"Mr. Arima, please tell me how to end this."

In the CCG research institute, Kaneki Ken was lying on the bed, staring at the ceiling with his eyes blank. Sitting on the chair next to him was Arima Takasho, who was wearing a black suit and glasses. He was reading a book in his hand attentively.

Hearing Kaneki Ken's words, Arima Takasho raised his head and looked at Kaneki Ken on the bed.

"how do you want to do it"

"I want to end this."

Kaneki Ken turned his head and looked at Arima Takashi firmly.

"When you can beat me, I will tell you how to end this."

Arima Takashi's glasses were shining, and his face was calm.

"I will definitely do it!"

Jinmu Ken whispered, and then asked

"How's my friend?"

"Are you talking about your friend in the coffee shop or that yellow-haired boy?"

Arima Takasho thought that since he was bored anyway, he would just have a good chat with Kaneki Ken.

"I want to know."

Kaneki Ken immediately asked

"Your friends in the coffee shop, they all ran away."

Arima Takashi said slowly


Hearing that everyone in the coffee shop was fine, Kaneki Ken's expression changed from expressionless to extremely excited.

"As for your yellow-haired friend, he has now joined CCG and become an investigator."

Arima Takashi ignored Kaneki Ken and continued to speak.


Kaneki Ken was puzzled.

"Any other questions?"

Arima Takashi looked at Kaneki Ken in front of him and asked slowly

"No more."

Kaneki Ken shook his head.

"If you don't have it, then I'll ask you."


Kaneki Ken still had a puzzled expression.

"Why aren't you curious that I didn't kill you, but locked you up here?"

Arima Takashi closed the book in his hand and adjusted his glasses.

"I'm not curious. I've already learned from Mr. Arima that my friend is fine. As for me, this looks like a laboratory, and I know my fate."

Ling Chuan sat up and looked around, then said

"If I can be made into a Quinque, I can give it to Ying to use. He has helped me so much, and I want to help him again."

"Didn't you just say you wanted to end it all? Why did you give in so quickly?"

Arima Takashi said calmly.

"Just now I thought I wanted to be tough before I die, and beat the CCG's 'White Death', I think it should be impossible in my current situation."

Kaneki Ken pointed to the ceiling, meaning that how can I beat you now that I am a prisoner

"Join CCG and become an investigator. You can challenge me anytime until you defeat me."

Arima Takashi said, then he stood up and walked out the door slowly.

Kaneki Ken was stunned with a surprised expression when he heard Arima Takashi's words.

"I hope you can tell me the answer the next time I come to see you."

Arima Takashi said to Kaneki Ken who was still stunned at the moment he closed the door.

""Ah?...Oh, okay."

Kaneki Ken came back to his senses and said quickly.

After Arima Takashi closed the door, Kaneki Ken lay down and tossed and turned, not knowing what he was thinking about.


The corner coffee shop, which had just opened a few days ago, was crowded with customers.

"Ah! I am so tired!

Gu Jianyuan groaned in pain. He has not stopped working since morning.

"Well, but I'm more curious about how Lingchuan got Sifang to help."

Ru Jianxuan, who was standing by, looked at Sifang Lianshi, who was making coffee with a dead face, and said curiously

"I don't know either, but I heard that Mr. Fangcun personally asked Sifang to come back to help."

Gu Jianyuan looked at Lingchuan who was serving coffee to the guests.

"I should have known better."

After delivering the coffee, Ling Chuan came to the bar with a look of despair on his face.

"By the way, how did you convince Miss Yoshimura to sign so many books for you?"

Rujianxuan had a look of gloating. During this period, they also knew that Yoshimura Ate was the daughter of Yoshimura Gongshan, and they also knew that Yoshimura Ate was the famous writer Takatsuki Izumi.

When Lingchuan came to the store yesterday, he saw that there were only a few people in the store and the business was bleak, so he thought of a way. He thought of the star effect, so in the evening he begged Yoshimura Ate to sign hundreds of books of Yoshimura Ate's works for him, and then today he wrote on the billboard outside"Drink coffee and get a signed work of the popular writer Takatsuki Izumi".

As for why Yoshimura Ate agreed to Lingchuan's unreasonable request, it was naturally because Lingchuan relied on his eloquence. She was so annoyed that Lingchuan ceded land and paid compensation, saying that if the effect was good, the profits would be divided 30% to 70%.

Of course, Yoshimura took 70% and Lingchuan took 30%.

The effect was indeed very good. The coffee shop has been crowded with customers since morning, but what he didn't expect was that Kirishima Touka and Nishio Nishiki went to Kamii University for classes, so the responsibility of waiter naturally fell to Lingchuan, the store manager.

And why did Shikata Renshi come to help? Of course, it was Lingchuan who took advantage of the situation and said to Yoshimura Kousen,"Tai said that the coffee shop is too busy, Furuma and Irimi can't handle it, so he asked Yoshimura-san to find someone to help."

After hearing this, Yoshimura Kousen immediately asked Shikata Renshi to come back to help.


Ling Chuan cursed quietly at the bar.……

"Welcome to the corner coffee shop, dear guest, what would you like to drink?"

Hearing the sound of wind chimes at the door, Ling Chuan immediately turned around and looked at the guest with a smile on his face.

"The speed of changing faces is really fast."

Ru Jianxuan complained in a low voice

"I second the motion."

Gu Jianyuan also nodded.


On the other side, in a hidden underground base of the bronze tree


Kamishiro Chaei looked at Rize, who was still asleep on the bed, and then clenched his fists, his eyes flashing with anger, and said loudly

"Li Shi, don't worry, Dad will definitely avenge you"

"Mr. Orca, calm down first."

Tadora looked at the uneasy-looking Kamishiro Charong and said.

Kamishiro Charong also remembered what Lingchuan said to him, and slowly calmed down.

"Mr. Orca, if you want revenge, I suggest you think about it. That person's strength is beyond your ability to deal with. Don't rush to death. Think about Miss Rize."

Lingchuan said to him when he sent Rize Kamishiro to the bronze tree.

"Mr. Lingchuan said that sooner or later we will face that person, so Mr. Orca should not be impulsive."

Duo Duoliang continued to persuade

""Yes." Shendai Charong nodded.

"What's the next move? I think I should strengthen myself a bit." There was a bloodthirsty light in Kamishiro Charong's eyes. He wanted to become stronger at this moment, strong enough to avenge his daughter.

"Well, the target this time is the Joker Organization."

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