When they saw that it was Zhao Heng, the faces of the four people were a little bad. Shen Tuchuan moved forward subconsciously and stopped in front of Ji Hen.

Zhao Heng didn't seem to see the vigilance on their faces and sighed. "I waited for you with Sun Ling for a long time outside the school, but I didn't wait for anyone, so I thought you had an accident, so I left first and didn't expect ... I'm really happy to see you guys alive. "

"Boss, do you know?" Inch asked casually.

Zhao Heng nodded: "This is my classmate and their parents, and my first car was funded by them."

Ji Ting: "..." Is that funding? No face at all.

"They said they wanted us to take a ride. Boss, what do you think?" Cunto asked again.

Zhao Heng glanced at him: "Of course I have to bring them. They helped me a lot when I was in school. After all, I had a chance to repay. How could I refuse?"

An inch bowed his head and laughed, hiding the irony in his eyes. Ji glanced at their expressions calmly, and concluded that there had been a gap between them. Very good, the sooner the men's match is broken, the sooner they can run to the male lead, and they can follow along.

"Where are you going?" Zhao Heng interrupted Ji Ting's thinking and looked at her with a smile.

Shen Tuchuan's eyes dimmed for a moment, and his lips blocked his vision of looking at Ji Ting: "a city."

"Coincidentally, we intend to go there, too." Zhao Heng didn't seem to care about his behavior and raised his lips after seeing him. "I told them to squeeze, how about giving you a place on each car?" ? "

"Boss, what's the matter if the family has a few cars? It's better to let my brother in the car go to other cars to crowd, let me drive them." He twitched his lips.

Zhao Heng's face twisted for a moment, and then he laughed: "Okay, then it's settled. Everyone speeds up, leave the tank full!"

With that said, he turned around and got out of the car without the next move.

Jiang Yu couldn't believe it: "Why is he suddenly so kind? What is the purpose?"

Shen Tuchuan's eyes were cold and he didn't say a word. Ji Ting shook his hand and sighed to Jiang Yu and said, "Don't care what the purpose is, the most important thing now is to leave from here."

Jiang Yu nodded solemnly, then said to the inch side: "Thank you."

"Get in the car." Take a look at them before getting in the car.

A few people followed the car, and the team quickly drove out of the gas station. The place where they lived for almost a year became smaller and smaller in sight until it completely disappeared.

Ji Ting turned his head, and talked with the inch head. The name of the inch is Li Xiangming. He just graduated from college this year. According to the timeline, there is no power differentiation at this time. In the original text, he is a smart and kind character. In most cases, he is a military division for the male lead. Before the encounter with the male lead, the original text did not explain.

Ji Ting didn't expect that before he talked to the male lead, the boss he talked to turned out to be Zhao Heng.

With an understanding of the characters in the original text, Ji Ting soon chatted with Li Xiangming, and used him as quickly as possible to become familiar with him.

"The boss just said you funded a car for him? What happened?" Li Xiangming glanced at Ji through the rearview mirror.

Ji listened and smiled, and began to talk about what happened before. Jiang Yu worried that Li Xiangming would make a small report with Zhao Heng, so he secretly squeezed Ji Ting's hand. Ji Ting shook his head slightly at her, and finally said the truth.

After listening to the silence for a long time, Li Xiangming sneered, "It's really shameless."

"Yeah Xiangming, do you think so?" Ji Ting answered immediately.

Li Xiangming looked into her through the rearview mirror: "You're not afraid I told him everything you said?"

"Xiong Ming won't do this," Ji listened with a firm smile. "If I'm not mistaken, you should have left him alone?"

"Oh? How can you tell?" Li Xiangming raised an eyebrow.

Ji listened to Shen Tuchuan facing his side, silently intertwined with his fingers, and raised his lips when he looked at himself: "It feels that good people feel different from bad people. You are a good person, he is a bad person. You are destined not to go the same way. "

Li Xiangming heard silence for a long time before he snorted for a while: "Naive."

