"Ji Ting ... Ji Ting ..." Shen Tuchuan's voice trembled, "Don't be afraid, you won't be troubled by solitude."

He said, we must hold people up, Ji Ting refused: "Don't move!"

"... What's wrong?" Shen Tuchuan was stiff, and he didn't dare to move immediately.

"Let me slow down, don't move." But the dagger was still poking on her clothes, what if he hugged himself and pushed the dagger away?

Shen Tuchuanxi nodded: "Okay, I don't move, you slowly, slowly ..."

Ji listened to this world and did not see him so uneasy. At one time, his addiction became heavier. In addition, he was still annoyed because he had been left out of the prescription for a day, so he coughed weakly: "If His Excellency is gone, His Majesty should be very happy, after all, His Majesty now has a cure, and I am afraid that he will not need him anymore."

"What nonsense, how can Gu isolated from you, don't talk nonsense." Shen Tuchuan put a hand on her face, and said this sentence without thinking.

Ji listened for a moment, humming in his heart, his face was still innocent: "Your Majesty clearly started to get cold medicine since he got the prescription, didn't he? He made a longevity noodle for an afternoon yesterday, but he kept on Can't wait for Your Majesty ... "

"It's all lonely, it's lonely or not, and lonely didn't figure out one thing." Shen Tuchuan held her hand hanging on the ground, eyes full of remorse.

Ji listened brow lightly, and forgot about the matter of pretending to be seriously injured: "What can make you ignore Chen Ye for a whole day?"

Shen Tuchuan was silent for a moment, lowering her eyes under the eyes of her examination, half a moment hard to say: "Yesterday you did not like the prescription, Gu originally intended to return the prescription to the envoy."

Ji listened for a moment, but he didn't expect that he had such a plan ... If the prescription is useful, but it can save his life, he has just moved to give up because of a few words?

"But you didn't do this, didn't you?" Ji heard his voice lowered.

Shen Tuchuan smiled bitterly: "Yes, after this idea appeared, you found that your influence on solitude was too deep, and solitude is the king and the most unaffected by others ..."

"That's why you decided to leave the prescription and leave me alone?" Ji Ting finally made trouble to understand his thoughts, but somehow he was a little angry. "Just for a moment's thoughts, I didn't even give me any warning. Did you just turn me into a stranger? "

This person did not notify her without making a decision. If it was not the little prince's assassination today, I'm afraid she didn't know what he thought at the end, and thought she had caused him unhappiness, so she was left out in the cold—

Hold on, what about the little prince? !!

Ji Ting realized that this was not the time to settle her and Shen Tuchuan. What mattered was the guy who stabbed her, so she hurry up and sat up, looking around, she saw the **** little **** the ground next to him. prince.

Well, there was blood all over the place, and a lot of it was on her dress, she seemed to have died completely, and it was completely worthless. Thinking of how much thought he had spent in order to guard against the goods, he finally died, and Ji Ting was so exhausted that he couldn't blame it. Then he blame the incident on Shen Tuchuan's head, raised his head and glared at him.

How could she have neglected the little prince for a while if it wasn't for his troubles? !!

Shen Tuchuan, who was stunned by Ji Ting, was inexplicable. When she looked at her spirit, she looked slightly strange. "Ji Ting, don't you hurt?"

Ji listened for a moment, then remembered that he was still 'injured', immediately coughed and fell back, Shen Tuchuan's face changed, and quickly caught her.

Ji Tingyou resolutely pillowed his arm: "I only heard what His Majesty had said, and I was so angry that he looked back."

"Don't talk nonsense! You'll be fine." Shen Tuchuan's voice tightened.

Ji heard a slight hum, and was just drooling when he was about to speak, and suddenly coughed up.

"Ji Ting! Ji Ting ... you bear it out, you have to put it up ..." Shen Tuchuan said. He never dared to reach out and pull out a dagger when he did not blink. He bit his teeth and hugged her. Roaring to pass the doctor, ran towards Fengqi Palace.

