As Lingchuan's eyes gradually turned black, a powerful aura gushed out from his body. A pair of purple-red feathers suddenly stretched out from his back, shining with mysterious light like gorgeous wings; at the same time, four dark red scales stretched out from his back, emitting a frightening power fluctuation.

Kamishiro Rize couldn't help but widen her eyes in surprise, and was secretly surprised. Because just this afternoon, when she met Lingchuan, she didn't notice any ghoul breath on him.

However, at this moment, Lingchuan in front of her showed such a strong strength, which made her realize that this man's level might not be low.

What shocked Kamishiro Rize even more was that the kagune that Lingchuan possessed was completely different from any ghoul she had seen before.

In her memory, each ghoul usually only has one type of kagune, but Lingchuan has both feathers and scales!

The pair of purple-red feathers danced in the air, as if they could tear the void; and the four sharp scales flashed with cold light, giving people a feeling of indestructibility.

Such a unique combination of kagune will undoubtedly greatly increase Lingchuan's advantage in the battle. Kamishiro Rize stared at Saiki, a hint of vigilance flashed in her eyes.

Then Kamishiro Rize showed a greedy expression again, and she became very interested in Lingchuan's unique kagune. She thought that if she could devour Lingchuan's kagune, she might become even stronger.

So, she decided to test Lingchuan's strength. Kamishiro Rize controlled the kagune to attack and rushed towards Saiki.

Lingchuan looked at Kamishiro Rize's kagune attacking him, spread out his kagune to form a defensive posture, easily avoided her attack, and used his four scales of kagune to extend to counterattack

"Ding, ding... bang……"The collision of their kagune was like metal striking, with sparks flying everywhere.

As the battle went on, Rize Kamishiro also found that with the cooperation of the opponent's two kagunes, one attack and one defense, her disadvantage was getting bigger and bigger.

Rize Kamishiro was shocked by Lingchuan's strength, and she realized that she had met a strong opponent. But at the same time, her desire to devour Lingchuan's kagune became stronger and stronger. Then she retracted her kagune and quickly approached Lingchuan, ready to catch the opponent off guard with her own agility.

Lingchuan watched Rize Kamishiro approach quickly, and immediately controlled the feather kagune to wrap around his arm, ready to fight Rize Kamishiro with his mastery of martial arts.

Rize Kamishiro's attacks followed one after another, and a sharp kagune attacked from behind Lingchuan. Lingchuan relied on his own extremely proficient martial arts to dodge sideways and grabbed Rize Kamishiro's kagune with his backhand and pulled hard, pulling Rize Kamishiro forward.

Rize Kamishiro suddenly felt an irresistible force pulling her. Before she could react, she was brought to Lingchuan by this mysterious and powerful force, and watched the fist covered with kagune and exuding a terrifying aura continue to grow in front of her eyes. After Lingchuan successfully pulled Rize Kamishiro to his side, he did not hesitate to punch her in the face. Not only that, he also controlled the extremely sharp scale kagune to pierce Rize Kamishiro's body.

In this fierce battle with a huge disparity in strength and completely one-sided, Rize Kamishiro soon exhausted all her physical strength and finally fainted on the ground without resistance. At the same time, the kagune behind her gradually dissipated.

Seeing that Rize Kamishiro had already fainted and lost consciousness, Lingchuan had no interest in continuing the fight, so he casually controlled the scale kagune to throw her next to Kaneki Ken.

Looking at the two people lying on the ground, Lingchuan was troubled. He originally just wanted to fight with Kamishiro Rize, and then withdraw, so that the plot could continue to develop according to the original animation. Now he accidentally hit her on the head and knocked her unconscious. He didn't know how the plot would develop next.

Just when Lingchuan was stunned, he suddenly heard a crisp"click" sound from above, as if something broke. His heart tightened, and he raised his head and looked around, only to see that the steel bars above his head were falling rapidly at an alarming speed!

The situation was critical, and Lingchuan had no time to think about it, and instantly released his scales. Sticking to the wall, using its power to accumulate strength, and then suddenly jumped up, narrowly avoiding the falling steel bars.

Lingchuan knew that it was not advisable to stay here for a long time, and at the same time he didn't want to expose himself to these people too early, so he had to leave as soon as possible. So, he used Yuhe without hesitation, and his figure left quickly like a flying bird, disappearing into the darkness in the distance.

"so close……"Ling Chuan patted his chest and said to himself with lingering fear:"It should be that the fight with Kamishiro Rize just now was too noisy, and was seen by the person who was hiding in the dark and planning this accident. After seeing me defeat Kamishiro Rize, he took advantage of my daze and tried to smash me to death with a steel bar. Fortunately, I reacted quickly and dodged in time."

Recalling the thrilling scene just now, Ling Chuan still felt scared. He secretly thanked himself for escaping, but at the same time he was also very vigilant about the mastermind behind the scenes. During the fight just now, he had been paying attention to the situation around him, but did not find any suspicious people. It seems that the other party is very cunning and hides well.

Ling Chuan speculated that those people may have been lurking on the roof, waiting for the opportunity to attack. They may only know that there is a person who defeated Kamishiro Rize, and they don't know what he looks like. In this way, he is relatively safe in the short term and can continue to develop his strength with peace of mind.

Ling Chuan walked on the street while thinking about the next plan.

Walking, Ling Chuan came to a bustling commercial street. The streets were lined with shops and people were coming and going. Ling Chuan strolled through them, feeling the hustle and bustle of the city.

However, he remained alert and did not dare to relax at all. After all, the mastermind behind all this was the SSS-level ghoul (Kakusha) Furuta Nifuku, and Saiki did not want to be targeted by him as soon as he crossed into this world.

Ling Chuan found a barbecue restaurant nearby, bought some barbecue and beer, and ate while listening to the gossips of people around him.

"Have you heard that there was an incident of falling construction materials on the construction site in front of us? The ambulance has gone there. I heard from my father's brother's son's aunt's daughter's classmate that her sister, who is a doctor, said that it seemed that two people were hit, a man and a woman. It was tragic. The man was seriously injured and it was not known whether he could be saved. The woman was killed on the spot."

At this time, Ling Chuan heard someone behind him whispering to his friend:

"It seems that the story is still developing according to the original plot. I just happened to go to Kano Hospital to see Kaneki Ken these two days, and by the way, meet the famous Dr. Kano in the anime." Lingchuan thought while eating barbecue.

After eating barbecue, Lingchuan went home.

————————————— ps: Kakuzu and Half Kakuzu are ghouls that evolve by increasing the Kakuzu on their bodies through eating together, and have nothing to do with their level.

For example, the S-level ghoul"Gecko" Ohmori Yakumo is a Half Kakuzu, but the S-level ghoul"Rabbit" Kirishima Touka is not.

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