"This cold day, eating a bowl of hot longevity noodles is nothing more than comfortable, queen say?" Shen Tuchuan's tone was not salty.

Ji listened with awkward smile: "Your Majesty is right, so Chen Xi said earlier that he would make longevity noodles for His Majesty. It is just to warm His Majesty and warm his body."

"Choose longevity noodles from the noodles, it will take a lot of work. If you do it now, it should be too late, so are you ready in advance?" Shen Tuchuan narrowed his eyes.

Ji Ting's smile remained unchanged: "This is natural. Chen Xun had already prepared it, but all the good things were in the back, so Chen Xun asked his Majesty to use his face after thinking of the banquet."

"Oh? That's the case. I thought you hadn't mentioned it all day and thought you forgot it." Shen Tuchuan smirked.

Ji Tingyun's fist gave him a small fist: "Your Majesty said, of course, Chen Ye did not forget." I'm afraid it's too late to go to the noodles, but I will secretly order them later, and tell the kitchenette to roll out the noodles Just go back and cook it.

As soon as she thought about it, Shen Tuchuan tilted her head at her angle, and whispered in her ear carelessly: "I have tasted a lot of craftsmanship, so it ’s you or the chef who made it. But it was clear. "

"... The noodles are all the same. How can your Majesty taste it?" Ji heard dryly.

Shen Tuchuan stared at her for a while, and smiled to reveal Bai Sensen's teeth: "If you don't believe it, try it. If you taste for Gu who would dare to impersonate the queen, Gu will strike him at the ninth group."

Ji Ting: "..." You said so, who would dare to bet on the lives of those chefs.

It seems that today's bowl of longevity noodles must be made by oneself, and Shen Tuchuan cannot be seized to do so, otherwise the words she just made will become a bully. Ji Ting couldn't sit still, always wanted to go back to Fengqi Palace to roll out the noodles, but glanced at the man who was waiting to see the joke next to him, and then looked at the little prince of Panbang who couldn't see the truth below, and thought that at this time he was still thinking about noodles It really doesn't matter.

... but if he gives up the noodles, he will have to find his own account when the banquet ends!

"Forget it and say forget, what can you pretend to be in front of you, even if you tell the truth, can you really punish you?" Shen Tuchuan saw her sitting in a difficult position, her lips couldn't help but hook Up.

"I'm wrong, I'm sorry, Your Majesty, I shouldn't forget." Ji Ting confessed wrongly.

She also wanted to educate her in two sentences, Shen Tuchuanton, and laughed directly: "You are decisive ... whoever allows you to call yourself" I "in front of you alone, bold."

"Your Majesty, Chen Ye is also busy these days. I didn't mean to forget you. Don't be angry with Chen Ye, wait for the banquet to end. If you can still eat, Chen Ye will do it for you. How about cooking longevity noodles? "Ji Tingyue pulled his sleeve.

Shen Tuchuan glanced at her and snorted dismissively.

Ji heard that this was coaxing. After he smiled, he took his hand under the table, and the tentacles became cold. She was quite helpless: "Your Majesty is wearing a lot of clothes, why are your hands and feet still cold?"

Speaking, they plugged the stove they held in the other hand, and the middle of the two people holding hands was immediately warm. With ten fingers connected to his heart and his hands warming up, his whole body seemed to be warming up. Shen Tuchuan listened to the noisy silk and bamboo sounds, and looked at the complicate singing and dancing below, and suddenly felt that this kind of birthday feast was not annoying.

Ji heard that his original irritability was gradually smoothed out, and he immediately relieved himself and began to focus on those envoys in the audience.

Although there are many people coming, it is not difficult to find the little prince who will be assassinated. After all, this one who is only twenty years old and has a copper coin-sized birthmark on his face is just that one person. Ji heard a glance at him from time to time, seeing that he began to eat on the table, and then looked at the **** behind him slightly bowed to himself, could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

She wants to prevent the little prince from giving up the assassination this time to prevent him from being killed by Shen Tuchuan, so as to avoid another assassination of his super-halo boyfriend, the ultimate goal is to save Shen Tuchuan's life. In her plan, the little prince could not die, and the male lead could not have the motive to kill Shen Tuchuan, so after thinking about it, she thought of the medicine on the persimmon.

There is nothing more useful than a medicine that only makes people drowsy for a while. She just needs to tell the little prince to take the medicine before the assassination, and keep him asleep when he can't support the assassination, and wait for him. Waking up again, it is already after the banquet, and at that time Shen Tuchuan and him will have little chance to meet. He will rush into the palace unless he is stupid.

She made this plan. Gong Li and Tsui Er were responsible for the communication and implementation. Obviously, the two people who worked in the palace for many years did not let her down. The two people knew the importance and naturally would not disclose her account. To Shen Tuchuan. Ji Ting smiled at the corner of his mouth, and looked with relief at the little prince who had to eat before he died, like a kind elder.