He ran very fast. Ji Tingben was suffering from cough and was not breathing. At the moment, he felt a sense of motion sickness. His internal organs became uncomfortable, and he ate a little too much in the morning. He vomited on him, and at the same time a lot of vomit was added to both of them. Looking at the extra stains on his body, Ji Ting widened his eyes in horror and hurriedly drew his handkerchief to help him clean it.

Shen Tuchuan noticed her movements and her eyes became redder. If there were no tears under his eyes, he thought he had cried: "When is it all the time, how can the lonely care about these, don't move around, Carefully the wound hurts. "

Ji Ting: "..." I'm afraid you don't care about it now, and you will care about it later.

Shen Tuchuan took her back to Fengqi Palace in the shortest time. When she put her on the soft couch, her face was faintly pale. Although his body has improved a lot in recent days, he is still weaker than ordinary people. At this moment, he has been running for a long time holding Ji Ting and did not throw her halfway. In fact, it is the result of insisting on clenching his teeth.

Ji Ting looked at Shen Tuchuan's pale face, and more and more felt that the matter was not over. He took another look at the doctors behind him and couldn't help but swallow. She was pretending to be injured, first for fun, and second for revenge for hurting her for a day. When she was pretending to be a doctor, she suddenly realized that she had dug a pit for herself.

... If Shen Tuchuan knew that she had been pretending from the beginning, she would really kill her?

After waiting for Ji He to start thinking about the countermeasures, Shen Tuchuan reprimanded the elder doctors: "What are you waiting for? Don't hurry to heal the queen!"

"Yes Yes……"

The doctors hurriedly hurried forward, and Ji listened and waved his hand: "No, don't use it, this palace feels much better, no need to bandage."

"Don't mess around. If they dare hurt you, they will kill them alone." Shen Tuchuan stood beside the table, holding the table.

Ji heard the weakness in his words and looked at him for a moment: "What's wrong with you?"

"It's okay ..." Shen Tuchuan finished speaking, planted in the dark before his eyes, and Ji heard a scream and flew to help him, he was completely fainted.

The Taiyi and the palace people present were in chaos. One was to listen to Ji Tian with a dagger on his body and the other was very strong. The other was to Shen Tuchuan, who had been good but suddenly passed out. However, their confusion was terminated by a phrase "Can't come to help" Ji listened to, and they suddenly didn't want anything, and jointly lifted Shen Tuchuan to the soft couch.

This time, Ji Ting was standing beside, while Shen Tuchuan was lying there. After the Taiyi had examined the pulse for him, he listened to Ji solemnly: "Queen, queen mother, your body is weak but you are running in the snow After so long, and seeing you injured and angry and anxious for a while, I passed out. "

"... That's really good." Ji heard the expression and relaxed.

Doctors: "?"

People in the palace: "?"

Ji He noticed that the atmosphere inside the hall was not right, realized that he had spoken the truth for a while, and quickly slumped his face: "If your Majesty is fine, that would be great."

"The queen mother-in-law can rest assured that the old minister will prescribe a few medications for her Majesty, and it will be good for two days," the Taiyi doctor said a moment, hesitantly looking at the dagger poked on her shoulder, worriedly. There was no injury in the fatal place, and the spirit of the mother was acceptable, but it was better to heal as soon as possible. "

He paused, and frowned, "Mother-in-law is weird. Why is there no trace of blood on the wound?"

Ji Ting: "..." Because she was not injured at all.

"The old minister dared to ask the mother-in-law to unbutton her cloak so that the old minister could heal the mother-in-law." The chief physician of Taiyi saluted her.

Ji Ting blinked, and hesitantly said, "No ... use it, Your Majesty is not awake yet. How can this palace feel healed?"

"But your mother, your injury is more important ..."

