"Lingchuan, I have good news for you. Jinmu has woken up.……"Ling Chuan heard Ying Liang's excited voice coming from the phone.

"Really? Great! I'll be there right away." Ling Chuan replied immediately.

He quickly put on his coat, walked out of the house, and headed straight for Kano Hospital. Not long after, he arrived at the floor where Kaneki was in the ward.

"Ying, why didn't you go in and stay with Kaneki?"Seeing that Nagachika Hideyoshi was still pacing at the door of Kaneki's ward, Lingchuan walked up and asked

"Alas, Kaneki hid himself in the quilt after waking up and refused to let me in to see him. The doctor said he might have been stimulated and needed to recuperate for a while before he could recover."Era Nagachika explained with a helpless expression.

"Oh, that's how it is......Then let's go back first, and pick him up when Kaneki is discharged from the hospital in two days." Lingchuan looked at Kaneki Ken with his head buried deep in the quilt through the glass on the door, and whispered to Nagachika Hideyoshi. The two stood silently for a while. They knew that the most important thing now was to give Kaneki some time and space, so that he could slowly calm down and adapt to this world again.

When preparing to leave, Lingchuan thought that with his current strength, he could slowly make some changes to the plot of the original anime to make up for the regrets when watching the show at that time. He decided to go to Dr. Kano's office to communicate with him, so he said to Nagachika Hideyoshi,"Ying, you go back first. I feel a little unwell. I'm going to see a doctor."

"Lingchuan, are you okay?" Nagachika Hideyoshi asked with concern.

"It's okay, it's an old problem, you go back first, I'll go see the doctor and then I'll be back." Ling Chuan waved his hand.

Nagachika Hideyoshi nodded and said,"Then I'll leave first."

Then Ling Chuan went to Dr. Kano's office and saw through the glass that only Dr. Kano was there.

"Dr. Jiana, long time no see." Ling Chuan pushed open the office door and said to Dr. Jiana.

"Hey, this is Kaneki Ken's classmate. Hello, what can I do for you?" Doctor Kano looked at Lingchuan in front of him and smiled.

""Dr. Kano's medical skills are really superb. He can even transform a living human into a ghoul!" Lingchuan closed the door and stared at Dr. Kano, not knowing why.

After hearing this, Dr. Kano's face changed slightly, but he quickly regained his composure. He pretended to be calm and said to Lingchuan:"Little friend, you are really good at joking! What nonsense are you talking about?"

However, Lingchuan was not fooled by Dr. Kano's disguise. He stared at the other's eyes, as if he wanted to see his innermost thoughts through his pupils. Then, Lingchuan's eyes suddenly turned black, and the originally clear eyes instantly became deep and mysterious. At the same time, a powerful aura emanated from him.

""Doctor Kano, you should know what I'm talking about, right? Miss Rize should still be in one of your secret research institutes!" Ling Chuan said with a half-smile, and revealed his identity as a ghoul.

At this moment, Doctor Kano could no longer remain calm. He widened his eyes and looked at the boy in front of him in astonishment. He could never have imagined that this seemingly ordinary boy was actually a ghoul, and seemed to know everything about him.

""I see, you are a ghoul, no wonder you were able to find out, but how do you know Rize is not dead?" Dr. Kano asked in disbelief with a look of astonishment on his face.

" This is a secret, so I won't tell Dr. Garner. I came here to talk to you."The other party's tone was calm, but his eyes revealed a deep meaning.

Dr. Kano couldn't help but get nervous and asked eagerly:"What's the matter!" He had a feeling that what he was going to say next might be very important to him.

Ling Chuan smiled slightly and said slowly:"I know that Dr. Kano, you created half-ghouls to contribute to mankind. You want to apply the self-healing ability of ghouls to human medicine so that humans will no longer suffer from illness. It is also to find the possibility of coexistence between humans and ghouls. It's just that your idea is too advanced and not understood by everyone, so you can only do it secretly, and you don't hesitate to cooperate with Furuta Nifuku and the 'Bronze Tree'."

After hearing this, Dr. Kano's face turned pale in an instant, and his body trembled involuntarily. These words were like a sharp sword, piercing the deepest secrets in his heart.

He widened his eyes, his lips trembling slightly, wanting to say something, but he didn't know where to start. The young man in front of him actually knew his plans and motives so well, which made him feel unprecedented fear and shock.

"You... who are you? How do you know all this?"Dr. Kano finally found his voice and asked the other party with disbelief and confusion on his face.

Dr. Kano thought to himself:"I have never revealed my purpose to anyone, and the cooperation with Bronze Tree and Old Two Fuku is just mutual benefit. However, this young man actually knows my ultimate goal very well."

"Although your approach is not very humane, I agree with your idea. However, Dr. Kano, have you ever thought that if you only create half-ghouls, they will still feed on humans, and the war will continue. This actually doesn't change anything." Ling Chuan ignored Dr. Kano's words and said to himself

"So what do you think we should do?" Jiana asked after hearing Lingchuan's words.

"You might as well study the self-healing ability of ghouls and try to solve the problem of ghouls' survival, such as developing a food that can replace humans as ghouls' food to reduce the conflict between humans and ghouls. I think this will also be a way to change the world."Lingchuan said to Kano���

Jiana listened to Ling Chuan's words, lowered his head and thought for a moment, then looked up and smiled at Ling Chuan:"The method you mentioned is indeed feasible, I will study it seriously." Then he remembered that he did n't know Ling Chuan's name, so he asked apologetically,"I'm really sorry for not asking your name."

"It's okay, Doctor Jiana, my name is Lingchuan, I'm just a nobody." Lingchuan said modestly

"Mr. Lingchuan, I didn't expect that you, at such a young age, would have such great ambitions. And judging from the aura you just released, you don't look like an unknown person." Dr. Kano looked at the young man in front of him and praised him.

""Dr. Kano, thank you for your compliment. I just made an immature suggestion." Ling Chuan said with a smile.

Then Dr. Kano began to think about where to start developing"artificial ghoul food".

Seeing that Dr. Kano was lost in thought again, Ling Chuan stopped disturbing him and said goodbye:"Dr. Kano, you are busy first, I will not disturb you any more. Let's leave each other contact information. You can contact me at any time if you need anything." After leaving each other's contact information, he also asked Dr. Kano to notify him when Kaneki Ken was about to be discharged from the hospital.

"Ding..., the host gets to know Kano Akihiro and changes his own plot, gaining 10 points of kagune proficiency + 5 points of stamina. The current kagune proficiency is 40 points and the stamina is 50."

Leaving Dr. Kano's office, Ling Chuan heard the system's prompt in his mind.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, it's the day when Kaneki Ken is discharged from the hospital.

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