Ji Tingxiaoxiao didn't speak any more. Shen Tuchuan looked at her with gentle eyes. Although he didn't say a lot of words, they both understood.

Jiang Yu covered her face without looking: "Shen Tushu, you will change places with me later, I don't want to sit with a small couple, it's too cruel."

Number of slaughterers lying without a reason: "..."

"Little couple? I thought they were brothers and sisters," Li Xiangming laughed lazily. "You are really enlightened as parents, are these two adults allowed to talk about love in front of you?"

"Of course we are adults. The two of us are nineteen. Without this disaster, we would be college students now." Shen Tuchuan immediately replied, proving that he and Ji Ting were not in early love.

"Oh, college students, it's time to fall in love." Li Xiangming chuckled.

Shen Tuchuan's ears are a bit red, Ji heard they didn't want to tease him like this, and hurriedly changed the topic: "By Xiang Ming, you said that you followed Zhao Heng a few months ago, then you know Sun Ling ?"

Qian Peng was dead, Zhao Heng was under his nose, and only Sun Ling hadn't found it yet. The three original texts will kill the people of Shen Tu's family. She is not sure of the ending one by one, so she can't rest assured.

"Sun Ling? He is in the team, but the car in the back, you should not have seen him," Li Xiangming casually said, "He is also unlucky, came out of the same class, Zhao Heng became the boss, but he The worse it gets, the worse it is, and now it's a juggler in the team.

"No, so miserable?" Ji was really surprised to hear this time.

Li Xiangming scorned: "What a tragedy? This world is like nothing like him. He has been scummed by zombies for a long time. He is still alive and already lucky."

Ji Ting's heart moved: "He won't know anything, Zhao Heng will be there? Is he awake to power?"

"He thought, unfortunately, even if he deliberately feverish himself a few times, he didn't wake up. He had this in his hand, so he was arrogant." Li Xiangming finished, making a gesture to open a wooden warehouse.

Ji heard it, and then felt wrong: "How do you know that the precursor to awakening is a fever, has anyone in your team ever awakened?"

Li Xiangming paused and said lightly: "Yes, there have been so many."

"What's the status of the psionicist in the team?" Ji Ting asked again.

Li Xiangming glanced at her unclearly: "Everyone is dead, what status is there?"

As soon as his words fell, the other four frowned, and half of Shen Tuchuan said slowly, "Zhao Hengrong can't stop threatening his status, so kill them all?"

"If you kill an ability directly, it will chill the others in the team. After all, no one knows whether they will be the next differentiation. He is not so stupid, but it will assign the most dangerous to the newly divided. For those tasks, those people are more fragile than ordinary people when they are just divided, and there is only a mortal ending when they go out. "Li Xiangming laughed mockingly.

Ji Ting and Shen Tuchuan glanced at each other, and the two thought at the same time that things with Shen Tushu's power must not be discovered. As soon as this idea arose, I heard Li Xiangming casually asked, "So who of you is a power?"

Ji listened to a spirit, Jiang Yu next to her subconsciously clenched her hand, Ji listened with a smirk: "We want to have that ability, as long as we are stuck in the gas station?"

"Without that skill, why would you know that the precursor to the differentiation of abilities is a high fever?" Li Xiangming raised an eyebrow.

Ji suddenly stopped talking, and in a silence, Shen Tuchuan said lightly, "It's me, I'm that power."


Shen Tushu stopped immediately without agreeing. As soon as his identity was shown, he heard Shen Tuchuan say, "Xiang Ming, wouldn't you tell Zhao Heng's right?"

Li Xiangming was happy: "Hey, my mouth is kind of sweet. Why didn't you just call him brother?"

"There was no handle on your hand just now, no need to call." Shen Tuchuan said calmly.

Li Xiangming laughed and cursed, and continued to tease him: "then call again."

"Brother, Xiang Ming brother."

Ji listened and looked at him with amusement. His heavy mood was finally relaxed.

