Wh ... **** ... hw ... **** ...

Night fell and darkness covered the whole town, wandering like a rotting zombie. In a silence, a phalanx hand caught the grass on the ground, and a zombie with gray eyes climbed from the next second.

Its face has been half-destructed, and there are traces of biting, and one eyeball has disappeared directly. There is a dark hole in the stomach, and the intestines are exposed with flesh and blood, and the biting cold wind can pass through the hole. Directly inside, the entire abdominal cavity seemed to become a leaky box.

Like other zombies, it started to wander when he stood up, but he kept walking along the road, as if purposeful. Without the intellect, the five senses only have hearing and smell, but it seems to have a natural instinct, constantly surpassing instincts to drive it forward, all the way forward ...

Winter nights are always extremely long, and it is not until eight in the morning that there is a tendency to dawn.

After dropping off the team's Ji Ting and others, after a night in city A, they finally found a place to stay-an early education center.

Although resources are scarce, there are almost no zombies inside, which is safer than outside, and there are small blankets in the classroom cabinets to keep you warm while you sleep.

"It's more biased here, but I checked it just now and it's safe. Just find something to eat. Let's make it up and take a look around after the break." Li Xiangming put the food on the table, his eyes were full exhausted.

He said nothing about the murder of Zhao Heng yesterday, and the others didn't say anything. The four seemed to forget it at the same time.

Jiang Yu shook his head weakly: "Eat it, I'm not hungry."

"I'm not hungry, you listen to Ji listen and eat." After only one night, Shen Tushu seemed to be ten years old.

Li Xiangming looked at them, and finally turned his attention to Ji Ting: "You advise them, life will always go on."

Ji listened to silence for a long time before whispering: "Let's take it easy, let them sleep for a while, and then wake up and eat."

"... Let ’s do that. I ’ll eat my share first, and I wo n’t sleep if I do n’t have enough.” After Li Xiangming finished, he politely divided the things into four, took his own share and sat in the corner. Next, I closed my eyes and fell asleep after eating.

As soon as he left, Ji listened to Jiang Yu: "Auntie, rest first."

"Let's sleep, I'm not sleepy." Jiang Yu's sadness under her eyes could hardly be restrained, and every word was choked out.

Shen Tushu hugged her silently, and after a long time she calmly comforted: "Well, now that things have happened, do you need to look forward to know? Ji He needs us, we can't fall."

Jiang Yu buried his face in his arms, squinted lowly, his shoulders shivered. Ji Ting stood beside them quietly, until Jiang Yu was tired and she slept in Shen Tushou's arms, she said to Shen Tu: "Uncle, you can sleep for a while."

"Well, don't worry about us, let's get tired, go to rest." Shen Tushu slowed his voice.

Ji heard that his emotional state was normal, so he nodded, lay down in the corner silently, and pulled a blanket over his body.

There was only the sound of breathing in the room soon. The warmth brought by the blanket made everyone tense for a day. The spirit couldn't help but relax. Even the messy season of brains could not restrain the sleepiness brought by the body. Go to sleep soon.

It is a pity that her feelings are not solid. In the dream, she repeatedly played the scene of Shen Tuchuan being thrown by the zombies. Until the brain could no longer bear the pain, forcing her to wake up from the dream, she opened her eyes narrowly.

After sitting for a long time, she sat up, looked at Li Xiangming and Jiang Yu who were still asleep in the house, and found that Shen Tu was missing. She hurriedly got out of bed and ran out to find someone. After rushing into the corridor, she suddenly heard a depressed cry. She slammed and looked at the middle-aged man at the end of the corridor with her back to her.

His hair burst seemed to be white overnight, and his back was no longer straight. I remember when he first met, he was very young, but in just one day, his old appearance appeared.

Ji Ting stood quietly in the corridor, listening to his cry of pain and despair, without stepping forward to bother. He is a husband, a father, and the last conviction and support in a family, so he ca n’t be sad when he is sad, he ca n’t be painful when he is in pain, he can only bite his teeth, and continue to turn his suffering into hope and support this. Go home.

Her eyes were slightly red, and her fingertips were shaking. When tears were about to fall, Li Xiangming stepped out of the door, stood quietly with her for a while, and turned to walk to another classroom. Ji Ting lowered his eyes, followed silently.

"Did Zhao Heng kill Shen Tuchuan?" Li Xiangming shot straight.

Ji listened to him: "Yes."

Li Xiangming paused: "Sorrowful."

