Without the drag of the box, the speed was suddenly much faster. The two people easily flung off the slower zombies and caught up with the first three people.

Five people rushed on the campus, and from time to time they would bump into the zombies. Fortunately, when the zombie tide broke out, most students were still in the dormitory. There were not many teaching buildings, and most of them They are still in the teaching building, so they are safer outside.

It's just this kind of safety, it's only relative. The footsteps of five people are too obvious, and soon attracted the attention of all nearby zombies. A group of humanoid monsters with twisted joints and fuzzy flesh roared behind them, even if their legs and feet were not as good. Ji listened to them sharply, but because new zombies will always be added on the road, the distance between the two sides cannot always be widened.

"Sink ... Sink ..." Zhao Heng burst into tears after avoiding the attack of a zombie, speeding up while crying.

Of the three boys, Zhao Heng and Qian Peng are sports students, and their physical fitness is naturally good. Although Shen Tuchuan and Sun Ling did not undergo systematic training, they have excellent height conditions and they do n’t have to run hard. Only season Listening gradually felt tired and could not help slowing down.

Seeing that the distance between him and the boys is getting bigger and bigger, Ji Ting wants to cry without tears, and he has worked so hard for so many days that he couldn't let her give up even when it snows. As a result, the physical strength is still very different from these boys. Going on like this, I'm afraid she may be the first of these people to die.

The roar of the zombies is getting closer and closer, and a zombie will come from time to time, only to be vigilant and not to be caught. Just as she was about to cry, a warm big hand grabbed her wrist and led her forward quickly.

Someone pulled, Ji listened a lot easier at once, and his footsteps quickly followed, and soon caught up with the person in front.

The next section is the artificial lake of the school. This is usually the place where the school has the least crowds. Sure enough, after this section, no zombies rushed over and attacked. They ran smoothly and finally pulled away with the zombies behind them. distance.

The group quickly ran to the supermarket and pushed the door twice in a row. The door was not pushed open, only to find that the door was locked.

Seeing the classmates inside, Zhao Heng patted the door and shouted, "Little fat! Open the door for us! The zombies are coming soon, let us in!"

Ji Ting: "..." If you keep talking like this, even if you have a little bit of thought to help you open the door, it is probably scared, right?

Sure enough, the chubby who was walking towards the door stopped immediately, looked at them whitishly, and seemed afraid to come over. Sun Ling said anxiously: "Not yet here! Rest assured, they are estimated to be around a minute away, and they will not be dangerous to you."

Yes, you guys. At this moment, three or five people have appeared. They don't know what they're talking about, but they don't know how many people are hiding in the dark.

Ji listened to the people in his eyes and found that there were many familiar faces in the class. After careful observation for a long time, he realized that these were all high-ranking students with good grades.

... So these good students got up early to study, so they avoided the death position in the dormitory? Ji heard the thought of why they were so lucky to be alive, he couldn't help but twitched and muttered a whisper.

"What?" Shen Tuchuan didn't hear clearly, and flexed his knees.

Ji heard a glance at him and muttered, "Still have to study hard. Learning at a critical time can save lives."

Shen Tuchuan: "..." Although she couldn't understand what she was talking about, she always felt that she had realized an incredible truth.

The people around Xiaofei have always been cold, because he lowered his voice, Ji Ting couldn't hear what he was talking about, but only saw the fat from struggling to hesitation, and finally closed his eyes in despair, and then told them Come on.

Zhao Heng and others were overjoyed, and immediately lay on the glass door to talk to them, but Shen Tuchuan's brows frowned, and he hesitated to look at Ji.

Ji Ting shook his head slightly and sighed for a while. If the chubby really wanted to save them, he wouldn't walk this way so embarrassingly, let alone this expression.

She walked to Shen Tuchuan, who was slightly pale, and gently held his hand, lowering her voice, "At this time, everyone is hard to protect themselves, and you should not be too sad."

"... Um." Shen Tuchuan lowered his eyes. It is understandable, but when I think of the classmates who were attending the class together yesterday, they can't help but feel uncomfortable.

Zhao Heng and others were still lying on the glass, hurried after the chubby came over: "Hurry up, zombies are coming soon."

"Zhao Heng ..." Xiao Fat whispered, suddenly a little speechless.

Zhao Heng stunned for a moment, and came out with a bad hunch: "What do you mean?"

"Sorry, there are n’t many things in the supermarket. There are still a dozen people here. They may not last for five days. I ca n’t let you in again ..."

"Fuck Li Ganyu, what do you mean? We are classmates! It's his mother who has been in a class for three years. How can you never die!" Sun Ling was the first to collapse.

