Ji Ting had eaten a lot of dried persimmons, and after getting dizzy for a while, he still felt like he couldn't step on the ground, as if he had eaten poisonous mushrooms, and the whole person was dizzy. This dizziness continued for two or three days before she got better.

Since Bai Yu'er was beaten by a cane, the harem instantly became a lot of rules. The women who had previously moved their minds because of the envy of Ji Tian's life were completely honest, and never dared to have other ideas. After they didn't disturb their minds, they no longer tried to please Ji listen, but a group of people recovered to the time when they were comfortable with each other.

It was the first day of the day again, and a small snow suddenly floated in the early morning. The clear wind rolled with soft snowflakes and fell on the red walls and green tiles in the palace.

When Ji heard that it was snowing, he hurried up. He ran to the window to look at the snowflakes outside, and took a breath of fresh air. The whole person seemed to be washed, and his eyes were clear from the inside to the outside.

"Mother-in-law, the ladies in the palaces are already waiting in the side hall, please hurry up." Tweety smiled and gave her a dress.

Ji listened for a moment: "It's their time to greet them again?"

"Ye niangniang, today is the first day of the first lunar month, and the new year will be another month." Tsui Er answered with a peeping eye.

Ji Ting blinked his eyes: "The time has passed so fast, unknowingly this palace has been in the palace for half a year."

After so long, she seems to have done nothing, but the amazing thing is that Shen Tuchuan's birthmark seems a lot lighter, and it would be a pleasure to come to him. After so long getting along, Ji Ting also understood that the world didn't want her to keep the tyrant to bed at the end of his life, but to prevent him from being killed before his birthmark completely disappeared.

It seems that her task is just around the corner.

Ji Ting went to the side hall in a good mood. Before it was too late, he heard what was being discussed, such as 'birthday' and 'greeting gifts', and it seemed to be very lively. Ji listened to it, and he couldn't help but quicken his pace. As soon as he stepped into the door, he couldn't wait to ask: "What are you talking about?"

"Greetings to the Queen Mother."

"Let's get up, talk to this palace, what are you talking about?" Ji Ting came to the main seat and sat down curiously.

The fat girl laughed: "Going back to the queen's maiden's words, the servants are talking about her birthday party at the end of the year."

"What birthday party?" Ji listened for a moment.

The fat girl didn't know anything about her but she was still able to do her Majesty's spoiled concubine for so long. It has been used for a long time.

After thinking a little about her thoughts, she quickly explained to Ji Ting: "Your Majesty's birthday is on the 27th day of the second lunar month, and another three days is the New Year. At this time of the year, the palace will be very busy, and even Fanbang will send envoys specially Every year, there are many rare gifts being sent here, and it ’s a good time to open the eyes, and the officials are looking forward to it. "

After listening to Ji, I can understand it. The tyrant's birthday has been celebrated with the Chinese New Year, so every year, they are doing a lot of work. They want to take advantage of this time ... New Year, Shouchen, Ji Ting faintly think that these two words are related together, why? So familiar?

But she didn't think much. Looking at the concubine's look of expectation, she couldn't help but asked, "You are not afraid of your Majesty now?"

A girl flinched her head and spit out her tongue, saying, "Shou Chen shouldn't see blood on that day. Her Majesty never killed someone at that time."

The others immediately nodded again and again, like a group of quail moves in a uniform manner, Ji listened to tears and laughed and turned the topic off.

After chatting for a while, and rewarding something, the tea party once every half month is over. Ji Ting stretched back to the room to freshen up and prepare to deal with older children who are about to finish their work.

She simply changed clothes, and Shen Tuchuan came when she was dressing. Ji, who was putting lipstick on her lips, listened to him in the bronze mirror and saw him leaning against the door frame to look at himself lazily. Come back early today. "

"It's almost New Year's Day. It's just when it's free. It's snowing outside today, can Ai Fei see it?" Shen Tuchuan walked behind her lazily, and Tsai, who was combing hair for Ji Ting, quickly retreated, he Holding the jade comb, she combed it for a while.