The pedestrians were driving in the wilderness like this, and only a few hours later they saw the shadow of the township. Vaguely distant zombies can be seen in the darkness, with bones everywhere along the road, frozen by the snow and ice. Just glance at it so far, you know that this small town cannot stay.

However, Zhao Heng ordered the car to stop not far from the town.

"There are so many zombies here, there should be few live mouths, and most of the materials in them have not been passive. Let's take a break and prepare to move in tomorrow morning." After Zhao Heng told him, he turned on the car and the rest looked at each other. Did not mean to enter.

"No, there are too many zombies here, we are just a few of them, is it a bit too dangerous?" Someone muttered quietly.

Someone answered immediately: "What is the boss saying, can you still pout?"

"I just said it casually, of course, to listen to the boss." The man muttered, suddenly turned and kicked the person behind him, and sent the fire that he did not dare to the other person. "Mum is like a ghost There is no sound at all, do you want to scare me ?! "

After speaking, he seemed angry, punched and kicked at the thin figure on the ground. Everyone else seemed to be used to it, and the boring ones got back on their cars. Only Li Xiangming gave a snoring sound and pulled Shen Tuchuan beside him: "See? No, that's your classmate Sun Ling."

Ji Ting looked at it immediately, and finally saw the lights for a long time. The man who was beaten as thin as a match turned out to be Sun Ling. That is, I haven't seen him for a few months, and he is as old as forty.

When she was surprised, Shen Tuchuan strode over and grabbed the hand of the perpetrator. Li Xiangming snorted: "Oh, a great hero has appeared, but unfortunately not a beauty."

"You are the hero, otherwise you will not tell Shen Tuchuan who it is, so that Shen Tuchuan can help." Ji listened and gave him a sideways glance.

Li Xiangming smiled: "I don't have it, you think too much." After speaking, I returned to the car.

Ji listened and looked at Shen Tushu and Jiang Yu over there. He smiled softly and said, "Uncle and aunt, get in the car first. I'll wait to go back with Shen Tuchuan."

"Okay, come back quickly, don't cause problems." Jiang Yu frowned.

Ji listened, and when they got on the bus, they went to Shen Tuchuan, and Shen Tuchuan had already ran away the person just now, and she just pulled Sun Ling up in the past.

"Thank you ..." Sun Ling whispered, shrinking his shoulders, and wiped off the corner of his eyes before leaving.

Ji Ting watched him stumble away and sighed halfway: "I don't like being with them."

"I don't like it, either," Shen Tuchuan said, holding her in her arms. "Going to town tomorrow, I will find a car and take you and your parents away from them."

"But □□ was taken away, and we ca n’t drive even if we have a car." Ji heard dull. I don't know why, she was always restless, as if something would happen tomorrow.

Shen Tuchuan caressed her hair comfortably: "It's okay, a car with a manual gear can be lit by other methods. My father taught me."

"Well, let's go together tomorrow." Ji Ting frowned on his arm.

Shen Tuchuan smiled: "You know I won't agree."

"I won't drag your hind legs." Ji Ting frowned.

Shen Tuchuan sighed: "But it will distract me, will you be obedient? You know I don't want you to be in danger."

"But I don't want you to be in danger." Ji listened out of his arms, disapproving, "I can only rest assured by following you."

Shen Tuchuan was silent for a long time, but he still refused firmly. Ji looked at him unhappy. Half a time, Shen Tuchuan said helplessly: "You can rest assured, I promise you will do it."

"What did you promise me?" Ji Ting narrowed his eyes.

"Promise you to come back safely, find a car to take you to City A, and then find a medicine to destroy the zombies to save the world, and then go to college with you, graduate together, propose to you, enter the hall of marriage together, regenerate a few babies, Let parents be grandparents ... "

"You walk away, and the more you talk, the less ridiculous you are. When did you promise me from the college entrance exam?" Ji Ting couldn't help laughing, his face was red.

Shen Tuchuan blinked his eyes: "Can't I promise now?"

