Ji Ting had a spirit of fire in his heart, I do not know whether it came to himself, or to Shen Tuchuan, in short, the more the fire hit him, the more prosperous the fire, there is no meaning to extinguish.

Shen Tuchuan came back to her, holding her hand coldly, forcing her to stop. The moment Ji Ting was held by his cold hand, his strength was dissipated, and he mumbled after looking down for a long time: "It hurts when bitten?"

Shen Tuchuan was silent, because he completely preserved the memories before the degeneration, so he knew the emotions she showed at the moment, but he didn't understand why someone could panic, anger, guilt, sorrow in just a moment Show it at the same time ... Isn't she tired?

Following a little emotional ups and downs, Shen Tuchuan added a new kind of emotional cognition-confusion.

The woman in front of him really perplexed him every minute.

"Why did you become like this?" Ji Tinghong asked with narrow eyes.

Shen Tuchuan looked at her calmly: "Because of you."


"Because I promised you to come back safely, find a car to take you to city A, and then find a medicine to destroy the zombies to save the world, go to college with you, graduate together, propose to you, marry into the palace of marriage, and regenerate a few Baby, let father and mother be grandparents. "Shen Tuchuan casually backed up his promise to her.

In the same passage, when I said it, my eyes were full of love, but at the moment, just like memorizing the text, I was just telling a fact. Ji Ting knew the difference inside, but she wasn't sorry for herself, but she felt more and more distressed.

She leaned quietly on the car and listened to what he said after the bite. His memory about the period from the bite to the metamorphosis was a bit vague, so I summed it up in two sentences, but it was about what happened after I got the medicine at the institute. , All spoke out without reservation, including his destruction of medicine.

Ji Tingyi looked at him and heard him say that about this year's life, there was a feeling of listening to other people's stories. Shen Tuchuan stopped talking after all the words were spoken. She just looked at her quietly and seemed to be waiting for her response.

Ji Ting took a deep breath, and the cool wind went from his throat to his stomach, and his whole body became cold: "Why is it in the town today?"

"I come here often." Shen Tushu glanced at her.

Ji Ting couldn't help but step forward: "Have you ever met me?"

"Seen a few times."

"Why didn't you find me?" Ji Ting looked a little excited.

Shen Tuchuan frowned: "No need." If it wasn't for her stealing her car, he wouldn't chase it, let alone find it closer to her, and there would be inconspicuous emotional fluctuations.

There's no need ... Ji remembered that he said he didn't like himself before, and he asked softly after a moment of silence: "Don't you really like me?"

"Not only you, but also my parents. I don't have a relationship system. For me, you are just strangers who can recognize your identity," Shen Tuchuan said for a moment, and her eyes remained indifferent. "Maybe soon That kind of thing evolved, but I do n’t have it now. "

Ji heard his throat move, and half a moment dryly said, "That's it ..."

Somewhere in her heart seemed to be stunned, and she was experiencing constant and long-lasting pain. She shrank her shoulders a little while and sneered: "It's too cold, get in the car first."

"I'm not cold." Shen Tuchuan stated the facts, "I don't have body temperature, I don't need to keep warm, and wearing clothes is just a subconscious habit, otherwise I would rather wear nothing."

Ji Ting: "... Thank you very much for your subconscious, otherwise you will run naked and you will probably be killed." Thank you very much for breaking his sadness with a word, now she is full of him Nothing looks like walking around.

At this time, she realized why she could n’t help but frown when she faced him after reunion, because the world ’s Shen Tuchuan was so cute because of the warmth in his character, and now those things are gone, He became exactly the same as some of the problematic men in the world before, and was very fussy.

Shen Tuchuan swept her: "No one can hit me."

"So ..." Ji Ting took a meaningful look at him.

Shen Tuchuan froze: "I was too lazy to talk to you just now."

"Well, I know." Ji listened to a perfunctory sentence, pulled the car door directly and sat the co-pilot, then as if he had completely forgotten that he was almost strangled just now, and asked calmly, "Are you driving?"