The chubby tears fell off, just crying sadly, and there was no intention to open the door, but I kept murmuring in my mouth.

The roar of the zombies reappeared, and he rushed over at any time. Ji Ting busy interrupted them: "Zhao Heng, let's go quickly, don't stay here." Now it's too time to divert to the library, no need to waste time it's here.

It's a pity that she left the box full of supplies in the teaching building. I'm afraid I went to the library and was really hungry for three days.

When she had finished speaking, she pulled Shen Tuchuan towards the library, and the three of them scolded and followed, but after two steps, Zhao Heng returned and picked up a stone on the floor and smashed it to the supermarket door.

The stone hit the glass with a crisp sound, no matter whether it was inside or outside the supermarket, he was startled by his crazy behavior.

The door of the supermarket is made of ordinary glass. Although a stone failed to break the glass, a crack was left on it, and the fat man was shocked by the crack and fell directly on the floor.

Zhao Heng didn't give up. He hated to pick up another stone and smashed into the glass again. His red eyes had the impulse to break the net: "Don't let Lao Tzu enter the supermarket, no one should hide here!"

"Zhao Heng!" When he was about to smash in again, Shen Tuchuan rushed to stop him, "Are you crazy ?! Don't make yourself like them, you calm down!"

"I fight with them!" Talking, Zhao Heng actually cried.

Seeing that the zombies were approaching the door, Qian Peng and Sun Ling had already run a long way, shouting anxiously to them: "Hurry up! Don't let it go!"

Zhao Heng calmed down after crying, gloomily glanced at these people in the supermarket, silently listened to Shen Tu Chuan Ji, went to the front to find friends and they met.

Five people embarked on the road of escape again, and continued to hide on the road to escape the zombies that suddenly came out, and finally broke their lives by half, and finally reached the library door.

Several people couldn't think much about it. After rushing in, they locked the door inside and ran behind the administrator's desk to hide, until the roar of the zombies at the door gradually reduced, and they were relieved collectively.

The emotions of a few boys have been consumed a lot by being abandoned by their classmates, but Ji Ting didn't feel much. After all, in her opinion, compared with the future benevolence of a certain three people, it is really not worth mentioning that those people just saw death.

Thinking of Zhao Heng not hesitating to hit the door just now, Ji Ting's eyes darkened for a moment. If the door was smashed, those zombies would flood into the supermarket like crazy dogs, and the students who were hiding there would be in danger. If you are a normal person, you may be angry and hate when you are abandoned, but you will never retaliate immediately.

His revenge was not ordinary revenge, but to cause those who abandoned him to die. Hearing those words at that time, he knew that if the door was broken, what would happen to those inside.

Ji Tingding looked at Zhao Heng, his thoughts continued to diverge, and Zhao Heng found that after looking at herself, she did not know why there was a little heat on her face, and she turned blush at this time. Shen Tuchuan's gaze turned around between the two people, and somehow he felt suddenly uncomfortable.

"Are you okay?" Shen Tuchuan directed Ji Ting's attention in the past.

Ji listened and looked at him, and he nodded gently, "OK, how about you?"

"Me too." Shen Tuchuan laughed when she saw herself.

Ji Ting also smiled, and half a moment sighed softly. Her box of treasures, ah ah ah ah, I don't know which **** will be cheaper in the future.

Shen Tuchuan sat silently beside her, and half a while comforted him with a voice that only two people could hear: "It's okay, my uncle and aunt have spirits in heaven, and I won't blame you."

Ji listened for a moment, realizing that he was comforting himself with the box, and nodded criedly. There is no way, I lied, and I will continue to cry.

When the party was enough, they formed a circle and looked at each other. Sun Ling whispered, "What should I do now?"

"There is a study room here, go inside and go inside, maybe you can get some food out." Ji Ting suggested.

The school is an accommodation system. On the weekends, you can choose to go back or not. Students who work hard and are far away from home often choose to study in the study room. This is more sought after from the study room, so many people tend to stay A lot of things are in the study room, including some snacks to block hunger.

Ji heard this, a few people suddenly had an idea, immediately got up and walked to the study room. The library is a very large space. When walking in such a building, you can clearly hear your own breathing.

... a bit scary.

Sun Ling and Qian Peng, who had been in front of them, did not know when they were behind. Ji Ting and Shen Tuchuan were the leaders. Watching these timid grandchildren hide behind them, Ji Ting scolded a few words in his heart, and strengthened his determination to throw them away before leaving.

There was no hindrance from the zombies, and the party quickly reached the door of the study room. Ji heard a glance at the concealed door and asked with a lip: Open?

