Shen Tuchuan's face turned black for a moment, Ji listened to the tip of his eyes and saw that his nails gradually turned black. He hurriedly reached out to cover it, and said pitifully, "Xiaochuan, I hurt so much."

Shen Tuchuan paused and looked at her blankly: "Where does it hurt?"

"Waist, please help me press and see if there is a fracture." Ji Ting continued to divert his attention.

Shen Tuchuan looked down: "If it is a fracture, you won't be so relaxed now." Having said that, he still obediently helped her to press the position of the injury. He forgot to pull back, Ji heard a painful cry, tears all About to fall.

"... That, don't press it." Ji heard his tone changed, and he let him loose.

Shen Tuchuan was slightly displeased: "There are so many things."

Ji Ting: "..." Who made you not gentle at all!

Although she was aggrieved, she also knew who the root cause of the incident was, so she gave the fat man a hard look.

Although the fat man likes to die, the basic biological instincts still have it. For example, he is now keenly aware of the danger. He sneered, and consciously sat a little further away from them: "So what, you go on, I won't bother."

Shen Tuchuan glanced at him and hugged Ji tightly. The fat man noticed that he was full of possessive movements, and he just wanted to cry without tears. He also said that there was no emotional system and he didn't like others to listen to it. How did he feel that he hadn't been so sticky when he just married his wife?

The carriage suddenly quieted, and the car headed towards the base, and soon reached its destination.

The vehicle stopped after entering the center of the base. Beiyun stepped down first to help Ji listen to the door of the car: "Uncle and aunt definitely want to see Shen Tu in particular. Please go back first. I will take some injured brothers to Dr. Li first. . "

"They have been bitten, and they may become zombies at any time." Shen Tuchuan said indifferently. When they brought those who were bitten back just now, he wanted to remind him that it was not for anything else, but it was easy for the zombies to be in front of him. With the act of surrender, he didn't want to reveal his identity for the time being.

Beiyun smiled: "Dr. Li has developed a vaccine. As long as it is not completely zombified, it is possible to clear the corpse and rescue it ..."

"Oh, backache! Brother Beiyun, let's get out of here." Ji heard hurriedly interrupted him. The vaccine was developed from the materials brought back from the research institute at the beginning, and further research is the antidote. Although Shen Tuchuan is now a zombie, she no longer expects the antidote to be made, but she does not want to be Yun leaked the research process to Shen Tuchuan.

... Because Beiyun also wondered about Shen Tuchuan just now, why should he give away his family foundation to others at this moment, and I don't know if Shen Tuchuan would guess it. She looked at Shen Tuchuan with a little anxiety, but met her ridiculous eyes.

Ji Ting felt that his waist hurt more.

Bei Yun said she was slaping. The stock was gone, leaving her alone with nowhere to look under Shen Tuchuan's gaze.

"What about me?" Shen Tuchuan asked expressionlessly.

Ji Qiangan laughed, and before he could explain, he heard a sudden anxious voice from Jiang Yu, "What about my girl? Is she all right?"

This time was undoubtedly saving her life. Ji Tian's eyes brightened and she yelled, "Mom, mom! I'm here!"

"You scum girl, I won't let you go out, and you are still on the line with me, who asked you to save people with them? Every time you rush so fast to do this kind of thing ..." Jiang Yu was angry. Walking towards the car, just about to pinch her ear, she noticed that she was sitting on the man's lap, and she saw the other person's face before she could react.

For a moment, I even forgot to breathe, and the noisy and chaotic sounds in my ears gradually disappeared. Jiang Yuxi looked at Shen Tuchuan stiffly and remained motionless.

Shen Tuchuan also looked at her, but just as she saw Ji Ting at the beginning, there was no ripple in her heart, but there seemed to be something flowing out of her eyes. He hesitated for a moment, subconsciously reached out to wipe, but nothing was wiped, his face was still dry as before, and there was no tears.

He looked at his dry fingertips, and for a moment he couldn't stop responding.

"Ogawa ..." Jiang Yu's trembling voice revealed something incredible.

