Before being surprised, Ji Ting was startled by the zombies who were again in front of her face. She leaned stiffly against Shen Tuchuan, holding her breath and dared not move. She originally wanted to retreat, but Yu Guang noticed that there were other zombies at the stairs. If she evacuated outside the school building, these zombies would find their existence, and they would have to repeat the escape during the day.

Obstruction of sight at night, greatly limiting observation, no one knows whether a large zombie will emerge in the dark in the next second.

The zombie who was only two punches away from his face was still smelling something. Ji listened with tears in his eyes, and he dared not blink, for fear of an inattentive, zombie who exposed his **** mouth and gums. Will close her face.

When she was so nervous that her fingertips were shaking, the big boy leaning on her back silently stretched out her gloved hand and gently covered most of her face, leaving her only a pair of eyes. Ji listened for a moment and realized that he was not so afraid after protecting himself.

The zombies sniffed nothing for a long time, turned disappointed and left, and the zombies wandering around the entrance of the stairs gradually came towards this side of the hall, and seemed to be moving here.

Ji Ting looked at the zombies getting closer and closer, and suddenly his shoulders were lightly tapped. She subconsciously looked at Shen Tuchuan, and in the dark he also wore a hat and covered his face, even A pair of eyes are hidden behind the glasses, and it can be said that they are more armed than her.

Looking at him beckoning himself to go out, Ji Ting felt that he must be faulty, otherwise why would he want to laugh at such outdated times?

Shen Tuchuan didn't know what she was thinking. When she saw that she was standing still, she felt frightened, so she silently took her gloved hand, and the two went out silently until she breathed back to Ling Ling's. The cold wind was considered a sigh of relief.

"Why are you here?" Ji heard a low voice.

Shen Tuchuan looked at her helplessly: "This is what I asked you, do you know how dangerous it is to return alone?"

"... I'm okay. These zombies only have hearing and smell, as long as they aren't found." Ji Ting was quite confident and said a moment, "This is what I just researched, how did you find it?"

"I also figured it out myself." Shen Tuchuan answered truthfully.

Ji Ting looked at him with admiration: "You are so smart."

"You are also very smart." Shen Tuchuan smiled.

Ji listened and smiled. I thought it would be the same. I only knew the answer after reading the original text of the novel, but you guessed it yourself, you are much smarter than me.

However, in the middle of the night, zombies will appear at any time. It is not a time to discuss who is smarter. Ji listened and looked around for a week. Seeing that there was no suspicious shadow on the road, he whispered, "Let's go back."

"Well, let's go." Shen Tuchuan said, one hand stretched over to her, Ji heard a little nervous explanation when he looked at him, "Don't get me wrong, it's still snowing, the road is slippery, I'm afraid of you Only after falling ... "

Before he finished speaking, Ji Ting held his hand, or the fingers were intertwined, and Shen Tuchuan suddenly lost his voice. Although both were wearing thick woolen gloves, the temperature of the hands was quickly transmitted to the other side through the gloves after the fingers were interlocked.

Ji Ting's eyes bent slightly, and the sound coming out of the mask was dull: "You hold the box for a while, change me later."

"... It doesn't matter, let's go." Shen Tuchuan felt that he was wearing too much when he came out, otherwise why was there a sweat on his body?

Ji listened and smiled, holding his hand and walking towards the library. Although he was still lame and cautious on the road, the fear in his heart was mostly dissipated because of the presence of a person around him, and his steps were easier than before.

"Are you tired? I'll slap it." Ji Ting stepped out of the 500 meters and asked for the third time.

Shen Tuchuan laughed: "It's okay, I'm not tired."

"Really? I don't have anything light here," Ji Ting looked at him hesitantly. "Don't try to be stubborn in front of the girls deliberately." Because there will be sounds when pushing away, they can only use the most strenuous efforts. The way was stunned, she didn't want to consume Shen Tuchuan too much energy.

Shen Tuchuan shook his head slightly: "Not tired, rest assured."

"... I'm not so relieved, so," Ji Ting let go of his hand. "You change your hand, don't use only one hand."