Ji Ting has long been accustomed to his three screams, 'Love Concubine, Queen, and Ji Ting', and continues to look at him in the bronze mirror: "On the first day of today, the sisters of the palaces came to please, Chen Yi. Then he got up, naturally he knew it was snowing. "

Shen Tu Chuanton paused, suddenly: "It turned out to be a day of peace."

"... You didn't take this errand to Chen Yi, so soon you forgot it?" Ji heard nothing.

Shen Tuchuan snorted: "There are so many things to do alone, how can you remember your little thing."

Ji Tingxian gave him a glance, and put on another layer of fat, it looked very bright and red. Shen Tuchuan was silent for a while, and she had to smear when she saw her. Finally, she couldn't help it: "If you go out like this, others will think you just ate a child."

"Your Majesty may not know that this is generally a symbol of blackness. If you scribble more, no one dares to bully." Ji listened with a serious face.

Shen Tuchuan disdain: "Who dares to bully you?"



"Obviously the errand I hate the most, but I still have to give it to the minister. The minister did a good job without seeing your compliment. Instead, it is a matter of course, isn't it just bullying the minister?" Ji Ting narrowed his eyes.

Shen Tuchuan didn't say a word, and it took a long time before he said slowly, "My concubine, even if you paint your mouth black, you should still bully if you should bully."

Ji Ting: "Oh."

Shen Tuchuan was in a good mood. After helping her with her hair, she looked at the dressing table and frowned. "Where's the flying sky that sent you alone?"

"Isn't it on the table? It should be rewarded to concubine." Ji listened and glanced at the table, he didn't care if he didn't find it.

Shen Tuchuanton paused: "That thing is embedded with the best pigeon blood. I'm afraid I can't find a second one in the world, so you just reward people?"

"It's not casual, after all, it's your concubine. Strictly speaking, it's also one of your wives," Ji Ting casually took a mule on the table and handed it to him, then he said, "Not just shaking, but There are many things next to them. They are not needed here, so they are given to them. "

After all, it is a virtual world. Except that it looks good to her, it has no value at all. Since the little girls like it, she has sent it out.

Upon hearing the words, Shen Tuchuan laughed directly: "You are bold, but you dare to dispose of things that you sent arbitrarily." That is to say, but there is no intention to punish her, so she even helped her to hold her hair. None of them were vigorous.

After he put the sister-in-law on her head, Ji listened and looked around, and nodded with satisfaction: "Your Majesty's craftsmanship is so good, I don't know how much better than Chen Yi."

"It's good if you understand in your heart. As a woman, she doesn't even comb the simplest bun, it's really stupid." Shen Tuchuan looked at her dismissively. He can see this kind of things, but this woman can't even the most basic ones.

Ji listened with satisfaction and glanced at his minimalist bun, got up and pressed him to the dresser, and gently pressed him to his temples: "Your Majesty, you should be tired of discussing all morning, you should be tired. press."

Shen Tuchuan closed his eyes with a relaxed look. Ji listened to his face in the bronze mirror and suddenly felt that even if he put aside the filter that his face brought to him, just looking at his small expression or the like, he also felt that he was somewhat Cute ... terrible, she even thought the tyrant was cute.

When Ji listened, his strength was a little stronger, and Shen Tuchuan frowned suddenly: "Indulgent, do you want to murder alone?"

Ji Ting: "..." Sure enough, I just thought he was cute, just an illusion.

She smirked and let go of her strength, and then Shen Tuchuan's expression relaxed. Ji listened secretly, and looked at his relaxed face, thought for a moment and asked, "Your Majesty is about to have a birthday?"

"Well, there will be less than a month." Shen Tuchuan closed his eyes.

"Birthday, what did your Majesty do?" Ji heard a little curious.

There was an additional gully between Shen Tuchuan's eyebrows: "It is nothing more than ambassadors from various countries to pay tribute, and the banquet in the palace will not end until New Year's Eve." A banquet must be set up for several days, although only one face each time But he left, but he still didn't want to go. He was impatient when he mentioned it.

Ji listened and looked at his face, and once again felt the awkwardness of the tyrant, clearly a cruel and tyrannical one, but he did not conflict with the minister in the state affairs, and he shouted and shouted every day, but every time his ancestors The rules, just to follow them, really make people wonder if he should be faint.

