The zombies that had just retreated did not leave, but stood like pillars at the door, staring at Ji Ting with a dim glance, a look of coyness and dare not come over, as if humans looked at the big elbows on the plate.

As a big elbow Ji Ting himself, he shivered in the attention here, but Shen Tuchuan asked such an inexplicable sentence, and his mind suddenly couldn't turn around.

Seeing her 'evading' her own problem, Shen Tuchuan's eyes narrowed slightly, and the zombies behind him immediately grinned and moved forward. Ji listened to the sudden increase in pressure, and lowered his voice, "Can you let them go out ... Don't go out anymore, going out will hurt my friend, let them lie down."

Shen Tuchuan stood indifferently in place.

Ji listened for a moment, and looked at him with question marks. He saw the emotion of anger from his face without any expression. She blinked: "Why are you unhappy?"

"What do you say?" Shen Tuchuan asked back.

Ji listened for a while, and understood: "Is it because I didn't go to you today?"

Shen Tuchuan was silent.

"I went, just late, and came out without finding you there," Ji heard a sigh and suddenly thought of a question, "Yes, why did you suddenly appear here?"

"Follow you." Shen Tuchuan said lightly.

Ji heard a sound, and his eyes fell on the zombie dying behind him, and he swallowed: "Since you are all here, can you help my friends? They should be very dangerous now."

Shen Tuchuan not only didn't explain when she saw her, but dared to mention those people in front of him.

"Shen Tuchuan?" Ji heard him whispered.

Shen Tuchuan looked at her coldly, and Ji Ting was glanced at him with his ice cream wrapped around him. Although he didn't feel that he had done something wrong, he just felt inexplicably guilty: "What, what?"

"I'll give you another chance to explain," Shen Tuchuan's voice faded. "Who is that man and has nothing to do with you. If you don't make it clear, you will be at your own risk."

His voice fell, as if to help him build momentum, the zombies suddenly growled.

Ji Ting: "..." She reasonably suspected that the goods were using zombies to extort confessions by torture.

But what exactly do you want her to explain? !! Ji listened to his mind, struggling to connect the information he provided, and suddenly he flashed: "You mean Beiyun."

"Beiyun," Shen Tuchuan's eyes were indistinguishable, "that savior?"

Ji Ting was shocked, and then he remembered that he had already told Shen Tuchuan about his future direction. He was a human at the time, and wanted to save the world like Beiyun, but now he is a zombie, already standing on the opposite side of Beiyun, if he killed Beiyun in order to kill him ...

"Now the future has changed!" Ji heard busy, "Have you forgotten? Beiyun saves the world by antidote, but the antidote has been destroyed by you, so he ca n’t be the savior, rest assured ..."

Shen Tuchuan looked at her nervousness, her eyes darkened after a moment of silence, "You are talking for him." This sentence was a declarative sentence.

Ji Ting blinked. If she said at the beginning of the crossing, she would seriously describe Bei Yun's goodness to Shen Tuchuan at this time, and then unknowingly made things worse. Today, she has been able to accurately identify the meaning deep in his heart from Shen Tuchuan's unemotional words.

Like now.

"Beiyun is like an elder brother. The girl he likes is also at the base. After two days, I will take you back to the base. If possible, I will introduce you to you," Ji Ting obediently looked at him. Understand politeness. Call someone bitch. "

Shen Tuchuan paused, and gave her a slight glance: "I see."

Although it is still a zombie with no emotions, it is obviously a lot better now. Ji heard a curse of vinegar, so he asked gently, "Oh, Ogawa, did you just get jealous?"

She had a problem with Shen Tuchuan. He subconsciously looked at her and saw her full of expectations. For a moment of silence, Shen Tuchuan said indifferently, "Are you crazy? I can't even get angry. How can I be so jealous?"

"Are you sure?" Ji Ting raised his eyebrows. "But how did I look at it, you seemed to be very angry just now."

Shen Tuchuan was speechless, moved his fingers expressionlessly, and the zombies who were quiet for a moment immediately screamed and rushed to come. Ji heard a spirit pounce on Shen Tuchuan's arms, and he could no longer care to laugh at Shen Tuchuan. Shen Tuchuan, who was about to teach her a lesson, hugged her subconsciously.

When he reacted to what he had done, he frowned, and stretched out his hand to tear the person off.

Ji listened to him and hugged him, a face completely buried in his arms, asked in shock: "It, why do they not listen to you ?!"

"Afraid?" Shen Tuchuan asked.

Ji Ting bit his lip and nodded pitifully, and then saw him looking at himself or the stranger's eyes, afraid that he would not care about him if he was unhappy, so he didn't dare to lie in his arms anymore, and carefully stepped back to follow He served softly: "Extremely afraid, would you drive them away?"

