In order to prevent Shen Tuchuan from giving birth as a reward, Ji Ting strictly adhered to the principle of being able to do less and never doing more, and being able to do more and more, and began to become a lazy queen. It ’s just that she can be lazy in other respects. The concubine asked An to get her in person. So she invited Anli twice a month, and it fell on her shoulders.

Ann came for the first time soon, and the concubines arrived at Fengqi Palace early in the morning, and they couldn't help being flatterer when they saw her.

"Give me the queen lady." A lot of young quails don't have to face Shen Tuchuan, and their faces are much better now.

Ji Tingxiao smiled: "We are all sisters entering the palace together, so don't be too restrained.

The girls glanced at each other, and laughed and sat down beside them.

"The closing ceremony is just a ritual. You are already a queen maiden in the eyes of your sisters. The maiden is really a gifted woman, even her Majesty loves you so much. I will still rely on you in the future." Fat girl After being rescued last time, I was very grateful to Ji Ting and subconsciously wanted to be attached to her.

The other girls followed, and the youngest one enviously looked at the furnishings of Fengqi Palace, and could not help admiring it: "In the end, it is the style of the queen lady. Even the carpet is thicker than usual, much stronger than ours. Now. "

"Mother-in-law has to be spoiled by her majesty. Naturally, whatever is good is in the mother-in-law. I am lucky to be able to live without having to do rough work." Another girl laughed.

The younger girl pouted and didn't speak again. Ji listened to her and asked with a smile: "What's your name?"

"If you go back to the queen's maiden, the courtier called Bai Yuer by name." The little girl saw her and noticed that she was very happy, and quickly got up and gave a gift.

The fat girl gave her a sideways glance, and a humming sound came from her nose, apparently very disdainful to her. Some other girls glared at the fat girl, while others expressed the same disdain.

Perhaps it was because these girls did not have to be too careful not to face Shen Tuchuan, and occasionally exposed a little private relationship ... So when these girls worry about their lives every day, can they take care of themselves? Ji heard it very funny: "Bai Yuer is indeed a good name. It happens that there is a good Bai Yuzhen in this palace. How about giving it to my sister?"

"Really? Thank you, Queen Mother." Bai Yuer waited with joy.

Ji listened to Tzu'er, and Tzu'er immediately went to fetch the white jade. While taking advantage of this gap, the fat girl was a little upset: "Mother Queen, the things in your palace must have been carefully selected by your Majesty. You should keep that much OK, why is it necessary to reward others? It is a disgrace for good things. "

"Niangniang is willing to send me, indicating that it is suitable for me, why is it insulted?" Bai Yuer immediately countered.

The fat girls quarreled with their eyes wide open, and Ji listened with a cough to draw their attention: "Everyone has a gift, so don't have to argue about it."

The fat girl had to stop talking, and in the beginning, in order to reward Bai Yuer who was happy, when she heard that everyone had good things, she was not so happy immediately.

The fat girl got the satin from Suzhou Tribute. After seeing the good satin, she was very happy. She also looked at Bai Yuer with a high toe, and caused Bai Yuer's silver teeth to be broken, but she could only stiffen her face. Expressing envy: "The queen lady is considerate, knowing that her sister is wide and fat, and she is afraid that there is not enough fabric in her sister's palace. She deliberately gave the good satin to her to make clothes."

"No, some people are not fat, but unfortunately they can't wear the satin rewarded by the queen lady." The fat girl hummed softly.

Ji listened and watched the quarrel between you and me, and could not help but have a headache: "Okay, just say a few words, this palace is short of body, everyone will go back first."

"It's getting cold recently, the queen's maiden must be careful, and Chenchen resigned." Bai Yu'er gave a glance at the fat girl, and turned away with a slight hum.

As soon as she left, the others followed suit. Only the fat girl stayed alone. Ji Ting was still familiar with her, and could not help asking: "Why do you have a bad relationship?"

"Don't mention, this Bai Yuer was a snob, but she didn't find it before," the fat girl took a snack and ate. "Don't look at her as if she respects you respectfully. Mother, she's so big, she used to be I was jealous of my mother ’s favor in private, so she really invited her to do so, and she did n’t have the guts, so she dared to say some sour words behind her. My mother is my life-saving benefactor. I ca n’t see it, but I ’ll be on the bar once.

"She doesn't seem to be sixteen or seventeen years old. She is still a small child. Don't see her in the future, eating and drinking is better than anything." Ji listened and laughed.