She raised her lips: "There are still more than twenty days, and the time is also very urgent. It seems that Chen Yi must prepare a gift for Her Majesty. Does His Majesty have anything?"

Shen Tuchuanton paused, opened his eyes slowly, and looked at her through the bronze mirror: "Are you going to give an orphan gift?"

"Yeah, this is Chen Yi's first birthday celebration for you. Naturally, you should prepare for it, but you don't know what your Majesty likes. I'm afraid that Chen Yi prepared you don't like it." Ji Ting blinked at him. In all fairness, the tyrant is still good to her, and she should also reciprocate, and should not rely on her identity as a sleeping pill.

Shen Tuchuan looked at her brow full of joy, but for a while she didn't know what to do. His birthday is every year, but every year he is dealing with envoys of various countries, and he has to participate in irritating banquets. None of the things he did in those days are his favorite, so he is not willing to spend his birthday.

... Ke heard that he was going to give him a gift, but this was new.

When Ji heard him silent, he could not help asking: "Why doesn't your Majesty speak?"

"Gu has never received a gift before, so I couldn't think of anything for a while," Shen Tuchuan answered honestly.

Ji heard a laugh: "Don't make trouble, your ambassadors have sent you something that is not a good thing. There is also a birthday gift from the harem. How can it never have been a gift."

"Those were given to Her Majesty, not Shen Tuchuan. Since the Queen asked Gu ’s opinion, naturally she wanted to send Shen Tuchuan?" Otherwise, there is no need to ask, only the most expensive and best thing to send is .

Ji listened for a moment: "That's right, Chen Ye just wants to give you a little bit of what you like." She was actually just to please him, but she didn't expect to be sublimated by him suddenly, so he was embarrassed to admit it for a while I just felt that it was too shameful to take him directly, so I wanted to wait for him to nod before sending it.

But looking at it now, it is impossible to count on him to pick it in his private storehouse. It is only hoped that he doesn't demand too much of himself, just want to have something to say.

In the eyes of Ji Ting's expectations, Shen Tuchuan said in a second: "It would be better for Aifei to cook a bowl of longevity noodles that day."

"Longevity noodles?"

"Well, I need two more poached eggs. I think it ’s how ordinary people would live like this, but I was curious for a moment." Shen Tuchuan said slowly and saw Ji listened with a complex look on himself. He frowned, "Is the request too high?"

"... No, if your Majesty likes it, Chen Yi will cook a bowl of longevity noodles for you that day." The tyrant's request was really unexpected ... simple.

Shen Tuchuan was satisfied, and after speaking with her two more words, she went to see the minister again in Yushufang. As soon as he left, Ji Ting relaxed, and kept thinking about the tyrant's birthday party. After thinking about it for a while, he started to read the original text of the novel, and when he turned it, he saw the birthday party. Things, eyes widened immediately.

When she read the article before, because this book is about the story of the male hero breaking through rivers and lakes, in addition to the two hundred words about the tyrant, she didn't take a closer look at it. As a result, she saw the problem—

This birthday feast turned out to be the cause of the male chief killing the tyrant.

Ji listened to his lips, and read the profile again. In the plot after the male lord killed the tyrant, someone asked him why he wanted to kill the prince of a country. The male rep answered that the tyrant killed him at the birthday party. Years of close friends, so he is avenging his best friends.

... So who is this best friend?

Ji Ting quickly reviewed the novel. I didn't dare to miss every word this time. Even the plots after the tyrant's death were carefully searched several times. After seeing it over and over, I finally saw it. This is a little prince who came to the palace this time. The tribe of the little prince had just clashed with the tyrant. This time he came to assassinate the tyrant, but he was defeated instead.

After listening to the cause-effect relationship, Ji suddenly became cheerful, and finally determined what he was going to do: calmly stop the assassination of the little prince, and then let him leave safely, so that the lord has no reason to kill the tyrant, and the tyrant's safety is now Protection.

Just how to stop the little prince, she had to think about it. Ji Ting tightened her brows, sitting at the table and thinking for a long time, and finally her eyes fell on the persimmons on the table ... Since she had eaten too many toxic persimmons, Shen Tuchuan sent her this stuff every day, now Seeing vomiting that is almost conditioned.

