Ellie subconsciously touched Gina, who was on top of her head, and couldn't help but recall the scene of danger during the training in the snowy mountains three years ago.

At that time, he and Eren were buried deep in the snow

, all the oxygen was disappearing

, if Eren had not suddenly turned into a giant, they would have died a long time ago.

She glanced sideways, glanced at Ayakoji, and shook her head imperceptibly.

No, not necessarily.

After all, it seems that although I don't know what it is now, Ayakoji at that time was more or less prepared some backhand.

Ellie pursed her lips and whispered

, "Alan, saved me."

"He saved me with the power of giants. When

the people present heard this, they subconsciously looked at Ellie, and couldn't help but frown in doubt.


all, not long ago, Ellen saved them with the power of giants.

This is something that everyone knows.

Ayakoji looked at Ellie and shook her head slightly, signaling that there was no need to explain.

There is no need to repeat the incident of three years ago, not to mention that this matter will not make any difference.

"Dismiss !!"


a cold and hard shout sounded from one side of the hall.

I saw Nair of the gendarmerie regiment step forward, looked around at everyone, and explained coldly:

"From the beginning, those who spoke were all Allen Yeager playmates from childhood to adulthood.

"What they said does not prove the harmlessness of Alan Jaeger

!" "What about us!"


, Sabel struggled to get up, forced to hold back the soreness in his ankles, and faced the big man of the gendarmerie regiment opposite, without panicking at all.

After all, he didn't plan to stay in any of the corps.

Now, he is facing these so-called big people who can affect the career of a recruit, but he is not panicked at all

! In short, he is rotten!

Sabel propped up the table and said loudly:

"I was accidentally wounded in this battle, and my three-year career as a recruit was completely lost."

When Sasha heard this, he subconsciously looked at Sabel and opened his mouth slightly.

Sabel noticed Sasha's expression and shook his head with a smile, signaling that he didn't care.

Immediately afterwards, he continued:

"Everything I have lost in this battle of Trost. It stands to reason that I should hate giants immensely!"

Although the destruction of the city wall was not his intention, it still made him feel guilty about ruining Sabel's life.


Sabel glanced at Allen and said softly

, "I, who was robbed of my future by giants, should also hate Alan Yeager as a human being who holds the power of giants."


!" Sabel suddenly raised his voice, raised his hand holding the table, and whispered:

"I don't hate Alan

!" "On the contrary, I admire him

!" "During the 104th training period, he worked harder than anyone else!"

When facing the oversized giant, when we wanted to retreat, it was he who was the first to stand at the front!" "

I don't know if Alan Yeager as a giant is harmful to humans

!" "However, I can confirm one thing!"

stepped ——!

Sabel endured the sting pain in his ankle and made his last heart salute to everyone present, and roared:

I, Sabel, vouch for my own life, as a human being, Alan Yeager is the toughest and bravest

soldier!" "Alan Jaeger, a soldier who will always be on our side!" The

wound burst open, and blood flowed slowly through the white gauze, staining the cuffs red, dripping on the floor of the hall.

Sabel, with a will, overcame the severe pain in his physiology.

In order to prove his partner's position, he leaned on the ankle that should not stand up, and stood up straight!

He stared at the blood running from Sabel's ankle and didn't know what to say.

Sabel also did not speak, so he maintained his heart salute, staring straight at Nair, staring at him uncontrollably deflecting his gaze.

Eren blinked, embarrassed to turn his reddened cheeks, not daring to look into Sabel's eyes.

Real, what the hell is going on now.


stepped forward gently, held Sabel, who was sweating profusely, and thanked him in a low voice:

"Sabel, thank you." She

didn't know why Sabel chose to stand up at this time, and there was no reason for her.

"Mina, if

you can..." The corner of Sabel's mouth uncontrollably provoked a wry smile, he subconsciously clenched his fists, and muttered unwillingly:

"If you can, I really don't want you to say that sentence just now." "


!" Suddenly, Mina's suppressed pain whispered in

Sabel's ear: "I hurt!" Sabel

was shocked, looked at Mina's hand that was red by her own grab, subconsciously let go, and apologized with a bitter smile:

"Sorry, Mina."

Mina saw Sabel's downcast look, opened her mouth slightly, and slowly closed it.

Then he bit his lower lip uncontrollably, glanced at Allen, and then looked at Sabel stunned.

Should she choose what she loves, or should she choose to love her

, the Investigation Corps of Dangers and Unknowns, or a small farm of peace and tranquility?"

Suddenly, Thomas on the side stepped forward and said softly:

"I only know that when the Tros District retook the battle, it was Allen who saved me

!" "If it weren't for him, my fate would have ended not long ago!" "If

it weren't for Allen, I am afraid that I would have disappeared in the burning fire, just like those dead heroes."

"I don't mean to dislike heroes, I know very well that it is an honor to die for humanity in the war against giants!" Licking

his dry lips lightly, Thomas's eyes narrowed, and he said firmly:

"I just want to show that Eren saved me as a human being."

"Moreover, he used the power of giants to help the soldiers retake Tros District."

"It was Alan Yeager who recaptured our hometown, which should have been occupied by giants.

It was Alan Yeager who avoided the predicament that Rosse's Wall might have encountered.

"It is precisely because of Alan Yeager that the original refugees can return to their hometown without danger and not be displaced

!" "So, I think that whether it is a human or a giant, Allen is on the side of the human race!" The

crowd suddenly fell silent, and then gradually stirred.

Suddenly, Daris coughed a few times,

"I understand the situation."

He looked lightly at Nair, the commander of the gendarmerie regiment

, and said softly: "Nair, do you have anything else you want to say?" Hu


Nair sighed softly, bowed slightly to Darris, and then said softly:

"I still say that, no matter what they say, they are expounding in the direction of glorifying Alan Yeyeger."

"Mikasa Ackerman, Armin Arnold, and Ellie Luliren, all of Alan Yaeger's playmates since childhood, naturally stood by Alan's side.

He glanced at Sabel and Thomas, and said in a deep voice

: "And Sabel and Thomas, who are also trainees of the 104th period, naturally do not have objectivity and cannot be used as a reason for judgment!"

Daris frowned imperceptibly, and asked calmly:

"Nanel, what objective evidence do you have to prove that Alan Yeager is harmful?"

Haven't you seen that he, the president, wants to keep Allen?

Unexpectedly, Nell suddenly raised his head, picked up the information in front of him, stared at Allen coldly, and said indifferently:

"Alan Yeyeger, he has killed !!"

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