"Okay, it's just a small injury. This palace is thick when you go to the Imperial Garden, so the dagger is not tied deeply, otherwise the blood will not overflow. You all go down and leave a bottle of gold sore medicine in this palace. That's it. "The key time to be dismantled was that Shen Tuchuan passed out. What does this mean? Explain that God is helping her hide the sky!

Previously, Shen Tuchuan did n’t say anything because she passed out. Now she fainted because of her mischief. If at this time she dare to admit that she was just pretending, it is estimated that the first thing after he wakes up is to strangle. She, Ji Ting must not allow this possibility.

The doctors heard that Ji Ting wanted to heal himself, and immediately he knelt down, headed by the distressed head: "The queen queen is not good! The palace people around the maiden are not proficient in medicine, and the issue of pulling a dagger can be big or small, if anything goes wrong Things, Wei Chen and others can't afford it! "

"Okay, you all go out and wait, this palace will let Tweety help pull out the knife and apply medicine. If there is anything, then call you in," Ji said after hearing that they still wanted to oppose, and squinted his eyes, "Why, do you still have the queen of this palace in your eyes? Will you commit the following offense when you faint?"

When she said this, she learned the tyrant's unreasonable attitude in a normal way. The doctors immediately dared not to oppose it. After placing the medicine on the table one by one, they pointed out the use and kept telling Tweety, It wasn't until Ji Hean showed an impatient look, and then he dropped back with anxiety.

As soon as they left, Tweety came to Ji Ting with her medicine, and she cried out: "Mother-in-law, slaves won't do these things, why not ask the doctors to do it. If you don't like them to serve, You can call the doctor girl to come in. Although the doctor girl is not as skilled as a doctor, how can she be better than a slave? "

"I don't need you, this palace is fine for you to come by yourself." Ji heard a glance outside and determined that no one had pulled out the dagger after watching it.

Tweety: "?"

"No injuries, alright." Ji heard her look blank, could not help but laugh.

Tweety froze for a moment, suddenly a look of horror, and a panic glance at Shen Tuchuan who was still unconscious on the soft couch. Regardless of the rules and irregularities, he took Ji Ting's sleeve and walked a few steps inside, lowering his voice. Wei Wei said: "Madam, since you are not injured, why didn't you say it at first, you know this is, this is ..."

"The crime of bullying the king, this palace understands," Ji Ting looked at Shen Tuchuan outside and turned his head to face the vicissitudes of Cui'er. "This is also a helpless move, and His Majesty made up his mind to leave this palace alone. If This palace doesn't want to think of a way. I am afraid that this Fengqi Palace will be like a cold palace in the future. Do you think this palace is out of favor? "

"Of course you don't want to, but ..."

"Just don't want to, right now, God can help us, let His Majesty pass out at this time, as long as he can confuse it today, everything will be good for the future." Ji Ting is quite confident that she and Shen Tuchuan will not be husband and wife. For those things, as long as he is well dressed, he has no chance to see her so-called wound.

Seeing her calmness, Tweety gradually reduced her panic, and nodded firmly after a moment of silence: "The queen mother-in-law is good for slaves, and her family is also good for slaves. Slaves want to make her long-term favor."

"That's right, you will do as I said, the custody will not be found." Ji heard that he had changed his clothes stained with the blood of the little prince, and asked Tweety to take a little water to rub the blood on his head. When he got down, soaked some white cloth with those **** water, pretending to get it off by washing the wound.

While Tzu'er was doing this, Ji Ting herself covered the right shoulder of the dagger just now with a white cloth, sprinkled some rouge on her head, and put on her coat. The white lining was soaked with rouge water, as if blood was leaking out of the gauze, and there was almost no flaw in the glance.

When the two of them broke up to do this, Tweety invited the great doctors in. The great doctors saw Ji Ting sitting beside Shen Tuchuan in a good spirit, and they seemed to be bandaged on his shoulders, so he felt relieved.