"Um." Shen Tuchuan not only did not reject herself, but she continued to take him with her, her eyebrows stretched a lot.

When he bypassed the car and got on the car, Ji Ting suddenly arrived at the door: "Wait a minute, shouldn't you drive?" They did n’t even get a driver ’s license before the zombie tide broke out, except that she would, but Shen Tuchuan in this world will not.

Shen Tuchuan glanced at her: "It's not difficult to learn by myself."

Ji heard that the car that had just exploded was still his. He must be driving, so he relaxed his hands and let him sit in.

"I'm so tired, I slept for a while, and remember to call me when I was in city A." Ji heard that, and then leveled the co-pilot's seat, and closed his eyes unconsciously.

Shen Tuchuan fired silently and went directly to the high speed.

After the car drove out for a while, he glanced at Ji Ting, who was sleeping with his eyes closed, and asked gently: "Knowing that I am a zombie, so rest assured of me?"

"Will you hurt me?" Ji, who thought he was asleep, whispered.

Shen Tuchuanton paused, and answered truthfully, "I tried, but didn't succeed."

"That's why you don't want to kill me," Ji Ting raised his lips, "I have nothing to worry about?"

Shen Tuchuan indifferently corrected her: "I didn't want to kill, I didn't succeed. When the body's memory about you disappears, I will kill you immediately."

Ji Ting opened his eyes and asked, "Will it disappear?"

"Of course." Shen Tuchuan was very determined.

Ji Ting sat up straight, glanced at the road ahead, turned his head to print a kiss on his face, and Shen Tuchuan froze.

"I've been helping you to deepen your memory," Ji Ting looked at him with a smile, frowning after worrying, "Yes, you are now the source of the zombie virus, so I am Kiss you, wouldn't you also become a zombie? "

Shen Tuchuan was silent for a moment: "Is it too late to think of these now?"

"Also," Ji Ting generously kissed him again. "Since it's late, I still don't want to go, I'm going to sleep." After that, she lay down again and reached for the blanket on the back seat. Come over and cover it directly.

Shen Tuchuan, who had been frivolous twice in a row, had no fluctuations in her heart, and even drove the car a bit faster, so he was assured that Ji Ji of his car skills fell asleep, and until a noise was heard from the bottom of the car, she suddenly woke up: "What's the matter? ?! "

"There is a stone," Shen Tuchuan replied lightly.

Ji Ting turned his head and looked back, and saw the road on a clear view, only a stone lying there alone: ​​"... why not go away?"

"You can run over, why do you want to go around?" As soon as the voice fell, he hit another obstacle.

"... You get me down and I drive." Ji listened to nothing and asked for a change of position firmly.

The car braked sharply, and the wheels made a noticeable white mark on the asphalt road. After a minute, the two changed positions and started again.

Ji Ting drove the car to city A with fatigue, and could n’t stand it when he passed the square. He stopped and looked at the zombies rushing towards him in a distant sight, turned his head and asked Shen Tuchuan: Can you take them away? "

Shen Tuchuan glanced at her, the zombies froze in the dark, and then staggered down. Ji listened and nodded in satisfaction: "Awesome, I have to sleep, please help me look at it."

After falling through, he fell into a deep sleep for three seconds.

Shen Tuchuan stared blankly at her face, closed her eyes after watching her for a long time, and the lying zombies did not dare to move at all.

Ji Ting went to sleep until the afternoon, only to open his eyes contentedly, and then saw the corpse kneeling densely outside, even his voice changed a bit: "Shen Tuchuan!"

"What?" Shen Tuchuan opened his eyes, his eyes sober as if he hadn't slept.

After hearing a word, Ji looked at hundreds of zombies outside, and half a while ago he said in a complex mood: "They have a good relationship with you ..."

"I have nothing to do with them," Shen Tuchuan said indifferently, "they just submit to me."

"... Is there any difference?" Ji heard a sigh, and then he understood a little bit, "You mean, you never think of yourself as their kind?"

"A group of walking dead without wisdom, what qualifications are there for me?" Shen Tuchuan's eyes were cold and ruthless. "Humans have evolved from monkeys. Do you treat monkeys as similar?"

