After a brief conversation, Shen Tushu took Jiang Yu back to the room, leaving only Ji Yan with back pain and the black-faced Shen Tuchuan still sitting on the sofa.

"Help me back to the house." Ji Ting lazily reached out his hand.

Shen Tuchuan gave her a cold look: "Let your blind date come to help." After that, he turned relentlessly and left.

Ji Ting was smirked directly. After sitting on the sofa for a while, he climbed up strong himself. During the period, he screamed a little unwillingly. As a result, someone didn't even reveal his head. She gritted her teeth and walked slowly into the room. After entering the room, she saw him lying on his bed, took a deep breath, and stunned: "What are you doing in my room? Get out!"

"I was here just now." Shen Tuchuan said, pulling the quilt up, only one head was out.

Ji Ting moved to the bed and stared down at him. "You were still my boyfriend, and now I have started to re-evaluate our relationship. Of course I can't let you stay here." When talking about marriage, some Human hesitation was in her eyes, and she had to wake her up from her sleep before dinner, and she would never let it go.

"Shut up, I'm going to sleep." Shen Tuchuan said, closing his eyes coldly.

... when she didn't know, this person had been assimilated with the virus long ago. She didn't eat, didn't sleep, and didn't grow old. She was very stubborn and very difficult. Ji Ting snorted: "Come back, when have you ever slept since you reunited, hurry up and get started, I will start a blind date tomorrow, let people know that you sleep with me, why am I still the target?"

"Who will you find someone?" Shen Tuchuan looked at her unhappyly.

Ji Tingang raised his chin: "You, didn't you say it just now, let my blind date help me?"

Shen Tuchuan: "..."

Ji Ting felt funny every time he saw his speechless expression. He coughed and leaned on his waist and turned to go: "Forget it, live with your love, anyway, wait for me to find a boyfriend, I Immediately moved out to live with him ... "

Before I finished speaking, my hand was caught and dragged back sharply. The next time, I turned down and fell directly into the bed. I smashed my head on the soft pillow without any bias and just lay down just now. Shen Tuchuan appeared instantly above her, holding her tightly.

Ji Ting's brain appeared blank, her eyes stared at the ceiling blindly, and it was not until she noticed a click at her waist that she trembled and looked at Shen Tuchuan tremblingly: "You ..."

"I didn't break up with you. You are the one who has the Lord. Whoever dares to date you will kill anyone." Shen Tuchuan threatened her indifferently.

Ji Ting's tears overflowed from the corners of her eyes, and she fell into her hair along the temples. Her throat moved, and her mouth was painful and weak. "My waist ..."

Shen Tuchuan froze for a moment, and let go of her hand subconsciously.

"Shen Tuchuan ... I'm going to kill you ..." Ji Ting's fingers clung to the sheets, and the pain that couldn't be restrained made her face almost deformed.

Shen Tuchuan was silent for a moment, and her finger was on her waist. Ji Ting looked at him with a white face in disbelief: "I'm all like this, do you still have humanity ..."

Oh yes, he didn't. He was a bit human, and he wouldn't throw a person with a back injury just now.

"Don't move, I will help you to treat." Shen Tuchuan stretched her face and poked her finger on her waist without hesitation. The greater pain spread from the place where she was poked.

Ji heard this completely panicked: "No, no need, you go to call mom and let her find a doctor ..."

"Shut up." Shen Tuchuan glanced at her unhappyly, and the nails that grew out instantly pierced her skin.

… Being caught by the zombies, this is all over. Ji Ting closed his eyes desperately, thinking that he must commit suicide before the zombies turn, how can he keep his final dignity.

Thinking about this, she started quietly waiting for death to come, but after waiting for a long time, she waited for Shen Tuchuan to say: "Are you better now?"

Ji listened for a moment and felt her waist. The pain was even lighter than before when she was not dropped. She opened her eyes in surprise: "Do you still have a healing function?"

"No," Shen Tuchuan said for a moment, and reluctantly added, "But there is no problem in releasing energy along your texture to help you adjust it, otherwise you think you can't move at noon, why can you yourself at night? Out for dinner? "

"... You mean, when you slept, I was actually helping me to cure the disease?" In the face of the fact, Ji listened a little out of breath, could she really misunderstand people?

Shen Tuchuan was silent for a long time, telling the truth: "It's mainly to wake you up and help you by the way."

Ji Ting: "..." Very good and beautiful.

She glanced at him quietly, and lay silently, without seeming to go to the living room. Shen Tuchuan sat next to her with a faint look: "Did you hear what I just said?"

"What?" Ji heard a sideways glance at him.

Shen Tuchuan looked at her without giving up, "No blind date."

"Oh." Ji listened an understatement, a way of exposing the matter.

Shen Tuchuan was displeased: "Don't keep my words at heart, if you dare to violate, I will ..."