Ji Ting stared at the persimmon for a long time, with a disgusting look holding something to block it.

The first snow stopped for more than an hour, and the snowflakes melted immediately after falling on the ground, and soon dried by the sun, as if it had never snowed in the palace.

No matter whether the snow is big or small, it means that winter is officially here, and the weather is really cold day by day. The cold wind blows on people, as if the seams of bones can be blown away. Later, two more snowfalls continued. The thick tiles on the tiles in the palace were finally accumulated, and the red walls and blue tiles were white and snow. The plum blossoms in the palace were bright and dripping.

Although Dongjing was beautiful, Ji Ting didn't like to go out. She spent all day in the dormitory with a ground dragon. Even her concubine asked Andu to run to her house. In short, she was reluctant to move.

However, she didn't want to move anymore, and it was time to go out, because Shen Tuchuan's birthday was just a few days away.

When she heard about the little prince entering Beijing, she wanted to stop people directly outside the palace to prevent him from running in and assassinating. Unfortunately, I think very well, but because there is no helper outside the palace can only give up. In this way, the chance of blocking will only be above the birthday party.

Ji Ting felt a headache every time he thought about it, but he had no choice but to wait quietly for that day to come. And that day soon arrived.

Early in the morning, Shen Tuchuan fished her out of the thick quilt. When she saw her dissatisfaction, she could not help but snorted: "Hurry up and get ready early."

"... What's the preparation?" Ji Tingyue's eyes were hazy, and he could see through a layer of window paper that the outside was bright because of snow, not that it was already bright.

Shen Tuchuan paused, and frowned unhappyly: "You forgot? Today is a solitary birthday."

Ji Ting opened her eyes suddenly, and suddenly she was distressed: "Is it just today ... Yes, yes, it's a sleepy mess." She was still reviewing today's plan, and it turned out that It was too sleepy for a while, so I didn't remember it until now.

Seeing her hurriedly getting up, Shen Tuchuan looked slightly anxious, looking slightly better: "You don't need to be so anxious, you are alone and not hungry, go to the Royal Study Room and come back later for breakfast."

"That minister is waiting for His Majesty to come back." Ji Ting smiled quietly.

Shen Tuchuan nodded slightly, then turned and walked out. When Ji Ting watched his back come to the door, he suddenly called him: "Your Majesty!"

"Huh?" Shen Tuchuan turned back.

Ji Ting smiled and frowned: "Happy birthday to Your Majesty."

Shen Tuchuan's heart seemed to be punched in an instant. Something made him tremble a bit. In my mind, I thought that in every year from the beginning of this year, this woman would smile at herself. With that said, this life doesn't seem to be so long.

Shen Tuchuan's lips were dry, his eyes narrowed to conceal the confusion at the bottom of his eyes, and he forced a dismissive noise and then went out.

As soon as he left, Ji heard the smile on his face disappeared, and hurriedly called Tweety. When he saw her, he asked directly: "What do you want from the palace to ask you with Grandpa Li?"

"Hui Niangniang's words have already been asked with Grandpa Li, and they are all in the side hall." Tweety looked nervous.

Ji listened and nodded, and asked, "When will the envoys of the Panbang enter the palace?"

"It's about the afternoon. At that time, the female relatives will come to the harem to meet the mother-in-law, and the envoys will go to pay respects to His Majesty, and they won't get together until the dinner." Tweety answered one by one.

In other words, she can only do it at the birthday party, the difficulty is really too great. Ji listened with a sigh, and once again ordered Tsui'er: "You must be careful of these people, not to be discovered by your Majesty, but also tell them not to be too fearful, what the palace does will not affect His Majesty, Your Majesty Even if you know it, you won't blame this house, let alone involve you. "

"Slavery knows that the maiden will not harm Slavery, and Slavery must do their utmost." Tweety looked seriously.

Ji listened to his heart with a heavy smile and waited for Tweeer to leave her expression before praying that everything went well today.

Since Shen Tuchuan said that she would come back for breakfast, she cleaned herself up first, didn't eat anything, and waited for him to sit down and eat together.

