirishima Touka looked at Lingchuan puzzledly and said

"Who are you? Ah... You are Ling Chuan who called out my code name in Anding District that day. Why, are you coming here to die one by one today?"Yue Shanjian looked at Ling Chuan at the door, puzzled for a moment, and then laughed crazily.

"Fortunately, fortunately, I am not too late, leave it to me."

Lingchuan looked at the three people lying on the ground and Nishino Takami in the middle of the candlestick, and said with a smile.

Then he slowly took out the mask and looked at Tsukiyama and said,"Long time no see, Mr. Tsukiyama, ah... No, we just met in your ghoul restaurant two days ago, but Mr. Tsukiyama saw me with a mask."

Tsukiyama looked at the black mask that Lingchuan took out, and a terrifying picture came to his face, and then he said with horror:" are……"

Before he could finish his words, Tsukiyama wanted to flee from here, but before he fled, he still did not forget Kaneki Ken.

When he was about to reach out and grab Kaneki Ken, his arm was cut off at the root.


Blood splattered.

Yueshanjian quickly picked up his arm and fled in a hurry, but before he ran far, he was kicked back by Lingchuan.

Looking at Yueshanjian on the ground with a terrified face, Lingchuan said coldly:"I give you two choices, either join the Anding District, or the Yueshan family disappears tonight. I think... you should be very clear about my strength."

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