Suddenly let go, Shen Tuchuan's hand suddenly fell away. He pursed his lips, changed his obedience to the hand he had been holding, and then nodded while Ji was satisfied. Lived her.

Ji Ting didn't notice anything wrong, followed his hand to move to the other side of him, and Shen Tuchuan began to hold her heart since she held her, finally relaxed.

The two continued to move forward silently. As they approached the library, Ji He accidentally stepped on an icy ground, slid directly under his feet, and leaned back. Shen Tuchuan hugged the person by hand. She fell, but the box fell to the ground, making a loud noise.

Ji Ting: "..."

Shen Tuchuan: "..."

Everything was quiet for a second, then a roar came from the snow-covered side of the road, and a zombie with no calf crawled towards them. At first glance, Ji recognized the one in the teaching building. I didn't expect that the goods had climbed here. Only white bone sticks were left in both hands, and the calves disappeared directly, completely turning into knee crawls.

Rao saw the disgusting zombies all day, and Ji Ting couldn't help vomiting, but she was rushed towards the library without waiting for the vomiting.

"Box ..." Ji listened anxiously, and after speaking only these two words, he vomited again to the other side.

Shen Tuchuan gasped slightly and said, "Hold it."

Ji listened to see that he really was holding the box with his other hand, and immediately relieved, the two of them accelerated to the library. When they approached the library, they suddenly discovered a problem. Because the library was too close, there was no way to distance them from the zombies behind them. They could not use the key to open the door.

Shen Tuchuan gritted his teeth, glanced at the zombies behind him, and shouted at the location on the second floor: "Zhao Heng! Qian Peng! Sun Ling!"

His voice caused a larger roar of the zombies than it sounded like him. Ji Ting realized that he wanted to ask the people upstairs to come down and open the door, so that after they rushed over, they could directly enter the house without having to take the key to open the door, so he shouted.

Their voice and the roar of the zombies should wake up even the dead, but nothing happened on the second floor. However, even if there was no movement, I had been paying attention to Ji Ting and Shen Tuchuan upstairs, but I clearly saw that the window opened a gap, and then closed it.

The faces of the two people suddenly became a little worse. After looking at each other, they gritted their teeth and rushed to the door. Ji Ting quickly took out the key to unlock the lock. However, the tighter the lock, the harder it was to open. A word of comfort: "Hurry up, don't be afraid."

After speaking, I put the box next to Ji Ting, yelled and ran towards the left side of the library: "I'm here! Come here!"

Ji listened unconsciously to grab his sleeve, but failed to catch him. Seeing that he was getting farther and farther away from her, she gritted her teeth and took off her gloves, shaking her fingers and starting to focus on the door, regardless of whether she was in danger or not.

A zombie is a group of creatures with no intelligence but only hearing and smelling. When he heard Shen Tuchuan's voice, he immediately turned to his side. Ji heard there was no obstruction. He soon opened the door and immediately turned back to the open space and yelled: "The door is open! Hurry up!"

Before the words fell, Shen Tuchuan ran from the other side. Before Ji heard the response, she pushed her into the house carrying the box and closed the door with his backhand. When the zombies were unwilling to come around, they were already safe. It's in the hall.

"Are you okay?" Shen Tuchuan waited until he stood still, and held Ji Ting's shoulder anxiously to ask.

Ji Tingding looked at him definitively, after making sure that there were no signs of being bitten on his body, he sobbed into his arms, whine and cried, holding the buttons on his down jacket.

Shen Tuchuan stiffened for a moment, and patted her on the back in a hurry. There was a little caution in her voice: "I'm fine, I know you will unlock the lock in the shortest time, so take them around. The library runs, I won't be in danger. "

Ji Ting didn't care whether he was in danger or not, he just knew how desperate he was at the moment when he didn't grab his sleeve.

"It's really okay ..." Shen Tuchuan said, didn't hold back a smile, and it wasn't until Ji listened to him out of his arms and stared at him, then he immediately froze his face.

Ji Ting looked up at him, but didn't plan to let go of him. Two bloated arms were tied around him because of cotton clothes. Shen Tuchuan did not feel annoyed, but just wanted to pull out a hand to wipe the tears in her eyes.

