"You promised me to come back safely, to find the medicine to destroy the zombies to save the world with me, to go to college to graduate together, and you said to propose to me ... you are a bastard! Do you know how long I have found you? They all thought you were dying ... "Ji heard that he knelt on the ground weakly and cried while holding his leg.

Her words and tears contained countless grievances and pains, but Shen Tuchuan couldn't feel the same. She just looked at the spin on her head expressionlessly, and put her cold fingers on her head. This woman's skull will be crushed by him.

"Cool ..." Ji heard a hum.

Shen Tuchuan removed his hand subconsciously, and he frowned, and then saw Ji Ting looking at himself with tearful eyes, and his throat moved: "What are you looking at?"

"Isn't it okay to see you?" Ji Ting looked at his face, still a little angry, and he couldn't help glaring at him.

Shen Tuchuan's eyes darkened: "Dare to talk to me like this, believe it or not I killed ..."

"Your hands are so cool, are you wearing them too thin?" Ji ignored his voice, lowered his head and held his hand in anxiety, and put a light breath on his lips.

Shen Tuchuan looked at her strangely, and felt that her mood changed a little ... neurotic?

The fingers were wrapped in the warm palms of the other side, a feeling that Shen Tuchuan had forgotten. He looked at the woman silently, and his nose could smell the scent of lemon on her body. Both her face and the smell on her body made him strange and familiar, but one thing was certain, she couldn't kill her.

After realizing this idea, he held back again. Since breaking the cocoon, he has never had such mood swings, let alone the mind that he cannot kill anyone. As if to resist this idea, his hand broke free from her, and his index finger pressed against her forehead.

As long as she is punctured gently, she will be infected with the zombie virus, and due to his toxicity, she has no chance to become a zombie and will die directly.

As long as his fingertips ...


Ji listened and opened his hand, and asked unhappy: "I help you warm your hands, what do you poke me to do?"


"Forget it, your hands are so cold and warm so I don't think it will be hot all night. Just come with me, there is heating in the car," Ji heard, frowning and pushing him to the co-pilot. Sitting in the driver's seat, "Although the sound may attract zombies, don't be afraid, I'm terrible now, I will definitely protect you."

She said this to Shen Tuchuan, but it was actually a bit of a show off. After all, she had grown very hard this year. No one in the base had as much actual combat experience as her. Her combat effectiveness was already one or two.

However, Shen Tuchuan even wanted to kill her after listening. Although he never thought that he was a kind of thing with the flesh and blood outside, but he was also a zombie. This woman is happy to kill zombies. He instinctively wanted to kill her. .

However, whenever he wants to do something, there is another instinct to stop him.

Shen Tuchuan least likes to be controlled by instinct. Which instinct is the strongest, he has to confront each other. His pupils flashed, and the teeth in his mouth became sharper.

He looked at Ji Ting's non-stop lips, and opened his mouth to bite up. Ji Ting, who was talking, suddenly stopped, holding his face, and forced his mouth to close. The sharp teeth penetrated directly into the meat.

Shen Tuchuan: "..."

Although the reaction of "pain" has disappeared, the wound will heal in a second after the tooth is pulled out, but he is still very concerned, and the killing heart for Ji Ting is about to break through the sky.

"How did the color of your eyes change? Gray ... Isn't this the color of the zombies?" Ji Tingyi met him.

Due to the limited light in the car, she got close enough to determine the color of his eyes. Shen Tuchuan stared at her face expressionlessly, feeling the lemon scent lingering on herself, instinctively shouting ‘Bite her! Kill her! ’And he finally bit it after staring at her lips for a long while.

Ji Ting: "?"

Shen Tuchuan: "..." I was thinking of eating people, but I was so flexible that I couldn't get it cruel.

After Ji was surprised, he had to close his eyes, but then felt that he was biting himself like chewing gum, and suddenly pushed him away: "I tell you the business, what do you kiss me?" It's so bad, it's almost a fight.

Shen Tuchuan: "..."

"I ask you, why do your eyes turn gray?" Ji Ting frowned.

Shen Tuchuan and her stared at each other for a long time, and there was a weird voice in the low voice: "You also said that gray is the color that only the eyes of zombies ..."

Before he finished speaking, Ji slap on his head and slap him, making a crackling noise, and Shen Tuchuan's head was directly beaten back.

"I'm asking you, what mystery do you pretend to be with me!" Ji listened to Qi Jie and found that after meeting her again, he was very irritable. She didn't understand the original little angel like a cute man.叽 Weird behavior is weird.

Shen Tuchuan's eyelids twitched, Han looked at her with a cold face, and released her killing intentions undisguised. Ji Ting's eyes glared: "Are you losing your temper with me now?"

"... No." Killing intentions were collected instantly.

