There was no light in the academy, and Ji Ting took a small flashlight and shone to see the zombies wandering ahead. Ji listened lightly, while paying attention to the zombies around him, at the same time, he was careful about the debris everywhere under his feet to avoid making a slight noise.

The research institute was very large. It took her a lot of time to walk from the gate to the building where the drugs were stored. By the time she reached the front of the building, her back was sweating.

Stopping in front of the building to rest quietly, even if the zombie in a white coat walked straight towards her, she remained calm and did not move, until the zombies passed by her side, she was slightly relieved.

Ji Ting stood quietly, and looked closely at the zombies around him, and found that they really did not have any scars on his body as in the original text. Although his face was pale, it was not exaggerated. If it hadn't been known in advance, they were too close to the virus, so after turning into a zombie, it would look like a living person, I'm afraid she will be directly exposed.

Ji listened enough, and carefully went into the building.

On the top floor of the building, a zombie with his neck cut off and his head pulled at a very strange angle is walking forward. Behind it, there are layers of protective doors that have been unlocked. There is only one zombie on this floor, and its purring and purring voices appear in the empty hall, forming a weird echo.

It walked, and the left leg with a broken leg suddenly clicked, and the next break broke down on the ground, and half of the calf straightened up, so it fell.

The fall broke his neck a little bit, leaving only a third of his skin. The flesh was still attached to his head, and he could die at any time. It struggled on the ground for a moment, but it couldn't stand up, it had to crawl forward little by little, and then in the last protection door, stretched out the fingers with only bones left, and instinctively pressed the number on it.


The door opened, and the purring sound in the mouth of the zombie changed a bit. It seemed to be happy to open the door. The next second it fell to the ground again. This time it seemed dead and completely unable to move.

After a long time, it only had the bones of his fingers moved, and he stubbornly crawled forward again, his body's dried blood and soil were scooped to the floor, leaving a long mark on the ground. After a long time, it finally climbed to two isolation boxes with one test tube each.

The test tubes containing the same transparent liquid, respectively, are now behind the glass door. You can get the medicine by simply pressing the button on the door. The zombies touched two boxes, and it was rare to be quiet.

It doesn't have a sense of mind, but it also knows that it can only take one kind. If it is wrong, it will bring unimaginable consequences. As it was delicate, there was a slight noise behind him, followed by a surprised voice: "How did the door open ?!"

The sound only sounded for a moment, and then it quieted down as if aware of something. The zombie instinctively wanted to scream when she heard it, but her voice seemed to have a curse, making it completely immobile, and every flesh on her body shouted ‘flee, do n’t be seen by her! ’

The zombie rushed to grab a test tube, and fell to the ground the next second. The moment the head was torn again, the transparent medicine in the test tube fell on its neck, and it went straight down the throat to remove it. Those that went in, the rest of the virus spread through the air.

Thousands of zombies roared agitated, and the sound came from all directions, while the zombies covered with medicine were lying on the ground completely and could not move.

As soon as Ji Ting reached the top floor and had not yet reached the first code door, she heard the zombie's restlessness. She was shocked in her heart, ran to the window subconsciously, and looked down at her heart—

The zombies who were still in the research institute are running like crazy at this moment. It seems that there are some horrible things here to expel them, and those zombies who are some distance away from the research institute are screaming, if you listen carefully to their roar ... … With fear in it.

Ji listened to those zombies, and then went on to see the zombies who were running out, whispering for a while: "How has the speed of the zombies become faster?"

... No, not just speed. These zombies seem to have vision. Some of the zombies who have been running wildly almost hit the tree one after another, but they easily avoided each time they came. Although it is cold today, but it is not windy, those trees are standing there quietly. If there is no vision, how can it be avoided?

Ji Ting's heart sank slowly, no longer looking for medicine, but turned and ran downstairs.

Ten or more meters away from her original position, a wound on a zombie was muttering and bubbling, and mucus was constantly covering her body. Soon the zombie was completely wrapped. The mucus gradually hardened, like a shell, holding the zombies firmly.