…… It seems a bit understandable, but Ji Ting still feels heavy. Now Shen Tuchuan does not treat these zombies as similar, just because they have no wisdom, but as long as Shen Tuchuan exists, these zombies will continue to evolve. Once they have evolved wisdom, will Shen Tuchuan still ignore them?

Unwilling to think about it, Ji Ting retracted her thoughts and took a look at the zombies that surrounded the car group: "Can you get them off?" If it was normal, she would have hit it directly, but now there are too many, she is afraid the wheels will Stuck.

Shen Tuchuan heard the words, and tapped his fingers lightly on his knees. The zombies immediately felt like a signal, and the tide was spreading. Ji Yan swallowed, drove out of the square, and headed straight for the base.

When approaching the base, she suddenly stopped the car and looked at Shen Tuchuan with an embarrassed look.

"Afraid I went to your base to slaughter humans?" Shen Tuchuan looked through her.

Ji Tingyi smiled: "That's not true, it's just that you were bitten. Not only did my parents and I saw it, but also Xiang Ming brother. We have to make up a good reason to get confused. No, you can't just say Are you the source of the virus? "

Of course, I'm afraid that he went crazy after he went, which is one of the reasons. Everyone in the base has been through hundreds of battles. Although his fighting power should be quite high now, he can't stand the crowd there. What should he do if something happens?

Shen Tuchuan looked at her coldly, and got out of the car with a stretched face. Ji heard that he was angry, and got out of the car in a hurry: "Don't go, I'm also good for you. There are many weapons in the base. What if they want to do something to you?"

Shen Tuchuan was silent.

Ji Ting let go of his voice: "Even if you don't show any flaws for a short while, you will always be hungry. If you don't resist eating someone at that time, you will find that it is useless to ask anyone ... "

"I don't eat people," Shen Tuchuan replied, adding, "I don't need to eat."

"So ... terrible?" Ji Ting felt that his setting was a bit out of order, and she continued with a cough. "You don't have to worry about eating, you still hide outside, I will come out every day to find you , When I pave them for a few more days, I will take you back, so it does not seem too obtrusive. "

Shen Tuchuan looked at her blankly, Ji listened to him and smiled at him. He pointed to the house beside him for a moment: "I will wait for you here."

"Uh-huh, I promise to come out and see you often." Ji listened seriously, Shen Tuchuan stared at her for a moment before turning into the house.

Ji Ting was relieved and drove back to the base.

Shen Tushou and Jiang Yu had been waiting at home as usual. When she saw she was safe and relaxed, Jiang Yu pushed her to the table and sat down: "Your fat brother went fishing yesterday. He gave us one and waited. You come back to eat. "

The fat man guessed that Ji Wing was right about his wife's cuckolding, and started to cast a five-body gesture on Ji Ting, no longer as bad as before. Ji Ting sat at the table and looked sad at a table full of vegetables. If Shen Tuchuan had not been bitten, they might be eating together now.

"Listen, shouldn't you be out of City A recently?" Jiang Yu asked with a little worry.

Ji listened and chuckled: "Well, I won't go out."

"That's good," Jiang Yu said, relieved. "Zombies started to stir again last night. It is estimated that they have evolved. It's not known what they have evolved yet. Dr. Li just made a living preparation study. You recently Still don't go out easily. "

"I see." Ji listened, but waited for a meal and returned to the room. She jumped out the window and ran out without taking a break.

When she arrived at Shen Tuchuan's residence, Shen Tuchuan sat facelessly on the stone beside the road, the moonlight splattered on his face, the hollowness and loneliness beyond words.

Ji Tingran lightened his pace, but was found after two steps. Shen Tuchuan looked at her: "Come here."

Ji listened and smiled, walked quickly to his side, and sat directly at his feet to accompany him to watch the stars. I did n’t know how to fall asleep. I only knew that it was already the next morning when I woke up. Babies are usually held by Shen Tuchuan.

She came down from Shen Tuchuan's arms and moved her aching body: "You held me all night?"