Ji listened with a light sigh, and finally woke up in worry again. His warm fingertips brushed his eyes, and his voice was full of distress: "Are you alienated? Are you a powerist now?"

Shen Tuchuan didn't speak, just looked at her indifferently. Ji listened for a moment, and then realized afterwards that he was wrong--

After the reunion, there was no joy in his eyes.

Ji Ting sat up straight, and he let out his voice after looking at him for a long time: "Do you ... remember who I am?"

After being silent for a long time, Shen Tuchuan said slowly two words: "Ji Ting."

As soon as he heard him, he knew himself, and Ji Ting sighed with relief, and said, "I was scared to death, and I thought you had lost memory." She was really afraid of death because of such dog blood stalks.

"I remember you," Shen Tuchuan said lightly, and suddenly felt that her smile was very annoying, "but I don't like you anymore."

Sure enough, after hearing this sentence, Ji Ting's face suddenly froze. He finally didn't need to look at her obstructive smile anymore, but instantly felt that this was not what he wanted.

"... You are really sick, otherwise I'm so good, why wouldn't you like it?" Ji Ting's eyes were full of anxiety, "Did something in your body break?"


Ji listened to him for a long time, and suddenly asked softly, "Are you blaming me?" If it wasn't for her, she couldn't figure out why he had been okay this year, but didn't find his own reason.

Since the reunion, she did not dare to mention that day, did not dare ask him how he survived so many zombies, did not dare to ask him what he experienced afterwards, but until now, she did not realize Now, some things can be pretended not to happen without mentioning them.

... He may have hated her for a long time.

Shen Tuchuan didn't speak, but there was a doubt in her eyes, and she didn't seem to understand what she was talking about.

Ji heard that he didn't speak, thinking it was the default, and couldn't help but smile bitterly: "I know, you will definitely blame me, you were going to be near you at the beginning, but you didn't get out of the car. , And then drowned completely, you ... "

She remembered the scene of heartbreaking, and suddenly couldn't say anything, turned to look out the car window, pretending to look at the snow outside. Shen Tuchuan looked at her eye sockets red, watching her tears accumulate more and more, and finally she was blocked by her eyelashes, which may fall at any time.

For a long while, he said blankly, "No."

"Huh?" Ji heard him talking and quickly turned to look at him, and the tears on his eyelashes fell instantly.

"No wonder you."

Ji listened for a moment, and quickly wiped away the tears on his face: "Why didn't you come to me?"

"No need," Shen Tuchuan answered honestly. After the emotional system disappeared, she and her parents were just strangers to him. He didn't need to find other strangers, nor did they need to find them.

Ji heard his cold and cruel answer, and began to feel sad again. After a bitter smile, he shifted the topic: "I wanted to ask you what you have done this year. Think about it now. Don't ask anymore. Let's go back first. , Mom and Dad will definitely be happy to see you. "

She said that she twisted the key and took him to the high speed. When the car was on the high speed, she saw a very familiar car not far away, and she smiled and spoke to Shen Tuchuan: "I was also this kind of car before . "

"I know."

Ji laughed: "You haven't seen it before, how could you know?"

Shen Tuchuan looked at her expressionlessly: "Because that car was yours just now."


"The car you are driving is mine." Shen Tuchuan told the facts without any emotion.

Ji Ting: "..."

There was a strange moment of silence in the carriage, and then Ji Tingyi smiled: "That's the case, that's a coincidence."

Shen Tuchuan glanced at her, sitting quietly in the co-pilot, not like angry or not angry. Ji Ting secretly aimed at him, the more he felt stranger, Shen Tuchuan at this moment gave a feeling of indifference. This indifference was not in character, but in the bones, as if his emotional system was broken. What kind of emotion? The feedback is gone.

She was faint at heart, but she really wanted to ask, but she didn't know what to ask for a moment, she could only keep silent. Shen Tuchuan noticed that her eyes always fell on herself, and the corner of her lips suddenly raised an inconspicuous arc. When she realized what she had done, her mouth dropped suddenly.

... is he happy?

Shen Tuchuan moved with his fingertips. Since degeneration, he has no feelings, no joy, no sorrow and joy, and occasionally has the same human posture, just because of the instinct left by people who have done for many years. Since meeting her tonight, his joy and sorrow Seems like they're all back--

But he knows clearly that these joys, sorrows, and sorrows are only because the memory left by the body is not like a normal person, it comes out of the center of the emotion, but the body emerges from previous experience. But whether it's instinct or emotional feedback, you need to get close to this woman to get it.

It made him feel novel, yes, novel. All his feelings and nerves have disappeared, knowing that he is alive and knowing that he may die, but these can not cause his emotional fluctuations. It may be like this for many years in the future. He will live without emotions and emotions, but she appears , But let him see something different.