Ji Ting stared at the cartoon character printed on the floor, and said for a while: "I have no evidence. If you don't believe me, or think my method is too cruel, we can separate peacefully, but we must wait for my uncle and aunt to find a scooter. "

Li Xiangming was silent for a long time, and after a long glance at her: "I believe in you and also believe in Shen Tuchuan." As she said before, the gas field of good and bad people is inherently incompatible. If they are bad people, he will not Will choose to help them.

Ji Ting calmly nodded: "Thank you."

The two were speechless, and Li Xiangming couldn't help but said, "Ji Ting, you're in the wrong mood, don't you think about it?"

As soon as he said this, Ji's lips raised a little radian: "You think more, as long as the world still exists, I can't think of it."

At first glance, she was okay, but it was strange to listen carefully. Li Xiangming looked at her and wanted to persuade him a few more words. Ji heard the footsteps of Shen Tu several times back to the room, so he turned back and left Li Xiangming looked worried.

When Ji listened to the room, Shen Tujue's eyes were still red, and he lowered his head when he saw her: "You and Xiangming are not there. Where have you been?"

"We went out and talked for a while, our uncle slept for a while, and waited until our aunt woke up before we ate." Ji Ting pretended not to find out that he was wrong.

Shen Tu responded vaguely and lay down beside Jiang Yu. Ji Ting didn't talk to him anymore. After taking a look at Li Xiangming who came in, he sat quietly in the corner.

An hour later, Jiang Yu woke up with tears, opened her eyes and saw Shen Tu's gully between her eyebrows. She wiped her tears and reached out to help him heal. Shen Tushu woke up and held her in her arms silently for a long time before whispering, "Are you hungry?"

"... hungry." Jiang Yu, who had no appetite, replied, and then felt the man holding himself relaxed.

After hearing what they said, Ji Ting greeted them immediately: "Uncle and aunt, get up and eat something." After speaking for a moment, he looked at Li Xiangming again, "Xiang Ming, let's eat together."

"I've finished my share, so I'm sorry to eat you." Li Xiangming laughed.

Ji Tingxiaoxiao smiled: "In the future, we will depend on each other, so how can we care about these."

Li Xiangming paused, and got up casually: "Since this is the case, I am not polite." After speaking, I sat down with them.

Several people divided the tight food and ate while discussing the future.

"It's still too dangerous for a few of us to fight alone. It's best to find another organization to depend on," Li Xiangming ate the last bite of the biscuit. "Well, what are you planning to do in city A?"

"Listen that there is a cousin here, we are going to run to him," Jiang Yu said with a bitter smile, "I didn't expect to be stuck at the gas station for so long, and I don't know if her cousin is still here."

"Look for it, anyway, you need to find a reliable organization by the way." Li Xiangming immediately said.

The remaining three also agreed, and the matter was settled.

In the next few days, the group embarked on the search.

And a zombie degenerate in the town is also constantly approaching city a. It walks very slowly, but it doesn't stop day and night, just by instinct to keep going forward, even if the soles of the feet are worn out, the soles of the feet also start to blur, and every step of the snow will print a little blood, it also There was no response, all I knew was to go forward.

One day and night, it smelled a strange smell, and roared towards the taste, and suddenly became confused. When it was about to bite a woman's neck, an iron goblet suddenly chopped down at its head, and its neck was severed for a moment, and then it fell to the ground with a plop.

The person holding the iron golem approached it, raised the iron golem and patted it on its head again. It lay on the ground stiffly and could not move anymore.

"Are you dead?" Someone asked.

The latte kicked his head: "Dead."

"Come over to eat. Mom's not in front of the village, but not in the store. Where's the zombie? It's just this one." Someone scolded.

The latte man laughed and walked over, and the group made a mess. No one saw the zombie's finger move.

The zombies were gone when they came back after dinner. The man who had previously made the ladle was covered with hair: "Did hell, mom? Who moved the zombies?"

"Dirty ones, who would move that thing, didn't you say you were dead? Why was it gone?"

"Then who knows, weird gates, don't stay here any more, hurry up."

"How many zombies have you killed? Are you still afraid of them?"

"I'm not afraid of zombies, can't I be afraid of ghosts ?, hurry and hurry ..."

A group of people got into the car hurriedly and drove on the road. No one saw that a zombie whose neck had been cut off more than half was picking up behind the pickup truck. The gray pupils reflected the night and snow.

And it can't see anything.

The car quickly entered the city of A and headed for a certain destination. When passing the largest research institute in the city on the way, the car stopped, and the conversation in the compartment passed into its ear-

"Is this the Academy?"

"What do you want? The boss is still waiting, we must go back as soon as possible."