"Why?" Ji looked at him with a smile and smile. "Just kill the man? Although the number of humans has decreased sharply, but the number is not small. Can you kill one if I look like you? ?"

Shen Tuchuan was silent for a moment, and lay down peacefully beside her.

Ji, who was supposed to be refuted, was a little accustomed to hearing, and could not help but push him: "Hey, why don't you talk?"

"What do you want to hear?"

"... No, after I provoke you, follow the normal plot, shouldn't you threaten to come back and tell me how powerful you are? Is it so dumb?" Ji Ting was awkward in his heart.

Shen Tuchuan glanced at her, and for a long while said lightly, "No need."

"Why?" She asked shamelessly.

Shen Tuchuan's fingertips hit her wounds in the quilt: "There is a virus factor left by me. Once you dare to derail, I will turn you into a zombie and see which man would dare you."

Ji Ting: "..."

Looking at her dumbfounded eyes, Shen Tuchuan's lips raised a little bit. As soon as he closed his eyes, Ji Ting was held by his face: "Are you serious? Are you really poisoning me? Are you still personal? ?! "

"I'm not." Shen Tuchuan answered calmly.

Ji listened for a moment: "... you're kind of right?"

Shen Tuchuan stopped paying attention to her, and Ji heard a slight hum, leaned over her back, and didn't want to talk to him anymore. The room was quiet again, listening to the sound of breathing nearby, Shen Tuchuan's eyebrows gradually stretched-

"You really poisoned me?" Ji listened carefully.

Shen Tuchuan closed his eyes and said, "Why, are you afraid?"

Ji listened to silence for a long time, and then sighed: "I'm not afraid ..." It just feels very unpleasant. People who were reluctant to touch her before, even today will poison her. The huge contrast before and after is always in Remind her that Shen Tuchuan really feels sorry for her now.

She stopped talking, but Shen Tuchuan wanted to know: "What's your sigh?"

"It's okay, let's sleep." Ji heard more and fell into a longer silence. Shen Tuchuan realized that when she was unhappy, her heart was a little impetuous, but she didn't want to coax, so she became increasingly anxious.

A long time later, when she was a little sleepy, a cold voice sounded from behind her: "No poison."

"Huh?" Ji Ting was about to fall asleep. He heard a small nasal hum, and didn't seem to hear it clearly.

Shen Tuchuanton paused, and his eyes were cold: "I want to poison, but I ca n’t bear it, it just scared you." This reluctance almost became instinct, so even if she jumped repeatedly on his own bottom line, he Can't fight her.

Ji listened for a moment, his eyes slowly opened, the corners of his lips couldn't help but lightly raised, he turned back half a while and leaned his hands to hold him while burying his face in his arms.

Shen Tuchuan was silent for a moment, and coldly reached out and hugged her.

Early the next morning, sleeping Ji Ji woke up again in pain, opened his eyes and took a look. Shen Tuchuan's nails had just been retracted from her waist. The place where the pierced skin had recovered quickly after his hand left The smooth state, except for a little redness, is no different from other places.

She looked at him dissatisfied: "Can't you do this when I wake up?"

"No," Shen Tuchuan, who had finished washing, looked at her. "Mom told you to eat."

Ji Ting rubbed his already much waist, got up and headed for the bathroom. Shen Tuchuan stood quietly waiting outside, listening to the sound of water coming out of the body, somehow the body was agitated.

"Alright?" He asked in a deep voice.

"No, I'll take a bath," Ji heard the voice coming from the bathroom, and there was an unrealistic feeling across the door. "The bath milk is gone. Go to the second cabinet on the left and look for something new. "

Shen Tuchuan paused, opened the cabinet door blankly, and found a bath milk after rummaging.

Ji Ting couldn't wait for him. He couldn't help but turn off the shower and opened the bathroom door with a small slit: "Did you find it?"


"... Why didn't you send it to me when you found it?" Ji heard nothing.

Shen Tuchuan turned her head to look at her, but after her eyes fell on her fair shoulders, she could no longer accept them. He was silent for a long time, and his voice was a little dumb: "You only said to let me find, but didn't say to let me give you."

"... Don't talk nonsense, hurry up to me." Ji heard and sneezed softly.

Shen Tuchuan slammed back, strode coldly, and handed her things, Ji Ji quickly closed the door after receiving it, and came out of it in pajamas a short time later.

"Let's pay attention later." Shen Tuchuan glanced at her, turned and went out, leaving Ji Ting with only a question mark still in the room.

At breakfast, Shen Tuchuan still didn't eat, Ji listened to a perfunctory thing.

After having breakfast, Shen Tushu pulled Ji Ting aside, and whispered: "Ogawa's personality has changed a lot this time. Has it made you feel wronged?"

"No daddy, don't worry, he is still the kind Ogawa." Ji listened against his heart.

