"Joker? Wasn't the Joker Organization expelled by CCG seven years ago? And last time in the ghoul shelter in District 23, you also killed the founder of the Joker Organization, Roma Hoshio, so they should no longer exist!"

(ps: In the original anime, the Joker Organization became active after Kaneki Ken became Sasaki Haise three years after the Antique Battle. This book does not include the three years of Kaneki Ken's amnesia, so the current time is seven years.) Yoshimura

Eto and Lingchuan were lying on Yoshimura Eto's bed and talking about the next plan. When Lingchuan said that he was going to take action against the Joker Organization, Yoshimura Eto was puzzled.

"Yes, they were expelled seven years ago, but their core members are still there. Fanshi Roma is dead, and they have other leaders. Last time in District 23, I was going to look for another person, but I found Fanshi Roma first, and then nothing happened. If nothing unexpected happens, that person should have taken the opportunity to slip away, and the Joker Organization should come out again to stir up trouble."

Ling Chuan explained to Fangcun At

"Well, but what good will it do us to attack them?"

Yoshimura Et nodded after hearing Lingchuan's explanation, but asked doubtfully. In her opinion, there was no need to provoke a ghoul organization. It would be better to take advantage of this period of time when CCG was seriously injured and continue to capture other areas.

"V Organization should know."

Ling Chuan did not answer Fangcun's question, but instead dropped a bombshell

"Yes, I know, it's a mysterious and powerful organization, but I'm curious how you know about it."

Yoshimura Ate had read her mother's notes, so she knew about the V organization, and she also knew that her father Yoshimura Kozen was once a member of the V organization, and she even tried to contact this mysterious organization.

"I learned this from your father, Mr. Fangcun.

Ling Chuan thought for a moment and said,


Fangcun Ate nodded, indicating that he understood, and then asked

"Are these two organizations related?"

"Bingo! The two organizations are indeed related, and the relationship is not shallow. It can be said that the two organizations have a common goal.……"

"Get out! Just talk, don't touch me, or I'll chop off your hand."

Fangcun Atte shook off Ling Chuan's hand on her chest, and then looked at him angrily.

"Humph... If you don't want to move, then don't move!"

Ling Chuan turned his back to Fangcun Ate.

"Turn around and hug!"

"I'll count to three!"




"Come, come."

When Fangcun Aite was about to finish counting, Lingchuan immediately turned around and hugged Fangcun Aite in his arms, then looked at her with a smile on his face.

"Keep talking!"

Fangcun At said in a deep voice. She really wanted to know why Lingchuan wanted to take action against the clown organization.

"Continuing from last time, I won't talk about the purpose for now, let's talk about this V organization first. I have known about this organization since Mr. Yoshimura told me about it. They are almost an organization used by the Shuu family to maintain the balance between ghouls and humans. When we, the Bronze Tree, captured Areas 11 and 23, we should have been regarded as a thorn in their side, so sooner or later we will engage in a firefight with them."

Ling Chuan paused, then continued:

"The Joker Organization will definitely attack us by then, so we should take advantage of their unpreparedness and eliminate the Joker Organization first."

"Well, what you said does make sense.

Fangcun At thought for a moment and then said

"Oh, and the demon that had been following Gecko before the Bronze Tree is also a member of the Joker Organization. His purpose of coming to the Bronze Tree is to find out about the"One-Eyed King."

Ling Chuan continued.

Fangcun At was stunned for a moment, then nodded. She was not curious about Ling Chuan's knowledge of the"One-Eyed King" because when she founded the Bronze Tree, she used the name of"One-Eyed King" to attract many ghouls to follow her. However, Ling Chuan's next words shocked her.

"Et, the 'One-Eyed King' is not you, but you and Arima Kishou, right?"

"How did you know?

Fangcun Aite looked at Lingchuan in shock.

"Didn't I tell you before that I know you have a collaboration with Arima Takashi? This collaboration should be about the 'One-eyed King', right?"

Ling Chuan looked at Fangcun et al with a look of"I'm smart"

"Are you still working with Arima Takashi?"

Ling Chuan asked


Fangcun Ate shook her head. When she mentioned this, she didn't know why she terminated her cooperation with Arima Kisho. Then she looked at Lingchuan in front of her and thought,"Maybe it's because of you, because you said you would protect me well, and I believe you." Then the corners of her mouth couldn't help but rise slightly.

"Hey, is Ai Te in heat? She is smiling so happily."

Ling Chuan looked at Fangcun Ai Te who was smiling and said in a mean way.


"Ah... I was wrong!"

Ling Chuan touched his waist where Fangcun Ai Te had left a hand mark.

"Ate looks so good when he smiles, please smile more in the future."

Ling Chuan said with a smile on his face.

"Humph!" Fangcun Aite buried his head in Lingchuan's chest, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.


"I hope you have thought it through."

Arima Takashi opened the door of Kaneki Ken's room and said to him as he walked in.

Kaneki Ken also looked at Arima Takashi who came in and said with a firm look in his eyes:

"Well, I've made up my mind. I'm going to join CCG, defeat you, and then get the answer I want."



(I'm very sorry to all my readers, I've been a bit busy recently.| ू•ૅω•́)ᵎᵎᵎ, but I will try my best to update it)

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