The envoy looked at Shen Tuchuan with a smile, thinking that he was skeptical of his prescription and bent over to salute: "Your Majesty, don't believe it, this prescription was obtained by chance by His Royal Highness Chu. Now he has been using the medicine for more than three months without seeing any discomfort. Please, Your Majesty, please accept. "

When Ji heard the words, he slapped his lips and whispered next to Shen Tuchuan: "Your Majesty has insomnia, and his family Chu also happened to be ill? He knew it was fake, and His Majesty must not believe him." Joking, There can only be one sleeping pills in this palace, and she must not let this prescription occupy her place.

Shen Tuchuan gave her a glance at her: "The Kingdom of Chu is a land of projectiles. It has been with me for more than a century, and there has never been an act of infidelity. Their words are still trustworthy."

"... Family and parents may harm you, not to mention only the dependent countries. Your Majesty must not lose your vigilance. Is it a drug that is poisonous, or a pollution-free and harmless little cute like a courtier, it is more suitable for the care of your Majesty? What do you think? "Ji listened and pleased, without the previous arrogance.

Previously, I had to rely on Shen Tuchuan to be inseparable from myself, so I dared to make all kinds of requirements. Not long ago, he only had one of her. As a result, I saw her substitute in less than three minutes. Her requirements were instantly low ... Don't have a lifetime and a couple, it's good to keep your life.

Shen Tuchuan also knew what she thought, and looking at her carefully, she couldn't help being very funny. The woman actually felt that she could be replaced by a prescription, and she had no confidence at all.

He looked down at the envoy, and subconsciously refused the prescription to reassure her, but when the idea came out, he suddenly stopped. Many of his illnesses are caused by insomnia. If this prescription is effective, it can save his life, but he would subconsciously refuse because of Ji Ting's worry.

What's the difference between severing the back road and entrusting her life to her?

Shen Tuchuan did not expect Ji Ting to occupy such a large position in his heart, and his eyes were a little complicated for a while. From an early age, what he hated most was being influenced by people or things around him, but now and again, even if Ji doesn't listen, it is even more important to be controlled by her.

... definitely can't go on like this.

Shen Tuchuan's eyes gradually subsided, and the violent air that had not been seen for a long time came to the bottom of his eyes. After a pause, he slowly said to the humanity below: "Since it is King Chu's heart, the orphan will remain."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." The envoy immediately made the prescription available.

Ji Tingyi glanced at Shen Tuchuan's quiet side face, somehow panicked, but thought of a joke and a joke, she and Shen Tuchuan have such a good relationship, he will not always turn his face because he has an extra prescription, right? Thinking about it that way, she reassured her again, and the brothers gave him a good arm: "Congratulations, Your Majesty is about to recover."

Shen Tuchuan was silent for a moment, took a calm look at her and pulled out the hand she was holding, and then continued talking to the envoy as if nothing had happened.

Ji Ting: "..." She was ignored? Did he ignore it? !! Okay, this prescription hasn't been determined to be useful yet, but I started to ignore her?

Ji heard a sigh of anger, and ignored the man who empathized with the doctrine of fetishism. He would return to Fengqi Palace when the envoy had finished the ceremony. Before leaving, he saw that Shen Tuchuan had no intention of moving, but he owed a question. One sentence: "Chen Ye is unwell. You need to take a step first. Your Majesty can go back with Chen Ye?"

Shen Tuchuan really wanted to follow her, but the thought of being so sticky was a very abnormal thing in her own face, and she couldn't help but look stinky again: "Leave alone for a while, the queen will go back first."

Ji Ting watched his side face frown gradually, seeing that he didn't mean to follow him, he left unhappy. As soon as she turned around, Shen Tuchuan looked at her, watching her angry steps, and felt guilty subconsciously, but then thought that she was the king of a country, why should she be afraid of a woman who was about to be left out?

Thinking this way, he forced himself to stop thinking about what she was going to do, but she was always shocked in his mind, making him even more impatient with the banquet.