Zhao Heng and others nodded again and again, Ji Ting held the doorknob, and as soon as he pushed the door, his wrist was caught. Ji Ting didn't need to look and knew it was Shen Tuchuan. He frowned and looked at him suspiciously, only to see that he shook his head in disapproval, grabbed her wrist and let her release the handle, and then he went forward to open the door.

Ji Ting: "..." Sure enough, comparisons must be thrown, and people must die than others. Not everyone is inhuman in the face of danger.

She murmured in her heart and looked at the others, and she saw that they had retreated three steps away. With a sneer in her heart, she opened the door with Shen Tuchuan behind him.

After the door opened, the room was quiet, and no suspicious shadows were seen. There should be no one. Shen Tuchuan's tight shoulders finally relaxed slightly, and the whole person was not so stiff. As soon as he looked back at Ji Ting's eyes, he felt a little embarrassed for a while when he thought that he was scared.

His ears were reddish, and he slightly smiled at Ji Ting. Ji Ting responded to him by secretly holding his hand and pulling it with his fingers. Shen Tuchuan froze for a moment, always feeling that she was very familiar with this movement, as if she used to hold herself like this before, and then thought her idea was funny.

Prior to the brief exchanges between those classes, they never spoke, how could a girl hold his hand.

The two entered the study room side by side, and the other three followed hesitantly. Zhao Heng saw Shen Tuchuan and Ji listening so close, and somehow suddenly felt uncomfortable.

Ji Ting briefly held Shen Tuchuan and let go. The two walked to the middle of the study room. When he looked back, he saw that the three of them were still wandering at the door. . "

"Really?" Sun Ling clutched the doorknob with a tense expression, and even though he looked inward, he didn't dare to walk in at all.

Ji He was speechless and wanted to roll his eyes. When he was about to say two unpleasant words, he saw that Sun Ling tripped his left foot and tilted his foot backwards. He even closed the door that he was holding. Things are therefore exposed.

Ji listened in shock and opened his eyes wide, before half a word was spoken, the thing gradually woke up, and the animal sniffed the human flavor in the air, and growled anxiously.

"There are zombies!" As soon as he stood still, he heard the roaring Sun Ling scream, and then ‘bang! ’The door closed, and the footsteps of several people hurried away.

...... Ahhh, that **** closed the door! Ji Ting's inner little fire dragon couldn't control howling, and the anger made her just want to grab the scam and feed it to the zombies, and even the danger in front of her seemed to be unimportant.

"Ji listen, come here." Shen Tuchuan said, pulling her behind, and staring back at the zombies.

Zombies have long lost their wisdom, and naturally they will not ‘open the door’. This means that after being locked up, the target becomes two people in the house.

After it roared towards this side, Ji Ting hurriedly and Shen Tuchuan ran hand in hand to the farthest side from the door. When Ji Ting was about to speak his plan, Shen Tuchuan nodded, and said solemnly: " I know."

Ji didn't say much when he heard this. The two turned around the wall with the zombies. When they got out the door, they opened the door and went out. After going out, they waited for a while. After the roar came out, they ran with the zombies. Another room, then ran out again in the same way, but this time after running out, the door was closed immediately.

After the zombies were trapped, they banged on the door angrily. Shen Tuchuan was afraid that there were other zombies in the library, so he quickly took Ji Ting away from this room and turned back to the study room.

When I returned to the study room, Sun Ling and others were already there. The ground was full of papers and exercise books that I had thrown away. It was a lot messier than before. On the table in the middle of the room, there were a bunch of snacks. Obviously these three people came out.

After seeing Ji Ting and Shen Tuchuan return, all three were a little embarrassed. Finally, Zhao Heng stepped forward and said, "We were just too scared just now. We have to run instinctively. I did n’t run far enough to actually return. I wanted to open the door for you , And I just saw you open the door and ran out, you knew you didn't have to worry ... "

"Don't worry? Didn't see a zombies chasing after us?" Ji heard that the three men were angry and interrupted with annoyance. "Knowing that we are chased by zombies, even if we don't help, there are idle time. Come in to look for food, you are really good. "

The three big men were even more ashamed of being heard by Qi, and Qian Peng didn't hold back his muttering: "Zombies can't run fast anymore, can't you even drop a zombie?"

"Of course it won't be as fast as you. You saw it fast and saw the zombies shut the door and ran away. Regardless of our lives, we certainly can't compare with you." Ji Ting has made up his mind to get rid of them in the past two days. So, you're welcome.

Sun Ling heard a bit of dissatisfaction: "I was just slipping at the time ... Besides the door that Shen Tuchuan opened first, why didn't I see the zombies? Shouldn't we be the first one to come in and remind us?"

"So Shen Tuchuan's wrong? Then it's better for you to take the lead next time?" Ji Ting laughed directly.