But Shen Tushu couldn't help worrying: "Child, although you were not born with your mother, we have always regarded you as your daughter-in-law. If you have any grievances, you must speak up."

"Relax, Dad." Ji Ting laughed.

Shen Tu nodded his head a few times, went to the house and took out a portfolio. "This is my new base defense layout plan. I'll go out with your mother later, and you give this thing to the fat man."

"Okay." Ji Ting immediately took over.

Shen Tushu urged her to say a few more words before leaving with Jiang Yu. As soon as they left, Shen Tuchuan and Ji Ting were left in the house. Ji Ting turned around and changed his clothes. He was going to go out.

Shen Tuchuan was in her pajamas quietly waiting for her to call herself. As a result, she was about to go out, but she hadn't called herself yet, and could not help frowning: "Where to go?"

"Oh, go and send some documents to Brother Beiyun." Ji heard that and waved something at him.

Shen Tuchuan stood up: "I change my clothes."

"No need, I'll be back soon, you wait at home." Ji heard that he was afraid he would follow, and ran away quickly. It wasn't that she wanted to lie, nor did she want to take him. The main thing was to see a fat man this time. She remembered that fat man pinched his face that day, his expression that wanted to kill ...

Shen Tuchuan frowned as she watched her leave, only a moment before she sank back to the sofa. Just as he was emptying himself, there was a knock on the door suddenly. The gap between his eyebrows suddenly disappeared, and the corners of his mouth were not yet raised. He opened the door and said lightly: "Remorse? Take me with you ... "

Before he finished speaking, he saw Beiyun standing outside.

"Where are you going?" Beiyun asked along his words.

Shen Tuchuan was silent for a moment: "Why are you here?"

"Oh, didn't Ji Ting sprain yesterday, I'll take a look at her." Beiyun said that he was going to enter the house, but Shen Tuchuan blocked the door without the consciousness of letting him in. He was a little confused.

Shen Tuchuan looked at him expressionlessly. He took a step forward, leaving a space on his side. Beiyun smiled and walked in. As a result, Shen Tuchuan missed him out just two steps later.

Beiyun: "?"

Not long after Shen Tuchuan went out, he folded back and said, "You're familiar here, take me to find Ji."

"Isn't she home?" Beiyun was surprised.

Shen Tuchuan said nothing.

Beiyun stared at him for a moment, and laughed: "Arguing? She's so injured, is she sure she can run away from home?"

"Take me to find her." Shen Tuchuan's eyes darkened for a moment.

Beiyun raised her lips: "Let's go, there will be a square in the base, she must be over there."

On the square here, after hearing the fat man, Ji gave the portfolio to him and left. The fat man hurriedly called her: "What is going on, it's a long day, it's boring to go back."

"I'll go back with Shen Tuchuan." Ji listened and laughed.

"Well, is it a little optimistic? When can my boyfriend not be with me?" The fat man looked at her disgustedly, then looked around, and made sure that no one overheared his voice, "I went out last night and I was fine. I found some boxes of milk tea in a supermarket, why not? "

Ji Ting blinked, and frantically said, "Did it expire?"

"Nonsense, of course," the fat man gave her a sideways glance. "You don't even have to, I drink it myself ..."

"If you want, share half of my fat brother." Ji Tingxiao said with a smile. She hasn't tasted sweet since the last days.

The fat man smiled. As soon as he was about to speak, he felt a cold coming from behind him. He subconsciously leaned to the side and avoided Shen Tuchuan's fist. Ji listened to his scalp and quickly grabbed his hand: "You calm down first!"

"Brother, we are innocent!" Fatty blurted out.

Ji Ting: "..." My friend, you might as well say that.

The base is just such a square. People who do nothing have gathered here to play, and the phrase fat people directly attracted most of the attention. Ji Tiantou's big hand held Shen Tuchuan, and the other hand was going to pull fat. As soon as the hand was stretched out, Shen Tuchuan's death gaze came over.

Ji Ting gritted his teeth, and regardless of the fat, he pulled Shen Tuchuan and went to the corner. Before he stood still, he heard Shen Tuchuan asking: "Isn't he going to find Beiyun?"

"Well, I went to find him ..." Ji obeyed halfway, and Yu Guang swept to Beiyun, apparently following Shen Tuchuan, and her words turned sharply. "But when I came to half, I suddenly remembered, I remember Now, my dad asked me to look for a fat man, so I came to look for a fat man. "

"Ji listen." Shen Tuchuan's voice was cold.

Ji Ting: "I'm sorry I was wrong. I was afraid of telling you so I didn't dare to tell you, but I really do n’t have anything to do with the fat man. You also know what my aesthetic is like. I ca n’t like him!"

After she spoke, her face was going to turn red, and the dissatisfaction of the fat came as soon as the voice fell away: "How can you attack yourself!"