Ji Ting couldn't help laughing, but when he looked at his indifferent eyes, he suddenly felt boring and touched his nose. "I'll go back first, and I'll come to you after dinner."

"Except for me, don't go anywhere else," Shen Tuchuan said indifferently. "My body has not evolved slowly since yesterday, and so have other zombies. It should be a relatively large span."

Ji listened for a moment, and his expression gradually slumped: "... I see." After speaking, she returned to the base.

In the next few days, she quite listened to Shen Tuchuan's words. Apart from finding him never going out of the base, Shen Tuchuan faintly felt satisfied. However, parents don't like it very much, because in their opinion, Ji Ting runs outside without obedience every day, which is very disturbing.

Another morning, when Ji Ting was going to go out after breakfast, Jiang Yu closed his face with a stern face: "No one is allowed to go. Zombies have not shown signs of evolution. It is too dangerous."

"Mom ~ The place I go to is very safe, you can rest assured." Ji Tingjiao. She thought about telling them to turn Shen Tuchuan into a zombie, but she decided to hide it after thinking about it, so that when Shen Tuchuan returned, they would be crushed by guilt.

Jiang Yu was unmoved: "I can't say if I'm right, go back to your room to sleep!"

Ji listened helplessly and looked at her. After grinding for a long time without touching her, she turned around and returned to the room. As soon as she returned to the room, she locked the door, and ran to the window to turn the window away, but found that the window was locked from the outside.

"You give me some peace, I won't let you out." Jiang Yu's voice came from the door.

Ji Ting: "..."

Time passed by little by little, and she was gradually anxious, worried that Shen Tuchuan would not see her and would leave. But she could not wait for her Shen Tuchuan, but she did come out of the place waiting for her, and found a car and drove away calmly.

After Ji Ting tried to escape three times and was arrested, he finally had to go out and tell the truth: "Mom, I want to tell you something."

"I know." To her surprise, Jiang Yu looked like she had discovered a long time ago. "Isn't it just a little boy who has been enthusiastic about outside recently? Your changes can't be hidden from my mother. I'll tell you what you can do It's nice to fall in love with your mother, but if the other person relies on you every time to find him, but he never finds your coward, the mother will not agree. "

Ji Ting: "..." What's this about?

Jiang Yu had to preach again. Li Xiangming's voice suddenly came outside the door: "Are you listening?"

"I'm here with Xiang Ming!" Ji heard his eyes lit up, and quickly pushed Jiang Yu from the side to open the door, then pulled Li Xiangming and ran away, even though Jiang Yu didn't look back when he called.

Waiting until he reached the center of the base, Ji Tingcai let out his breathlessly: "Are you looking for anything?"

"A friend of Beiyun was trapped in the museum, and he wanted to ask you to come and rescue us." Li Xiangming immediately explained the intention.

Ji listened for a moment, then nodded and agreed: "Will you go now?"

"Well," Li Xiangming said for a moment. "Zombies haven't figured out what they have evolved this time. Action may be dangerous. If you don't want to go, I understand."

Ji listened and didn't want to think, "How come, Brother Beiyun helped me so much, I should help him."

Li Xiangming nodded: "Let's go, all the equipment is there, we can just go there."

Ji listened for a moment: "Well ... can you stop on the way to the museum? I'll do something, and it just happens to be two minutes away." She had to find Shen Tuchuan first.

"Of course." Li Xiangming responded.

The two spoke with the big troops, Li Xiangming went to drive, and Ji Ting went directly to Beiyun's car. As the car slowly drove out of the base, Beiyun threw a wooden silo for Ji Ting: "This is the latest developed by Dr. Li, and the child bows are coated with medicine, which is very useful for a single zombie."

"Dr. Li is getting more and more powerful." Ji Ting played with Mu Cang in his hand.

Bei Yun glanced at her, and reached out and rubbed her hair with a funny smile: "You are also very good."

No matter he is Li Xiangming, it hurts to take her as her sister. Ji Ting is already used to it, so he laughed and put Mu Cang in his pocket.

This scene fell in the corner of Shen Tuchuan's eyes, his face was gloomy, and his eyes seemed to frost.

