Gilgamesh In MHA

Chapter 27 - Magus of Flowers

When Gilgamesh and Mordred attack collided started earth on the Entire Mountain range on which UA High is situated and the stadium started to shake, like it will crumble down at any moment

Students, Pros, and Audience can sense the power behind there attacks, which are in a stalemate is devastating and if anyhow this equilibrium is broken entirely mountain range along with half of the city will turn into ashes

" I-is t-this kind power supposed to belong, kids, they are monsters" One Pro despaired

" Where is All Might doing why isn't he doing anything and what about Eraser Head" Smile Hero- Ms.Jokes asked on a communication device

" There No response from them, Nezu asked everyone to stand down, and Apparently, Eraserhead cannot erase their quirks" Answer came from the other end


In Students stands

" We are Going to DIEEEEEE!!! " Ochako said in despair

Every student held their breath in despair, as they watch two teenagers the same age as them holds power to cause destruction they do not even want to think about

Bakugo was standing while trembling in rage

Todoroki was calm on the surface but his mind was in turmoil as remembered his match against Gil and saw his last attack coming towards him and he was saved by a cold but beautiful blond woman

Midoriya was in shock with his mouth wide open and his eyelashes were trembling

But as they about lose their hope a pleasant smell of flowers invaded there noses and soon they heard a pleasant voice with a hint of amus.e.m.e.nt

" Ahh, so your highness here you are skipping your class"

Soon the deadly clash between two Noble Phantasm was covered by flower petals and soon entire arena looks like it was covered by cherry blossom

and soon those petals started to rise in the sky and soon disappeared in the Glittering sunlight

The entire scene was breathtakingly beautiful and everyone forgets how perilous the situation they were in moments ago

As everything settles sown and it could be seen Gil was already on the ground and his hands were in Gym uniform's Pants Pocket and it didn't look like he had just fought an earth-shaking battle

While Mordred was planting hard and kneeling on one knee while holding her shoulder which was stabbed Gil's spear as the blood running out it and also her injured thigh was in no good shape

But there was a new entry among them, a young man with a Bewitching face with unkempt white hairs with purplish touch at the end down to his waist, wore a simple white robe made out the finest fabric and with black pants with golden embroidery with wired staff in his hand

He walked Mordred and as reached in front of her he taps his staff on the ground and soon Mordred covered in a swirl of flowers and after flower petals disappeared Mordred was healed and the holes in her armor the only sign of her previous injuries

" I think I need some answers from you, Your Highness" Young said with a smile that never left his face from the beginning which caused shivers down Mordred spine, and she canceled her armor and she could be seen wearing an open small Red jacket and a white top which leaves out her navel open with little blue shorts and leather boots

" Oye Merlin, you destroyed all the fun, " Gil said with an evil

" Ah, Young Lord Gilgamesh please accept my apologies for the trouble caused by our Princess" Merlin said with a bow to Gil

Gil shakes his head telling that he doesn't mind anyway

Before they could continue their conversation a Golden space ripple with silver seen open at Gil left side and from it, Angelica came out of it

" Lady Angelica " Merlin bowed at her to greet

Angelica return to greetings with a nod

Angelica looks around the stadium and then she raised her right and snapped her finger and then the entire stadium was covered by a green check pattern and soon the entire stadium was restored except the arena

" Space-Time techniques from the Ainsworth family truly fascinating, I don't expect any less from the daughter of Madam Alesha" Merlin around the fascination


While in the VIP room

" Looks like her technique improved a little but still much more to cover, it's pity Gil didn't get any talent in this field from me sigh, " Alesha said with a sigh

" His hands are already full with Gate of Babylon," Gilbert said


In student stands

" Who is he, " Jiro asked Siduri

" Magus of Flowers, Merlin. He is a descendant of Grand Caster Merlin" Siduri said with a serious expression

" Grand!! " Todoroki narrowed his eyes

" Yes among Caster, only three people who were able to complete requirements for Grand Caster, King Gilgamesh and His Ancestor Merlin we're among them" Siduri explained

" But Didn't you say, King Gilgamesh never received the Title of Grand but you he did complete the requirements, " Momo asked

" Yes but the title of Grand could only belong to one, Originally the title of Grand Didn't belong to Merlin it passed down after the original holder abandoned his seat in Throne of heroes" Siduri explained

" Why did he abandoned?" Mina asked

" I didn't know but Young Lord Gilgamesh surely knows it," Siduri said

Everyone nodded but they came to understand that this young man could not be judged by his amiable appearance


" What do you want Merlin" Angelica asked

" Nothing Lady Angelica, I just came to take back Princess Mordred on the Crown Princess order," Merlin said

"I will not go anywhere, and who is she to dictate my action" Mordred retorted

" Haha ( Caster Gil laugh )" Gil started to laugh

" What Archer, " Mordred asked in anger

" Although you are so different and at the same time you are so identical to Saber in terms of stubbornness," Gil said looked around and said," I think we should proceed to stands there you can even to meet my classmates " And started to walk towards stands and Angelica, Merlin followed him and Mordred also followed reluctantly

While authorities started to prepare for the Prize ceremony


In students stands

" Oye Mongrel Bakugo look I found a partner for you," Gil said while pointing towards Mordred

" How you dare to call me Mongrel, Goldy " Bakugo retorted

" What the Fu... Ahh it's hurt" Mordred wanted to retort but she received a hit on her head by Merlin staff

" Language your Highness," Merlin said

" You shi...Ahh" Mordred wanted to be retorted but she got the same result

" Language," Merlin said again

In the end, she could only Grumble in frustration

Everyone looked at their antics and then looked towards Bakugo and remembered his struggle against Gil and they Nodded in understanding

" Your Highness.." Mina as energetic she is, tried to talk to Mordred but Mordred stopped her and said

" Leave all that formality it doesn't suit me any way you can Address me as... Mo-chan" Mordred said

" So Mo chan when you said that you wanted to judge Gil being worthy for your sister, what you mean by that?" Mina asked

"Actually, His elder sister wants My sister to get with Arch... I mean Gil, as she considers his current fiance to be not worthy" Mordred said bluntly

Momo flinched and her head was down in despair

It was not Missed by Merlin and Angelica while Merlin shook his head and Angelica gaze became colder

While Gil intentionally ignored it entirely

" But my sister doesn't want any kind of relationship so it all talk right now but I wanted to see his strength in a person, after all, he is the younger brother An... I mean Lady Angelica " Mordred said and corrected herself at the Last part after feeling Merlin's gaze

Soon forgetting that Girls engaged in conversation

Even Boys joined in and Mordred didn't show any arrogance as a princess but pride as a Knight

More they talked more they realized how similar Mordred and Bakugo are similar as Hotheads

" Nee-chan you are overstepping your boundaries," Gil said with dull eyes filled with indifference

Angelica pouted and previous coldness could not be seen anywhere " My Lil don't be angry with Nee-chan, I only think best for you "

" Sigh... Nevermind " Gil could sigh as could not bring himself to get angry at his Sister

Merlin Giggled at them

" Your Highness it is time for our departure," Merlin said to Mordred

" You such bummer Merlin, alright Bye Guys, I really have fun with you people but I have to go now and take care" Mordred waved her at Gil's classmate and proceed to walk toward Merlin,

" By the way Archer, I will meet you at Fate Carnival and afterward I will defeat you in Fate war," Mordred said to Gil

" Nah you won't, I will win fate war as my sister did 3 years ago" Gil replied

Soon Both Merlin and Mordred enveloped by flower petals and soon Disappeared

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