Ji Ji ran down to hear his heart beat very fast, and he constantly summoned readers' grievances, and wanted to ask what was going on. The disaster in the original text lasted for five years, but in the past five years, the zombies have clearly not evolved. What went wrong, will it lead to a different story than the original?

Unfortunately, the reader's grievances don't seem to exist. No matter how she called, Ji failed to call it out. Ji Ting could only run down first.

Since the zombies of the academy were running away with her own eyes, she did not deliberately lighten her footsteps when she went downstairs, only to hide when she ran to the gate.

The zombie ran out of the academy at the moment next to her car, like other zombies, lying on the ground, with a lifelike face, completely like a dead person.

Ji Ting stared at them cautiously. After counting the numbers, he determined that there were dozens of them, and his brows frowned. They are too close to the car, and now their speed and vision have recovered a little. If they rush through like this, it will be easy to find.

As she hesitated, the roar of the zombies was getting smaller. It seemed that a certain ceremony had come to an end. Ji Ting realized that if she didn't run at this time, I'm afraid it would be difficult to run away, so she took a deep breath and walked forward gently. , Rushed towards the car as they approached them.

The zombies were still in fear and didn't realize that someone was approaching. When they heard the sounds, Season Hearing had already got into the car and locked the door directly.

The zombies yelled towards her, Ji heard his gaze and knocked the accelerator backwards. The car ran over the body of the zombies and made a heavy noise. These zombie-like zombies screamed immediately. Ji listened relentlessly and banged all these intact zombies until he was sure that others could recognize them as zombies at one glance, and then rushed out of the car.

She went to the town with a cold face, and after driving for a long distance, she could not help but cursed and slammed the steering wheel on her way.

Encountered a lot of restless zombies along the way, she bumped into it without hesitation, and all the way to block the killing monsters quickly returned to the base.

"What about Brother Beiyun and Xiangming Brother?" Ji heard as soon as he entered the base, and learned that they were going there immediately after being in the office.

When she knocked open the door of the office, Bei Yun, Li Xiangming and others were having a meeting, and they were a little puzzled after seeing her. Ji didn't give them the time to react, and after coming in, he said directly, "Zombies have evolved, and now their speed has improved, and their vision has improved!"

As soon as she spoke, everyone's face changed.

"What are you talking about?" Bei Yun Ningmei looked at her.

Ji Ting gasped and stared at him: "Yes, I just saw it with my own eyes, and now I want to confess something, all present are the confidants of Bei Yun. I can trust you, so everyone doesn't have to go."

"Ji Ting ..." Seeing that she was in the wrong state, Li Xiangming couldn't help but want to stop her.

Ji Ting interrupted him: "I had seen the future with my own eyes before the zombie tide broke out."

The people present were all shocked and seemed unable to believe what they heard.

Ji Ting looked at them calmly, and confessed a few words, one by one, including the fact that he was not Beiyun's cousin at all, and why he did so.

"The reason I trusted Xiang Ming so much when I first met him, and wanted to come to city A with him because I knew that he would follow Bei Yun and become a hero to help him save the world," Ji Hearing, the voice began to tremble, "You must believe me, all I say is true."

The whole house was quiet, for a while, Beiyun Shen said, "You kept hiding this before, why did you say it now?"

"Because I don't think Shen Tuchuan is dead!" Ji Ting's eyes flushed. "I don't think he was dead. He should be hiding somewhere in the town. Now the zombies have suddenly evolved. I'm afraid his situation will be even more dangerous. "

She reacted too slowly. It was already two days since she realized that Shen Tuchuan was not dead, but because he wanted to settle his parents, he didn't take time until tonight, but he didn't expect the zombies to evolve.

"So you think I'll go with you now and get medicine to save the world, and by the way solve Shen Tuchuan's plight?" Bei Yun asked again.

"Yes, I think you should go with me as soon as possible, because the two medicines are exactly the same, only you can choose the right one," Ji Ting nodded immediately, "In fact, even if there is no Shen Tuchuan, I will think of a way to This thing tells you, but it is not so urgent at this moment, because I did not expect that the zombie actually evolved. "

Bei Yun looked at her steadily, and did not speak for a while.