The car was driving fast on the road, and soon arrived where Ji Ting was going to stop. Unfortunately, she couldn't find Shen Tuchuan. People outside were still waiting for her. After looking for it several times, she had to leave first, but she was absent-minded after getting in the car again.

"What's wrong?" Beiyun frowned.

Ji Ting shook his head and didn't speak. He had no choice to ask any more, but only asked: "There should be a lot of zombies over there, you remember to follow me all the time, don't run around."

Ji heard a reply, and then there was no speech all the way, and the group quickly arrived at the museum.

They had anticipated that there would be a lot of zombies in the museum, but did not expect that there would be so many that when a group entered the museum, they were directly scattered. In the panic, Beiyun tried to grab Ji Ting's hand, but was rushed away by a group of zombies, and could only avoid it separately.

Ji Ting didn't dare to be distracted anymore. He flew all the way to a remote place on the third floor to hide, and waited out of his breath to go out carefully. The third floor is very quiet, as if it is not in the same space as the runaway downstairs. Ji Ting was worried about Beiyun and wanted to go downstairs to find it. I can think of the number of zombies, knowing that if they do, they can't save them.

She gave up the idea by gritting her teeth and turned to search on the third floor, trying to find Beiyun's friend.


The voice of a child suddenly came to my ear. Ji listened for a moment. Beiyun said on the way just now that his friend is a girl. Is there any other survivor here?


Before she could think, the voice sounded again, much weaker than before. Ji Ting frowned, walking slowly towards the direction of the sound.

The museum hallway was long and empty. Even if she lightened her footsteps, the hallway still made a noise, but it was amazing that she had walked for so long that no zombies ran to attack her.

She pressed down the doubts at the bottom of her heart and walked to a door, and opened the door gently, and saw a little boy about seven years old in the corner shrinking into a ball, holding her head for help. She strode immediately: "Are you alone? Where did your parents go? Did you get hurt ..."

At half the point, she was surprised when she reached out to help him. He shouted as soon as he retracted his hand, and rushed towards her the next second. Ji listened flexibly to avoid, took out the wooden warehouse and aimed at him. The boy fell with his eyes open for a second.

Ji listened and watched his bare boned face, his heart beating violently-these zombies even learned to speak!

Without waiting for her response, there was a sudden roar behind her, and she turned back violently, and saw dozens of zombies rushing towards her. These zombies even learned to ambush, and rushed out when she was hooked.

The wooden warehouse in her hand is so powerful that I can't cope with so many zombies. Ji Ting retreated to the corner, staring at these things with a sorrow in her heart, she didn't want to become a zombies!

She kept holding Mu Cang to face the zombies. After using the sub-bends, she directly twisted their heads. As a result, they just fell to the ground in order to avoid their nails.

... This time it was really over, Ji Ting closed his eyes in despair.

The surroundings were quiet for a moment, as if she had jumped out of this world and entered the passage into the next world. Ji Ting opened her eyes cautiously, and caught off guard with a pair of indifferent eyes, but the arrogant zombies who were just arrogant just now receded like a tide.

She froze: "Why are you here ..."

"Touched by another man, are you happy?" Shen Tuchuan asked without any emotion.

Ji Ting: "... eh?"

The author has something to say: 串 儿: I am a feelingless vinegar tank

Some friends mentioned in the comments that this story seems to be different from the profile I sent earlier. Let me explain here ~: It ’s because I ca n’t control this hand when I write! According to the introduction, it must be that the heart, liver, spleen, lungs, and kidneys are painful. Chuaner and parents have to die (contradictions, this is necessary), but I did n’t expect that my parents were too cute, so I could n’t help it Let them survive, and by the way, I feel that the string is too cute, so I will abuse a few chapters, and it will be sweet to transition directly. Of course, if you like to abuse it, the next world can satisfy you. Hey, as for this world, I hate it for so long ... I ca n’t change it!

My next world! Guarantee! Never send your own ideas in advance! Because I find that the real thing is always off by accident ... 2k novel reading network

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