Giant Ship Galaxy: From Junk Ship To Starship

Chapter 165: The Army Presses The Territory, The Battle Of Massacre!

The Universal Federation of Humanity.

It is a human race alliance headed by seven overlord forces, twelve super forces, and one hundred and eight top forces.

The Earth Federation, and the Soul Empire.

They are all members of the Universal Human Federation.

But those who really have the actual power are the seven overlords, the twelve supers, and the one hundred and eight top ones.

For example, this time they defeated the Ghanaian people.

It must be reported to the Universal Human Federation.

Then only if the Universal Human Federation agrees, can it take action against the Ghana tribe.

And the entire process must be filmed to confirm that the Ghana tribe indeed has a wormhole and has indeed betrayed the human race.

This is to prevent anyone from seeking revenge.

If the enemy is too strong.

The Universal Federation of Humanity will also take action in person.

But the Ghanaian people...

It is obvious that the Federation of Universe and Humanity will not be able to survive in person.

Even if they come, the wormhole is too small to pass through.

Plan confirmed.

It is executed directly.

This time at the request of Xu Zian.

He was also allowed to join the battle.

But only Xu Zian was allowed to follow.

Then the starships of assault ships and below will be lowered, allowing Xu Zian's Can fleet to harvest the evolution value!

They will wipe out everything above destroyers to ensure that Xu Zian's fleet can harvest evolutionary values ​​smoothly in the rear!

This is a kind of feedback to Xu Zian for his great contribution.

Starship Army.

Finally dispatched.

The fleet headed by Liu Yuyu's Star Destroyer.

It will break into the wormhole planet with a super-precise jump 11 assault.

Control the wormhole first.

Prevent people here from running over and passing the message back.

If the news is passed back, there will be a large army of aliens waiting for them there.

Either that, or the Inhumans are fleeing in large numbers.

So controlling wormholes is a top priority.


The rest of the army surrounded the entire Ghana star system.

Three immortal ships.

It exists as a suppressive force.


This is the arrangement for the Ghanaian people.


Move out together.

At the moment of dispatch!

The wormhole control team was led by Liu Yuyu, Gu Chengzhan, and several Star Destroyers from the Divine Soul Empire.

Direct and precise positioning.

Enter the pulse transition.

at the same time.

All the armies dispersed.

Turn into a round ball.

They moved towards the Ghana tribe to encircle them.

Xu Zian......

He hurriedly followed Zhan Wushuang and the others and rushed straight towards the Ghana star system.

Simple, direct, and brutal.

In the face of absolute power.

There aren’t that many tactics to tell you.

Just crush it all the way.

at the same time.

Garner star system.

Still unaware that he had been exposed.

They are still waiting.

Waiting for more mine protection fleets to arrive.

Then we can let these Motie Inhuman starships pretend to be pirates and clean up these mine protection fleets.

In the past five days, they have not taken action.

After all, if you do it too frequently, it will definitely arouse suspicion.

The core members of the Ghanaian ethnic group.

While still respectfully entertaining the Mo Tie Yiren—


‘Take a bath————

The sound of missiles being launched through the air came, startling everyone.

Immediately afterwards, there was a terrifying explosion.

The power of its explosion is huge.

Part of the houses in their area collapsed.

Whether it was the core members of the Ghana tribe or these Motie aliens, everyone's expressions changed wildly.

"What happened! Who?! Who is firing?!"

The leader of the Ghana clan roared and asked.


In his light brain, the frightened voice of the Na clan came over: "Chief!"

"We are under attack!"

"A lot of starships are coming and they are firing at our wormhole!!!"

Listen to what the other person says.

The chief of the Ghana tribe suddenly felt dizzy.

Shooting into a wormhole?

That means...

Has the wormhole incident been exposed?

He was furious and shouted: "Why?!"

"Why didn't the radar we bought at a large price detect their approach in the first place?!"

Amidst the roar, he had already run to the window himself, and when he saw those starships in the sky in the distance outside the window...

His expression gradually became pale and dull.

He got it.

No idea why their radar didn't respond.

I know even more why the enemy's starships have put their heads in front of these radars.

None of these radars can detect each other.

Star Destroyer.

Eight Star Destroyers in total.

Their radar is indeed very high-end and expensive.

It is far from high-end...

The ability to detect Star Destroyers.

And the appearance of these eight Star Destroyers.