"I'm sorry for Fat Brother, my boyfriend is jealous, I have to coax people first." Ji listened with a straight look at him, and then reached out and held Shen Tuchuan's arm to coquettishly, "Ogawa, Ogawagawa, husband ~"

"... I'm not jealous." Shen Tuchuan's face flashed uncomfortably, but she did not shake her hand. "And we are not married, and we are not allowed to bark. "

"It's not a matter of getting married sooner or later. It doesn't matter if you call it now," Ji Tingxin looked at his face novelly. "Wait, are you shy?"

Shen Tuchuan looked at her with a stretched face, her eyes clear. Ji Ting immediately surrendered his hand and surrendered: "Okay, you know, you don't have a relationship system. It's impossible to be shy. You don't need to tell me that you don't like me."

Such a good atmosphere, she didn't want to just ruin it.

Shen Tuchuan was silent, Ji heard him a glance, and turned to Beiyun and the fat man watching not far away: "If it's okay, let's go home first."

"Go back. You couldn't even walk the road yesterday. It should be very serious. Don't run around any more." Beiyun asked with a smile.

Ji listened and nodded, and pulled Shen Tuchuan to go home. As a result, he was not seen with curiosity all the way, making people more and more embarrassed.

Just as she was thinking about finding a place to sew into, a coat covered her face, she stretched out her hand and opened it, but Shen Tuchuan held her arm.

"No," Shen Tuchuan said lightly.

Ji Ting was struggling silently, and went with him without struggling, and was taken home with him half-pushing and half-hugging. As soon as she got home, she couldn't help complaining: "The fat man's voice was so loud just now that we seem to have something. Maybe someone will gossip tomorrow."

"If you don't want them to pass, I will help you." Shen Tuchuan responded very calmly.

Ji listened for a moment: "Do you have a way?"

"Well, wait until it kills them all."

"... You still rest." Ji listened to him silently and sat down on the sofa.

Shen Tuchuan followed, and stood quietly next to her. Ji Tinggui looked at him a few times before seeing him sit down and couldn't help asking: "What are you doing?"

"I don't know what is like." Shen Tuchuan said indifferently.

Ji listened for a moment, and didn't understand what he said about it again.

"But based on my past memory and experience, I can judge whether it is attraction, possession, compassion, and destruction when necessary. These things seem to be all to me," Shen Tuchuan said for a moment, adding, "I used to I must like you. I am talking about me now. If I have had these emotions because of you, then through rational judgment, I should like you. "

Ji Tingyi looked at him, and half a moment laughed: "What are you talking about ..."

"Ji Ting, I like you."

Ji listened to silence. After a long silence, she got up and hugged him, and whispered, "I like you very much."

The corners of Shen Tuchuan's lips rose slightly, and suddenly felt that the instinct to accept the dislike had been good.

The two men hugged for a long time, and Shen Tuchuan said, "It's time for the next step."

"Huh?" Ji Ting looked up at him.

Shen Tuchuan looked at her calmly: "After hugging, it's time to go further."

"... what do you want?" Ji Ting was inexplicably confused.

Shen Tuchuan was silent for a moment and kissed her lips. Ji Ting closed her eyes and the door opened the next second. She shoved Shen Tuchuan away and sat on the sofa with a blush.

Jiang Yu and Shen Tushu walked in with a smile, and when they entered the door, they saw Ji Tinghong's flushed face, and they were a little surprised: "Listen, why is your face so red?"

"No, nothing." Ji listened with a smirk.

Jiang Yu walked worriedly and put her hand on her forehead: "No, why is it so red?"

Although she knew they didn't see it, Ji Ting still had the embarrassment of being caught by an adult. While dealing with Jiang Yu, she cast her eyes on Shen Tuchuan for help.

Shen Tuchuan pursed her lips and said lightly, "She is not sick."

"How do you know?" Shen Tushu asked casually.

Shen Tuchuan was quite calm: "Before you came in, we were kissing."

Three left: "..."

"She is shy now ..." Shen Tuchuan didn't finish the rest of the words, so she was pushed into the bedroom by Ji Ting, leaving the parents with a grim expression.

For a while, Jiang Yuzhen asked, "What did Xiaochuan just say?"

"Well ... the child is grown up." Shen Tushu looked at the closed door with a complex mood and pulled Jiang Yu to cook.

In the bedroom, Ji Ting's face collapsed: "I asked you to make a siege. Why are you telling the truth? Do you know how embarrassing you were just now?"

"Know." Shen Tuchuan was calm as always.

Ji Ting helpless: "Know if you dare to talk nonsense?"

"I did it on purpose," Shen Tuchuan glanced at her. "Let Dad know that you are mine and prevent him from taking you on a blind date."


The author has something to say: This world should end in a few chapters ~ 2k novel reading network

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