It wasn't until the zombies spread out, and there were rapid footsteps from the stairs, Ji Ting loosened him, wiped his tears and sat on his box.

"What's the matter with you two ?! It's okay to run out, do you know how dangerous it is outside?" Sun Ling accused when he came, and was even more angry after seeing Ji Ting's box. "You ran out just to This broken box ?! "

"This is a relic of her parents, please be careful." Shen Tuchuan said coldly.

Sun Ling's anger disappeared for a moment, and then he was angry again: "What happened to the relics? My parents are still alive and dead! If I run into danger because of your zombies, have you ever thought about my parents?"

"So that's why you can't help but die?" Ji Ting looked at him indifferently.

Qian Peng's face changed: "What do you mean?"

"The window just opened and closed again, but we could see clearly, don't tell me it was blown by the wind." Ji Ting's disgust could not be concealed.


"Okay, don't make a noise," Zhao Heng came out and rounded the field. "We were late just now, it's our fault, but neither of you should go to find the box. Everyone is wrong in this matter, don't Discussed."

"That's right, you shouldn't find a box!" Sun Ling interjected immediately.

Ji Ting didn't plan to let them go: "It's late? How did you run so fast when you ran away before?"

"Ji listen! Don't be ignorant, you really don't want to be with us, just leave! Don't look like we owe you all day." Qian Peng hated her to escape, and immediately retorted when she heard the words. .

There was a hint of taunt in Ji Tian's eyes: "Why? I was so embarrassed when I said it? This place belongs to yours? I ca n’t stay here after arguing with you?" The man is so embarrassed that this place is clearly She found it, but she still wanted to go.

"Aren't you annoying us? Of course you go, why, you dare not?" Qian Peng looked at her with disdain, believing she was afraid to leave a girl. He must let her know today that the current form is that she depends on them, so that she will be careful when talking to them in the future.

Ji Ting rolled his eyes, and before speaking, Shen Tuchuan said, "You can rest assured that after dawn, we will find a place to hide again, and we won't stay here."

As soon as Shen Tuchuan spoke, the hall was silent for a moment, and after a long time, Zhao Heng said dryly: "Now one more person and more strength, the class may be alive for a few of us, can you be united?"

"No," Ji heard Shen Tuchuan helping himself, realizing that this was a good opportunity to part ways with these dogs, and he immediately said, "When Shen Tuchuan and I need help, you dare not even help open the door. How could we still be united with you? "

"Ji Ting ..." When Zhao Heng looked at her, she noticed the indifference in her eyes, and suddenly there was no sound. At this moment, an emotion called remorse gradually climbed into her heart. He should have been brave just now, and should not have retreated because of the zombies behind them, otherwise Ji would not look at him like that at the moment.

"That's it, let's rest." After Shen Tuchuan said, he pulled Ji Yan up, took the initiative to pick up the box from the ground, and went upstairs with Ji Yan.

Neither of them looked back. The only three boys left in the hall looked ugly. After a while, Sun Ling asked: "What now?" When he fled before, it was Shen Tuchuan who took the idea. If he left, the three of them would Become a headless fly.

"Not much, anyway, I'm hiding here to wait for the rescue, or they can leave, and those who can eat can persist for two more days." Qian Peng scorned.

At first, Sun Ling felt very reasonable. He nodded immediately. He wanted to ask Zhao Heng what he meant, but saw that he turned away with a somber face.

"Neuropathy ..." Sun Ling muttered in a low voice, also feeling very boring, so he followed upstairs.

As the three passed by Ji Ting's room, Zhao Heng stopped and knocked on the door: "Ji Ting, did you sleep? I have something to say to you."

There was no sound in the room, and Sun Ling and Qian Peng looked at each other. They could also see Zhao Heng's thoughts on Ji Ting. They immediately rolled their eyes with disdain, and the two went straight to the room.