Shen Tuchuan's arms suddenly emptied, making him seem to return to the days without her after the transformation. At that time, he was unwilling, unsatisfied, unhappy or sad, as if it existed and did not exist. This emptiness made him dislike it very much. After Ji listened to him and left, his hand was still held up, and he let it go for a long time. He said with a blank expression, "They have evolved and don't listen to me."

Ji listened for a moment, then his eyes widened instantly: "... what should I do?"

"Although they don't listen to me, they dare not approach me," Shen Tuchuan glanced at her. "If you get closer to me, they may not approach you."

"... Maybe?" How could she be foolproof for her life?

Shen Tuchuan understood her expression, and said after a moment of silence: "They must not dare to approach."

Ji listened immediately relieved, carefully holding his arm, and lowered his voice nervously: "Let's go."

Shen Tuchuan looked at her hand with dissatisfaction, and took her to the door with indifference for a long time. Ji Ting tensed his sleeves tightly and stretched stiff.

The zombies stared at Ji Ting, as if watching a piece of braised meat walking towards themselves, with greed all over their eyes. The closer Ji listened to them, the closer Shen Tuchuan posted, and Shen Tuchuan's arm was hugged in her arms, but there was a voice in his heart telling him that it was not enough, not enough.

Because Ji Ting's steps were too small, it took a lot of time for the two people to walk to the door alone. Ji Ting looked at the zombies that were getting closer and closer to him. The tension in his heart reached the limit. Fortunately, the zombies saw Shen Tuchuan Chao. When she came, she unconsciously gave way, and she was slightly relaxed, and the hands of Jian Shen's sleeves dropped down.

The strength against her suddenly lightened, and Shen Tuchuan's pupils showed a slight change, and the zombies who receded to the side suddenly became restless, screaming and rushing towards Ji listen. Ji heard a scream, and ducked into Shen Tuchuan's arms, hugging his waist with both hands.

Shen Tuchuan's eyebrows just stretched, and his mouth was still upset and asked, "How are we going?"

"Why ... you hold me?" Ji Tingyu cried without tears.

Shen Tuchuan was silent for a moment, holding her directly like a child, and hugged her directly. Ji Ting's legs hung on his waist, his hands were wrapped around his neck, and his face was buried on his shoulders. stand up.

The corner of Shen Tuchuan's lips rose a little. After a moment, this arc disappeared. A serious holding person went out, and the zombies on his side followed suit. Ji heard a slight rise, and he uttered a loud roar. , Scared her back.

The zombies didn't follow until they walked out of the museum and arrived at Shen Tuchuan's car.

"Why is it suddenly quiet?" Ji Ting's face was still buried on his shoulder, and he didn't dare to look up.

Shen Tuchuan looked at the empty side of his body: "It should be exhausted."

"... So they still follow?" Are these zombies a little too attached to her?

Instead of answering her, Shen Tuchuan said, "The key to my car is in my left pocket."

After hearing the words, Ji immediately helped find it, because he didn't dare to look up, and could only rely on his hand to touch. He found someone on Shen Tuchuan with both hands, which is hard to ignore. Shen Tuchuan did not know why he was a little impetuous, and frowned again and reminded: "On the left pants pocket."

"Oh ..." Ji Ting started looking for a mess again, looking for Shen Tuchuan more and more tightly, but at last he couldn't find his pants pocket. She was afraid that Shen Tuchuan would lose her when she was impatient, so she opened her eyes to look for it. As a result, Yu Guang noticed that there was nothing nearby.

Ji Ting: "..."

She stood up silently, facing Shen Tuchuan: "What about zombies?"

"In it." Shen Tuchuan replied calmly, without lying about the embarrassment of being dismantled. Not only that, but also mocking her, "Don't you say that you are terrific? When you have killed so many zombies, why are you so scared?"

"I wasn't afraid before, because you are gone. I'm no different from being alive. Now you're fine, your limbs are healthy, and you're not stupid. Just like when I was a human, of course I start to die, or I will leave you outside. Was it lingering? "Ji heard annoyed and shrugged his shoulders, but he didn't see any reaction, but his hands hurt.

Shen Tuchuan heard a pause, and the grassy heart seemed to be pouring out of a clear spring. Although there was still silence there, it seemed to be different from before. After he became a zombie, for the first time, he had such complicated emotions that he couldn't understand for a while, but just said lightly, "You yourself are timid, but have you pushed it on me?"

Ji Tian glared at him angrily, and jumped directly from his arms. Shen Tuchuan's arm was light, and his heart, which had just been filled with something, was empty.

"Have you lied to me just now? What zombies have evolved that you can't control, they are all fake," Ji heard anguish in his heart, and he felt annoyed for a while, and then looked at Shen Tuchuan's confession, suddenly his heart A move, "Wait a second, why are you lying? Is it for physical contact with me?"

