Giant Ship Galaxy: From Junk Ship To Starship

Chapter 166 Demon? Then Leave No Chickens Or Dogs Behind!

"Brilliant Fleet, we have captured another Ghana fleet here for you!"

"Come on, come on, we are surrounded by them!"

Rumbles, explosions.

Only there was no scream.

Because the screams haven't even come out yet.

It has been swept away by large-scale missiles and high-explosive artillery shells.

Xu Zian them.

Also joined in this massacre battle.


There is no psychological pressure at all.

Psychological stress?


These Ghanaians deserve to die, all of them deserve to die!

Because according to the news just sent back by Wu Le.

They captured the Ghanaian chief.

Then he was directly interrogated using cranial nerves.

So-called cranial nerve interrogation.

It is to use technical means to directly take over your brain.

Then everything you have done before will be revealed one by one.

You don’t think that the interrogation methods in this era are still the same as in the 21st century, through torture, psychological warfare, or some kind of drugs, right?

Stop it!!!

As long as you're not dead

In other words, as long as your head has not completely fallen into brain death.

Then you can easily get all your information!

There is no need to interrogate you at all.

Just now, the Ghanaian clan leader was interrogated in this way.

The results obtained..…….

Not surprisingly.

Ghanaian people.

I have had a rebellious heart for a long time.

The reason for their rebellion is also very simple.

In the beginning, they had no rebellious intentions.

Reject the entry of the Earth Federation's federal troops.

Simply because they are very repulsive to foreigners.

Secondly, they are not willing to divide part of the benefits.

It's that simple.

Then one day.

A natural wormhole appeared out of thin air in the territory of the Ghana tribe.

After investigation, the Ghanaians discovered that the other end of the wormhole actually led to the territory of the Inhumans!

At first, they were frightened.

But slowly, they became excited.

They seem to have found an opportunity to change their destiny!

Because of the genetic defects inherent in the Ghanaian people.

There are very few people who can awaken bioenergy.

In the cosmic human federation.

Human body modification is an absolutely prohibited behavior.

Moreover, the human body modification technology of the Universal Human Federation may not be able to modify the genetic defects of the Ghanaian race.


The Inhumans are different.

From their appearance until now.

For countless years, I have been transforming my body!

Its technology has a high probability of being able to make up for the genetic defects of the Ghanaian people!

In addition, they have no sense of belonging to the Universal Federation of Humanity.


The emergence of the wormhole caused them to completely rebel.

Take the initiative to contact the race near the wormhole, the Iron Inhumans.

Indicates that he wants to take refuge.

The Mo Tie Yiren Clan is only an extremely small group of servants among the Yiren Clan.

They also want to become stronger!

They also want to evolve into the main group!

As a result, I hit it off with the Ghanaian people and got along well with each other.

For tens of thousands of years, he has been pretending to be a pirate.

I don’t know how many human fleets were killed, and I didn’t know how many evolutionary points were provided for them!

As a result, the Motieyi Human Race gradually became stronger.

It was originally planned to completely hollow out the molybdenum crystal mine.

The Motie Yiren clan, contact the main clan.

Then follow the main group to attack the hinterland of the human race.

Not to mention anything else, at least it would be no problem to wipe out the Earth Federation.

When the time comes, the Mo Tie Yi Human Race will definitely receive a lot of benefits from the main race after making this great contribution.

As for the Ghanaian people, it just so happened that a large-scale migration of the whole tribe happened at this time.

But now.

Just a year or two before they were going to execute this plan.

Things were revealed.

They even die.

I don’t know which link caused the problem.

After tens of thousands of years, it has never been exposed.


All is lost.

It's too late!

Even the Mo Tie Yiren tribe must be finished.

Counting that the humans didn't kill them all.

It's just that the matter of this wormhole has been concealed for tens of thousands of years without being reported.

It also led to a large-scale attack by the human race...

It was enough to make Thunder, the main group of the Inhumans, furious.

The human race will not destroy their evil iron alien race.

The Inhumans will also destroy them.

To sum it up in one sentence——

Their fate will be the same as that of the Ghanaian people.

Except perish.

There is no other possibility.

And after listening to Wu Le's interrogation results.

Xu Zian's face became even colder.

The three women are also murderous.

Shells were poured into the sky over the Ghanaian city as if they were free of charge.

If Xu Zian hadn't discovered it.

Wait for them.

There is no other possibility except death.

Not to mention that they are now completely bound to the human race.

He also completely considers himself to be a member of the Universal Human Federation.

Only part of their ethnic group is mentioned, but they are also within the scope of the Earth Federation!

