After returning home, Lingchuan took a shower to wash away the fatigue in his body, and then lay on the bed thinking about the process of fighting with Kamishiro Rize.

In the fight with Kamishiro Rize at night, he was able to suppress this SS-level ghoul in all aspects, whether in terms of proficiency in the use of kagune, close combat, and his own flexibility, which means that his current strength has surpassed most ghouls.

It should be only below the 7 SSS-level ghouls known in the original anime, including the later Kaneki Ken. Lingchuan was very excited when he thought of this, which means that he has a certain ability to protect himself in the face of this chaotic other world.

As his thoughts drifted away, Lingchuan soon fell asleep.

The next morning, the sun shone through the window onto Lingchuan's face.

"Ding-ling-ling... Ding……"A cheerful alarm sounded, waking Ling Chuan from his sweet dream. Ling Chuan picked up his phone in a daze, turned off the alarm, rubbed his eyes, checked the time, and then remembered that today was Monday and he had to go to school.

"Shit, how come I have traveled through time and space? I still have to go to school early.……"Lingchuan was packing his things while muttering to himself.

In the morning, he simply ate a piece of bread and drank a glass of milk before going to school. Just as I walked into the classroom, before I had time to sit down, I heard Nagachika Eira's voice from behind:"Oh, Lingchuan classmate!"

I turned my head and saw Nagachika Eira running towards me with an anxious look on his face. He grabbed my arm and asked anxiously:"Have you seen Kaneki? I started sending him messages since last night, but he never replied. I called him again this morning, but it showed that his phone was turned off. I am really worried about him. I wonder if something has happened.……"

"Yingliang, don't worry. I met Kaneki last night near the construction site in front. He was sending a beautiful girl named Kamishiro Rize home. He should be fine. Maybe his phone ran out of battery and turned off." Lingchuan comforted Yongchika Yingliang.

" I hope Kaneki is okay……" Nagachika Hideyoshi muttered to himself as he slowly sat back in his seat, silently praying in his heart that his friend would be safe.

Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye it was after-school time. The classmates in the classroom were either chatting and playing, or buried in their books, but Nagachika Hideyoshi was always absent-minded, his eyes looking out the window from time to time, as if he was expecting something.

Suddenly, there was a noise from the TV in the classroom, which attracted everyone's attention.

It turned out that the morning news was being broadcast on TV:"Around 7 p.


last night, a serious accident occurred at the XX construction site—construction materials accidentally fell!

According to eyewitnesses at the scene, the accident caused a man and a woman to suffer the misfortune of the accident.

The female victim was hit hard by a steel bar and died on the spot; the male victim was seriously injured, but after the strenuous rescue by Dr.

Kano of Kano Hospital, he is now out of danger.......


Hearing this, Nagachika Eira could no longer bear it and got up and rushed out of the classroom.

Seeing Nagachika Eira rushing out of the classroom, Lingchuan followed him. Soon, the two arrived at Kano Hospital. After asking around, the two came to the door of Kaneki Ken's ward.

Looking at Kaneki Ken, who was lying motionless on the bed with bandages wrapped around his waist and head, Nagachika Eira's face showed a distressed look.

And Lingchuan knew that Kaneki Ken was fine when he felt the faint ghoul aura emanating from Kaneki Ken. After all, Kaneki Ken had an unparalleled self-healing ability after transplanting the internal organs of Kamishiro Rize and becoming a ghoul.

Just as Nagachika Eira was about to push open the door of the ward and go in to visit Kaneki Ken, a voice suddenly called him:"Little boy, please wait a moment! Are you friends of the patient inside? He is in good physical condition, but his consciousness has not yet recovered. He needs to rest and cannot be disturbed by the outside world." The person who spoke was an old man in a white doctor's gown with a head full of silver hair. He hurried over to stop Nagachika Eira and his companions.

"I'm so sorry, Dr. Kano, we are really worried about Kaneki Ken's condition.……"Ling Chuan looked at Dr. Kano, who looked exactly like the one in the anime, a little embarrassedly and explained. Dr.

Kano turned to look at Ling Chuan in confusion and asked curiously,"Oh? You actually know me?"

Ling Chuan stretched out his hand and pointed to the sign hanging on the door of the ward. The sign clearly read the four characters"Kana Akihiro", the attending physician, and attached a photo of Dr. Kano himself.

"Haha, I see~ Young man, you have a keen observation! In that case, come with me to my office, and we will talk about your friend's condition in detail."Dr. Kano replied with a smile, and then led the two to his office.

Not long after, the two followed Dr. Kano into his office. As soon as he entered the room, Nagachika Hideyoshi couldn't wait to ask:"Dr. Kano, please tell me, when will Kaneki wake up?"


Kano looked at the two and answered seriously:"Your friend's injuries are very serious.

His waist was pierced by a sharp object, causing a lot of bleeding; his head was also hit hard, causing a certain degree of concussion; and a large piece of flesh was missing from his shoulder.

When the ambulance arrived at the scene of the accident, he was already in a state of shock due to excessive blood loss.

Fortunately, we implemented emergency measures on him in time and sent him to the hospital for further treatment.

After full rescue, his vital signs are basically stable now, but it will still take some time to recover.

According to the current situation, he is expected to gradually wake up within the next two days.

However, the specific situation will depend on the follow-up observation and treatment.


"Thank you very much, Dr. Kano! Then we won't disturb you for now, we will stay with you outside the ward for a while and then leave."Nagachika Eira bowed deeply to Dr. Kano respectfully to express his gratitude.

Dr. Kano smiled and responded,"Okay, go ahead. Go see your friend, I believe he will feel very relieved when he wakes up."

After walking out of Dr. Kano's office, Nagachika Eira turned around and faced Lingchuan to thank him sincerely:"Lingchuan, thank you very much for accompanying me to visit Kaneki. I'm sorry to trouble you!"

Lingchuan waved his hands quickly and replied with a smile,"Don't be so polite, Eira. We are not only classmates, we can also be friends! So this little thing is nothing to me. Don't call me 'Lingchuan' anymore in the future, just call me Lingchuan directly. Otherwise, how about I call you 'Ying'? It sounds more intimate this way"

""I'm glad to be your friend, Lingchuan," Nagachika Hideyoshi replied happily.

So the two added their contact information.

""Ying, let's go back to the outside of the ward to see Kaneki first." Lingchuan patted Nagachika Eira's shoulder.

Back at the door of the ward, Lingchuan and Nagachika Eira stood quietly outside the door and looked at Kaneki Ken through the glass on the door. After accompanying him for a while, Lingchuan and Eira returned to school.

In the following days, Eira would take time out every day to visit Kaneki Ken in the hospital, and occasionally Lingchuan would go with him.

On the afternoon of the third day

"Lingchuan, I have good news for you.…………"

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