Shen Tuchuan was silent for a moment: "It's me."

Hearing his voice, and then watching Ji Ting nodded surely to himself, Jiang Yu finally realized that he was not hallucinating, and his eyes became red immediately, and his heartbroken shouted: "Xiaochuan!" His name flew over and hugged him.

Ji heard a bad hunch when she heard her name, Shen Tuchuan, and when she finally came to embrace Shen Tuchuan, this hunch became a reality. Ji listened in horror and said ‘Don’, but it ’s still too late, Jiang Yu still rushed over and tried her best to squeeze her between himself and Shen Tuchuan.

Ji Ting's face turned white, and after making a beast-like whimper, his face was ashamed by the mother and son.

"Xiaochuan, it really is you, isn't your mother dreaming ..." Jiang Yu's tears burst into tears, grasping Shen Tuchuan's coat with green tendons, "You're still alive, and you didn't lie to us, you are still alive ... "

"... Yes, he is still alive." Ji Ting weakly said.

Her voice was too low. Jiang Yu, who was immersed in great joy and sorrow, did not hear it, but instead held her Shen Tuchuan, keenly aware of her stiffness. Although his emotions were so complicated at the moment that he couldn't tell clearly, he couldn't take care of them anymore, and tore apart Jiang Yu who was holding him quite firmly.

"Xiaochuan ..." Jiang Yu looked at him tearfully.

Shen Tuchuan was silent for a moment, and said indifferently: "It's not that you won't be held, just that if you press it down again, Ji Ting may die."

Jiang Yu froze, and quickly looked down at Ji listening in his arms. I saw the little girl who was a little bit energetic just now, and her face was distorted. She immediately closed her emotions and cares about the season.

With his own strength, Ji Ting interrupted the touching plot of mother and child recognition. She was held by Shen Tuchuan with Jiang Yu and went to the house. At the door of the house, Jiang Yu started to open the door. After several attempts, she failed to poke the key into the keyhole.

Ji listened helplessly: "Or else I ..."

"Shen Tushu! Open the door! Listen to the injury!" Jiang Yu did not wait for her to finish talking, and began to slap the door vigorously.

Ji listened to her with tears and laughter. Anxious footsteps came from within half a while, and the door opened the next second, revealing Shen Tu's anxious face: "What's going on? What happened? Why was he suddenly injured ?! Did you bite ?! "

"I do not……"

Before Ji heard the word "thing", Jiang Yu pushed the number of Shen Tu away and turned around to tell Shen Tuchuan: "Get her out of bed. If it hurts at night, you have to go to Dr. Li to see Yes. "

Shen Tuchuan was still watching the number of Shen Tu, heard Yan Yan eyes closed, strode toward the quarter to listen to the room. Shen Tushu always focused on Ji Ting, seeing them go to the room, quickly followed, and suddenly stopped when he was at the door of Ji Ting's bedroom—

Why did that guy look so familiar?

As soon as Shen Tuchuan put Ji Ting on the bed, the door was pushed open with a bang. Shen Tu's face rushed in unbelievably, his eyes widened when he saw Shen Tuchuan's face sitting by the bed. Already.

Jiang Yu saw that he finally reacted, and couldn't help but laugh, but just smiled and burst into tears: "Husband, our children haven't ..."

"Is my family listening to make you look good?" Shen Tu looked at him a few times. "Now in this world, it is so difficult to find a better set of medical equipment. You have a full face, do you know it will be very difficult? Danger?"

Jiang Yu and Ji Ting: "..." I often feel inferior because my brain can't keep up with the head of the family.

Shen Tuchuan was silent for a moment, and said lightly, "Dad."

With just one word, Shen Tushu shed tears. He shook his head in a low degree, and seemed unable to believe everything in front of him: "No, it is impossible, my son is watching with my own eyes ... you cannot be him ... "

Seeing that he was so calm, Shen Tuchuan didn't plan to ignore him anymore, but as soon as he turned his face away, Ji Ting secretly stung his legs. He paused, stood up blankly and hugged Shen Tushu: "Dad, it's me."