Zhao Heng could not wait for someone to open the door, and pursed his lips, "I didn't mean to go on, I gave you all my food, don't you get angry with me, okay? Now there are zombies everywhere, The library is the safest place. Don't leave, I, I don't want you to leave ... "

The door opened before he finished speaking, and his eyes lit up, and he frowned immediately after seeing the person: "How are you?"

"We will change places early tomorrow morning, discussing where to go," Shen Tuchuan paused. "I won't go back tonight."

He originally wanted to live in a room with Ji Ting, but was afraid that it would be bad for her reputation in the future, so he planned to negotiate and leave. As a result, after listening to Zhao Heng, he suddenly felt that he should not let Ji Ting live in a house alone. He had previously underestimated the evil of human behavior. In special periods like this, law and morals were no longer binding. Zhao Heng liked Ji Ting again, and no one knew what he would do.

He's still staying with Ji Ting.

"You live here?" Zhao Heng's voice rose sharply. "Why do you live here ?!"

"I let him stay. I'm scared to see you. Is this reason okay?" Ji Ting came over with a cold face and closed the door with a slap after seeing Zhao Heng.

Zhao Heng stood ugly for a long time before returning to the study room unwillingly.

As soon as Zhao Heng walked away, Ji Ting, who was posted on the door and listened to the sound, straightened up. After sitting in the corner, he sat up and said, "Even if you run away in the future, you won't be allowed to ignore them anymore. No?"

"Um." Shen Tuchuan nodded with good temper.

Ji Ting's face was a little better. After he pulled a chair to sit next to him, he continued: "Then just as I said earlier, let's go to the science and technology building tomorrow morning." The science and technology building is closest to the library. , And usually there are few people, it is a safe place and can come back to meet the male parents at any time.

Shen Tuchuan nodded again: "Listen to you." He said silently for a moment, "It's just that the science and technology building is usually not allowed to eat and drink. They can't find anything except barrel water, and they will not share it with us , We may be hungry. "

Ji Ting silently glanced at the box on the ground, and then asked him, "Will you regret walking with me?"

"Of course not," Shen Tuchuan replied immediately, realizing that he answered too quickly, and coughed his head. "They are of poor character and are not suitable as partners. Even without you, I will not be with them again." of."

Different ways are not the same, and he felt deeply today.

Ji Ting quietly looked at him, only to feel that today's day went smoothly. In the original text, the men's team went to the library and hid. They did not escape from the school until the parents of the men's men came. During this time, they depended on the help of the men's family to hide their true character. Do not expose until food is not life-threatening.

However, today because of her more variables, they were directly exposed in advance. Whether it was smashing the supermarket door, or closing himself and Shen Tuchuan to the study room with the zombies, or tonight, Shen Tuchuan fully realized that they were not suitable for acting together.

... well, it's fine.

Shen Tuchuan paused for a while, and when he looked up, he saw the smile on Ji Ting's face, and could not help but pause: "What are you laughing at?"

"You go with me, I'm very happy." Ji listened and smiled.

Shen Tuchuan's ears became hot, and Banxuan calmly said, "There is nothing to be happy about, we will be hungry as soon as we leave."

"Then I would." Ji Ting blinked at him.

Shen Tuchuan was silent for a moment, but finally couldn't help laughing.

Although it was still early in the morning, neither of them had any drowsiness, sitting side by side against the wall, and his eyes were full of worries about the future. Opening their eyes until dawn, the two took their suitcases to leave, and said goodbye to those people before leaving.

Sun Ling saw that they were very vigilant, guarding the slightest part of the food and not letting them touch, Qian Peng was also blocking the door, and did not plan to let them in. There is nothing to say at this point. Ji Ting and Shen Tuchuan looked at each other and turned around Go downstairs.

As he approached downstairs, Zhao Heng suddenly caught up, looking at Ji Ting with red eyes, "Can you not go? I am wrong, I will protect you in the future, and I will never let you be hurt."

Shen Tuchuan frowned, looking subconsciously towards Ji Ting. Ji Ting looked at Zhao Heng with a strange look: "But I don't need your protection. Where is Shen Tuchuan? I don't need anyone else." This guy didn't even have the courage to open a door. ?

Shen Tuchuan was instantly happy, and once again took the initiative to Ji Ting's hand, the two turned and walked out together.