"Who is the queen looking at?"

The somber voice sounded. Ji Ting felt that he was numb in the coldness of his body. He turned his head innocently and looked at Shen Tuchuan's eyes and said, "Who do you want to see? Chen Ye doesn't like these songs and dances. After a while, what's the matter? "

"When the queen was in a daze, she always looked straight ahead, her eyes were empty and devoid, but she looked like a lonely person, but she didn't look like she was in a daze, she seemed to see something she expected." His eyes gradually cooled, "Looking at it alone, there are nothing more than barbarians, but there is nothing to be expected of the queen."

"... Chen Yue has never seen such a person, it was a little curious for a while, you see that they are dressed like parrots, and they are too frivolous." Ji Ting has been with this dog man for so many years, I heard him This tone understood that it was unhappy, and immediately went to him with gossip, as if whispering to him.

Shen Tuchuan's face really looked a lot better, but his tone was still a little dissatisfied: "Just treat them as parrots? How does Gu think you are looking at those men who look good?"

The envoy is a messenger who travels on behalf of a country. Regardless of his behavior or appearance, he can't shame his country. Therefore, except for a few years old and large earthquakes, each envoy is surrounded by some. Good looking family. When he saw her seeing God, he thought she was looking at those men.

"Your Majesty, isn't he joking? With a beautiful man like you on the side, do you think Chen Ye can really look at the men above and below?" Ji listened with a look of shock.

The incredibleness in her eyes pleased Shen Tuchuan. The unhappiness that he gave birth to was completely gone: "Gu is really joking with you. If you don't feel funny, then forget it."

Ji Ting: "..." Oh, if it was really a joke.

The two looked at each other, each with a smile on their faces, playing a pair of queen and queen on the high platform.

Everyone was watching them, and the little prince of Panbong was no exception. Unfortunately, after eating something, he started yawning, and even began to fatigue with spirit. Ji Ting likes his drowsy appearance. It is best to pass out unconsciously after a while, so as to avoid the male lead and Shen Tuchuan facing each other.

After a song and dance, everyone in the audience saluted Shen Tuchuan's hoe, Ji Tan and Shen Tuchuan stood up, holding hands and accepting the congratulations from below. Although Ji Ting knew that this was only part of the process, he was shocked by the scene of so many people kneeling down. Looking at the palace people who were still waiting beside him, they also knelt down, only she and Shen Tuchuan were still standing.

Suddenly she felt a bit of a high altitude, she could not help but clenched Shen Tuchuan's hand, the hand stove played a role in the hands of two people, at this moment even Shen Tuchuan became warm.

He noticed Ji's nervousness, and looked at her slightly: "What's wrong?"

"... It's nothing, but I feel that Your Majesty is not easy. When there was no minister in the past, the next one stood here. Your hands should be very cold," Ji Ting looked half helpless and half distressed after watching. He said, "It's okay now. Her Majesty should be more lonely when he was a child. It is because the courtiers are not good. The courtiers are late."

If only he could be so good when he was very young, so that he would not have to endure this lonely loneliness from heights, and he would not have to grow up in silence, let alone the color of his birthmark unknowingly. Ji He thought of these, and sighed softly.

Shen Tu Chuanton took a moment to look at her with a rather complex look. Here it is again, the feeling of hot electric shock, and because she ran out, he didn't know what happened to him recently, why every time she said in this distressed and nostalgic tone, she would feel sour As if those lonely loneliness in the past really turned into grievances, giving him an impulse to speak out.

But the energy to talk was over, and he suddenly felt funny, but it was some experiences that seemed normal to him. Why was Ji Tianjin staring at this moment, but he was wronged?

"You didn't come early or late, just in time for the lonely temper, or you are like this, lonely has killed you thousands of times." He said in his own words.

Ji Ting: "..." Good temper? Who cut off the assassin ’s head when they first met? I've thought about it when I have trouble talking, even if I give the assassin who was cut off a little dignity!

"You seem to have a lot of things to say to Gu Gu." Shen Tuchuan looked at her eyes full of complex emotions, and could not help threatening.

Ji Ting smiled decisively and gently: "Chen Ye thinks His Majesty is right."

Shen Tuchuan hummed quietly and leaned on her quite lazily. Seeing another song and dance, Ji sighed: "Your Majesty, how long can we go?"

"When the song and dance are finished, the envoys will send the tribute, and then you can go back," Shen Tuchuan said for a moment, it is rare to be kind. "If you are really tired of sitting, go back first and wait for a while Back again. "

Ji listened to the gift, and the spirit immediately healed, but he was reluctant to leave: "Chen Ye will not leave, Chen Ye will leave a long experience, if you encounter something you like, you can ask your Majesty in time."

