The scream that almost cut through the sky seemed to be just a signal. After the signal was over, there was a short silence, followed by more screams and crying. Because the sound was a distance from the teaching building, The sound was covered a little by the wind, and it didn't seem real enough.

But even if it wasn't real enough, the panic revealed in these voices came well.

"Is something wrong?" Shen Tuchuan was a little uneasy.

Ji Hean swallowed: "... Maybe." She was obviously mentally prepared, but why was she so nervous when the end of the world came?

"It seems to be the voice from the dormitory building." Shen Tuchuan said as he walked to the window and tried to look over the dormitory building. Unfortunately, the snow was too scared at the moment. The fine white snowflakes blocked most of his vision. I can see the distant dormitory door faintly. It seems that some people stumbled out, but more people were blocked in the corridor, desperately slamming the door locked from the inside.

"Why didn't the door open?" Ji listened and walked to Shen Tuchuan solemnly, and frowned when he saw the dormitory scene.

Shen Tuchuan said, "It's not yet time to open the door. Today, I asked the host to open the door before I came out. It is estimated that after I came out, the host closed the door again."

Ji Tingran sounded, and at the same time he was sweating.

In the original text, the male partner got up early because of some insomnia that day. Now her arrival has a little influence on the plot, and it turned out that he came out early to help her carry the box, but for whatever reason, before she did not interfere with the plot, the male The match will come out of that door.

...... But she is different. Because there is no specific time for the zombie tide to erupt, she can only wait passively, and because she is not controlled by the plot, everything that happens is natural. In other words, if it wasn't insomnia this morning, she might still be sleeping in the dormitory. Maybe she was killed by the zombie group that broke out in the dormitory at this moment.

Ji thought of those roommates who hadn't been able to wake up no matter how she washed and cleaned up this morning.

"I didn't see the smoke, it probably wasn't a fire, so what happened could cause such a big riot?" Shen Tuchuan said, turning around and going out, but was caught by Ji Ting, he looked at her inexplicably.

Ji Tinggan laughed and said, "It looks messy over there. What should you do if there is danger in the past? Call the police first."

Shen Tuchuan also made sense at first, so he pulled out his mobile phone and called, but there were no signals after several calls. When he was about to go out to try, a boy rushed in staggered. When he saw them, he was startled, and then realized When the two of them were normal, they quickly locked the door.

"Zhao Heng, what's wrong?" Shen Tuchuan saw the classmate and immediately stepped forward to ask, "You came from the dormitory? What happened, why is it so noisy?"

"Monster ... monster ..." Zhao Heng looked pale and speechless.

Shen Tuchuan and Ji listened to each other, took the water cup and went to the water dispenser to pick up a cup of hot water and handed it to him: "What monster? You drink some water first, relax your mood and say slowly."

Zhao Hengquan held the water cup and passed the heat from the palm of his hand to him. He finally turned back and said to them with excitement: "Those people in the dormitory have become monsters! Let's run away!"

"What do you mean? Everyone was still sleeping well when I came out, why did they suddenly become monsters?" Shen Tuchuan was puzzled.

Zhao Heng instantly thought of the horrible scene and couldn't help but swallowed: "I don't know. When I got up the bell just now, many people in my bedroom didn't wake up, and then I called them. As soon as I opened the quilt, ,on……"

"Just what? You hurry up." Although he knew what his lines were, seeing him so embarrassed, Ji Ting still couldn't help anxious. That's right, this Zhao Heng is one of the students who pushed the Shen Tuchuan family to the zombies in the future.

"I saw them blushing and their faces distorted. I would bite me after seeing me. I was too scared and ran out. But before I went downstairs, I saw someone biting and biting. Those who are also very crazy like them, continue to bite a normal person, "Zhao Heng said, breathing is difficult," I run fast, those monsters did not catch up with me, but many people did not run out ... ... "

Thinking of those normal people who fell beside him, tears appeared in Zhao Heng's eyes, as if the whole person was about to collapse.

Ji Ting looked at the man in front of him coldly, although at the moment, like a normal high school student, he would feel sad and guilty about the misfortune of his companion, but it won't be long before he kills the lives of others by himself.

Shen Tuchuan patted Zhao Heng on the shoulder and did not know what to say for a while. After all, the things in Zhao Heng's mouth were too far-fetched for him. Even if the screams were endless, he still didn't believe ... monsters, Still a monster that can spread quickly, why doesn't it sound a little authentic?

He subconsciously looked at Ji Ting and glanced at the doorway again. Ji Ting nodded at him, and the two had to move two steps aside. As soon as Zhao Heng moved, he looked at them nervously: "Where are you going?"