Ji Ting was still watching Shen Tuchuan. For a while, he was too engrossed. The car ran straight towards the guardrail and didn't know. Shen Tuchuan watched the car rush out of the high speed like this. When Ji listened to the response and slammed the brakes, the car was already Break through the fence and rush into the field by the road.

Ji heard a scream, and instinctively grasped Shen Tuchuan's hand, and generally clung to him for help. Shen Tuchuan lowered his eyes and appeared outside the car with her as soon as the car fell to the ground.

Ji Ting hadn't responded yet, and found himself leaning on Shen Tuchuan's arms and standing on the field with him. Without giving her a chance to react, there was a loud noise in her ear. The car smashed on the ground and rolled over again. Two laps, then exploded.

The flames of light illuminate Fangyuan from one mile to the other, and the shadow of the flame jumps on Ji Ting's face, as if she is going to burn with it.

She stared at the car that was fine a minute ago, and looked at Shen Tuchuan for a long while: "You ... how did you do that?"

"Power." He suddenly didn't want to say he was a zombie anymore.

Ji heard a deep breath and patted him on the shoulder for a second, and then he was afraid to say, "Thank you."

"Um." Shen Tuchuan realized that he seemed to have a happy mood. Feeling emotional is not bad. It seems that I have been lying on the ground before, and barely found a feeling of existence.

Ji Ting didn't know what he was thinking at the moment, and he didn't even know he had planned to hide his identity and follow himself, but stared at the burning car and said, "No car, what should I do now?"

"Walk." Shen Tuchuan replied lightly.

Ji listened and laughed: "Are you going to City A on foot? Don't make a noise, it is a few hours away from City A. How can I get past it?"

"Can walk over." He walked by, although there was a ride behind him, he was not far from City A at that time.

Ji Tingxian gave him a glance: "Don't make trouble, let's go back to the parking lot and drive my broken car."

Shen Tuchuan said nothing, but just followed her quietly as she walked back. After walking for a while, it started to snow again, and the snowflakes fell on Ji Ting's messy horsetail, which soon made her hair white.

From the beginning of the snow, Shen Tuchuan felt something moving in his body. This feeling was so familiar that it seemed that he had returned to the time when he had just degenerated.

This feeling has appeared many times over the past year, and he has already been used to it, so he didn't care. Instead, he never looked away from Ji Xingto for a moment, and waited for a coat to cover her head. Only then did he react, glance at his thin shirt, and glance at his disobedient hand, a rare distress.

Although it's a good thing to have emotions, why can't you control yourself like that?

Ji Ting was also startled. She was busy pulling off her coat from her head. Her messy hair was even more messy, but she could n’t care about tidying. She just tiptoed her hands to help him put on clothes: "Crazy, you, big What the **** is that cold day? If you get cold, I will feel bad! "

Shen Tuchuanmu stood there with a face: "I won't get sick."

"Knowing you have abilities, it's terrible to you." Ji heard a look at him.

Shen Tuchuan was silent for a moment, and emphasized again: "I really don't get sick."

"Xing Xing Xing, if not, don't do it, quickly put on your clothes." Ji Ting frowned, and Shen Tuchuan wanted to say something more. After she glanced at her, she quietly put on her clothes and buckled the buttons.

Ji listened to this and was satisfied, holding his hand to move forward, Shen Tuchuan's feeling of moving something more obvious, he frowned, and ignored it calmly.

The two walked back in the snow, while Ji Ting was using Shen Tuchuan's strength to avoid slipping, while staring at the surroundings carefully, be careful that zombies suddenly came out. Now zombies are faster than humans, and she can't help being careful.

Compared with her vigilance, Shen Tuchuan was much calmer, completely ignoring whether or not a zombie would come out of his side. Ji Tingxian gave him a glance and muttered quietly: "I don't know how to mix it so much now."

Although the voice was small, Shen Tuchuan heard it clearly. After a moment of silence, it was determined that she was not asking a question, so she did not answer.

On the same road, there is still a big gap between driving and walking. At least a dozen minutes ago, when they walked back, it took two hours. Ji Ting, who had killed the zombies all night, was tired and collapsed. It was almost when Shen Tuchuan was carried back that the two finally returned to the parking lot, and the changes in Shen Tuchuan's body were even greater.

Ji listened so tired that he went straight to the co-pilot and lay flat, and said ruthlessly, "You drive, I have to rest."

Shen Tuchuan, who was sitting in the driver's seat, didn't move. She looked at him doubtfully, but felt that his face didn't seem to be very good. He was about to ask what was going on, and his stomach murmured, and her face was not good.

Shen Tuchuan heard her movements and looked at her lightly: "Is there something wrong?"

"Well, I want to go to the toilet." Ji listened sincerely and jumped out of the car after speaking.