"Your Majesty eat more, I'm afraid to be busy today. I don't know when it is for lunch." Ji Tingyin diligently helped him to make dishes and decided to treat him better on his birthday.

Shen Tuchuan watched the table full of food for a moment, and then he barely picked up chopsticks for dinner. When he ate halfway, he put down the chopsticks and said meaningfully: "Breakfast today is not the same as Guyou."

"It's a lot richer than usual, right? It was Chen Wei who specially made the kitchenette. After all, it's the birthday, so you have to eat well." Ji heard a laugh.

Shen Tuchuan glanced at her, hummed and stopped eating, and seemed unsatisfied. Ji listened and asked, "What's wrong?"

"I'll be busy with things nearby, so I won't eat any more." Shen Tuchuan said, and went out.

Ji Ting hurriedly stood up: "But you just ate so much, how can it support you in the morning."

"Don't eat it, it's hard to eat." Shen Tuchuan said impatiently.

Ji listened for a moment: "Are you going to come back for lunch?"


Ji Ting: "..." What stinking problem, do you think that the meal here is unpalatable and ran over?

After waiting for Ji to understand what kind of temper he was in, Shen Tuchuan came to lunch on time at noon. The result was still unhappy throughout the process, and he still didn't like to eat. Ji Ting found that the man really couldn't get used to it. The more he tried to eat and drink, the more he asked for something. He simply left him there.

Until the banquet, the two men appeared together on the main platform and accepted the worship of civil and military officials and envoys of various countries. Ji Tingcai comforted Shen Tuchuan with the unhappy expression on his face: "Your Majesty, you will endure no more. "

"Huh?" Shen Tuchuan narrowed his eyes.

Ji listened to ‘Compassionate’ with a smile: “Are your Majesty annoyed for dinner dinner all day, please bear with me again and I will accompany you back, not here.”

Shen Tuchuan was silent for a moment: "But what are the arrangements for going back?"

"Your Majesty has been exhausted for a day, but Chen Dao dare to make any arrangements. At that time, Chen Dao will loosen your bones and bones for you," Ji heard, picking up chopsticks and arranging dishes for him. , I'm probably hungry now, so hurry up and use something. "

Shen Tuchuan obliquely slapped her: "I still don't eat anymore."

"Why?" Ji listened confused.

Shen Tuchuan sneered: "I'm afraid that I'm too full at this moment. When the dinner is over, I won't have any appetite."

"What does His Majesty want to eat? Just call Yu Shanfang to make it, and now you can eat it directly. Why wait until the evening to eat anything else?" Ji heard a laugh.

Shen Tuchuan Liangliang said: "The longevity noodles made by the queen for Gu, this is only once a year. Gu will naturally have to wait with his stomach."

Ji Ting: "..." In order to stop the little prince of Fanbang from dying, he forgot about the longevity noodles.

The author has something to say: Skewer. Revenge. Child: Today, the queen owes me a bowl of longevity noodles.

Ji Ting: ... Are you going to make up soon?

I recommend the fanciful fantasies of the late pavilion "After being watched by the top rich", which is being serialized enthusiastically, friends can check it out.


Song Niannian wore into the book and became a magnificent lady.

The female protagonist of the original book not only has the right to money, but also has a pair of ice-skeleton jade bones. She is beautiful and charming.

The original owner gave everything to Zhuan Nan, and when he died, all his money status made a wedding dress for Zhuan Nan and his Bai Yueguang, and the original owner only found that he had always been a substitute.

Now Song Niannian survived instead of the original owner, and looked at his billions of family members with a smirk: With so much money, which good-looking person to look for, let's find the middle-aged scum man?

So Song Niannian just picked a handsome waiter home.

Later people talked about it, the Miss Song family must have been stunned, and actually found a poor ghost with a small white face.

He looks handsome!

Only know that with women's money!

Later, it was discovered that it was himself who had no eyes and eyes. This poor ghost had a small white face. He actually wanted to hook up with Song Niannian, but he did not hesitate to remain anonymous. .

# 穿白 书 I became the top rich Baiyueguang #

#Those who thought my eyesight wouldn't pick a man, they were all beaten later # 2k 小说 读 网

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