Zhao Hengyun's rounding field: "It's all right, it's our fault. Ji listen to you, don't get angry. I will give you two more bags for these foods. Will you calm down?"

As soon as his voice fell, Ji Ling didn't say anything. Sun Ling was dissatisfied first: "No, she's a girl. The meal is much smaller than us. I'm already taking care of her evenly with her. Why should I give her two more? Bag? I don't agree. "

"I don't agree," Qian Peng said quickly.

Ji listened with disdain: "Who scares your stuff!"

"Don't eat if you have the skills!" Sun Ling glared at her, seeming to follow her.

Shen Tuchuan, who had not spoken, glanced at him coldly, and for the first time spoke in a rather cold tone: "It's terrible to throw a temper on a girl, right?"

Although many suggestions for this way were made by Ji Ting, in most cases these boys were more listening to Shen Tuchuan. After Shen Tuchuan was obviously unhappy at this moment, Sun Ling stopped talking.

Ji listened with a sneer, turned around and sat down in the corner. Zhao Heng subconsciously wanted to go to her. As a result, Shen Tuchuan stepped in front of her and pulled a chair to sit with her.

The study room was quiet immediately, and the five people were clearly divided into two camps, each occupying a corner.

Shen Tuchuan looked at Ji Tingban's face, and half a moment patted her hand gently. When he was about to say something, Ji Ting held his hand instead. When the temperature in his hand staggered, Shen Tuchuan froze a bit As soon as she looked up, she met her wronged eyes.

"I don't like them," Ji Ting said in a voice that only two people could hear.

Shen Tuchuan blinked his eyes dullly, and he whispered, "I don't like it." He is not blind. What happened throughout the day reminds him that these three people are not the same as him.

Ji couldn't help laughing when he heard him so interesting. Zhao Heng couldn't hear what they were talking about, but when she smiled at Shen Tuchuan like this, she felt uncomfortable in her heart.

One day ended when the soldiers and horses went wild and the two sides confronted his Majesty, and the sky gradually darkened, and the snacks that were found before had been unknowingly half gone. The food could barely last for two more days, and the rescue seemed remote, and everyone's mood was not good.

It was night when it was dark, and Ji Ting insisted on having a separate room. Although Shen Tuchuan and Zhao Heng tried to persuade it to be unsafe, she stubbornly went to another room to rest. Shen Tuchuan and others had no choice but to let her go.

The night was getting deeper and deeper, Ji listened to himself and didn't let himself fall asleep like this. She worked hard until more than one o'clock in the morning, she quietly walked out of the room, took the flashlight found from the tool room, and went out according to it.

I found the key on the door from the administrator ’s drawer this afternoon, so I can still lock the door after going out, so that even if someone goes down in the middle of the night, no one will ever go out.

When she went out, she took a deep breath of Ling Ling air mixed with snow, and narrowed her shoulders and went to the teaching building. She was so uncomfortable that when she thought of her box of compressed biscuits, she felt so heartbroken that she couldn't breathe, especially when she saw the sharply reduced snacks tonight and realized the value of food.

Anyway, she had to take the box back, hide it where the three people didn't know, and then dumped them before the male parents came, and brought the box to join Shen Tuchuan and his parents. In this way, the fate of the men's men's family should be changed, as well as getting rid of the murderer and having enough food.

Ji Ting held such a thought, although it added a lot of courage, but she was so afraid of death ... she was really incompetent with horror movies.

Despite fear, he did not back down. Before she came out, she did a lot of homework, knowing that the zombies could hear and hear, but she had no vision at all, so she deliberately went out and surrounded the whole person, leaving only two small holes in her face to see Road, lightly and silently, hoping to reach the teaching building safely.

God seemed to hear her prayers, and she was not pursued by her zombies all the way, even if she encountered zombies walking back and forth aimlessly, she was not found.

When Ping'an arrived safely in front of the teaching building door, Ji Ting sighed with relief, and walked inside lightly. When she lost the box, she saw that it was empty, and her eyes widened subconsciously.

愣 In the place for three seconds, Ji listened unwillingly to step forward, just after walking over the pillar, a face showing a sensuous bone appeared suddenly, and reached directly to her face less than three centimeters.

With a scream, it almost overflowed her throat. At a critical moment, a force dragged her back violently. She slammed into a chest, and her mouth was covered in the next second.

Just a moment I noticed the familiar atmosphere, Ji listened at a loss while breathing a sigh of relief, leaning weakly in his arms. She touched her finger backwards, and then she felt a little cold, and then she stopped.

... is her box.

The author has something to say: 串 儿: every day a new way to pamper you ~ 2k novel reading network

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