"I don't know if there is a monster in your mouth in the teaching building. Let's go out and take a look. You take a break first. We will come back soon." Ji Ting casually compiled a reason.

Zhao Heng met her gentle eyes and nodded, and then spoke carefully, "Then you come back quickly, I am scared by myself."

Shen Tuchuan smiled at him comfortably: "I see."

After speaking, they went out with Ji Ting. The two walked silently to the stairs at the end of the corridor. Shen Tuchuan turned to look at her when there was no way in front of him, and after a moment of consideration, he asked, "You think he is true ?"

"He doesn't need to lie." Ji Ting blinked at him.

Shen Tuchuan pursed his lips and sighed for a moment: "It's not that he suspects he's lying, but that what he said may not be true."

Why does this sound so contradictory? Ji listened in no hurry, just watching him quietly, waiting for him to organize his language.

Shen Tuchuan took a deep breath and said solemnly: "I suspect that people in the dormitory have hallucinations collectively, so it is such a panic."

"... Do so many people have hallucinations?" Ji Ting didn't expect that he specifically called himself out to say this, not to mention that Zhao Heng had said so much in detail, and he could find a scientific explanation.

Shen Tuchuan is very serious: "Don't believe it, there have been cases of this kind before, people accept the hint in the same environment, and the same hallucinations are likely to occur ... Although this kind of thing is rare, it sounds better than previous classmates It ’s persuasive to be a monster. ”

"Ah, you think so ..." Ji heard a laugh, and looked at him as if he were the first dead character in a horror movie.

Another scream sounded, and Shen Tuchuan frowned deeply: "No, you must call the police as soon as possible, otherwise it will cause a big problem."

He said he was going downstairs, and Ji Ting hurriedly grabbed his arm: "Where are you going?"

"There was no signal on the mobile phone. I taxied out and called the police." Shen Tuchuan answered carefully.

Ji Ting twitched his mouth: "... I don't think it's necessary anymore. If what Zhao Heng said is true, isn't it dangerous for you to go out now? Before you leave school, you have to go through the playground and the cafeteria. What if you get bitten by a monster? "

"How could it be," Shen Tuchuan laughed at her seriousness even though it was out of fashion, and she consoled him with a serious smile, "No monsters, really, you believe me."

His words did not fall, the screams of life and death were from near to far, and then there were chaotic footsteps. Ji subconsciously pulled Shen Tuchuan to run, and he heard such fast footsteps that did not sound like zombies. Came down. As soon as they stopped, two students from the University of Malaysia and Malaysia ran past them, bringing a gust of wind.

"What are you two doing? Are you still running? There are zombies !!!" The leader is Qian Peng in the class. When he saw Ji Ting and Shen Tuchuan, he screamed and reminded while running, behind him Sun Ling did n’t know where to get a lot of blood, and it was terrifying to run.

As soon as they ran away, Ji Ting immediately looked at Shen Tuchuan: "Do you still think it is an illusion?" Sun Ling's blood, but did he see it with his own eyes?

"Of course it is an illusion. Just now Zhao Heng also said that he was a monster, Qian Peng said what zombies, and it seems that their illusions are not exactly the same." Shen Tuchuan was still naive and cute.

...... Really, it's not easy for him to live out with his parents. Ji Ting had some headaches, because she found that the most important thing now was not how to get rid of the three people in the class, but to ask Shen Tuchuan to realize the seriousness of the matter, otherwise she insisted on leaving the school now, and she must be unable to stop it. .

She was about to speak, and a strange sound came downstairs. It sounded like footsteps, and something dragged across the floor.

Ji Ting was thinking how to explain to Shen Tuchuan. She didn't care about the stairs behind her. When an animal-like roar sounded, she was immediately pulled behind by Shen Tuchuan, and at the same time she could see the situation in front of her. A man with a twisted joint and a **** face is climbing upstairs. Although his eyes are open, the eyeballs have turned gray. It seems that nothing can be seen. The nose can still be used, and he is smelling the scent while facing them. Crawling in the direction.

Although Ji Ting had seen the description of zombies in the original text, it was the first time that she saw a living zombies. The three-dimensional image was far more terrifying than she thought—

This thing on the ground is no longer a human. Its calf seems to be broken. At this moment, it is walking with its knees and hands. At this moment, the pants are completely worn out, and the knees are exposed. The face seems to have been scratched. At this moment, it is flesh and blood. Blurred, he felt their black gums toward them when they realized their existence.

But he clearly wore the same school uniform as them.