"Today's matter," Ji Ting said slowly, and as she spoke, all the people present were tight, "Your Majesty would not like this palace to be so arrogant. If you know that this palace has not been treated by the Taiyi, you will definitely be punished. The palace, but he punished the palace, it was nothing more than copying books, etc. There was nothing else, but the whistleblower ... "

Ji obediently said that half of the stay was half, and the threatened eyes swept across all of them. The chief of the doctor immediately knelt down: "The mother's injury was very well bandaged. At first glance, I know that the maid is somewhat medical. If your majesty asks, the minister Later they said that the maid was bandaged under the guidance of the minister. "

This statement is really not faulty. After all, they did provide guidance to Tsui Er, and when they wanted to come to Shen Tuchuan, they would not wake up and ask, did they watch beside them when they were bandaging.

Ji Ting was very satisfied with their knowledge of current affairs. After taking a look at Tweety, Tweety immediately took out many jewellery, and everyone rewarded a lot. The things she gave here were all from Shen Tuchuan. All of them were good things. Although these princes have seen a lot of the world, they are quite grateful to see the queen so generous.

After sending everyone away, Ji Ting relaxed, and told Cuier to lay a quilt and cover Shen Tuchuan, and then he lay down on the bed himself.

"Mother, are you sure your Majesty will sleep here?" Tweety hesitated.

Ji Ting waved at her: "My 'injury' is more serious than him, and he won't mind." After that, he went back and lay down, although he slept early last night, but he got up early, early in the morning After so many things, she was a little tired, so she fell asleep just after lying down.

Her Majesty the Empress and two of them dominated a bed. It seemed that she could not wake up for a while, and Tsui Er called the palace person to stand at the outer door. She went to find a doctor to prescribe a soothing medicinal recipe. At noon, we should be stable for the two.

The doors and windows of the dormitory were closed, and the room was burning with sweet and fruity spices, which helped sleep and smelled good. The hourglass, which represents the passage of time, kept on falling to the sand and stood silently on the table by the window. Ji Ting slept quietly, not even knowing when the bed was too long.

When Tweety ordered the kitchenette to come in, she saw Shen Tuchuan sitting on the bed and staring at Ji, she almost screamed in shock. After all, the injury of the mother-in-law was not real. She was really afraid that Her Majesty would find something wrong. Tweeer became more and more nervous, and stood secretly in front of the door in the middle, waking up early in prayer season.

However, Ji Ting was sleeping very deeply and had no intention of waking up. Shen Tuchuan looked at her face quietly, and finally her eyes gradually fell on her right shoulder. Looking at the faint red seeping there, his eyes were a little more complicated, and once again he felt that his worry yesterday was really stupid.

She was just a woman, or a woman who wanted to live by him, but she had the courage to stand in front of him and take that sword for him, and what did she do? He even ignored a filigree flower that needed to be attached to him just because he was worried that he would be affected too much, regardless of her full affection for himself--

That's right, he is now very certain that she loves herself more than her life.

Since he was born, he has been a thousand and noble people, but whether it is the minions in the palace, the ministers of the former dynasty, or the people in the world, he has always been afraid and respectful for him, and has never been so unforgettable Love. Shen Tuchuan thought she was weak, but not untouched. At least when she was stabbed, he seemed to have lost all his soul.

For the first time, she discovered that she would be afraid, and she would die from it. From now on, there will be no one who loves him.

Shen Tuchuan's eyes were slightly hot, and she held her hand after a long silence. Tweety, who was far away from the door, screamed silently, for fear that his next step would be to look at the Queen's injury.

Fortunately, he just held Ji Ting's hand and did not take the next step. After a while, he straightened up and walked towards Twee.

Tweety hurried to her knees and heard Shen Tuchuan faintly said before she said, "Where is the longevity noodle made by the queen for orphan?"

"If you go back and back to your Majesty, after your face has been stunned, the maiden will cause the slave to fall down." Tweety answered carefully.