"Xiaochuan!" After Shen Tushu's sentence, the pain accumulated in more than a year has finally poured out, holding his hard-born son crying, Jiang Yu couldn't help crying, choked up and hugged them As it was when the family first met after the zombies broke out.

Ji Ting was lying on the bed, seeing his eyes hot, and didn't want to disturb their family of three for a while, just--

"Well, I didn't mean to interrupt you. Can anyone help me turn over? I think it's better to lie on my stomach."

With her voice, Jiang Yu, who was still crying, laughed immediately, and looked at her with a swollen pair of eyes and said, "You have more things to do."

"Let mom and brother turn it for you." Shen Tushu hurriedly.

Ji Ting: "?"

Jiang Yu, who was preparing to start a meal, looked at him with a strange face: "Who are you talking about? Who is your brother?"

Shen Tu counted for a moment, and then patted his head after he responded: "Look at my brain, and always listen to be a girl, almost forget her relationship with Xiaochuan, you did not say anything to me."

"It's getting older and more confused." Jiang Yu laughed and cursed, and then turned around to help Ji Ting. As a result, Ji Ting had been turned over by Shen Tuchuan and lay straight.

Jiang Yu paused, watching Shen Tuchuan sit quietly beside the bed and watching Ji listening, his heart was sour again, and he could not bear the tears and whispered softly: "You two have just returned, they should be exhausted. If there is anything, we will say it at night , You rest first. "

After speaking, she would pull Shen Tushu out. Shen Tushu still wanted to think more about her son. She was reluctant to leave for a while, and then she reluctantly went out after staring at her severely.

The door was closed by them from outside, and the two went directly to the living room and sat down.

Shen Tushu frowned: "I haven't asked how Xiaochuan escaped from the zombies, why did you call me out?"

"Okay you, when I heard that when Ogawa wasn't dead, why didn't I see you running to find someone, and now when people come back, they want to dominate. How can it be so cheap for you, the two of them won't meet again for a long time, or Let them talk for a while. ”Jiang Yu gave him a strange look.

Shen Tu's number had to be dull, and then, although he frequently looked at Ji listening to the bedroom door, he did not bother.

In the bedroom, Ji Ting was lethargic, and he tilted his head and noticed that Shen Tuchuan was beside him, and he was stunned and patted his side: "Are you lying down for a while?"

"No." Shen Tuchuan refused.

Ji Ting pouted his lips: "Let me lie down with me, I'm a bit bored by myself."

"I do not……"

"Brother Ogawa," Ji Ting called softly, "please, please."

Shen Tuchuan: "..."

The room was quiet for a long while, and Shen Tuchuan lay beside her with a cold face, and Ji Tian was content with it. He smiled and intertwined with his fingers, turned his head to look at his cold eyes.

For a long while, she asked curiously, "Don't you really like me at all?"

"You've asked many times." Shen Tuchuan felt speechless.

Ji Ting blinked: "I'm not expecting you to give a different answer."

"Then you are destined to be disappointed." Shen Tuchuan replied quite firmly.

Ji heard a slight hum, and gritted his teeth to support his body, and moved in his arms. Shen Tuchuan's brows frowned slightly, and she just yelled two times when she was about to step back. He didn't move at once: "What are you?"

"It hurts." Ji Ting's eyes narrowed.

Shen Tuchuan was silent for a moment: "Is it painful to be honest?"

"I'll be honest when I find a more comfortable place," Ji heard, and Chi Zhijian continued to crawl until he got into his arms and his chin rested on his chest. "I'm ready."

Shen Tuchuan: "..."

"You don't have any elasticity on your body, it's harder than the bedboard." Ji Ting was a little upset when she was lying down.

Shen Tuchuan was expressionless: "Then you go down."

"It was hard to climb up, of course." Ji heard about it, hugged him, and soon fell into a sweet dream.

Shen Tuchuan listened to the sound of her breathing leveling off, and closed her eyes for a while. Although he has not eaten or slept since she degenerates, she feels her breathing evenly and smells the light lemon on her body. Hong, he couldn't find anything more suitable than closing his eyes.