The fat girl was also happy: "Say the same. Some people see that their mother is favored, and they develop some thoughts that should not be, but forget that her gentleness is only to the mother, and I am different. I eat and drink well Everything is fine, and now I do n’t have to face your Majesty, I am secretly happy. "

Ji lost laughter and talked to her for a while before sending her away. When she returned to the dorm, she felt exhausted. At this moment, she understood why Shen Tuchuan was annoying. Although these little girls are pretty good, sitting in a room is exhausting enough.

"Niangniang is tired?" Tweety came over and helped her to press her shoulders.

Ji heard a sigh: "Tiring is not tiring, it's kind of grieving to ask Ann."

"Don't be afraid, Niangniu, only twice a month, next time when they come over, they will just pass two sentences, not to sit for a long time." Tsui Er laughed.

Ji Tingxiao smiled: "It can only be so."

Unfortunately, she thinks so, but others don't think so. The little girl named Bai Yuer suddenly came to invite her every day, and the other concubines therefore developed a sense of crisis, for fear that all the benefits would be taken up by her alone, so Every day, I followed him to greet me. Except when Shen Tuchuan was here, Ji Ting was busy every day like a vegetable market.

Shen Tuchuan also often came here. When meeting these girls, he must be scared like a quail after seeing him one by one. Later, there were fewer people. Only Bai Yuer insisted to greet him, but every time Seeing Shen Tuchuan, he was still so scared that he couldn't speak. He wanted to be close, but he didn't dare, and he was reluctant to leave.

Ji Ting knew what she thought, but it was not easy to interfere, anyway, she sat for a while every time she came, and it had no effect on herself, so she went with her.

It's just that Ji Ting doesn't care, but Shen Tuchuan is in charge. After seeing Bai Yuer again from Ji Ting here, he immediately froze: "Why are you?"

Bai Yuer's face changed, and he knelt down suddenly: "Chen Chen, Chen Chen should be guilty of death ..."

"Since it is a crime to die, let's go to death, Li Quancai! Drag it out and mess around!" Shen Tuchuan said impatiently.

Ji Ting: "..."

Bai Yuer was paralyzed. Seeing that the guards were coming to drag herself, she hurriedly listened to the hoe: "The queen maiden can save me, the queen maiden can save me!"

Shen Tuchuan immediately squinted his eyes and looked at Ji Ting. It said, ‘I see you dare to intercede for someone this time’. Ji Ting naturally didn't want to annoy Shen Tuchuan, but Bai Yuer's forehead was bleeding and she couldn't watch her die, so she daredly said: "Your Majesty, please spare her life."

"Ji listen." Shen Tuchuan threatened.

Ji Tingyi smiled: "You don't want to see her again. How about Chen You not allowing her to come over? You can spare her this time." She said, gathered up the courage and walked to him, gently twitched. His sleeve.

Shen Tuchuan's face was not good: "Ji Ting, you have been lonely for others for the second time, wouldn't it be okay to kill someone alone in the future?" Rather than be tired of Ji Ting always standing in a camp with others, it is better to say that she doesn't like her to interfere On his own decision, this is his world, his harem. He kills whoever he wants to kill, kills as many as he wants, and beaked by her every time.

"Your Majesty ..." Ji Tianlu begged.

Shen Tuchuan's eyes grew more gloomy, revealing a little paranoia that was not easily noticeable by himself: "Ji Ting, you should always listen to loneliness, and you should not oppose the decision of loneliness."

"If His Majesty's decision is correct, Chen Ye will naturally not object." Ji listened carefully.

Shen Tuchuan narrowed his eyes: "The decision to be lonely is naturally right."

Ji heard his lips sighed and sighed slowly, kneeling slowly at him: "Your Majesty, please forgive her." The implication was that he still did not think his decision was right.

Shen Tuchuan looked at her fiercely, seemingly anxious to execute her. All the palace people above the main hall did not dare to come out, only Bai Yuer's whispering sound was very obvious in the extreme quiet.

After a while, Shen Tuchuan seemed to think of something, and there was a hint of evil in his eyes: "Since the queen begged, then this woman was confined to her palace for life, and she was not allowed to go out."

"Thank Your Majesty." Ji Ting relieved slowly.

Shen Tuchuan stared at her for a long time, and said unhappyly: "Lone to your heart, should you also go to your heart?"