"You're getting thicker and thicker." Shen Tuchuan glanced at her silently, begging to talk about things casually, and it seemed that he was so used to her on weekdays.

Ji Tingxiao smiled and held his arm: "It would only be necessary for Your Majesty to give face. If you scold him twice, Chen Ye would not dare to speak again, but Chen Ye knew you would not do it."

Shen Tuchuan hummed quietly, but it was the default. The song and dance ended, and the envoy began to pay tribute. Ji Ting immediately began to appreciate the various rare things they brought.

Sure enough, she wasn't disappointed. Some of them gave calligraphy and painting to Jinyu. They all looked good. They were no worse than those that had been rewarded by Shen Tuchuan. Ji Ting silently remembered what was happening this time, and planned to get all the ones he liked later.

Just when she kept her account silently in her heart, the little prince of Fanbang came forward, and Ji Ting immediately struck 120,000 points to prevent him from hurting Shen Tuchuan when he suddenly got into trouble.

At this moment, the medicinal effect should gradually appear. The little prince was so sleepy that he gritted his teeth and reluctantly walked into the middle of the hall. It took a lot of work to fall asleep while saluting.

...... This look, before going to the front, he fell asleep, and certainly do not have to worry about his assassination. Ji approached Shen Tuchuan calmly, giving him a shot in advance: "This little prince looks as if he is crooked, as if he is about to fall at any time."

Shen Tuchuan glanced down, and he looked exhausted, and immediately raised his eyebrow: "When Gu saw him before, he didn't see him like this."

"What kind of illness may be happening, I am going to get sick now, so pathetic. For his sake to endure the discomfort to His Majesty He Shou, when he puts down the gift, His Majesty told him to go back and rest." Ji Ting continued to Shen Tuchuan Blow on the pillow.

Shen Tuchuan pondered for a moment and slowly nodded: "That's it."

After he had said it, the little prince yawned again and secretly stung himself before reluctantly not sleeping: "Give your majesty and queen, when you expect your majesty's longevity, you will definitely receive a lot of jewellery, calligraphy and painting. I thought about it, but chose something else for Her Majesty, so that Her Majesty can taste something new. "

Ji listened to interest, and whispered to Shen Tuchuan: "What did he give you, is it delicious?"

Shen Tuchuan glanced at her, and Shen Sheng said her question: "What is the little prince sending?"

"Your Majesty, please see." The little prince said and walked to the side and patted two hands. Four big beauties wearing veils and cool clothes suddenly came in outside the hall. After standing in the hall, the sound of silk and bamboo sounded, and they began to dance.

Ji Ting looked at the four beautiful women in dancing poses, thinking that they had dressed like this and waited for so long outside before coming in, and could not help feeling cold for them. It is also difficult for them. For the meaning of the leader, it has been frozen in the snow for so long. It seems that she must appreciate the dancing more seriously.

Ji listened to think so, his attention was focused, and Shen Tuchuan glanced at her from time to time, seeing that she seemed to like these four people more than the previous show, and could not help thinking about it.

The dance soon ended. Ji Tingxiao smiled and applauded them. Others saw the queen doing so and immediately followed suit. When the applause gradually disappeared, Ji Ting only smiled and said to the sleepy little prince: "The song and dance sent by the little prince is interesting, it is really hard for you."

Although the girls are very dedicated, the man is really too unkind, and only sent a cultural program, not even a little bit of material.

Unexpectedly, the little prince laughed when he heard the words: "The queen mother and wife laughed. If only one song and dance were sent, it would be too much to pay attention to Her Majesty's birthday. The four beauties are sent down."

The smile on Ji Ting's face froze for a moment.

"These four beauties are the most beautiful women on my stage. After years of education, they are so proficient in piano, calligraphy, painting, singing and dancing. After they have grown up, they will give it to their Majesty to relieve their boredom." The little prince said, shaking his head , Holding his heavier eyelids barely open.

Ji Ting finally reacted, she subconsciously looked at Shen Tuchuan. I heard Gong Li mentioned before that these Fanbangs often send beautiful women over, but His Majesty does not like people with conscience in his harem, so he refuses every time. I am afraid this time is no exception.

It's a pity that these little girls shivered and froze, but in the end they didn't get the results they wanted ...

"The little prince felt the loneliness of the mind, so leave them all." Shen Tuchuan said slowly.

Ji listened for a moment, and after hearing that he wanted to keep people instead of humiliating, he couldn't help humming at him immediately. Shen Tuchuan frowned and looked at her, but before she spoke, there was a riot. It turned out that the little prince had passed out.

"The little prince has spent the day and night traveling for Gu Heshou, so he must be exhausted. Let ’s take a rest." Shen Tuchuan is in a good mood now, naturally too lazy to care about his passing out at his birthday party, so the little prince The ambassador's delegation quickly retreated.