"This little liar, I don't believe her, boss, don't be fooled." A fat man disdain, he has seen so many abilities, and has never known which one has the ability to predict, let alone she means that she has the prediction Ability is before the zombie tide.

"Your wife has a love. She is a college classmate. She hasn't been broken for so many years. She will roll your money to run away with him in a few days, and then she will meet the zombies shortly after leaving the base. The two died directly. "Ji didn't want to hear it.

The fat man froze and suddenly became furious: "Fuck your mother's fart ..."

"Fat brother is done, she's nonsense, don't give her general knowledge." Li Xiangming quickly stopped the fat man.

The fat man yelled to settle accounts with Ji Ting, but Ji Ting abandoned all messy voices and looked at Beiyun pleadingly.

After a long time, Beiyun slowly said, "Okay, I believe in you." Before that, he wondered why he could tell many things he had done alone. He thought he had bad memory, so he remembered it wrong. , Now think about it, she was right, but just confused by her.

"Thank you ..." Ji Ting's eyes were slightly wet.

"Boss, do you really believe her?" The fat man refused.

Bei Yun glanced at him: "Her parents are still at the base, there is no need to lie to us, let's go to the academy." After that, he went directly to Mu Cang.

Ji Ting thanked him and went with him. The people in the office looked at each other, and finally Li Xiangming reminded him, "Well, what are you doing?"

These talents reacted and hurried to follow.

The group took three cars, hurrah, ran out, and soon arrived in front of the institute. Seeing the stubble on the ground, the fat man yelled, "So disgusting, who did it?"

"I," Ji Ting calmly confessed, and said a step before he taunted him. "These people may be closest to the medicine, so they become like zombies after becoming zombies. I'm afraid that someone will mistake them for being alive. Hit them once again to prevent normal people from being harmed. "

The fat man froze for a moment, because Ji heard ... it makes sense.

While they were talking, a zombie came to the car window, and suddenly rushed up the next second, starting to growl against the window. Li Xiangming was surprised: "Can you really see it?"

Beiyun Yi Mucang headshot the zombies, looked at the dozens of zombies coming in front of him, lowered his face and said lightly, "Be careful, this time it is estimated that it will be difficult to do."


The group said, they got out of the car and hit the zombies, and soon a dozen zombies died. There were still zombies in the distance, and they ran to the building immediately. There were still no zombies in the building, and Ji Ting took them all the way unimpeded, went directly to the top floor, and then—

"Impossible! In the foreseeable future, the door here will always be locked, and no one will come in for five years!" Ji Ting went forward incredibly, pushed open the door, and went directly into the store of the drug The innermost room.

Then I saw two empty isolation boxes.

She stared at the box stupidly, her voice suddenly lost her strength: "Impossible ... I haven't changed the plot, how could someone take the medicine first ..."

"Ji listen, there is nothing here." Beiyun frowned.

Ji Tingyi looked at him: "You believe me, I really predict the future ..."

"I believe in you, and not to say that you have no motivation to lie. Those things you said before have also verified that your words are true," Beiyun said after a moment of silence, "but have you ever thought about, 'the future "This kind of thing can be changed at any time. It is not fixed. Maybe today there is a changed person. The sudden evolution of the zombie is also related to the fact that he took two pills ..."

"Impossible! The future here is fixed, unless someone consciously forcibly changes ..." Ji heard subconsciously denied, and half of the words suddenly stopped.

Someone suddenly changed ... Apart from herself, she could only think of Shen Tuchuan, because only he was like himself, already familiar with the plot and how the level of the academy was broken. is it him? Is he here? Ji listened a little at a loss.

Bei Yun sighed when she looked at it. After hesitating for a while, she looked at Li Xiangming. Li Xiangming said slowly: "Ji Ting, I believe you, but just as Bei Yun said, this kind of thing is always possible in the future. The change is like Zhao Heng ... If you can predict that Zhao Heng will hurt him, how can it not be with us? ''

"I know Zhao Heng will hurt him, but we avoided it that time, so I took care of it for the second time ..." Ji Ting was still strangling, and he heard his words subconsciously answered, "Yes, about what will happen in the future, I He already told Shen Tuchuan, maybe he took the medicine? "

"Ji Ting! The town is a few hours' drive from city A. Even if he is still alive, how can he come here without a car? Even if he has his own way, why not find us first? You also follow him I said I'm looking for Beiyun. Beiyun's name is so loud in city A, there is no possibility of being difficult to find! "Li Xiangming frowned.