"Everyone said that this time the zombies were caused by improper operation of the research institute. If this is true, does it mean that they may find a way to eliminate zombies?"

"Don't pull it, let's not say that this time the zombie virus is global, even if the rumors are true, those materials are for you, can you research the antidote?"

"makes sense."

The driver was persuaded and the car started again and rushed forward. The zombie took a loose hand from the car and thumped to the ground. This fall dislocated all of its knuckles, twisting a calf into a strange angle, and it didn't respond, just struggling to walk towards the academy.

Someone on the pickup truck saw the zombies in the back through the mirror, and it was a bit strange: "The one behind us is the one we shot before?"

"What?" The others turned back, but saw nothing.

The man was still shocked: "I seem to see the zombie who was shot dead before. Is it really alive?"

"How is it possible! Even if it was alive, how did it get to City A overnight? It would never come by car like us?"

The crowd immediately laughed, and the people they saw were not entangled anymore. It was only when they rushed for a few days and their eyes were a bit lost.

The group quickly returned to the base, and before they got off the bus, the people at the base greeted them and saw them returning safely, one by one as happy as the New Year.

"You guys are back. One day later than planned, the boss is worried about dying. Come with me to see the boss." A beautiful girl greeted them.

After the people handed the car over to the others, they went to the base office with the girl. As soon as they went in, they told them about the adventure last night. The boy at the desk laughed, "Can I walk if my neck is cut? What can I do?" Never seen such a strong zombie? "

"Really, boss, when did we lie to you?" The person who shot the zombie personally took the iron bark immediately.

The boy's eyes were crooked, and a temperament like jade was revealed all over his body: "Okay, just come back safely, just don't talk to me about the others."

As soon as the voice fell, there was a knock at the door. He responded and came out the next second quarter: "Brother Bei Yun."

"Oh, pretty girl! Boss, do you know? Why are you calling your brother?" The man immediately said.

The boy smiled: "Well, my distant cousin, I saw it when I was young, and just came to me."

"Really fake? Since I haven't seen him for many years, why did I come here suddenly?" The man was puzzled.

Ji Ting slowly said: "Although I met a few times when I was a kid, I always felt that Brother Beiyun was the most powerful person in the world. So when I encountered a zombie tide, the first idea was to let Brother Beiyun protect me, so I came to City A with all my heart, but fortunately I found it. "

The main character Bei Yun has a good personality and great ability. The only drawback is that he has a bad memory. She had previously told him a few things about him when he was a child, so he accepted her as a cousin with little doubt. '. Now that the parties cannot see through, let alone the others.

"Hey, girl, you're right about this idea, our boss is terrific, you can stay here and rest assured!" Sure enough, the man no longer wondered when he heard it.

Ji listened and smiled, and exaggerated a few words in cooperation. Beiyun was a little embarrassed and followed the topic. A few men who just came back wanted to be close to Ji Tingtao. Zhangkou was about to tell the story of the zombie last night. They were ashamed, and as soon as they started talking, Beiyun sent them out.

"Are you looking for anything?" Bei Yunhan asked with a smile.

Ji listened to silence for a moment, and half a moment looked down, "I want to borrow a car from you ..."


After coming out of Beiyun, she went to the base doctor again. When she returned to the residence, it was already early, and when she returned, she saw Jiang Yu and Shen Tushu sitting on the sofa, looking very dignified, Jiang Yu's eyes It's red. Ji listened and knew: "Bei Yun told you something?"

"If he doesn't say, are you going to sneak away and tell me to go crazy with your dad at the base?" Jiang Yu said with tears in his eyes.

These days they have changed the title, Ji Ting was officially recognized as their daughter.

Ji listened to her and sat down beside her, gently coaxing her: "How come, even if Bei Yun does not say, I will tell you, I plan to go out for a while."

"Life in the base is so stable. Why are you going out and where are you going?" Jiang Yu was not fooled, and she collapsed without waiting for her explanation. "Are you going back to that township, are you going to find Xiaochuan?"

These days have been exhausted, no one has mentioned Shen Tuchuan again. As soon as he mentioned him, Jiang Yu's tears continued to fall like a broken bead.

Ji Ting's eyes were reddish and silent.

Shen Tushu sighed: "Listen, Ogawa has ... even if you find him, you just find a lifeless body, and this body is not worth your risk?"

Ji Ting sat quietly there and said bitterly after a long time: "Dad, mom, Ogawa is not dead."

"Listen, don't do this ..." Jiang Yu covered her face with a trembling hand, tears flowing from her fingers.