The two hug each other quietly, unspeakably relaxed. The closed windows blocked the wind and snow. Although the room was not warm, it was never cold. The thick quilt covered two people, and the temperature of Ji Ting was infinitely enlarged, and even his own skin was stained. Got the temperature.

The light coming in from the window went from bright to dark. When the man in his arms moved twice, Shen Tuchuan suddenly opened his eyes, and there was no drowsiness at the bottom of his eyes.

It didn't take long for him to open his eyes, and the door was pushed open. Jiang Yu walked in from the outside: "The meal is ready, you two hurried out ..."

The moment she lowered her head to look at Shen Tuchuan, she could see the quilt covered on his body and the furry head exposed in the quilt very clearly.

Jiang Yu: "..."

"She hasn't woke up yet," Shen Tuchuan said lightly. Although he doesn't have a relationship system, it doesn't mean that he can't see the embarrassment of others, so he explained indifferently, "You think more, we have nothing."

... Shit, your mother is here, how could you believe that you have nothing! Jiang Yu couldn't say a word, and he coughed for a while: "I don't know if the waist is still hurting, but the severity is serious, you two ... restrain yourself!"

When she finished, she hurriedly dropped a sentence, "Get up and eat," and turned away and ran away.

Shen Tuchuan was silent for a long time and pushed the person in his arms: "Get up to eat."

Ji heard a hum and did not wake up.

There was a urging voice from outside Jiang Yu again, and Shen Tuchuan was quiet for a moment, his fingers calmly stretched out, and poked at Ji Ting's waist.

With the sound of a scream, Ji Ting was completely energetic, and ten minutes later he reached the dining table and held his back. Jiang Yu and Shen Tu, who are joining each other, are sitting upright after seeing her, and their faces are more or less awkward.

"What's wrong?" Ji listened confused.

Jiang Yu shook her head quickly, glanced at Shen Tuchuan who came over, and hurriedly asked him to sit down: "The dishes are cold, eat them quickly."

Ji heard a slant of Shen Tuchuan, thinking that he had just poked her waist injury directly in order to wake himself up, and hummed unhappyly. This dog man really doesn't like her at all, otherwise he won't feel bad about her at all.

"Arguing?" Jiang Yu asked carefully.

Ji Ting immediately sue: "Mom, he didn't feel bad about me just now, it made me hurt ..."

"Ahem! Okay, let's eat." Jiang Yu never expected that she would say straight at the dinner table, and quickly interrupted her.

Ji Ting widened his eyes inconceivably: "Mom, wouldn't you teach him something?" As soon as the son came back, she fell off from the position of her daughter.

Jiang Yu was embarrassed, and Shen Tushu quickly released the siege: "You younger couple, you have to come back to the house to solve it yourself, and eat now."

"... Um." Ji Ting glared at Shen Tuchuan again, bowed his head and kept silent while eating, but Shen Tuchuan watched the chopsticks in front of him still.

Jiang Yu paused: "Don't you eat?"

"Not hungry." Shen Tuchuan said lightly.

Jiang Yu busy asked: "What's wrong?"

Shen Tuchuan looked at the bowl in front of her lips and said nothing, Ji heard busy: "He just stole a bunch of snacks in my room just now, he is not hungry anymore."

"... You have to eat a bit more, what if you get hungry at night?" Jiang Yumulu worried.

Shen Tushu also advised: "Yeah, this is what your mother made for you. Eat it."

Shen Tuchuan felt a little irritable at the bottom of his heart. As soon as he was about to leave with a cold face, his hands under the table were caught by Ji Ting. Her hands were still so warm, soothing his inexplicable emotions briefly.

"He really can't eat anymore. I just vomited once at noon. If I eat more, I'll probably vomit soon." Ji listened to a serious lie.

Upon hearing, Jiang Yu hurriedly removed the bowl in front of Shen Tuchuan: "Then you don't have to eat it, how uncomfortable it would be in case you regenerate." After speaking, the eyes were reddish and whispered, "How much suffering the child must suffer outside To eat without knowing it ... "

Ji listened to her smile and didn't answer. She buried her head and started to eat. Shen Tuchuan glanced at her. Although she was not held by her, she sat quietly beside her.