"You are poor," Ji heard a cough, and stretched his face serious. "Since no one can convince anyone, then tomorrow we will see how Zhao Heng arranges it. If he lets me enter the town, then I must follow You can't stop you together. "

Shen Tuchuan pondered for a moment, and finally nodded: "Okay." As a man, he knew that Zhao Heng would not let Ji Ting go to the town.

When the two said that they were OK, they went together and went to the car together. When they got into the car, they listened and pulled him. Shen Tuchuan turned around unidentified, and kissed her by the collar.

"You guessed it right before. I foresee that kiss I took the initiative, it turned out that it wasn't in the science and technology building." Ji Tingxiao smiled.

Shen Tuchuan stared at her for a while, then suddenly laughed, gently took her into her arms and exchanged a long kiss.

All the car lights have gone out. Only the moon lights the silver-clad world. Behind the car window, a pair of eyes are looking at the young couple.

The door slowly opened, and Sun Lingse crouched down and sat in, watching the driver carefully, "Boss, what's wrong with me?"

Zhao Heng paused and turned to smile at him: "Sun Ling ..."


When the belly was white, the people in the car came down. Zhao Heng took a box and opened it in front of everyone's face, exposing the steel nails with thick thumbs and thirty centimeters in length, and started to send one by one: One, if they encounter zombies too late to hide, they pierce their heads directly, their bones are very brittle, and they die immediately after piercing. "

"Boss, what is the division of labor?" Someone asked.

Zhao Heng glanced at him: "Ji Ting and his aunt left the guarded car. Uncle is old and stays in the car. The rest of the people are going into the city with me except for the standby."

Ji heard that she could not go with Shen Tuchuan, and she was about to protest immediately. Shen Tuchuan fluttered with a look, and she was forced to think of what she promised last night.

Shen Tuchuan was relieved, and he hurriedly kissed her before leaving, and then entered the town with the others.

As soon as he entered the small town of Zhao Heng, everyone was dispersed. Shen Tuchuan held the steel nail just in his hand and walked forward silently. None of the zombies walking beside him could find his existence. The other members of the team are obviously going through hundreds of battles. They are used to this kind of zombies walking around, and they are quite comfortable to deal with.

The group went apart and went to the supermarket and hotel. After seeing things, they packed them in their backpacks, and everything went smoothly.

Shen Tuchuan went to a pharmacy alone, and after loading everything he could, he just saw Sun Ling rushing in, and stumbled to the ground, and behind him, a zombie was walking to the pharmacy , Will step on him at any time.

He was white, almost screaming, and Shen Tuchuan's gloomy face gave him a boo gesture, then picked up a medicine bottle and threw it out.

The medicine bottle fell on the open space outside the pharmacy with a crisp sound, immediately causing the nearby zombies to growl and scream, and found nothing before leaving.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Sun Ling rolled into the pharmacy, and then suddenly seemed to have contracted a ball and started to twitch. Shen Tuchuan frowned, and after a while, he walked over and stopped a step away from him: "What's wrong?"

Making sure that there were no more zombies in the pharmacy, he kept his voice down.

Sun Ling didn't react at all, just shrank on the ground and convulsed gradually, her mouth began to sob, and her voice became more and more loud. Shen Tuchuan was afraid that he would attract zombies, so he could only squat down to check on his condition. As soon as he crouched down, a sharp edge flashed in front of him, and Sun Ling drew a steel nail and stabbed at him.

Shen Tuchuan has been guarding him all the time, and when he saw this, he wanted to lean back, but unfortunately he was one step late, and Sun Ling's steel nails had stabbed at him. Seeing that he could not stab his heart, he turned straight He stabbed at his foot, and Shen Tuchuan felt a sudden pain coming from his foot. He hummed painfully and controlled with great patience without falling down.

"I don't want it, I don't want it either ..." Sun Ling murmured blindly, crawling out shivering.