"What does Your Majesty want Chen Ye to do? Chen Ye is obedient." Ji heard that he didn't lose his temper, and there was a hint of surprise in his heart, but it was more relaxed. Compared with when he first saw him, he seems to have a much better temper now. If he continues to improve this way, maybe he has changed from a tyrant to a bright lord, and there are still so many people who want to kill him.

Shen Tuchuan raised his lips: "The queen made good pastries a few days ago, so why not make some more for Gu?" Although I have thought of a better way to treat her, I still don't want to let her go so easily.

Ji listened to just making pastry, and immediately agreed: "What kind of pastry does your Majesty say, and I will make it for you later."

"every kind."

Ji Ting: "..." The pastries she made for him are less than a dozen.

"Why, the queen is unwilling?" Shen Tuchuan raised his eyebrows. "If you don't want it, then the orphan will kill ..."

"I'm willing to, even if there is no concubine, Chen Ye is willing to wash your hands for soup," Ji heard busy interrupting his words.

Shen Tuchuan snorted softly, glancing at Bai Yuer, who was shaking on the ground, and his face was full of disgust: "Not yet!"

Ji Ting: "..." It's really fortunate that the tyrant can't do without himself, otherwise, because of his aversion to women, I'm afraid that she would have killed her thousands of times.

Bai Yuer was so scared at this moment that the tears messed up the makeup on her face, and the whole person was very embarrassed. Finally, Ji Ting winked at her palace man and told them to drag her out.

As soon as Bai Yuer left, the atmosphere above the main hall was much more relaxed. Ji Tinghua took the hand of Shen Tuchuan: "Your Majesty just returned from the discussion with the Minister. It should be tired. It is better for the Minister to stay with you for a while and then change. Make clothes for you? "

Shen Tuchuan raised her eyelids and gave her a glance. Ji Ting immediately laughed and pulled him back to the dorm. When he was about to enter the house, Shen Tuchuan stopped and frowned and said to Ji: "You go ahead, let Li Quan do it alone."

Ji heard that he had something to say about the previous dynasty, so he nodded and went ahead. Shen Tuchuan called Li Gonggong and said something in his ear. He heard a layer of cold sweat on his back, and he turned around and left after hurriedly.

Shen Tuchuan came into the room before seeing that Ji Ting had finished dressing, so he hummed to her side. Ji listened carefully to him, still couldn't help asking: "Your Majesty, have you really forgiven her, haven't you secretly killed someone?"

"If you want to kill alone, naturally you will not kill secretly." Shen Tuchuan looked at her coldly.

Ji Hean was relieved and coaxed him with rhetoric, until he was no longer impatient between his eyebrows and breathed a sigh of relief, waiting for him to rest.

There is peace in Fengqi Palace, as if the previous dispute did not exist, but in the palace where Bai Yuer is, it is not so pleasant. She was lying on the table crying, as if the sky had fallen. What happened today was her shame. She couldn't imagine how other women in the harem would laugh at her.

Tired of crying, she looked around in tears with tears in her eyes, and could not help crying louder: "Where is Li Yan? Where has she gone?"

"Little ancestor, where is the slave, before you go out and give you the bird's nest, you're crying so badly, you have to make up for it." A pleated cricket walked in quickly, holding a bowl in his hand. Bird's nest.

Bai Yuer cried and swept the tea set on the table to the ground, half ashamed and half sad. "From now on, this palace will not even be able to go out, and your majesty will not see this palace. What good is it! "

"Don't dare to say that. The future is still growing. The mother is so beautiful that she will one day be favored by her Majesty." Li Yan advised.

Bai Yu'er didn't believe at all: "You haven't seen your Majesty being tired of our palace today, I'm afraid he won't look after this palace in my life."

Li Yan glanced around, and stretched his face loudly, "You all go down."


When the other people in the palace left, she crouched at Bai Yuer's feet and lowered her voice. "Your Majesty is tired of the maiden, because the queen maiden is here, and the slave-in-law tells you something, but the maiden is beautiful. The queen lady is still inferior. If you don't have the queen lady, you are the most beautiful woman in this palace. By then you will not be afraid that you will not let it out to be favored. "

Bai Yuer's eyes fluttered: "What do you mean?"

"Mother-in-law, slavery has broken heart here. It is a common method used by the elderly in the palace in previous years. It is colorless and tasteless when eating, and the attack is still three days later, and it is no different from sudden death. You ca n’t find it on your head. . "Li Yan whispered.

Bai Yuer was shocked: "You want me ..."