Ji Ting hugged her, and half of his mouth opened with red eyes: "Really, I can feel that he is not dead."

"Listen ..." Jiang Yu couldn't say anything.

Ji Ting took a deep breath: "Mom, my instinct is very accurate, you have to believe me, do you remember the box I drew when we first met?"

Jiang Yu in her arms sat up and looked at her. Ji Ting don't open his face: "Everything in my box is to cope with this disaster, everything is a necessity, aren't you curious, why did I prepare the box before the tide of zombies broke out? ? "

"Listen ..." Jiang Yuxi looked at her.

Ji Ting calmly looked at her: "Because I was aware that a disaster would happen before the zombie tide broke out, so I prepared all this, and now I don't think he is dead, so I want to go back to him."

Shen Tuchuan's death hit her so hard, she only reacted in the past few days. If the men's match is dead, the mission in this world will be directly classified as failure, and she will immediately pop out from here for the next mission. But now that the world is fine, she still stays here safely, the only reason It is that Shen Tuchuan did not die.

Although I don't know why he didn't die, although since the day he was drowned by the zombies, readers complained that she no longer responded to her questions in her mind, but based on previous experience, Ji also felt that he was not dead, so she had to go back Find him, be sure to find him.

Jiang Yuxi looked at Ji Ting. Although she reasonedly told her son that she was dead, she felt a little shake in the face of Ji Ting's firm eyes: "Then ... Is going with your dad to accompany you?"

"No, I'll go to him by myself," Ji heard, and saw what Jiang Yu wanted to say, and immediately held her hand. "Mom, I promised Ogawa, I want you to be safe, you do n’t want to Will you leave the base? "

Tears spread across Jiang Yu's eyes: "But ..."

"No one is allowed to go, I will never allow you any danger." Shen Tushu interrupted with a deep voice.

Ji listened for a moment, calmly staring at him, after a short while Shen Tushu turned away. Ji listened to his lips: "Dad, what I said is true, Ogawa is really not dead."

"Child, you are too tired, rest." Shen Tu finished his countenance, and returned to the room with red eyes.

Ji heard that he didn't want to talk anymore, and was suddenly silent.

Jiang Yu calmed down and realized that she had just lost her head. Shen Tuchuan was bitten by a zombie under her eyelids. How could she still be alive: "Listen, Ogawa is gone. If I know Izumi, I don't want to You are like this, my mother believes your intuition is accurate, but this thing ... "

Having said that, I suddenly couldn't go on.

"I know, Mom, you go to rest." Ji listened gently.

Jiang Yu nodded and turned back to the room. Ji Ting sat on the sofa for a long time and returned to his room. He just packed things as soon as he entered the house, left a note, jumped out the window, and drove directly. left.

She took the pass obtained from Beiyun and drove straight away. When she drove to the door, she met Li Xiangming. She lowered the window and said to him, "I'll go out for a few days and help me look at my parents. Don't let They left from the base. "

"Why are you going?" Li Xiangming frowned.

Ji heard that he was going to find Shen Tuchuan, and he felt very relaxed. He immediately waved at him and left. Li Xiangming shouted at her to stop at the back, Ji heard his voice immediately added the throttle.

No one was on the road at night. Occasionally a zombie rushed over, and Ji listened to the habit and ran directly into it, without hesitation. Drive straight forward all the way. When passing the institute, suddenly one of the brakes stopped.

She stared at the gate of the academy with strange light under her eyes. If Shen Tuchuan is still alive, then he is still in a small town full of zombies. At this moment, the situation should be very dangerous. If he can directly find the medicine to kill the zombies and destroy them, he will not directly resolve the crisis. Is it?

The reason why it took five years to find the medicine in the original text was because there were layers of institutions in the institute, and the male lead had a certain level of ability to open these institutions. But now it is not the same. She can directly find all kinds of unlocking passwords through the original text. It only needs to be opened by a very human method.

... As long as she now unlocks all kinds of locks before returning to call Beiyun, when she arrives in the town a few hours later, Beiyun can almost spread the medicine, and she can take Shen Tuchuan directly back Home.

Ji Ting grew more and more eager to get out of the car and was ready to implement. She armed herself full-width, took Beiyun and sent her Mu Cang to the research institute.

In the basement of the research institute, the zombie with a broken leg walked forward limping, and the voice of whine in his mouth seemed to be talking. If you listen carefully, you can hear the faint words--

Ji ... listen ...

The author has something to say: Hey, did you meet? I only slept for four hours yesterday, I did my best ... Send 50 red envelopes, and I will not abuse them every day.

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