Shen Tuchuan couldn't care about him. He sweated and took out the freshener from the shelf to open it. After covering the **** smell, he gritted his teeth and pulled out the steel nails that almost pierced his feet. Wrap your feet layer by layer to ensure that there is no **** oozing.

After doing all this, his hair was soaked, and the whole person was weak, but he didn't care about the rest, and began to walk on tiptoe. Every step was like dancing on the tip of a knife, and it almost hurt him. Fainted. Strong patience propped him forward, trying to leave the town step by step.

It was only when he went back a long way that he suddenly realized that the other players' silhouettes had disappeared. He paused and looked up at the entrance to the town. Zhao Hengzheng looked at him with a smile.

"Ji Ting is mine."

Zhao Heng made a mouthful to him, turning around and shouting, "Zombies are here. Come back to the car!"

His voice caused the roar of the zombies, and Shen Tuchuan instantly understood what he was about to do. A huge anger hit his heart at once. He could bear the huge pain from one foot and ran towards the town. The gauze on the feet was spread out, and the **** smell caused the zombie to grow happier. Furious roar.

Zhao Heng and others ran out while screaming. The movement immediately attracted the attention of the people in the car. Ji Xiangming wanted to get out of the car, and Li Xiangming quickly locked the door with all his eyes: "We will drive to pick it up. After speaking, the car was started.

Ji heard the speech and sat down with a stretched face, and clasped each other's hands with Jiang Yu beside him, staring at the entrance of the town motionlessly.

Several cars rushed towards the town quickly, and the people running out of the town also rushed towards this side, and the two sides desperately wanted to converge. Ji Ting's eyes stared at the front without blinking. When he saw Shen Tuchuan appearing in sight, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and then looked at the zombies that were less than one meter behind him, and raised his heart again.

"Ogawa is injured!" Jiang Yu saw sharply that Shen Tuchuan's feet were not right.

Ji Ting hesitated in his heart, and immediately said to Li Xiangming: "Open the door, I want to go down."

"No!" Li Xiangming refused to think.

Ji Ting was holding the steel nail in her hand and prying at the window. Jiang Yu was persuaded to persuade her at first, but when everyone saw that everyone was getting on the car and Shen Tuchuan's pace was getting slower, she could no longer restrain herself. Can't stop, you have to follow the car. Rao is the coolest Shen Tu number, and finally grabbed Li Xiangming's control key.

Li Xiangming gritted his teeth to deal with these three people, and could not help yelling: "Are you crazy ?! What if you go down? He can run past the zombies ?!"

However, the other three did not listen to him, but just desperately wanted to get out of the car to cope.

In the chaos in the car, Sun Ling running in front of Shen Tuchuan suddenly slipped on his feet and fell directly to the ground. He struggled twice and did not get up. He screamed and turned to Shen Tuchuan for help: "Save me ... Help me quickly ... "

However, this time Shen Tuchuan passed by him expressionlessly, listening to the determined season, leaving the people behind him to be drowned by the zombies. He promised Ji to listen to a lot of things, he must be alive to do it, so he can't die, absolutely can't ...

Unfortunately, there were so many miracles, he had injuries on his feet, and he was put together by Zhao Heng. When he ran, he was very close to the zombies. Even if he was desperate, he was caught up by the **** zombies behind him.

When he was thrown down, there was only one thing in Shen Tuchuan's mind: he promised Ji Ting to return safely ...

"Don't!" Jiang Yu screamed sternly, struggling with the glass, and after Shen Tushui saw Shen Tuchuan disappearing from the zombies, his face turned pale instantly, as if his soul had been taken away.

Ji didn't cry and didn't cry, she just yanked the broken glass with her hands, her hands were splattered with blood, and she had broken glass in her nails, but she didn't seem to know the pain.

The zombies swarmed towards this side, the other vehicles had turned around and moved forward, or it wouldn't be long before the car was besieged by the zombies and could no longer be rushed out.

