
roar, bursting in most people's minds!


Mina swallowed lightly, looked incredulously at Allen, who was tied up behind her back in the center of the meeting, and murmured incredulously:


That sunny and brave Allen, can actually kill people?

"Not just killing

!" Nair stared at the information and elaborated word by word

: "According to the data

!" "When Alan Yeager first killed someone, he was only 9 years old!" Looking

around at the shocked people, Nair spread out his palms and said softly:

A 9-year-old child has already killed someone, is this not enough to prove his danger?"

"What's more terrifying is that the data shows!" "

Three corpses, one was penetrated through the heart from the front, and the other was penetrated from the back of the heart, and the hand bones were crushed.

"There is another body, which was stuck in the throat and eyes by chopsticks, and the front and back of the heart have been slashed countless times

!" Nell looked at Alan Yeager with trepidation, swallowed lightly, and said his conclusion:

"When he was 9 years old, he dared to kill people by such cruel means

!" "At that time, he had not yet mastered the power of giants!"

"But if

this person himself has a tendency to violence and kill, then he is a threat to mankind



They exchanged words about it, and suddenly felt very confused about whether they should protect Alan.

This time, even Christa and the others, who were familiar with Allen, looked at each other uncontrollably, and in their minds, they recalled the third training session, Allen's unceremonious killer move!

At that time, they thought that it was just Allen's subconscious move in the face of danger.

Now it seems that Allen has already killed people!

Suddenly, they subconsciously shook their heads.

The three years they spent together day and night made them know Allen better.

Alan, definitely not the kind of person with violent and killing tendencies!

Darrys's brows furrowed, staring at Ayakoji unpleasantly, raising his eyebrows, and passing the word through the air.

Hey, Ayakoji, why don't you even tell me about such a big thing?

Nair, this evidence, but it has led public opinion in the most unfavorable direction!

Ayakoji looked at Daris who was dancing and couldn't help frowning.

What happened to this old man, who was too old for Parkinson's, and

then looked at the gushing Nair and sighed softly.

He didn't expect that the things of six years ago could be turned over.


Suddenly, Mikasa clutched the bracelet at the wrist and couldn't help yelling, stopping Nair's speech.

"I did the corpse that was pierced through the back of her heart

!" she pursed her lips, buried her pretty face deep in the red scarf, and choked,

"They deserve to die!"

Mikasa really didn't understand!

Mikasa Ackerman?" Nair

, obviously unsure of what had happened, frowned at Mikasa and asked.


, Nair!" suddenly, a cold voice sounded!

Ayakoji walked up to Mikasa and looked at Nair indifferently:

"This farce, it's time to end. "

You're only holding on to Allen's murder, but why don't you talk about why he killed people?" Looking

around, Ayakoji said softly

, "Six years ago, there were three kidnappers who murdered people!"

When Mikasa heard this, his body subconsciously trembled and he slowly lowered his head.

Ayakoji noticed this, took a deep breath, and blocked in front of Mikasa, covering up everything that was strange.

"And the three corpses in the information just now are the three kidnappers. "

Commander Nair, don't you think that such a person should not be killed?"

Ayakoji stared at Nair, her eyes cold.

Nair subconsciously swallowed his spit and pursed his lips.

Time was short, and he really didn't understand the whole process in detail.

He looked around unwillingly, unwilling to retort:

"Nevertheless, what you are doing, at the age of 9, will you kill people



Levi on Elwin's side stared at Nell with contempt, and said coldly:

"I killed people when I was 9 years old, what's the problem?"

He really can't have any problems with it.

After all, this short man who looks like a douding has been in the limelight in the past few years.


to mention killing people at the age of 9, even if Levi cuts off his head in front of the public, the masses will only wonder if he is a giant spy!

When he saw the information, he almost didn't spit out his dinner.

"If, you're talking about the corpse with chopsticks through its throat and eyes.

Ayakoji glanced at Nair and said softly

, "That, I did it."

"By the way, the arm of the corpse whose back heart was penetrated was also crushed by me."

Looking around at the sudden silence, feeling Mikasa's small movements behind him clenching his clothes, Ayakoji said coldly,

"The murderer pays!"

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