Ji Tingban walked towards Fengqi Palace, Tweety hurriedly greeted him before the door: "Mother, that little prince did not leave the palace."

"Don't you leave?" Ji Tingyan Mei went to the temple with her.

Tweety nodded: "They lived too far, and didn't bring too many guards when they came to the palace. It was not good to take the little prince out, so they had to settle in Taihedian first."

These people came with the determination of dying, so naturally they did n’t bring too many elites, otherwise they would lose one by one. In the end, it was their loss. So there was n’t a lot of people. Ji Ting was also understandable.

"Live in Taihe Temple, stay in Taihe Temple. Tomorrow and other little princes will wake up and send them out of the palace directly. You don't need to let them see your Majesty anymore." There was medicine on her body, but she didn't worry much.

Tweety said when she got up on her knees, when she got up, she saw Ji Ting going to the dorm, and hurriedly called her: "Mother, your majesty's longevity noodles, you haven't done it yet."

Ji listened for a moment, thinking that after he took the prescription, he suddenly left himself cold, and the anger that had accumulated just now suddenly erupted: "No, let him take the prescription."

"What prescription?" Tweety looked puzzled.

Ji listened for a moment, and went to the kitchenette with a look of disappointment: "Nothing, go to cook." Forget it, think about how he has endured the suffering of insomnia for so long, and suddenly he has a cure that he can cure, just now He always said something stigmatizing, he should be unhappy.

She was wrong, and he dared to joke about everything. He lost his temper and was normal. Since he was wrong, he naturally had to admit his mistake. Wait a bit to make more food to please him. After all, she is not the only baby of the tyrant now. Naturally, she can't be as fearless as before, but she has to please him as much as possible.

She will not only make him longevity noodles, but also make a bowl of the best longevity noodles, and use actions to tell him his irreplaceability, lest he have a new medicine and forget the old medicine. Ji Ting was ambitious and started making noodles for the first time.

... and then spent an afternoon making a large bowl of wide noodles.

"Niangniang, this ... how is it different from the longevity noodles that Nuo sees on a weekday?" Tweety asked hard.

Ji listened to silence for a moment, looking at the noodles as wide as an adult's thumb, a serious nonsense: "This is the way the maiden's mother ’s house does, and the longevity noodles in weekdays only have a length and no width, but this bowl of the palace has a length and width All have the meaning of life. "

"Then what does this life mean?" Tweety still wondered.

Ji Tingxian gave her a glance: "Of course, it's going to be a long and interesting life."

... that His Majesty is not a person who lives interestingly. Tweety only dared to say one thing in her heart, but her face flattered: "The mother is right, this side is really full of meaning."

Ji heard a slight hum, and his eyes fell on the bowl soon after he opened it. He couldn't bear to look directly at the bowl. The noodles are actually not difficult, but the difficulty is that a noodle must be completely continuous. She failed a few times before. It was broken when it was cut, or it was broken again when it was cooked in the pot. In the end, it had to be wide. Face, so that it can be considered as a complete one.

"That's it, it should be delicious." I wonder if it was self-consolation, Ji listened to whisper.

Tweety was happy when she heard her words: "Don't worry about your mother-in-law. Your majesty will feel delicious even if you are scorched and mushy. Who is your majesty's pet, she is willing to eat what her mother-in-law made."

"You have a smooth mouth." Ji heard a strange look at her, his face was much better. Also, her cooking has not always been good, but Shen Tuchuan has always been particularly popular, even when he is angry, she has not left any meal, so she doesn't have to worry about it.

Thinking about this, Ji Tingxi called Tzuer to invite someone, and he was sitting at the table waiting. Tweety returned shortly after going out, and the smile on her face was gone when she went out. After seeing Ji's expression of salute.

Ji listened for a moment and glanced behind her empty: "Your Majesty?"

"Hey, Your Majesty said that he was tired, and stayed in the Longxi Palace to rest, so that the damsel didn't have to be busy anymore, he didn't come today." Cui Er said carefully.

After listening to silence for a long time, Ji lowered his eyes calmly: "Your Majesty wants to rest, why didn't he summon this palace?"