Li Xiangming glanced at Ji, and grit his teeth, stepped on the throttle and turned around. When Ji Ting realized what he was about to do, he suddenly struggled to climb out of the car window that had only broken a hole. Li Xiangming was shocked and screamed, "Ji Ting! Uncle and aunt are still in the car! Shen Tu Chuan is gone, have you ever thought about it, what do you do if you die? "

This sentence did not stop Ji Ting, but she woke up Jiang Yu, whose hands were also full of blood. She trembled and hugged Ji Ting to climb out, begging her sadly: "Don't Ji Ting ... Don't ... you are good Ogawa hopes you are well, don't do this ... "

Shen Tushui was silent for a long time, then turned to look at Ji listening: "Child, we are the only one. If you have another incident, we will never survive. Children, you will be poor uncles and aunts, sorry for us ..."

Having said that, he suddenly couldn't go on. Don't open your face and close your eyes. Ji Ting held the broken glass in both hands. Behind him was the warm embrace of Jiang Yu. She looked at the world outside the window for the first time and found that the original snow was so dirty.

Vision gradually blurred, and Ji Ting finally spoke slowly: "Auntie, let go of me."

Jiang Yu shook her head desperately, holding her hand to death.

"... Auntie, I won't go to him, really, I won't go." Ji heard that, as if to prove, he sat back quietly.

Jiang Yu still hugged her and refused to give up, tears on her face fell on Ji Ting, as if she was crying. But Ji heard no tears.

The car drove forward silently. There was only the sobbing sound of Jiang Yu in the whole car. Ji Ting had been very calm.

After driving for hours, I finally saw the guidance signs in city a. Zhao Heng ordered everyone to rest, so the team stopped on the wasteland in the suburbs.

When other people in the car got out of the car, Li Xiangming looked to Ji Ting: "Wait until they are all asleep, we will drive away."

Ji Ting looked at him calmly, and half-heartedly stuffed something into his shoes, and then said lightly: "let's talk."

After getting off the train, Li Xiangming realized that she was in a bad mood, and frowned to get out of the car to follow him, only to see that she was walking towards Zhao Heng, and was shocked.

When he strode over to stop, he heard Zhao Heng asking: "What's wrong?"

Then Ji Ting suddenly burst into tears, crying to tell the news that Zhao Hengshen Tu Chuan was dead. Li Xiangming was very surprised, but she did not expect that she would be released in front of Zhao Heng. Shen Tushu and Jiang Yu worried about following the past, but were stopped by Li Xiangming: "Uncle and aunt, you are in a bad mood, go to the car first."

Where can they rest assured, but seeing Li Xiangming is very determined, they can only return to the car. Li Xiangming glanced over them and finally said nothing to meet with the big troops.

"This is the era of today, and you may lose your life anytime, anywhere. Don't be too sad," Zhao Heng said, seeing the injury on her hand, his face suddenly gloomed, "What is the injury?"

"I want to get out of the car to save him, but Li Xiangming doesn't agree ..." Ji Ting cried, a hint of resentment against Li Xiangming flashed on his face.

Zhao Heng looked at her unhappyly: "He didn't agree that he was right, otherwise you will die with Shen Tuchuan now ... come with me and I will bandage you."

Ji Tinghong shook her head with eyes, Zhao Heng frowned: "Come with me!"

Ji listened for a moment, then cried and followed, and the two sat down in the back seat together. Zhao Heng took out the medicine chest and began to help her to get the broken glass on the hand by the light in the car, picking and persuading. She: "Shen Tuchuan is gone, his parents are still there, you can't be so impulsive in the future, even if it is for his parents, you must live well."

"I, I just can't figure it out. Shen Tuchuan has always been very physically fit and careful. He has a lot of zombies, but his speed is not as good as he. Why can't he run out this time?" Ji Ting choked.

Zhao Hengton sighed and sighed, "Maybe it's too big, or it might be zombies that have evolved. This time the zombies are obviously faster. I don't know what happened."

Ji Ting quietly looked at his hand, and half a moment sighed, Zhao Heng looked at her: "Does it hurt?"