The family talked and ate while waiting for a meal. Ji Ting also finished the experience of helping Shen Tuchuan. Jiang Yu heard several times and wanted to cry, but was afraid that it would affect everyone, but he couldn't help it.

"So, what you have been going out to see is Ogawa?" Jiang Yu asked.

Ji listened and nodded: "Yes, he was injured. I'm afraid you're worried. I'll bring it back when he's raised."

Jiang Yu and Shen Tushu looked at each other, and they saw the painful relief from each other's eyes.

After dinner, when I wanted to go back to the room and lie down, Jiang Yu called her: "Wait a minute, let's talk to the living room. I have something to say to your father."

Ji listened for a moment, looked at Shen Tuchuan inexplicably, and finally obediently sat down in the living room.

Jiang Yu watched her sit in a row with Shen Tuchuan, and couldn't help laughing. "I talked with your father just now, and plan to help you with the wedding sometime."

"Wedding?" Ji Ting suddenly stood up, and as soon as he moved, he let out a cry, holding Shen Tuchuan's shoulders down again, and asked with a grin, "Why did you suddenly want to hold a wedding for us?"

"Although I haven't reached the legal age, today's society ... they will not pay attention to those before. It is not easy for the two of you to go all the way. Parents don't want you to wait any longer. We can rest assured if we get married earlier." Smiled, obviously, the two have already discussed.

Ji Ting glanced at the man with no fluctuations next to him. For a while, he suddenly said, "It's not really necessary." This man didn't like her anymore. What if he was repulsive to marriage?

"Of course it is necessary. You have been looking for Ogawa for a long time. None of our parents gave up. You must be responsible for you," Jiang Yu said to Shen Tuchuan. "You said Ogawa, do you want to marry?" Listen? "

As soon as she said the last question, Ji listened and thought, the most embarrassing scene in history was about to appear.

Facing the anticipation of Jiang Yu and Shen Tushu, Shen Tuchuan looked at the coffee table expressionlessly, as if everything they were talking about had nothing to do with himself. Jiang Yu didn't expect that he would react this way, and immediately looked to Ji Ting awkwardly, for fear she would be unhappy, but Ji Ting was used to it, and in turn comforted Jiang Yu with his eyes.

"Do n’t you really marry and listen?" The least embarrassing thing was Shen Tushu, who spoke very calmly in a silence. "If you really don't want to marry, just say it directly, so that you can listen to death, You do n’t know, many excellent young people in the base now like to listen very much, but because she has never been dead to you, she did n’t dare tell her. Many young men have come to me, and I hope I can arrange a blind date for them. Rejected, if you can listen to death, I can arrange a blind date for her ... "

"I marry." Shen Tuchuan said coldly.

Ji Ting rolled his eyes, thinking that it is not unusual for you to marry her. Thinking about this, she opened her eyes and looked at Shen Tushu, expecting her father to punish Shen Tuchuan's silence just now.

And Shen Tushu didn't miss her hope: "You don't have to be reluctant, listen so well, you can find your boyfriend in minutes without you."

"She's mine, I'm married." Shen Tuchuan heard his request for Ji to listen to her boyfriend, his face turned slightly black.

Shen Tu Shuruya smiled: "Even if you want to marry, you don't necessarily want to get married. I think she should arrange more blind dates for her to see more good boys before making a decision, otherwise she will get married again Regret, both of you are sad, what do you think? "

Shen Tuchuan looked intently at Ji Ting, his eyes were full of threats.

Ji Ting gave Shen Tu a few praises, boasted that he did a good job, and then smiled elegantly: "Dad is right, I still have several times to see each other, and then make a decision."

Shen Tuchuan: "..." I want to kill my father.

The author has something to say: Bian Chuan Er: For more than a year, my father is no longer my biological father ...

Ji Ting: Deserve it, let you hesitate, soak it in a vinegar tank

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