"... Maybe I just want to close my eyes and raise my soul." Tweety thought about opening her mouth, in fact, she didn't even believe it.

She just went out for a while, and she heard a lot of discussions, saying that her Majesty had a cure for insomnia, and she might be able to sleep in the future without the help of her queen's queen, or that she would fall out of favor. At first, she was very disdainful. She felt that Her Majesty's love for her maid was not merely because her maid helped her to sleep. But who knew that when Her Majesty arrived at His Majesty, Her Majesty refused to see her and sent her directly.

She was waiting by her queen's maiden. When the maiden called her to invite her Majesty, she had never been rejected, but she was rejected after Her Majesty got her remedy today. She couldn't help thinking about it.

Ji Ting looked at Cui'er with a worried face, and half a moment sneered, and pushed the longevity noodles that had been choked to the side: "Since your Majesty doesn't want to eat, then it's down."

"Madam ..."

"Fell, I don't want to see the noodles again in this palace for three days." Ji Ting closed her eyes a little irritably.

Tweety gave her a restless look, and whispered comfortingly as she went to the bowl: "Mother-in-law doesn't have to worry, Your Majesty's love for you is obvious to you, and she will never leave you alone because of a prescription ..."

"Do you think it's a prescription problem?" Ji Ting opened his eyes suddenly.

Tweety was suddenly scared to speak.

Ji Ting narrowed his eyes and laughed mockingly: "The prescription hasn't been determined to be useful or safe, and he can't wait to abandon me. It can be seen that I've been impatient for a long time, but it's still hindering me. All I can do is to save my life. Now he's fine. He doesn't have to be afraid anymore. I guess he's celebrating in his own hall now? "

Tweety knelt down in a hurry: "The mother-in-law is careful, the palace is full of ears and ears, and the mother-in-law must never say these disrespectful words."

She used to say this often, but Tweety has never persuaded her, and it can be seen that this is really not what it used to be. Although Ji Ting knew that the tyrant turned his face ruthless, he still felt cold.

The air in the room seemed to freeze, and after a long time Ji heard a sigh of tiredness: "Homiya knows, you go down."

"Yes." Tweety gave her a worried look, and left step by step.

As soon as Tweety left, Ji Ting's shoulders collapsed, and she was lying on the table with a depressed face. The smell of sesame oil in longevity noodles permeated the room, as if nothing had changed, but it seemed that everything had changed.

Until the evening, Shen Tuchuan didn't come, Ji listened simply didn't wait, she lay down on the bed with a sullen face, and after the original anger was burned out, there was only an emotional ashes, she was lying lazily, Just wait for tomorrow's spirit, and sweep away these ashes.

Isn't the tyrant ruthless, then she is even more ruthless than him, to see who is too cold!

Ji Ting made up her mind and closed her eyes before going to bed. Although she was in a bad mood, the quality of sleep was still good. When Tweeer came in and planned to call her for dinner, she was already asleep.

Tweety stood beside the bed and hesitated, thinking that the queen's queen was in such a bad mood, and she probably woke up with no appetite. In the end, she did not wake her up, but turned and went out.

After she went out, she sighed sadly at the food at a table, thinking about going for a long time to run to find Father Li for information. Her Majesty's relationship with the Empress does not seem to be false. How could she just treat her as a cure, so there must be another problem.

Thinking about this, she quickly arrived in front of the Longxi Palace and saw the father-in-law Li who was sitting at the door hurriedly rushing forward. The father-in-law saw her also stood up: "Why are you here, but the queen mother-in-law What's going on? "

"Slaves came by themselves," Tweety lowered her voice. "Your Majesty stopped?"

"I went to Taitai Hospital today to research the recipe, and I also tried it myself. I am sure there is no problem. Your majesty is still frying. After a while, you should rest. You have nothing to do here. Li Gong frowned.

Tweety sighed, "Is the father-in-law rumored?"

"I've heard it. Those are nonsense. You go back and ask the queen queen to relax. Don't be bothered by these things." Li Gong whispered.