After Ji He asked this question, he instantly felt that all the actions of Shen Tuchuan had been explained. Co-authoring is just to hug her, so it's deliberately scary.

Shen Tuchuan looked at her through her face, and after a moment of silence, she said indifferently, "I have no emotional system. You are no different from strangers to me. Why would I want to have physical contact with you?"

"You like me," Ji listened and laughed. "Don't you say that, even if the emotional system disappears, the body still remembers it."

"You think too much, my body is not a garbage storage card, I have to remember everything." Shen Tuchuan shattered her fantasy coldly.

Ji heard dissatisfaction: "What is a garbage storage card? Have you defined me as garbage?"

"Things that are useless to me are **** in my eyes," Shen Tuchuan glanced at her, "jealous? Like? You are crazy to think I can have such complicated emotions."

When Ji Ting was about to say something, he suddenly thought that the little friends were still inside, and his face changed immediately: "My companion is still inside. Now that you can control the zombies, quickly rescue them!"

"Their life and death, what is it to me?" Shen Tuchuan opened the door to get in the car, and did not intend to save people.

Ji Ting was anxious, grabbing his hand and saying, "Why do you help? They are all my good friends. I don't want them to be in trouble. Xiang Ming brother is also in it."

Hearing the familiar name, Shen Tuchuan didn't respond, just looked at Ji indifferently, and sat directly in the driver's seat: "Let's go."

Ji Ting frowned sharply: "Are you really not helping?"

"Don't help." Shen Tuchuan stated his decision.

Ji Tingding looked at him, turned his teeth and ran towards his car. After taking all the bows, he went to the museum. Not to mention those people who fought side by side with her for so long, many have saved her life. She couldn't just sit idly by and ignore that Bei Yun was still there, she had to rush back.

Because once the protagonist Beiyun dies, the world will collapse instantly.

Shen Tuchuan walked away when she saw her. The grey pupil suddenly became shallower again. The sharp-knuckled hand firmly held the steering wheel, and the blue muscles on his head burst out. It took a long time to calm down before he realized that the emotion was called anger.

Ji didn't know the reaction of Shen Tuchuan behind him, but she could also think that he should not be very happy, but she couldn't care much, and rushed in with Mu Cang.

The zombies who had just followed them downstairs were still stranded on the first floor. After seeing Ji He growled and rushed towards her, Ji He was busy picking up Mu Cang to fight back, and soon fell into a blockbuster. However, there were too many on the first floor. Although she seemed to have a great advantage, she was forced to retreat.

Just as she was about to exit the hall door, the sound of Mu Cang responding suddenly came from the second floor. She hurriedly looked up and saw Bei Yun's clothing corner flash by. When she saw that Beiyun was okay, she could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, busy evading while giving way to Beiyun to let him attack the zombies.

The zombies on the first floor soon lost a lot with the cooperation of the two of them. When Ji Ting took advantage of Beiyun's firepower, the cat secretly ran up the stairs and was about to meet other people.

As soon as she went up the stairs, the sound of Mu Cang disappeared, realizing that Bei Yun might have encountered something else, Ji Ting was even more anxious, and his steps were much faster.

She rushed upstairs in three steps and two steps, and quickly met with Beiyun.

"How are you?" Beiyun frowned.

Ji Ting shook his head: "I'm okay, go to Xiang Ming brother them."

"Um." The situation was urgent, and Beiyun didn't dare to delay. She simply asked her a word and went to search with her.

There are far more zombies than they thought, and the language skills they evolved are also very difficult. The two can say that they are struggling. But in the end, it was much faster than Ji listening to himself, and a body appeared in front of him shortly after.

The two searched around the second floor and determined that no one turned around and walked towards the stairs, boasting as they walked Beiyun: "You are really getting worse."

Ji listened and smiled, feeling a little worried about Shen Tuchuan outside, for fear that he would disappear when he was angry.

She absent-mindedly went to the staircase entrance, and as soon as she reached the corner of the staircase, a zombie rushed over. She hurried to her side, and her waist clicked instantly, and her face instantly turned white.

She was at this time ... twisted to the waist.

"Ji listen!" Beiyun roared, and suddenly pulled out the wooden warehouse to hit the zombies. The zombies lost their action instantly and listened stiffly.

Looking at the zombies with their heads gone, Ji Ting felt a sense of death, just as she waited to fall to the ground and roll down the stairs, a stone-like hand held up. She is very stable and reliable.

...... It would be better if it wasn't just right where she was hurt.

Ji Ting's pale face had a touch of red. It just hurts.

Shen Tuchuan lifted people into his arms and easily avoided fallen zombies.

"How powerful you think you are, you dare to be distracted in such a place." Shen Tuchuan said blankly.