Ji Ting didn't hold back the retching noise, the sound stimulated the fierceness of the zombies, and growled to speed up the speed. Shen Tuchuan shuddered, finally recovered from the shock brought by the scene in front of him, grabbed Ji Ting's hand and turned to run.

The two ran to the classroom door in one breath, pushed the door a second time without opening it, and Ji Ting sank. The grandchildren are okay when they close, her box is still inside!

Watching the zombies getting closer, Ji Ting gritted his teeth: "Let's go and hide in another house."

As soon as the voice fell, the door opened. Zhao Heng leaned out his head nervously, and yelled after seeing the zombies running to this side: "Come in, hurry, come on!"

Ji Ting didn't expect that they would open the door. As soon as hesitated, she was pushed in by Shen Tuchuan, and the door was locked again. The zombies roared angrily outside, knocking on the door and rushing in. Five people in the classroom held their breath and looked stiffly at the door trembling.

I don't know how long after that, the zombies outside finally subsided, and finally calmed down. Qian Peng breathed a sigh of relief, and fell to the ground with no energy, and looked at the ground blindly: "What is going on here, what is going on ..."

"... I don't know. The host tube was bitten. The dormitory door didn't open in time. Many people couldn't come out. It's estimated that it wouldn't come out." Sun Ling looked at the blood on her body and couldn't help sobbing.

As soon as he started crying, the sound of zombies knocking on the door came from outside, and he was so scared that he did not dare to cry, tears were in his eyes, pitiful beyond words. Qian Peng walked to him silently, reached out and hugged him, Zhao Heng stayed for a long time, and then hugged, the three of them cried tightly together, silently, for the sudden change of the world, and for the dead teachers and friends .

Shen Tuchuan turned pale and walked to them with a half-moon, his voice was dry: "Don't cry ..." After speaking these three words, he was silent, because he was pulled by Zhao Heng and the four big boys Just hug together.

Ji Ting watched this scene quietly, and his mood couldn't be more complicated. In the original text, the men and other people were trapped in the school for almost three days before they were received by their parents. In the past three days, they should have been dependent on each other. Since it is a relationship of mutual dependence, why did they still fail to meet the evil in human nature and destroyed Shen Tuchuan himself? How about one?

There was no sound in the classroom, and soon the knock on the door disappeared. Ji Ting glanced out through the small glass opening on the door panel. After confirming that the zombies had gone, he came back in the classroom and looked around. After the surrounding environment, his eyes fell on the TV in the middle of the blackboard.

She walked over and opened it directly. Sure enough, news about zombies was being broadcast on the TV. The four boys hesitated after hearing the word 'zombies', and immediately looked at this side. Ji Ting was afraid of attracting the zombies, so he turned his voice very low. He could only hear it when he was close to the TV. The four of them immediately ignored the sentimentality and all came together to watch the news.

According to the news, the root cause of this zombie virus is environmental pollution, coupled with six months of climatic anomalies, the human immune system has been greatly challenged, and finally broke out in a day. Zombies have multiplied geometrically, and chaos has plagued all over the world.

After seeing that this zombie tide was not limited to the school, everyone's face changed. Shen Tuchuan turned around and left, and was pulled down by Ji Ting: "What are you doing?"

"... Go home and see my parents." Shen Tuchuan was pale.

Ji listened coldly: "Did you read the news? Now the same zombie tide is out there. If you go out now, are you sure you can come home alive?"


"Calm down first," Ji Ting held his face, forcing him to look at himself, his voice softened after he looked at him, "what do your parents do?"

"My dad is a soldier ... My mom started a security company." Shen Tuchuan calmed down, and for eighteen years he felt panicked for the first time.

Ji Ting gently appeased: "Your parents are very powerful, are they more able to protect themselves than you?"

Shen Tuchuan looked at her steadily, and he nodded slightly. Although Ji Ting didn't spend too much time with the men in this world, she knew ‘Shen Tuchuan’, so she knew he was being persuaded by herself now.

As soon as Shen Tuchuan calmed down, Sun Ling whispered, "My parents are old, they don't have the ability to protect themselves ..."

As he said, Qian Peng and Zhao Heng also flushed their eyes and looked like they were crying at any time. Even if in the near future they will become something inferior to the animals, but today they are only half-old children, and they will only care about their parents when the disaster comes.

Ji Ting has no parents, but he can understand them. After a moment of silence, he walks aside silently, giving them time to sort out their emotions.

Even if they are worried about their family members, they do n’t have the ability to go back now, they can only hide in place and wait for rescue, as the news suggests.

"There is only water in the classroom. If we stay here, we will starve to death?" Sun Ling asked with a choked throat.