"Mother-in-law, are you confined for a lifetime, or a way out, you choose yourself?" Li Yan said, then took out a small paper bag from his sleeve and placed it gently on the table.

Bai Yu'er looked at the paper bag struggling, and put something in his hand after a long silence.


More than a dozen pastries, Ji Ting began in the afternoon, and it was not completed until it was dark, so tired that the whole person would die, so that someone calling her would sit at the table with a look of enjoyment, and still return A mockery: "Ai Fei has since become a queen, but this technique has taken a lot of steps backwards. If you don't work hard, I'm afraid I can't give you a child."

Ji Ting: "..." That was really thankful.

With so many cakes, Shen Tuchuan still gave his face, and he ate a piece of each one. His aunt couldn't help laughing after eating the last season. Shen Tuchuan noticed her smile and frowned. "What are you laughing at?"

"Chen Ye just felt that his appetite was much better than when Chen Ji had just arrived, and his face seemed to have a little more meat, and he became more handsome." Ji listened and looked at him with a smile.

This kind of compliment is like the elders praise the children. Shen Tuchuan listened to the novel and interesting, and there was a warm feeling of comfort. In fact, this feeling seems to occur every time I get along with her, which is one of the reasons why he has been reluctant to kill her.

"Gu was always handsome." Shen Tuchuan raised his jaw.

Ji Ting also laughed: "Yes, yes, Your Majesty has always been handsome."

Shen Tuchuan was only satisfied, and no longer blamed her. The two laughed for a while, and then went to Yu Garden to take a full meal. No one mentioned Bai Yuer anymore.

After two days in a row, it was the early morning of Shen Tuchuan's early rise to the dynasty. Ji Ting fell asleep as usual and refused to wake up, but he was still pulled up by her. She had a sleepy expression of dissatisfaction: "Your Majesty!"

"Open your mouth."

Ji opened his mouth subconsciously, and a pill was thrown in immediately. When she opened her eyes in horror, she had swallowed the thing.

"... Your Majesty, can't you stand to want to poison me?" Ji Ting coughed twice and didn't cough.

Shen Tuchuan looked at her with a disdainful look: "Gu Gu gave you a tonic. As soon as Gu took it, this one will reward you."

Ji Ting didn't believe his ghost words. After waiting for a while without any bad symptoms, he fell asleep and fell asleep. When he woke up again, it was already noon, and Shen Tuchuan had long since disappeared.

"Mother-in-law, are you awake?" Tweety hurried over. "Only someone came in the White Palace, and gave the mother-in-law a plate of persimmons, and said thank you for her life-saving grace."

Ji Ting yawned, "Oh, I see." After that, he went to wash, and appeared on the dining table shortly after.

The persimmons sent by Bai Yuer were also placed on the table. A layer of hoarfrost hung on the dried persimmons, which was indescribably beautiful. Ji Ting took one, and his eyes brightened when he ate it in his mouth. He immediately took another one after he had eaten it, and soon took away most of the plate.

"Niangniang, you have to eat less, and still have to eat." Tweety discouraged.

Ji Ting waved his hand: "I'm fine, wow ..."

Before she finished speaking, there was a sudden pain in her stomach, and then she vomited all around. Before waiting for her to stand up, she heard Tweety scream: "Mother!"

She raised her head in confusion, and fell to the ground without knowing anything.

When she woke up again, she was already lying in bed. Shen Tuchuan was somber with a pill in her mouth to see her wake up. "Open her mouth."

Ji Tingguai opened her mouth and ate the pill without a word. Before she asked, Shen Tuchuan explained first: "What you did was to leave the woman alone, but the woman felt that she had killed you. She There is hope to be favored, so I moved my idea to you. "

Ji Ting blinked his eyes, only to realize that the ‘that woman’ in his mouth was Bai Yuer.

"She did such a poisonous thing. Gu has killed her. Will Auntie blame her?" Shen Tuchuan narrowed her eyes, though it was a question, but threatened by language. It seemed that as long as she dared to nod, he wanted her. good looking.

Ji Ting silently stared at him for a while, and asked, "What is going on?"

Shen Tuchuan snorted and explained Bai Yuer's poisoning, and finally added a sentence: "She made a confession before she died. If Aifei didn't believe it, she would be lonely."

After speaking, Ji didn't wait to hear the expression, so he was asked to take Bai Yuer's confession and put it directly in front of her. Ji Ting took his confession and looked at it carefully, and sighed quietly: "I didn't expect it ..."