Ji heard his eyelashes trembled, and didn't speak.

Li Xiangming slowed his tone: "According to what you said, isn't it equal to change in the future, so it is not impossible to take the medicine now by others, as for Shen Tuchuan ... I think you should calm down."

If, as she said, she only predicted the future once, then leaving the gas station with Zhao Heng must be something other than her prediction. Similarly, Shen Tuchuan also had an accident in the town. Since it was something beyond her foreknowledge, she could not conclude that Shen Tuchuan was alive.

Bei Yun's eyes were also anxious, apparently she felt that something was wrong with her spirit.

Ji Ting murmured: "He must be alive, or this world ..."

Before she finished speaking, the reader's complaint that had not moved in her mind suddenly appeared—

‘Because of the special settings in this article, human beings are not considered dead after they become zombies. Only when zombies lose their ability to act and completely decay, are they considered to be completely dead. ’

Ji listened for a while, and realized the meaning of readers' grievances after a long time ... The reason why this world has not ended may be that Shen Tuchuan is still alive, and secondly, it may be that Shen Tuchuan has not completely corrupted after becoming a zombie.

... and it seems self-evident that which is most likely in combination with reality.

There seemed to be a broken corner in her heart, and her face paled like a wandering soul. Beiyun couldn't bear to sigh softly. Li Xiangming stepped forward to support Ji Ting and said to Beiyun, "The most important thing now is to find the person who took the medicine and let him hand it over."

"Where to find the vast crowd." The fat man couldn't help answering.

The crowd suddenly looked at Ji Ting. Although they knew she certainly didn't know it, they always reported something to her.

Ji listened for a long time before he said, "In the dean's office downstairs, there are research files on viruses and detoxification. Maybe I can find out the formula."

As soon as her voice fell, two of them ran out immediately, and the fat man muttered, "Why do you all trust her so much ..."

The two went quickly and came back quickly, and they were very pleased when they returned with a portfolio: "Ji heard it right! It is indeed a study of zombie virus. With this, it is also very fast to dispense antidote. thing."

"Why, can zombies become human again?" The fat man stretched his neck.

The man laughed: "How is it possible! A person becomes a zombie after he has died. A zombie is just an aggressive corpse. The so-called antidote is also a medicine that destroys their attack power and turns them back into a quiet body . "

The fat man gave a snoring noise, and retracted his head.

The institute was out of medicine, and the group went outside. When they walked into the courtyard, Beiyun paused and looked back at the building in doubt.

"What's wrong, boss?" Asked the fat man.

Beiyun frowned: "These zombies have been wandering outside, but dare not enter the gate of the academy. Is there anything in it?"

"I guess it's time to get some medicine before here." Fatty casually said, realizing that this statement was equivalent to admitting Ji Ting's predictive ability, and his face was a little dark.

A brother next to him patted his shoulder sympathetically: "It's okay, hasn't the future changed, maybe your wife won't run away."

"... get your mother."

Ji Ting and Li Xiangming walked to the end without hearing what they said. When walking to the yard, Li Xiangming asked, "Will you come back with us?"

"I'm going to the town." Ji Ting looked down. Although she knew that the possibility of Shen Tuchuan becoming a zombie was much greater than that of being alive, she could not die without seeing him in person.

Li Xiangming knew that he couldn't persuade her, and he said slowly after a moment of silence: "Give you a week. If I don't come back a week later, I will let my uncle and aunt go to you in person."

"Xiang Ming ..." Ji Ting frowned.

Li Xiangming smiled, holding his breath in his eyebrows: "If you are not afraid that your uncle and aunt are in danger, then you must not protect yourself."

Ji Ting realized that he had noticed his death and was silent for a while. She will not leave the world until she finds Shen Tuchuan, and after finding him ... if he becomes a zombie, then she does not have to stay in the world.

