Lingchuan fought fiercely with Ohmori Yakumo in the half-herokage form for several rounds. In the end, Lingchuan knocked Ohmori Yakumo heavily to the ground, and then nailed all of his limbs to the ground with four scales of herokage.

"Is that all you can do, you four-legged snake? It's time to stop here." Looking at the unable to move on the ground, Lingchuan said disdainfully, then dug out his kakumo and put an end to it.

"Hey... Duoduoliang, is this okay?" Lingchuan pointed at the breathless Daimori Yakumo on the ground and asked Duoduoliang in the distance

"Welcome to join us," Duoduoliang said to Lingchuan, and Takatsuki Izumi beside him clapped.……

"The host killed the S-rank ghoul Ohmori Yakumo and gained 25 points of kagune proficiency. The current kagune proficiency is 570/1000."A system prompt sounded in his mind, and Lingchuan then looked at the blood-stained bag brought back by Ohmori Yakumo. If nothing unexpected happened, it should be Kaneki Ken in it.

Then he pointed to the bag on the ground and said to Tadara,"I'll take this away."

Tadara and Takatsuki Izumi took a look at the bag.

Takatsuki Izumi, who was wrapped in bandages all over his body, said,"If Mr. Black Hawk likes it, take it away."

Lingchuan picked up the bag, then turned around and left here.

"Duoduoliang, what do you think? After Lingchuan left, Takatsuki Quan looked at Duoduoliang next to him and asked

"The strength is very strong. It seems that the Great Mori Yakumo did not use all his strength to fight the Half-Hekko, but it may not be easy to control."Tadara looked at the body of the Great Mori Yakumo on the ground, and then replied

"Is it difficult to control? It's OK as long as we are strong. We are just short of high-end combat power now."Takatsuki Izumi's ethereal voice sounded.

"Let's go, Et, the war is about to begin, and we should also make some preparations." Tadara turned and left the rooftop. Takatsuki

Izumi sat on the rooftop, swinging his slender legs, looking ahead, and then disappeared on the spot.


Lingchuan took Kaneki Ken to a secluded room, opened the bag, picked up the bloody Kaneki Ken and put him on the bed next to him.

"Dong... Xiang..." After a while, Kaneki Ken woke up slowly and shouted

"She's fine, you're fine." Lingchuan heard Kaneki Ken calling Kirishima Touka as soon as he woke up, so he said jokingly

"Hiss… My body hurts so much." Kaneki Ken opened his eyes and tried to get up when he heard the sound, but the pain in his body made him cry out in pain.

Lingchuan went over and helped him up

"Hey... Lingchuan, why are you here? Wasn't I taken away by the gecko?" Kaneki Ken saw the black mask in front of him and immediately thought it was Lingchuan, and then asked.

Kaneki Ken looked around again and found that he was not in the coffee shop, so he continued to ask:"Where am I..."

"You were knocked unconscious by Yakumo Ohmori and brought to Area 11. I came to join the Bronze Tree and happened to meet Yakumo Ohmori bringing you here, so I killed him." Lingchuan explained briefly.

Then he handed the piece of meat in his hand to Kaneki Ken and said,"Eat it."

"This... this is?" Kaneki Ken took the piece of meat and asked in confusion

""Omori Yakumo's Kakubu, eat it to speed up your recovery and increase your strength. Come out after eating, I'll wait for you outside." Ling Chuan said and went out.

Kaneki Ken looked at the bloody piece of meat in his hand, hesitated for a moment and then ate it.

"It’s so disgusting!"

"It's like the rotten intestines of a dead fish."


After eating, Kaneki Ken felt that his body had recovered and went out to look for Lingchuan. As soon as he went out, he saw Lingchuan sitting on the wall looking into the distance. He whispered,"Lingchuan"

"Kaneki, how do you feel now? Come and sit with me for a while." Lingchuan turned around and said to Kaneki Ken

"I feel much better." Kaneki Ken replied, and then walked to Lingchuan's side.

"Jinmu, what did you see?" Lingchuan looked into the distance and asked

"Eh..., there are corpses everywhere, and the houses are in ruins, how could it become like this?"Kaneki Ken looked at the bloody and ruined city in the distance and replied in shock.

"This is war, the strong prey on the weak, the weak will only be eliminated, just like this District 11."Lingchuan nodded, then looked at Kaneki Ken and said,"Kaneki, you are too weak, so weak that you can't protect yourself, you can't protect your friends, you can only be at the mercy of others."

Seeing Kaneki Ken lowered his head and fell into deep thought, Lingchuan continued:"If one day, you find that Ei... Touka... Hinami, and the partners in the Anding District fall in front of you one by one, will you hate yourself for being a coward?"

" could it be?" Kaneki Ken stuttered

"No way, Kaneki, then how did you get here? Think about it carefully, and remember that all the misfortunes in this world are caused by the lack of ability of the parties involved. Only by becoming strong can you protect the people around you."Lingchuan said slowly.

After listening to Lingchuan's words, Kaneki Ken imagined such a scene in his mind and continued to fall into deep thought.

After a while, Kaneki Ken looked at Lingchuan and said loudly:"Lingchuan, please tell me how to become strong"

""Plunder" Lingchuan looked into Kaneki Ken's eyes and said seriously, then patted Kaneki Ken's shoulder,"I'm leaving first, you should go back to the antique coffee shop and report your safety. Remember to feel the Hebao you just ate, and come to the bronze tree to find me when you have thought it through." Lingchuan left after he finished speaking, Kaneki Ken was still thinking with his head down.

"Plunder?……"Kaneki Ken lowered his head and murmured

"Want to become stronger,"

A tempting voice sounded in Jinmu Ken's ears, and Jinmu Ken quickly looked up and looked around

"Ms. Lee…"

"Kaneki..., feel the power I leave in your body."

Just then, the face of Kamishiro Rize suddenly emerged in Kaneki Ken's mind. Her beautiful and gentle face was clearly displayed in front of him, as if within reach. As time went on, the two figures began to slowly blend and overlap with each other.

At this moment, Kaneki Ken's left eye in the outside world suddenly changed.

The white of his eye turned black and his pupil expanded into a deep red kagune eye.

At the same time, the kagune that had been hidden in his body for a long time began to gradually emerge.

He originally had only three kagunes, but now he has four!

The once slightly weak face was gradually replaced by perseverance, and his expression was full of determination.

As time went on, the aura emanating from Kaneki Ken became more and more fierce.

Not long after, Kaneki Ken opened his eyes. There was no longer any ignorance or confusion in his eyes. Instead, there was an extremely strong, almost crazy desire.

Then, Kaneki Ken slowly stood up, took out the mask and put it on his face, looked at the direction where Lingchuan had just left, and then decided something and went there.


After leaving Kaneki Ken, Lingchuan came to the base camp of the Bronze Tree.

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