Tweety pursed her lips: "Mother-in-law doesn't know these rumors yet, but she is still a little unhappy. After all, Her Majesty passed by every night, but she suddenly didn't go tonight. You can't help thinking about her if you want to come. Know why Your Majesty is suddenly gone today? "

"If Your Majesty is ill, I'm afraid it will be behind when I don't pass, and my mother-in-law must think about it as soon as possible." Gong Li sighed. He was waiting with His Majesty, and it was clear that His Majesty would always stay with the Queen Mother because of insomnia. If the disease can be cured now, I am afraid that I will often go to the Queen's Palace even afterwards, but it will never be the same as before. Days will pass.

Tweety was helpless: "If the maid can understand it, father-in-law, you don't know. The maid has worked hard to make a long-lived noodle for an afternoon. She waited for her Majesty to pass with joy, but her Majesty suddenly stopped, and she was sad. I did n’t even have dinner at night, but I was so sad. ”

"She didn't eat?"

A low voice suddenly sounded, and Li Gong and Cui Er were excited at the same time, and hurriedly bowed down to salute. Li Gonggong looked anxiously at the sudden appearance of Shen Tuchuan at the door: "Your Majesty, it's freezing, why did you come out?"

"The queen didn't use dinner?" Shen Tuchuan looked at Tsui Leng coldly.

Tweety shook her a bit, and courageously said, "If you return to your Majesty, your mother-in-law has been making longevity noodles for her Majesty this afternoon. Her Majesty is not sad, and her mother-in-law is a little sad. She fell asleep early tonight without using dinner. "

"Funny! Why not wake her up to eat?" Shen Tuchuan's eyes were full of anger.

Tweety was stunned and hoeed again and again: "The mother-in-law is in a bad mood. Even if she wakes up, she has no appetite, and slaves dare not call her. It is slavery's fault, slavery should be dead ..."

Shen Tuchuan snorted and went directly to Fengqi Palace. Gong-Fang Li glanced at the back of his hurried departure, and hurriedly pulled Tweety: "What are you talking about? Hurry up and see your mother."

"... Yes." Tweety got up and followed Shen Tuchuan with him to Fengqi Palace, and there he was there shortly after.

Shen Tuchuan went straight into the house, and Tzu'er and Gong Li stopped tacitly outside and did not go in together.

There was a ground dragon burning in the room, and Shen Tuchuan walked outside with some cold hands and feet. It immediately warmed up. He looked at the sleeping quarter with a candle in the room and watched her tightly frowning calmly. Come down.

He shouldn't have come. This woman has had too much influence on him. Going on like this one day will bring him danger. Now that he has a prescription for insomnia, it is just when he can get rid of her influence on himself. It's just because she didn't have a meal at night that Bamba ran over.

Shen Tuchuan pursed his lips and walked out for a while, and Grandpa Li was surprised to see him come out so quickly, but suddenly he dared not ask anything after seeing his face, but lowered his head and followed him.

Shen Tuchuan glanced at Tzu'er, who was standing next to her, and her voice was even colder than these thirty-nine winters: "I do n’t need to tell the queen about the solitary coming today, and the queen ’s three meals a day are necessary, otherwise the whole Fengqi Palace must pay for his life with sin. "

"Yes." Tweety hurried to her knees.

Shen Tuchuan glanced at the door behind him and left with a cold face. When he returned to the Dragon Seal Hall, the medicine was already cooked. He looked at the bottom of the soup and medicine, and there was a trace of disgust, but he drank as much as possible and went to bed after drinking. Lying down.

It ’s a pity that I drank, but I did n’t feel sleepy. My head was full of the words that Tsui Er just said. When I thought about Ji Ting taking an afternoon to make a bowl of noodles, he felt dull, but he could n’t bear it. He couldn't hold a trace of pity, but every time he slightly pity, he was forcibly strangled.

After turning around in bed for an hour, he didn't see any drowsiness. He sat up with his face stretched and yelled, "What kind of **** is there! It doesn't work at all!"