As soon as he said this problem, the people present were dignified. Ji Yan glanced at the box in the corner and said calmly: "It's not just a matter of starvation. The teaching building is the most densely populated place except the dormitory. , Of course, there will be a lot of infected people, so we have to go. "

"Where?" Zhao Heng asked immediately.

"Library." Ji Hean didn't hesitate to answer. In the original text, the first place where a male spouse's parents entered the school was the library. If they waited in the library at the beginning, they could at least ten hours in advance. Meet with male parents.

When she saw that a few people didn't speak, she said again: "The library usually opens the door after nine o'clock. At this time, there are few people there, so there will be fewer zombies, and it will be near the back door of the school. Once there is a rescue, You can be rescued right away, what do you think? "

When she said this, Zhao Heng and others agreed, and just as she nodded, she heard Shen Tuchuan say, "No."

Ji Ting, Zhao Heng, and others looked at him, and Shen Tuchuan was silent for a moment: "Now there is chaos everywhere, the police must have insufficient staff, and I don't know when I can rescue here. There is nothing to eat in the library. We are there Even if it is safe, without food will be our biggest threat, so it is best to go to the supermarket. "

"Shen Tuchuan also makes sense." Qian Peng muttered softly.

Ji Ting didn't expect that Shen Tuchuan would become his biggest stumbling block, but without the perspective of God, his proposal is undoubtedly the most reliable. After all, guarding the supermarket means that it has exhausted energy—

Unfortunately, they are clever and people are not stupid. According to the original plot, the supermarket has been robbed once at this moment. The remaining food and water are originally small. Later, several students locked it directly from the inside. So they passed now and just ran for nothing.

But these things ca n’t be heard in the quarter, otherwise there ’s no way to explain it. After a moment of contemplation, she looks at Shen Tuchuan: “then do what you say.” Anyway, the supermarket is between the teaching building and the library, so Not a detour.

"... Um." Shen Tuchuan was relieved to see that she had no more objections.

After discussing the results, several people immediately approached the door panel and looked out. After confirming that no one had opened the door, they would go out. As a result, they heard a car snoring sound behind them, and the four boys turned their heads immediately.

Ji Ting: "... I carry a box."

"When is it? If you take the box now, you will attract zombies!" Sun Ling protested softly.

Ji listened with a smile, and banged the box directly: "I won't let it ring."

"Then you can't run fast, do you want to be dragged by a box ..."

"It's okay, I'll get it for her," Shen Tuchuan said, and took the box from her, then smiled apologetically to Sun Ling, "It won't affect anything."

Sun Ling was also kindly concerned, seeing that they insisted so, and then thought that this thing was the relic of Ji Ting's parents, they no longer said anything, just murmured in disapproval.

Shen Tuchuan and Ji Ting followed them and went out. Walking and walking became that the two of them were open. Ji Ting paused, only to find that the three had gone behind them. Nervous looking around.

Ji Ting: "..."

Five people walked forward two times before three times. After passing through the long corridor, they finally reached the stairs. After listening carefully to the movement downstairs, I made sure there was no noise, and then went down. As soon as I got down the stairs, there was a roar behind him, but it was the zombie who had just hit the door.

Sun Ling didn't expect that he could run into the zombies at the end, and he screamed in horror. It was too late when Ji wanted to stop, and the same zombie roar began to come downstairs.

Ji heard a curse, and pulled Shen Tuchuan to turn around and run. The remaining three followed closely. Because the zombies that initially chased them were crawling, they were still easily left behind.

They changed to another staircase and went downstairs. Because the zombies were attracted to the previous staircase entrance, they ran smoothly all the way, but before reaching the first floor, they had no time to breathe a sigh of relief. Rushed out from behind the pillar, and flew straight towards the quarter.

Shen Tuchuan yelled, "Be careful!" The second second he pulled Ji Ting behind him, and he blocked it with a box.

The zombies rushed on the box, and their black nails were grabbed towards Shen Tuchuan. Shen Tuchuan was forced to let go, and the heavy box hit the ground with a clear sound.

Before he could pick it up, the zombies who were attracted to the entrance of the stairs rushed towards this side. Shen Tuchuan also wanted to rescue the box. Ji Ting gritted his teeth and ran directly to him. The box was abandoned alone. .

At this time, the three had already ran out of the teaching building.

The author has something to say: I listen: I worked hard for more than half a year, and once I returned to liberation

Chuaner: I will raise you later

The next chapter is Gao Tian ~ (Although I have n’t written it yet, but I think it will be sweet. See you tomorrow, hahaha, you bad guys, you usually do n’t see anyone, and a red envelope pops out.)

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