Gilgamesh In MHA

Chapter 26 - Saber of Red


As the crowd was drenched in cheer but was stopped by a loud voice accompanied by Red Lighting

It took everyone by surprise as a red streak of lightning flashed toward where Gil was standing

Red Lighting was emitting out by a Silver sword with red markings which was held by a Man in white knight armor with red marking and Armor covered him from head to toe

Seeing this Gil was surprised but then seeing he was not able to see the identity of the assailant without activation of Sha Naqba Imuru, he smiled

He quickly created a Gate above Bakugo and Chain emerged from it and dragged Bakugo into the Gate and dropped him into the student's stands

As he was done with it Sword with Red Lighting was only a foot away from him, so he summoned Kavach and crossed his arms, and Golden sun disks came in front of him defend against the attack

As the attack landed on him and the Ground around him shattered and a huge block of pieces started to rise in the air and even the structural integrity of the entire Stadium was harmed(Just like when Siegfried attacked Karna just on a much lesser scale)

Everyone was left in shock due to the sudden turn of events

In the VIP room

Nezu soon connected the call to the Pros but before he could order anything Angelica spoke

" Don't need to worry it is not a villain attack, just some family friends"

Nezu wanted to retort but he could only nod reluctantly

In the Arena

Suddenly a figure jumped back in the air from the dust cloud, it was the assailant and soon he was followed by a few swords and spears who he was able to deflect barely

As soon as Assailant landed on the ground by many Golden space ripples formed and he was showered by a barrage of E and D rank Noble Phantasms

The assailant who was barely able to divert the attack suddenly see a C rank Noble Phantasm spear aimed at hir Chest he tried to parry it with his sword but the force behind was too much for him to handle and suddenly started to skid backward and tried his best maintain his balance and it was clear he took damage from the attack, soon all the space ripple started to vanish into the Golden particles


Voice of Footsteps could be heard as the faint figure of Gilgamesh emerged out of Dust Cloud


While in the students stand

Everyone in class 1A shocked and don't know how to react

But soon everyone heard " T-that..."

" What Momo," Jiro asked as she was among the First of her classmates to get bearing

Momo didn't answer her and look towards Siduri

In return, Siduri nods and says" Lady Yaoyozoru you are right that Armor and Sword are Noble Phantasms but I cannot identify who is the assailant due to one of the effects of Armor Noble Phantasm"

" How could it aren't Noble supposed to be lost," Uraraka said

" I never said Noble Phantasms are lost, only some chosen ones could possess them," Siduri said

Soon there conversation was stopped by Gilgamesh


In the arena

" Hahaha It long time I am addressed by this title so it the right thing that I address you that same way

SABER OF RED" Gilgamesh said laughing while covering his face with his hand and at the last part he Glared with one Glowing red-eye from between the fingers

Gilgamesh was completely unharmed by the attack

Gilgamesh stopped laughing uses his hands to remove little on his clothes and said " Aren't you going to say anything Mordred Pendragon, after all, you are Second Royal Princess of Holy Britain Empire, Come on I know that you need to remove that helm to show your true strength"

( There will be little change in the political situation around the world has changed due to the introduction of the Quirks and it is the time around the 2460s + 400)

" H-how do you know my identity even with my Secret of Prestige," She said in a clear fl.u.s.tered tone but there hint of aggression in her voice

" Well, there is Nothing that hides from my eyes, so now be Good girl and entertain me," Gil said in a mocking tone

" You asked for it!!" This time a Girl's Voice came and soon a Helm of the Knight armor was removed and a face of a tomboyish teenage Girl with Blond hair tied in a ponytail in a way which shows her hair a lot shorter than they actually are, with her Beautiful Emerald Green eyes which are the sign her part of being Pendragon Family


While in the Student Stands

" What she is Girl!!! and a moreover a princess!!!" Kaminari screamed

" If you look closely she is a beauty in her own way," Toru said

" Do not forget the insane strength she possesses" Jiro reminded everyone

Everyone nodded even Bakugo who just wake after being healed by Siduri and after listening to everyone and trying to understand the situation and the destruction in the arena that speaks for the strength of the newcomer


" So why, you a princess, such as yourself came seeking me," Gilgamesh said as many Golden space ripples started to behind him and Many swords and spears started to come out of them

" I wanted to check if you worthy of my sister like your sister said," She said as crimson lightning started to come out of her sword BLOOD CLARENT

The smile on Gil's face fades away instantly and replaced by pure indifference

Soon Mordred was showered with Barrage of Noble Phantasms but this time they were all C and B rank but this Mordred was able to parry a few but the power behind them was so great that even she was having a hard time even with her INSTINCT

Soon a spear finds its way to her right shoulder and a sword to her left thigh

" Grr " She groans in pain but still ready to continue the Battle

But Gil stops the attack but didn't close the gate and spoke in a cold and indifferent tone " Who are you to Judge me, MONGREL!!"

Sword and spear also started to disappear to leaving behind holes in the armor from which blood was seeping out


In the Student Stands

" Did he just addressed a princess as Mongrel?" Ochako said while pointing her shaking finger towards them

" Something you expect only from Gil," Toru said while sighing

" Well it is not a big deal as you should not forget that Lionheart Family is also family with Royal Bloodline and in terms political and economic strength of Lionheart family is same or little higher than the Pendragon Family," Siduri said


" CRIMSON LIGHTING, " Mordred said this soon her sword was enveloped by Red Lighting

" Like I guessed it will be fun, " Gilgamesh said with a grin

And soon Gil teleported himself in the sky just above the stadium with a sword in his hand which was none other than BALMUNG

He was floating with the help of a noble phantasm

Soon he points the sword down below toward Mordred and Golden Lighting started to Crackle on the sword and the entire Arena was enveloped by heavy pressure especially Mordred who was the target of it but she ignored it

" BLOOD CLARENT.. ARTORIA!!!!" Mordred screamed soon a huge ray of crimson lighting was shot out of her sword

" BALMUNG" As soon as Gilgamesh said this a huge ray of golden lightning was shot out of his sword

Both the ray collided with each other and ended up in a stalemate

Seeing this Gil grinned widely and soon Golden lighting started to increase in width and also started to push Red lightning

During his Training before the sports festival, Gil gained compile control over Balmung and also Found Bab-ilu, the Key of the Gate of Babylon, so as result he has access to EA and all other treasure he did not have access to previously

As Golden Lighting was pushing Red lightning back it was putting a lot of pressure on Mordred and which caused her to bend backward and the ground beneath started to turn dust

' Am I going to defeat by this Grinning Fool?' As Mordred thought this power coming out of her sword started to decrease a little

" What a weakling," Gilgamesh said in disdain

As soon as Mordred heard this a memory flashed in her Mind

After being defeated by her Twin Elder Sister she admires most, she sat on the floor on her butt on the ground with her sister pointing her famed sword at her throat said the same word with indifferent " Weakling" '

' No, I will not be defeated by him and not by who is said to be worthy of her, Noooooo!!' Mordred thought

"Ahhhrrrrrr" Mordred screamed

Soon the Red Lightning which was being pushed back by Golden lightning, stop to a stalemate again but still Golden lightening is at an advantage

' Is it still not enough' As she thought about it, she despaired

As she about gives up hope, she heard a familiar voice

" Ah, so Your highness here you are skipping your classes"

Soon both rays were enveloped by pink flower petals

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