Shen Tuchuan watched her expressionlessly and hid herself in the grass. She looked like she had done many times. Although she was far away from a woman who could make herself feel a little emotional, she still felt a little speechless.

However, he soon stopped listening to the season because his eyes changed, and then the body began to seep through the bright muddy liquid. The liquid quickly covered him all over, gradually turning into a hard shell.

This season, listening and running a little far away solved the major issues of life. As soon as I was about to step out of the grass, I was suddenly cold, and then I heard the roar of zombies. This restless voice has appeared several times. After each restlessness, the zombies have evolved a whole level, which was the speed of vision, and then the ability to cooperate. What about this time?

Ji Ting's face sank, and he didn't dare to delay anymore. He ran back to the car and closed the door as soon as he got on the car: "We have to go back quickly, and the zombies have evolved again. I don't know what will evolve this time. Well, hurry ... "

When she said something, she turned her head, and suddenly she saw Shen Tuchuan wrapped in a shell, and there was no sound in an instant.

"What's wrong with you ..." Her mind went blank for a moment, and she trembled to touch the hard shell on his body the next second.

However, a second before she met, Shen Tuchuan's shell cracked open. He opened his eyes sharply, and her grayer eyes looked at her indifferently. Ji listened to his reunion and was always staring at him like this. Before, it was only when he was separated from himself for more than a year. He didn't realize the danger until now.

After killing so many zombies in more than a year, she has long practiced her ability to move faster than her brain. Before she could react, she had already opened the door and jumped out, desperately running away.

It was a pity that he didn't run too far, and was caught by a cold hand. Ji Ting's body was stiff at once, and goosebumps were up.

Perceiving her resistance, Shen Tuchuan's eyes flashed a suffocation and dragged her back the next second. Ji Ting just felt like he was up in the air, and hit his back in the car the next second.

There was a noise from the car, and Ji listened for a moment and felt that his back was numb and numb, as if not his own. She snorted and was choked before recovering her neck.

Ji Ting's face turned red instantly, his eyes swelled as if congested, and his feet were kicked randomly due to lack of oxygen, and his hands desperately slapped his hands.

But even so, she still has no fear of Shen Tuchuan under her eyes. Shen Tuchuan calmed down instantly and let go of his hand subconsciously, and even before she fell to the ground, she stretched out her hand to touch her, so Ji Ting leaned on the car very smoothly.

However, when he let go, Ji Ting still knelt on the ground with a thump, and he coughed violently with his hands around his neck. His body seemed to be drained of all strength, leaning weakly against the car.

Shen Tuchuan looked at her indifferently, and half a moment said faintly: "Why run away?"

Ji Ting: "..." Escaped are all labeled like this, do not escape now or die?

She looked at Shen Tuchuan weakly, and then saw the sneaky zombies behind him. After a moment's glance, she dumbly reminded: "There are zombies ..."

As soon as the words came down, the zombies looked over and, after seeing Shen Tuchuan's back, snarled and fell to his knees.

Ji Ting: "..." When did the zombies say this politely?

She was quite self-aware, but didn't feel that they were kneeling towards herself. She paused and looked at Shen Tuchuan calmly: "Why are they kneeling on you?"

"Submit," Shen Tuchuan replied lightly.

Ji Tingyun remembered that more than a year ago, the zombies had also kneeled towards the academy, and then she went there again, and the medicine disappeared.

"... Have you been to the Academy more than a year ago?" Ji heard his throat hurt, and his speech was hoarse and unpleasant at the moment.

Shen Tuchuan nodded.

"You took the medicine?" Ji Ting asked again.

Shen Tuchuan responded again.

Ji Ting took a deep breath, and the icy cold wind cleared her mind a lot: "Is it because of you that those zombies suddenly became restless?"


"You are suddenly abnormal because of yourself?"


Ji listened quietly for a moment: "Are you back to normal now?"

Shen Tuchuan frowned. He didn't know what was normal in her eyes. After thinking about it for a long time, he could only answer one sentence: "I won't hurt you again."

After listening to silence for a long time, Ji finally asked the question that he most wanted to ask: "What the **** are you now?"

Shen Tuchuan was silent longer than her, and finally told the truth: "Zombie." He wanted to lie, but he didn't want to face her eyes.

Ji couldn't listen, just looked at him quietly, there was no emotion in his eyes, as if looking at strangers.

Just because he is a zombie, so he takes back all the love and care in an instant? There was a hint of sarcasm in Shen Tuchuan's eyes: "What, scared ..."

The words didn't fall, Ji Ting smashed a punch into his belly, and then exclaimed with a hoarse throat: "Zombies are amazing ?! Zombies can be domestic violence ?!"

Shen Tuchuan: "..."

The author has something to say: Ji Ji listen: What happened to the zombies? No more zombies?

Chuaner: I just want to one day be able to stand up 2k novel reading network

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