Ji Ting took a breath, and did not forget to show his surprise: "Shen Tuchuan! Did you really come to me? I knew you wouldn't leave me alone!"

Shen Tuchuan didn't like her tone that seemed to know her well, and she said coldly, "Doesn't it hurt?"

As soon as Ji He was reminded, he grabbed his sleeve weakly, and trembled, "It hurts, it hurts. If you want to teach me, wait for a while, or save someone ..."

Shen Tuchuan paused, hugged the person horizontally, and emphasized specifically: "Without me, you will die."

"Yes, thanks to you." Ji Tingzhi pulled out Lengzi and looked at Beiyun, tacitly ignoring the fact that the zombies had died before he came.

Shen Tuchuan heard Ji Ting affirmed his credit, and after a moment of silence looked at Beiyun indifferently: "I'm going to find someone with you."

"Ah ... oh," Bei Yun said a while before suddenly remembering to ask Ji listen, "This is it?"

"Oh, Shen Tuchuan, my boyfriend." It's all this time, and it doesn't make sense to conceal any more, Ji Jinping simply admitted.

Beiyun nodded, and after walking out of silence for a while, he suddenly raised his head: "Shen Tuchuan ?!"

"Yeah, that is the Shen Tuchuan who almost died in the zombies, but was lucky to survive," Ji listened to a guilty smile and added a compelling sentence, "Did I not say that I have the ability to predict, one year ago Tell you he's not dead, and you don't believe it. "

"Since I haven't died, why haven't I come to you?" Although it is unknown that there is a king of zombies who controls the evolution of zombies, as a male lead, Beiyun can feel this strange.

Ji Ting struggled with his thoughts, and before he figured it out, he heard Shen Tuchuan indifferently said, "Although I still have memories, but I can't get interested in finding them, I've been out."

"... What kind of injury is so strange?" Beiyun said slightly, "No, you should ask, how did you run alive from a pile of zombies?"

Facing Beiyun's problem, Shen Tuchuan said only four words: "Can you save someone?"

"Rescue, save people first, let's talk about it later." Beiyun was suddenly cut off from his thoughts, thinking about walking to the front of them, in case they jumped out of the zombies and they had no time to react.

Shen Tuchuan walked slowly, holding Ji Ting far behind Bei Yun. Ji Ting was worried, and he lowered his voice and said, "We have to think of a good reason as soon as possible, otherwise he must be aware of the flaws. of."

"It's too much trouble. I'll kill him now, so he doesn't have to keep asking." Shen Tuchuan replied decisively.

Ji Ting: "... I think killing is even more troublesome. Thank you, and don't just have such a brutal thought on my friend." If you kill the male lead, what do you think you are a fool?

Shen Tuchuan glanced at her unhappyly, but he agreed. With the help of Shen Tuchuan, Beiyun's tracing path was extremely smooth. When everyone was brought to the car, it was still unbelievable: "What happened today, so many zombies suddenly disappeared. Is it a transfer position? ? "

"Who knows, you may be lucky." Ji heard a guilty conjecture, at the moment she was still sitting on Shen Tuchuan's lap, and said this unconsciously around his neck.

The fat man next to them suspected that they had hot eyes, and could not help but protest: "Can't you pay attention to the impact? I'm single now!"

"No." Ji listened and smiled.

Bei Yun heard a dismissive glance here: "Shen Tu, you haven't said how you survived."

"Yeah, Xiaochuan, tell us quickly." Li Xiangming was in a good mood to see the deceased deceased in front of him.

Ji listened to Shen Tuchuan's first step and started to compose a tragic story of a young man suddenly escaping his power when he was surrounded by zombies, but then lost his ability to love.

The crowd fell silent after listening, and after a long time Li Xiangming frowned: "So ... is Xiaochuan's ability to heal quickly?"

Ji listened to Shen Tuchuan with a guilty conscience, Shen Tuchuan received her gaze, nodded expressionlessly, and then took a thing on his wrist with a hand. After the wound appeared, it was completely healed. He glanced at the surprised people and said lightly, "Fast healing and no poison, so zombies are useless to bite me."

"... Guy, aren't you invincible?" The fat man was shocked and his tongue was big. Half a moment suddenly asked, "What does it mean that the emotional system is broken? You don't like to listen now?"

Shen Tuchuan nodded indifferently.

The fat man took a look at Ji Ting, who was carefully held in his arms, and expressed that he was not convinced by his statement. After a moment of silence, he suddenly started to pinch Ji Ting's face.

Ji Ting: "?"

"Don't you be jealous like this?" The fat man asked bitterly.

Shen Tuchuan: "..." is not jealous and wants to kill.

The author has something to say: Bian Chuan Er: I should not save these people

Everyone ’s intentions have been received, we are all too sweet, can only continue to be sweet 2k novel reading network

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