The alien army is attacking, will their tribe not be spared?

The entire Ghanaian tribe will die.

The whole family can only die.


There is really no psychological burden.

At this time.

in the communicator.

A call from the Federal Army was received.

Xu Zian and others' eyes suddenly lit up.

He flew over without saying a word.

The Earth Federation Army and the Divine Soul Empire Army have received orders.

Any assault ship and below starship, if conditions permit.

Let the brilliant fleet kill them all!

These soldiers were quite happy with this order.

Because this is part of the reward that belongs to the Brilliant Fleet.

They deserve it!

This time the credit goes to the brilliant fleet and Xu Zian.

too big!


Xu Zian’s name.

They have all come into the view of the higher-ups of the Universal Human Federation!

in less than a year.

Destroy the insectoid conspiracy one after another.

Now they are destroying the rebellious tribe, and then they will invade the Inhuman tribe with a large army.

Even the senior executives of the Universal Human Federation were surprised.


This time the reward is given to Xu Zian.

Absolutely huge!

There is no doubt about this!

When the brilliant fleet arrived in a hurry.

as expected.

I saw a Ghanaian fleet running desperately among the cruisers.

what is interesting is.…………

Xu Zian recognized him at a glance.

This fleet is none other than others.

It was the Ghana mine protection team from the Sea Dog Star.

This is... interesting, isn't it?

The other party obviously also discovered the arrival of the brilliant fleet.

When they saw these cruisers, they all made way for the brilliant fleet to come in.

This Ghanaian mine protection team finally seemed to understand something.

The captain of the mine protection team roared at the top of his lungs: "It's you!!

"It turns out to be you!!!"

"It must be you who reported on us!"

"It must be you! Damn it!!! You all deserve to die!!!"

"You are all a bunch of demons!!!"

"We Ghanaians have a population of 800 billion!"

"There are so many children, old people, and women among them!"

"All dead! All killed by you demons!!!"

"Why can you be so vicious! Vicious!!!"

His hysterical roar sounded in everyone's communicator.

But answer his.

Just the endless laughter.



How fucking funny is that?

If Xu Zian hadn't discovered your conspiracy in advance.

Wait another two years.

Humanity joins.

Does the Earth Federation still exist?

Xu Zian's expression became a little more indifferent and he said calmly: SB thing, what is the dog's name here?"

"You Ghanaians are not only disgusting, but you also have brain problems?"

"In two years, how many people will die in the Earth Federation? Huh?"

"You, the Ghanaian race, have a population of 800 billion. How many billions does the Earth Federation have? Can you count them?"

"How many old people, children, and women will die because of your Ghanaian ethnicity?"

"Tell me now that we are demons?"

"If the humans who protect me are demons..."

"Then I am happy to inform you——"

"I am the devil from hell!!!"

"You Ghanaians, with a population of 800 billion, will not only die, but you will also be nailed to the pillar of shame for eternity!"

"Everything you do will be announced."

"You Ghanaians will be scolded by mankind for countless years!"

"Let your souls never be reincarnated!!!"

"What are you still doing? Let me kill them all!"

"Kill them, and then continue to slaughter their race!"

"Even if it's just a pet they keep, get rid of it!!!"

“Really do it, leave no chickens or dogs behind!!!”

Xu Zian spoke with anger and coldness.

Without hesitation.

(Money is good) Full firepower.

Kill towards the opponent.

And three women.

I have long been disgusted by the disgusting and shameless remarks of the Ghanaian mine protection team leader.

Follow Xu Zian and kill directly.

Still the same.

Taimei's Boulder blocked forward.

The 100% red and excellent Boulder evolved through the hands of Xu Zian.

There are only four frigates and seven reconnaissance ships in front of them.

No pressure at all.

Fox Qiqi, full firepower!

The firepower was so fierce that the surrounding federal and imperial troops twitched at the corners of their mouths.

Then there’s Meowth.

She shuttled through the hail of bullets like a ghost.

By the time Hu Qiqi's firepower covered it, the defense of one of the starships was almost exhausted.

Meow Xiaomi suddenly looked like a deadly death.

Easily take out a starship.

Leave gracefully.

Not to mention Xu Zian.

He took action with anger, and when half of the parts of the Brilliance reached the perfect pink quality...

This mid-level assault ship, captained by the Ghanaian mine protection team, was defenseless.

In the other party's unwillingness and despair.

Take it out easily.

It's just a little more than ten minutes.

This fleet is headed by an assault ship.

Then he was captured by the Brilliant Fleet...

Explodes easily.

See the people around you.

Everyone was dumbfounded and dumbfounded. .

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