When the little princes left and the envoys of other countries continued to offer gifts, Shen Tuchuan found that Ji Ting's expression didn't look good.

"If you are tired, go back first." Shen Tuchuan said lazily.

Ji Ting was still angry because the **** had left some beauties. When he heard that he had to leave by himself, he hummed immediately: "Everyone said that with the new love, they would forget the old love. understood."

"What?" Shen Tuchuan didn't understand her.

Ji Ting's face was finally dark, but considering so many eyes staring at the following, she could only lower her voice and said angrily: "Your Majesty, even if you are now full of beautiful women just now, you don't need to rush away so quickly Do n’t you know that Chen Ye is not only the queen, your first wife, but also a medicine that allows you to sleep well all night! You are so angry with Chen Ye that you are not afraid that Chen Ye will make you never sleep again! "

Shen Tu Chuanton realized a moment before realizing what she was angry at, and could not help but seduce her lips: "Are you jealous again?"

Ji heard a slight hum, but did not deny it. This may be a bit shameless, but although she doesn't like the tyrant as much as the previous men's men, she still has a strong appetite for the people represented by the three characters Shen Tuchuan, even if the tyrant wants to talk to others in the future. There is something about her woman, she also disagrees.

"Queen, you are a bit jealous." Shen Tuchuan likes her as if she wants to dominate herself, as if you can see how important he is in her heart, so that he always feels his importance.

Ji didn't know that he was enjoying his jealous look, and then slanted his eyes and said coolly: "Is Guan Chenyi jealous? Chenyi will say ugly things in front. If your Majesty dare to call other women to serve Sleep, do n’t want to touch the courtiers afterwards, the courtiers should not be touched by other men, dirty. "

This statement was straightforward and fierce. Shen Tuchuan stunned for a moment before realizing that she was threatening herself. Although he was not angry, he always felt a little weird: "Lonely is a son of God, naturally wants 3,000 beauties in the harem, listen to you. Is it a solitary pet? "

"It's not a pet, it's a lifetime, a couple." Ji Ting carefully looked at his eyes.

Shen Tuchuan froze for a moment, then thought it was funny: "Do you think it is possible?"

"It's very difficult. If it's not possible, Chen Ye will not force it." Just your dog shouldn't want to have a relationship with her in this world, she will never let you touch it again. Although Ji Ting didn't say anything, the threats in his eyes had warned Shen Tuchuan clearly.

Shen Tuchuan's eyes met her, and she suddenly got a little angry. Although he was not interested in women and was not interested in women other than her, he took the initiative to do so and was threatened by her, but they were two different. select. He is the king of a country, why should he be threatened by her--

"Gu was to see you take their songs and dances seriously, so you have to leave them. If you don't like it, you can return them to Fanbang. Why should such unscrupulous speculation on Gu be so sneer?" Shen Tuchuan sneered Say it.

He did not admit that this was to explain to Ji!

Ji Ting narrowed his eyes: "Really?"

"Do you think you are lying to you alone?" Shen Tuchuan's face was a little bad.

Ji Ting stared at him for a long time and determined that he hadn't lied and laughed: "Chen Xun knows, His Majesty won't lie to Chen Xun." Then he leaned on his arms.

Shen Tuchuan turned her face expressionlessly and began to settle accounts with her: "I'm not allowed to touch you alone? You rely on your ability to make you sleep peacefully, so you threaten it alone? Believe it or not, you can find it later. The cure for insomnia will put you in the prison? "

"... Chen Ye is only afraid of His Majesty falling in love with other women, so he said so in anxiety, His Majesty should not be mad at Chen Chen." Ji Ting looked shy.

Shen Tuchuan snorted coldly, and did not fall in love with her, but said firmly: "Just this time, dare to threaten loneliness with sleep in the future, loneliness will give you death, you know?"

"Knowing Your Majesty, Chen Ye will never dare." Ji listened to this apology and did not take heart, after all, in her opinion, she has been deprived of Shen Tuchuan for many years, and it is very important to take sleep as early as possible, naturally Can't bear to kill her easily.

Shen Tuchuan also thought about this layer, seeing her fearless look, she clenched her teeth secretly.

When the queen quarreled and reconciled, the envoys of another country came: "The little Daichu and the princess offered an excellent remedy for her insomnia for her Majesty, and they were treated in accordance with this remedy to guarantee her Majesty within ten days You don't have to rely on any medicine to sleep peacefully until dawn. "

Ji Ting: "..."

Shen Tuchuan was silent for a long while: "Oh."

The author has something to say: Ji Ji listens: finished, the biggest cheat is gone

Chuaner: Oh, let me know if I have the ability

…… I brushed up the comments and found that everyone was saying that there was no update, so I hurried to the backstage to see it. The result was… Scheduled to be issued on November 24th with 50 red envelopes! Make up for the injured small heart ~ 2k novel reading network

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