"You, really ..." Li Xiangming sighed and rubbed her hair.

Ji Ting followed his lips and went out to a small car in his own car. Beiyun and others turned back to the base. On the top floor of the academy dropped by everyone, a hand was held out in a transparent, muddy shell in a hidden corner, and a test tube was held in the hand, which contained transparent medicine.

After a long time, the shell opened and a pair of indifferent eyes opened.

Three days later, the fat wife and lover eloped. Seven days later, due to the evolution of the zombies, Ji Ting was unable to enter the town and returned to the base.

In a flash, it was a year.

Ji Ting was driving again to get out.

"Go there again?" The young man on the guard post said with a smile, "Sister Ji Ting, you have been running to the town for three days and two ends. Are you scared to see the zombies over there?"

Ji Tingxian gave him a glance: "If it's so easy to die, I don't have to work so hard." Now the speed of the zombies is fast and the eyesight is good, and the ability to cooperate has gradually evolved during this time, she didn't even think about it When you enter the town by mixing, you can only use the most stupid method to kill some at regular intervals to reduce the resistance of finding people.

After more than a year of hard work, only one-tenth of the zombies are left in the small town. As long as you work hard, she will enter the small town.

"I wish my sister success!" Little Young smiled and beckoned. This sister's obsession with her boyfriend, the people at the base were obvious to all. Although she knew she was doomed to be disappointed, they could not bear to persuade her to see her running around with hope every time.

Ji listened and smiled, and drove towards the town. She drove this road many times and was already very familiar with it. By the time the town was dark, it was as high as usual, and every time you recognized a face that was not Shen Tuchuan, she opened a wooden warehouse directly. Killed.

A one-man operation lasted for three or four hours, until she was exhausted to the extreme, and she was stunned to leave: "Well, where's the new car?"

She noticed the brand-new car at the roadside town and couldn't help but ran after killing a few zombies. When she saw the key was still on the car and the fuel tank was still full, she was happy and immediately abandoned her. A pile of fleshy cars ran for a new car.

Because he took the car, Ji heard his apology, ‘goodness’ left all his car and car keys, and then drove away the new car without any psychological burden. In the darkness, a figure came out of the town, stared at her car for a long time, and finally opened the door of the driver's seat.

The moment the door opened, a special smell lingered around the tip of his nose. He was silent for a long time before he sat in.

Ji Ting stopped in an abandoned parking lot near the town, simply packed up something to eat, and then straightened his seat to sleep.

While she was asleep, her car drove over, and the figure got out of the car and parked in front of her car.

Looking at the sleeping face in the driver's seat, he reached out and stroked his heart, only to realize that he didn't beat before putting it down.

After watching it for a long time, he walked to the door and reached out and locked the door lock. Soon after the lock was turned on, white smoke was emitted, and the door was easily opened.

As soon as the door opened, an icy wooden warehouse arrived on his head. When Ji heard the careless voice sounded, he was too lazy to open his eyes: "Brother, has anyone told you that disturbing others to sleep is very important? Moral? "

He was silent for a long time, and answered blankly, "No."

Ji listened for a moment, and opened his eyes sharply to look at his face. His eyes were red for a moment, and he sobbed into his arms: "Shen Tuchuan! I know you are still alive!"

In the moonlight, Shen Tuchuan's face was pale and bloodless, and the original scars were incomplete. At the moment, they had been smoothed out, and there were no traces of existence.

He stood quietly, clearly feeling that the person in his arms was warm, but there was no emotion in his eyes. He reached out and stroked her slender neck, only to use a slight force to break her--

Before he had time to do it, Ji heard a punch and hit him on the stomach, and shouted at him with red eyes: "You are a bastard! Why don't you come to me while you are alive ?! Do you know I thought you were a zombie, I'm ready to find you to die with you! "

She said, and gave him a stun, but Shen Tuchuan didn't respond and was stunned.

The author has something to say: Bian Chuan Er: It is not a fight, but it has not responded for a while.

Season listening: huh

According to a calculation, Chuan Er's wife is a terminally ill and the kind of 2k novel reading network

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