Although I yelled, I didn't have any annoyance on my face, but it seemed a lot easier. Now that the prescription is useless, he can only call Ji Ji over, otherwise what to do if he just got better and burns out? Thinking about this, Shen Tuchuan opened the quilt to get out of bed, but before he put on his shoes, he yawned.

After a yawn ended, sleepiness struck up. Shen Tuchuan's face suddenly turned black, and he lay down again with his teeth cut.

Blink in the night.

Ji Ting slept too early, and she got up just as soon as she opened her eyes. When she opened her eyes, she unconsciously turned around and hugged them. As a result, she only embraced a bunch of quilts. She slowly opened her eyes, thinking of yesterday's humming after the event. Feeling bad at first.

"Madam, you are awake. Today the kitchenette has made a good soup for you. Get up and try it." Tweety came to help her.

Ji Ting pressed and slept a little drowsy head, and followed her up: "I have a headache, so I'll use the meal to go to the Royal Garden."

"Yes." Tweeer saw that she had all the mood to visit the Royal Garden, and knew that she had adjusted almost, and immediately agreed with surprise.

Ji heard her a funny look, then thought that Shen Tuchuan couldn't laugh again. The people in this palace are all good to her. The dog tyrant is not good to her. She will not be good to him in the future, just focus on the task.

Ji Ting, holding his determination to never play with him, ran out of breakfast, and put on thick clothes and a heavy cloak to go to the Royal Garden. As soon as he arrived in the garden, he saw Shen Tuchuan, facing away from one Her people talked, and Shen Tuchuan saw her for the first time, but she didn't look after just looking at her.

"It's so bad ..." Ji muttered unpleasantly, and then turned and left. As a result, he suddenly felt wrong as soon as he moved--

The person who turned her back just now doesn't seem to be wearing Han clothes?

Ji Ting stunned in her heart, and hurriedly looked over again, and before she recognized the man's costume, Tweety next to her exclaimed: "It's that little prince, mother, why hasn't he left?"

Ji Ting's speculation was confirmed, and his heart flinched. When he looked at the man again, he saw that his right arm seemed abnormally stiff, as if something was hidden inside.

She stepped forward and wanted to go. Shen Tuchuan saw her hesitating for a long time and then walked towards herself. At the same time, she felt an uncontrollable surge of joy, but her face froze: "What do you do, you do n’t see solitary Are you talking to someone? "

Ji Ting stepped forward with a stretched face. At this moment, the little prince's arm suddenly moved. When she was shocked, she lost her voice and reminded: "Be careful!"

At the same time as her voice fell, the prince in the sleeve of the little prince came out, roaring and stabbing towards Shen Tuchuan, Shen Tuchuan moved back subconsciously, although he was still agile, but it was too late at this time.

Seeing that the dagger was stabbing at himself, a force suddenly pushed him away when he was about to strike, and the next second he saw that Ji Ting appeared where he was supposed to be--

"Ji listen!"

He heard his own voice, and then everything seemed to be slowed down before him. A dagger penetrated her cloak and stabbed her on the shoulder. She was obviously injured, but she seemed to be relieved. Happy to help him block the attack.

Shen Tuchuan's brain was blank, and she rushed forward and hugged her. The little prince beside him had been chopped by the guards, and a lot of blood had flowed out, and she had unwittingly wet Ji Ting's dress.

"Solitary, solitary is a fool, Ji Ting, don't die ... don't ..." Shen Tuchuan's eyes flushed, and her hands shaking tremblingly.

Because of wearing too thick, the dagger passed through the cloak but did not pass through her thick outer shirt, thick shoulders, and thick scarf, looking at the tyrant who was crying and crying in front of him, he blinked, and then looked 'painful' The mouth said: "Your Majesty is fine, His Majesty is willing to die for His Majesty ..."

The author has something to say: 串 儿: Ai Fei, I'm so stupid, I should leave you alone for a moment of panic

Ji Ting: Will you dare in the future?

Chuan Er: Never Dare 2k Novel Reading Network

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