"When you see her clearly afraid of Gu, but you still need to meet with Gu by you, you know that she is a vicious person, concubine, your eyes are awkward." Shen Tuchuan was proud.

Ji Tingyou looked at him: "I'm talking about you."


"Your Majesty, Bai Yuer wrote the confession. The medicine she gave me was very toxic. Why don't I feel anything now?" Ji Ting stared at him straightly.

Shen Tuchuan raised his chin: "Because you took the medicine, you found it from her palace alone."

"Can your Majesty tell me why this antidote is exactly the same as the tonic you gave me in the morning?" Ji heard expressionless.


"Why does Bai Yuer poison me and use poison that works so fast? It's not like secretly killing me to invite pets, it's more like killing them all together, but she doesn't have to do it at all. Also, Your Majesty, in your nature After discovering that she was poisoned, how could she not have the patience to let her record her confession. You want me to believe that all this has nothing to do with you, but show your stubbornness. "Ji heard nothing.

Seeing Shen Tuchuan not talking, she paused after a moment and said, "Did you let me know that I shouldn't plead for others", so I deliberately taught her? As for the so-called poison, the person who believed you told her It ’s completely different from the actual effect, so she dared to eat and put medicine upright? ”

Shen Tuchuan was silent for a long time, and suddenly became embarrassed and angry: "The solitary person asked her to point her, but if she had half conscience, how could she listen to two gossips casually, and then she would be a vicious hand to the beneficiary? Such a woman is a scourge. Believe it or not, even if she doesn't encourage her, she will find other opportunities to fight you in the future ?! "

Ji listened silently.

"You can see that you are small and you can see that she is a woman who never stops trying to achieve favor. That's why you have to kill her. But you prefer to believe in others, but you can only tell you by the facts. You should n’t stop solitary killing, ”Shen Tuchuan stretched his face.“ I feel lonely? It ’s like that in the palace. If you are not careful, you will kill all the dangers in the cradle and you will die sooner or later. Where I once disdain. "

Ji heard that he was accustomed to killing, but this was the first time he heard him say this, and for a while he didn't know what to say, but only saw his usual expression, and his heart was a little touched. Due to Shen Tuchuan's personality, there was no struggle in the harem, so she forgot that this was a place that needed to be more vigilant.

...... The tyrant should have suffered a lot, so I have these feelings.

When Shen Tuchuan saw her not talking, she panicked for a moment, but her face was still stubborn: "Why, I feel lonely is terrible, so I don't want to talk to lonely?" After he said it, he put his fingers on his shirt and held his shirt calmly. Seems to be trying to control emotions.

"... You're right. Even if she doesn't have your teachings, she will transfer hatred to me in the future. Who told me to have her jealous and her Majesty's pet." Ji laughed after hearing a sarcasm. Just a few days after Bai Yuer rescued her, she ruthlessly attacked her, and she could see that she was unscrupulous.

Mindfulness was wrong against her, and Ji Ting was not a sage, how could he not care about Bai Yuer's fault. Even if she is young, she should be responsible for her actions. If she didn't take action against her, Shen Tuchuan would not kill her, and she would ask for everything.

Shen Tuchuan frowned. "Are you still lonely?"

"Of course weird!" Ji Ting showed grief and indignation. "No matter how you say, you can't teach me to see a person by poisoning me. This time I just vomited. What if I die next time?"

"Gu has already given you antidote, so naturally he will not die."

Ji Ting's eyes stared: "It won't hurt and it's uncomfortable! I'm going to vomit to death after taking the medicine!"

Shen Tuchuan was silent for a moment, and then erupted: "So who will allow you to eat so much! It ’s not enough to eat one of the kind of persimmon ?! If you do n’t eat too much, how can you vomit!"

Originally, it was a medicine to make her sleep, fearing that it would cause side effects. She also specially gave her pills to protect her stomach. As a result, her persimmon was half a plate and she vomited out. If it wasn't for her waking up, how could he give her another pill, and how could she be caught by her!

Shen Tuchuan became more and more angry, and his such a good plan was directly seen through by her, which was a shame and shame.

"... Are you going to make it a little less when you take the medicine?" Ji Tingqi ended.

Shen Tuchuan was annoyed: "Who knows which one you eat, you have to wipe it out."

Ji Ting: "..." So, blame her?

The author has something to say: 串 儿: Other villains die of too much talk, why did I die when my wife was too good to eat?

Ji Ting: ... the last thing I should do is eat that plate of persimmons!

The emotional line should develop! My anxious heart

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