Zhao Heng looked at their back, their eyes gradually fell on the hands held by the two, and suddenly rushed to the door unwillingly, yelling: "Ji listen! I like you! Will you come back?"

Ji Ting turned back abruptly: "Are you crazy ?! Will lead the zombies!"

"You won't go if you get it, right?" Zhao Heng begged and looked at her.

As if answering his words, a roar of zombies suddenly came around, Ji heard a disgusting look at him, and hand in hand with Shen Tuchuan ran to the science and technology building.

"Ji listen!"

The voice of Zhao Heng came from behind, Ji heard a shudder of nausea, and by the way did not forget to educate Shen Tuchuan: "Remember this man's ugly face, and he will not be allowed to act after seeing him, let alone act together, hear no ? "

"Um ..." Shen Tuchuan held the box in one hand and held her in one hand, and ran forward quickly.

It snowed for a long time last night, and the road was a bit slippery. They had to be careful not to slip when they ran, so they were a lot slower than before. Fortunately, they were also sliding along with zombies, and many zombies were frozen on the road. You can only scream and cannot act.

Although he was almost bitten by a zombie several times, fortunately, he arrived at the science and technology building safely. When he locked the door again, Shen Tuchuan immediately lowered the box and snorted with his arms.

"What's wrong?" Ji Ting asked quickly.

Shen Tuchuan didn't want to say anything at first, but when she looked worried, she suddenly wanted to be coquettish: "I'm tired of my arms."

"I'll slap it next time." Ji Ting frowned.

Shen Tuchuan smiled and did not agree. After a short rest, they pushed the box and walked towards the building. They also deliberately made a big noise just to see if there were zombies in the building.

Fortunately, the results of the trial were good. I didn't meet half an inhuman in an office. Shen Tuchuan went to the water dispenser to pick up a cup of hot water, turned around and handed it to Ji Ting: "If you haven't eaten, drink some water."

Ji Ting blinked: "Who said no food?"


She smiled mysteriously, and then magically opened the suitcase, exposing a full box of compressed biscuits. Shen Tuchuan was originally puzzled. When she saw these things, her eyes widened instantly. The memory that often hit her before buying cookies in the supermarket floated up.


Ji smiled proudly: "I saved it before, isn't it great?"

"Don't you say this is a parent's relic?" Shen Tuchuan looked at her in shock.

Ji heard a cough: "Isn't this afraid of being suspicious of others, so I can only say so, and no matter what, no one will hit my box idea, how good." After all, no one would think of the parents' relics. It would be a box of compressed biscuits.

"But, these are what you saved before. The zombie tide broke out yesterday. How did you know that there would be such a day?" Shen Tuchuanxi looked at her.

Ji listened for a moment, and then whispered, "In fact ... I have the ability to foresee. This ability also appeared suddenly some time ago, do you believe me?" Not long after the first wave of zombies, there will be a part Human beings are awakened, and this is the group of men and women, so she says so now, and she will have plots to help her in the future.

Shen Tuchuan's throat was agitated a bit, and half a while didn't say or disbelieve, but asked mutely, "Why tell me? Don't you want people to know that these things exist?"

At this time, these things are as important as life. Seeing that she risked her life and had to go back to the teaching building to take it, she knew how important it was to her. But why did she tell him?

"You are not someone else." Ji listened seriously.

Shen Tuchuan watched her for a long time, and suddenly asked, "You say you have the ability to predict?"

"Um." Ji Ting nodded firmly.

Shen Tuchuan's throat was a bit dry, and half a moment suddenly walked towards her, holding her face and kissing. Ji Ting opened his eyes in surprise, and there was a hint of confusion in his eyes.

The kiss was pure and short. Shen Tuchuan immediately let go of her kisses, her ears were red and bloody, and her voice began to squeak: "So, did you predict that I kissed you ..."

Ji Ting: "..." Who can predict this?

The author has something to say: Bianzhuer: Do you foresee what I will do to you?

Ji Tingyi glanced at the big bed in front of me: ... sao or you sao2k novel reading network

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