It also seems to be foretelling...

The Ghana tribe has been planning for tens of thousands of years.


Completely exposed.

His eyes turned red instantly and he pressed the optical brain watch.

He yelled, "Everyone!"

"Remember it's everyone!"

"Run away! Run away from me all!!!"

"No matter which direction you run away from, run away from me!!!"

What he can do.

He could only let his own people escape.

He hates.

I hate why the discovery of wormholes is not delayed for another year or two.

Because it will be delayed for another year or two...

When their molybdenum crystal mine was completely hollowed out.

That was when their tribe completed the great migration from the human race to the alien race.

There is only a difference of two years!

He hated it even more.

I hate myself for being greedy.

In fact, it has been excavated over the years.

There is not much molybdenum crystal ore left.

The remaining molybdenum crystal ore is only enough for them to dig for another two years.

Greed and luck made him completely cut off their last hope with the Na people.

The moment he gave the order.

Countless Ghanaian core members began to flee in all directions.

As for ordinary Ghanaians….

I couldn't care less.

And ordinary Ghanaians have no idea of ​​their plan.

At the same time, there are no biological captains among ordinary Ghanaians.

Escape with a mechanical starship?

Or escape by spaceship?


Chief Ghana saw the Motie Yiren next to him.

It was as if he had grasped the last straw.

Immediately shouted excitedly: "Lord!"

"I beg you to send troops to crush this Earth Federation!"

"Only you can save us!"

"We, the Ghana tribe, surrendered to you tens of thousands of years ago!"

The black iron alien swallowed a gulp of saliva.

The metal lips trembled.

Suddenly he yelled: "Get out of here!"

"Tell me how to notify?!"

"Tell me how to notify?!"

"A total of eight Star Destroyers now control this wormhole. How can I get there? Tell me?!"

"Hiss...then, what is that?"

"Is that the Immortal Ship?"

The Ghanaian patriarch’s expression was stunned.


Now there are eight Star Destroyers controlling the other side of the wormhole. With their few soldiers and generals, not to mention eight Star Destroyers...

Even if a battleship comes, they can't defeat it...

And listen to what this Mo Tie Yiren said.

The Ghanaian patriarch quickly looked in that direction.

The moment I saw the starships surrounding me...

All his strength was completely lost at this moment.

He collapsed weakly on the ground.

His eyes were dull and horrified as he looked at the starships in the sky, silent and speechless.

Immortal ship.

Three immortal ships.


A large number of standard starships.

he knows.

This time, I'm afraid it's not just the Earth Federation Army that's coming.


There is also a stronger army.

At this moment, the Mo Tie Yiren next to him realized something.

His face changed wildly: "Damn it!"

"These humans, they plan to counterattack our Inhumans!"

"No! Definitely not 140!"

"This is absolutely not allowed!"

He panicked.


These human races really used this to counterattack their alien races...

Don’t say anything else.

They are the Dark Iron Inhumans.

Definitely die!!!

The cruelty of the human race.

They, the Inhumans and the Insects, all have extremely profound experiences.

Thinking of this, his expression became ferocious.

He gave the leader of the Ghana tribe next to him a hard push, his eyes turned red and he said, "Let your tribesmen attack this wormhole immediately!"

"hurry up!"

"Even if only one ship rushes over, it's okay!"


The Ghanaian patriarch seemed not to hear.

Smiling like a lunatic.


What to use?

Tell me, what can we, the Ghana tribe, use to attack the wormhole guarded by eight Star Destroyers?

That's eight Star Destroyers!!!


He no longer needed to answer.

The next second.

His pupils instantly widened——

I saw.

Those human armies that formed an encirclement.

All starships.

spoke at the same time.

Including those three immortal ships!

Directly to their Ghanaian star system.

Launched a devastating devastating blow.

Look at the opponent's posture...

The plan is to leave no one behind.

"Ha, haha, hahaha..."

"I have become a sinner of the Na tribe."


The Ghanaian patriarch laughed maniacally.

Four lines of bright red blood tears rolled down from the four corners of his eyes.

Look at the cities on those planets in the Ghana star system.

Covered by terrifying weapons one after another.

Watching one city after another turn into powder.

There were even satellites that were inhabited by people and were blown up directly.

Then he knew.

Ghanaian people.

from his hand.

from his generation.

Completely removed.

Human race.

They will annihilate the Ghanaian tribe. .

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