"Well, don't sterilize with alcohol. Is there hydrogen peroxide?" Ji listened in a low voice.

Zhao Heng laughed: "Why are you so coquettish." Although he said so, he looked down to find the hydrogen peroxide in the medicine cabinet.

Ji Ting didn't have any emotions in his eyes: "You said that I just hurt my glass with my hands. Ogawa, he was bitten by so many zombies, how much it hurts."

Zhao Heng was a little dull with her strange tone. When she looked up at her, a silver light flashed. He just felt what his throat had been pierced, and he hurried to the side without mercy. The throat seemed to be able to irrigate the next second. Like the wind, the pain finally came out. He looked at Ji Ting in tears, and Ji Ting pulled out.

"Does it hurt? But I think it's okay. There must be no pain in Ogawa. You should taste his pain before you know what should be done and what should not be done." Ji Ting exhausted and pierced him with steel nails. The struggling hand nailed his palm to the seat, then looked at him calmly, "I'm sorry, the fact that Ogawa's foot was injured is strange. I can only think of you and Sun Ling, so I settle the bill. I can only look for you. "

Zhao Heng's eyes were red with pain, but because he was scratched by the vocal cords, he couldn't make any sound at all, and the blood flowed away instantly, his strength disappeared quickly, and he soon became dying.

Ji Ting looked at him quietly. There was no expression on his face. His light-colored down jacket was covered with Zhao Heng's blood, and even his face was splashed a lot. Her fair complexion and bright red blood called her like Shura from hell.

Zhao Heng suddenly became frightened, begging for mercy, but he did not mention what he had done to Shen Tuchuan.

Ji Ting's face did not fluctuate slightly, as if the person crying in front of Zhao Heng was not her. She sat so quietly until Li Xiangming approached and was completely shocked to see the scene.

When Zhao Heng saw someone coming, he dying for help immediately. Li Xiangming only glanced at him, turned his head and whispered to Ji Ting: "Are you crazy ?! Do you know what the consequences are now?"

"Xiang Ming, call your uncle and aunt, we drive this car and go." Ji listened to him.

Li Xiangming gritted his teeth, and eventually did as she said. Zhao Heng saw that Li Xiangming had betrayed, and there was a hint of despair in his eyes.

Shen Tushu and Jiang Yu came quickly, very rare. They didn't say a half word after seeing Zhao Heng like this, they just sat in the car quietly, Li Xiangming turned while the others were eating, and the car turned in a dozen They rushed out, and when those people were chasing in a hurry, they had already run away.

The car drove silently to city A. When fast-forwarding to the city, Ji Ting suddenly said: "Stop."

Li Xiangming frowned and asked, "Why?"

"Xiang Ming, stop." Ji Ting repeated.

She looked at him calmly and coldly, so Li Xiangming found that she could hardly refuse, and could only listen to her stopping the car.

At this moment, Zhao Heng was dying, his eyelids were getting heavier, and he was fainting at any time. Ji Ting stared at him and asked, "I said, I want you to taste the pain of Ogawa."

Zhao Heng opened his eyes sharply, and began to struggle in panic. Jiang Yu realized what she was about to do and immediately opened the door. The **** smell immediately attracted the attention of several zombies in front.

Ji Yan pushed him under the car with no expression, and closed the door without hesitation after Jiang Yu got on the car. Li Xiangming looked at her inexhaustibly: "Is it okay now?"

"I want to watch him die." Ji heard only one sentence.

Li Xiangming saw those zombies rushing towards Zhao Heng who was covered with blood. He couldn't bear to look straight and drove the car forward. In the face of Ji Ting's eyes, he couldn't help explaining: "I'm afraid that our car will be dirty ... ... "

There was a bite in his ear between words, and his face almost spit out.

Ji Ting listened so quietly, until Zhao Heng died there, she raised her lips gently: "Let's go to city A."

The author has something to say: 串 儿: I know that the flag will die before the war. I also established so many at once ...

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