Shen Tuchuan was silent for a moment, biting his lips bitterly: "She is mad at loneliness." Otherwise, even if he doesn't come, he will eat it by himself, definitely not dump it directly.

Tweety dared to answer, after a few thoughts, she finally shut up.

"Well, take the solitary to the kitchenette."

"... Yes." Tweety wondered what he was going to do, but he didn't dare to ask, and he took the lead in response.

They went for half an hour, and Shen Tuchuan rushed back. As soon as he sat next to Ji Ting, Ji Ting woke up. His eyes lighted up immediately: "Wake up, how is it?"

Ji heard that he froze, then covered his right shoulder with a look of horror.

"Don't touch, it hurts." Shen Tuchuan frowned when she saw this, and couldn't refuse to take her hand down.

Ji calmed down after hearing this, and smiled, "Your Majesty is awake? Still feeling uncomfortable?"

Speaking of his fainting, Shen Tuchuan showed unhappiness: "Gutian messed up." You can think of how confused he was when he passed out. I am afraid that some of the great doctors who originally wanted to treat her will come to him.

"Your Majesty is concerned but chaotic ... Chen Ye is very moved." Ji Ting looked humblely. In the end, this injury was not real. She should not hesitate, lest she be punished in case of exposure.

Shen Tuchuan paused, and his eyes were a little harder. He called something gentle: "Compared to what you do, the things you do alone are not worth mentioning."

Ji Ting blinked his eyes: "Yes, is Chen Ye a good **** today?"

"Naturally, it's counted. You give me all the rewards you want." Shen Tuchuan raised his lips and saw that she was so spirited that she relaxed a lot.

Ji listened and laughed: "Is everything okay?"

"Well," Shen Tuchuan promised for a moment, thinking about it, and then said, "But if you want a child, I'm afraid it will take a while. If you have injuries, it is best to rest assured."

"... Thank Your Majesty, Chen Ye has no plans to have a child for the time being." Ji listened to him silently, thinking for a moment, and then said, "Chen Ye has something next to him."

"what do you want?"

"... Is there a gold medal or something like death-free gold? It's the kind of thing that no matter what his ministers do wrong, your majesty won't be angry or punish him?" Ji listened innocently, heart in his heart The thought is that if there are no fillings this time, then prepare for the future. If the fillings are exposed, it can just come in handy.

In short, she was convinced that Shen Tuchuan would not reject herself, even if she didn't have such a thing, she would get herself out because of a brief touch.


"How can there be such things that despise the imperial power, but if you want, it is good to give you a solitary purpose?" Shen Tuchuan heard that she wanted this kind of thing, and suddenly she felt a little guilty. How disturbed was she to think of something like this?

Ji heard the words and immediately thanked Shane. Before he got up to kneel, he was pressed back by Shen Tuchuan: "Gu not only gives you this will, but also rewards you with the key to the private library. If you like anything, Just go and get it. "

"Thank Your Majesty." Ji Ting wasn't very interested in this, but he didn't touch his kindness and thanked Dade for his thanks.

Shen Tuchuan stared at her for a while, then suddenly asked, "Are you hungry?"

Ji Ting nodded honestly: "A little."

"I'll take you to a meal alone," Shen Tuchuan said, reaching out her hand.

Ji Ting: "..." Suddenly so gentle, it was frightening.

However, she just uttered a word in her heart, and her face still obediently followed him up, and then walked to the table to see a bowl of noodles with a very cold appearance--

"Fuck, who brought this kind of shit-like noodle? It was an insult to his eyes, and he didn't throw it out." Ji Ting frowned.

Tweety paused, reminding to cry without tears: "Madam, this is your Majesty's noodles for you."

Ji Ting: "..."

She was silent for a long time, turning her head to look at the man next to her awkwardly, and she saw a dark face.

...... Is it too late for her to praise her now?

The author has something to say: Ji Ji listens: I often put myself in embarrassment because I can't talk to my head

Chuan Er: Oh 2k Novel Reading Network

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