It was already afternoon when Wanzhangshu woke up slowly.

"Mr. Manjo, have a drink of water," Kaneki Ken said, and handed the water in his hand to him.

"What's your name?" Wanzhang Shuyi took the water and drank it and asked

"My name is Kaneki," Kaneki Ken replied with a smile

"Kaneki, I didn't realize you're so strong." Wanzhang Shuyi said

"No... no, no." Kaneki Ken lowered his head and said

"Miss Li Ze must be with you because of this." Wanzhang Shuyi suddenly said

"No, Mr. Manjo, the relationship between me and Ms. Rize is not what you think," Kaneki Ken quickly explained.

After hearing this, Manjo knelt on the ground and said in shock,"Isn't it! I'm sorry, I was wrong just now, please let me apologize"


Wanzhang Shuyi continued,"Kaneki, please do me a favor and tell Miss Rize that an organization calling itself the Bronze Tree is looking for her. Tell her to escape quickly."

Just then, a figure broke through the glass of the coffee shop, walked in, kicked Wanzhang Shuyi away, and said,"What are you dawdling here, Wanzhang? Do you want me to beat you until you vomit blood again?"

""Mr. Manjo!" exclaimed Kaneki Ken

"" Xuandu!" Wanzhang Shuyi shouted hurriedly.

The person who came was Kirishima Xuandu, the younger brother of Kirishima Touka, who had joined the Bronze Tree.

Kirishima Touka walked up to him and whispered expressionlessly:"Xuandu"

""Long time no see, idiot sister," Kirishima Xuandu said jokingly.

Just as the Kirishima siblings were arguing, the wind chimes in the coffee shop rang.

"It's all ready, Xuandu, may I bother you for a moment?" Yakumo Ohmori, who was wearing a white suit, walked in with a shemale who was neither male nor female.

When Yakumo Ohmori walked to Kaneki Ken's side, he sniffed and said,"It stinks, the smell I hate the most is coming at me!" He stared at Kaneki Ken fiercely, then turned to ask the shemale behind him,"Hey... Nico, this guy is enough."

Nicole raised her index finger and replied,"Yes, take him away quickly."

"Take him away, what are you talking about so recklessly?" Kirishima Touka rushed forward and shouted to Ohmori Yakumo, and then attacked Ohmori Yakumo. Ohmori

Yakumo knocked Kirishima Touka away with one blow and then grabbed Kaneki Ken, mocking:"Being reckless is the right of the strong."

Then he beat Kaneki Ken violently until he fainted. Kirishima Touka was also knocked unconscious by Kirishima Ayato, and then they took Kaneki Ken back to District 11. At night, Yoshimura Kousen and Shioka Renshi returned to Anding District and saw the bloodstains on the coffee shop. Yoshimura Kousen looked at Kirishima Touka who was lying on the side and asked softly:"Touka, are you okay? Kaneki was taken away by them." Kirishima Touka lowered her head and said nothing. Yoshimura

Kousen stood up and said:"Shioka, help me gather everyone. Anding District will be closed for a while."


At the same time, CCG headquarters was also holding a crusade against the fall of Area 11.

When the special ghoul investigator Marutesai was giving a passionate speech, a figure heavily pushed open the conference door.

"Sorry, I am Suzuya Juzo, a subordinate of Mr. Shinohara. I accidentally got lost and am late."Suzuya Juzo, with short yellow hair, stitches on his face and body, and a slightly crazy expression, said with a smile. Marutesai, whose speech was interrupted, froze in place, and Shinohara Yukinori said helplessly:"Really!"

After this episode, they continued to discuss the battle plan for District 11, and finally set the action time for a week later.


On the other side, in District 11

, Ling Chuan was wearing a mask and searching around in District 11. He soon arrived at the base camp of the Bronze Tree.

Ling Chuan flew to the rooftop and looked at the cadres of the Bronze Tree in front of him. He said,"Good afternoon, everyone. Do you mind if I join in on any activities?""

""Looking for death" two people wearing white masks, one with a red x and the other with a red p, immediately said in unison when they saw the outsiders, and then released the blue tail He to attack.

Facing the attack of the two brothers, Ling Chuan was not panicked at all, and released four dark red scales, two of which resisted their attacks, and the other two hit them at the same time and knocked them out.

"That's very rude, I just came to join you." Ling Chuan said as he walked towards Takatsuki Izumi and Tadara.

"Ah Nuo, do you know where this is?" Takatsuki Izumi, who was wrapped in bandages and wearing red clothes, sat on the wall and swung his legs and asked

"Isn't this the bronze tree? Did I go the wrong way?" Ling Chuan replied with a smile.

"Welcome to join us. What's your name?" said Duoduoliang, who was wearing a white robe, a red mask and white hair.

"Just call me Black Hawk," Ling Chuan replied casually, and then said,"I need a cadre position."

Duo Duoliang was surprised for a moment and said,"We in Bronze Tree rely on strength to gain status. If you want a cadre position, you have to take it yourself.""

"Do you want to take it yourself?" Lingchuan lowered his head and thought about who to kill.

At this time, the great guard Yakumo and Nico who kidnapped Kaneki Ken, and Kirishima Xuan just came back.

"Let's pick him." Lingchuan raised his hand and pointed at Ohmori Yakumo who was carrying a bag, and said to Tadara.

"You are...ah, I remember, you are the guy who saved Fueguchi Asagi that day. I just had no place to look for you, but I didn't expect you to come by yourself." After hearing Lingchuan's words, Omori Yakumo looked at Lingchuan, and then smiled cruelly.

Omori Yakumo threw the bag in his hand aside, then snapped his fingers and attacked Lingchuan fiercely.

Lingchuan also stretched his muscles and bones, and then rushed towards Omori Yakumo. Neither of them released the kagune, and it was a simple melee.

Soon, Omori Yakumo was kicked away by Lingchuan, who was proficient in martial arts.

"Ah...! Let me break your bones one by one!" Ohmori Yakumo was excited, and then he released his kagune, and two scale kagune shaped like maces attacked Lingchuan.

"Is that all, lizard?" Lingchuan taunted as he watched Ohmori Yakumo release his kagune, and then he also released his own four scaled kagune to entangle with Ohmori Yakumo's kagune.

After knocking Ohmori Yakumo down with his kagune, Lingchuan taunted,"What is 1000-7, lizard?"

Ohmori Yakumo was furious when he heard this, and then his kagune was wrapped around his head and right hand, evolving into a half-kagune form, drooling as he shouted,"Eat you!" Lingchuan saw Ohmori Yakumo transform into a half-kagune form, and originally wanted to try out his newly upgraded half-kagune form, but then he thought that releasing the feathered kagune would reveal his identity in front of Takatsuki Izumi, so he did not try.

So he continued to fight with Ohmori Yakumo using four kagune and fighting techniques.

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