Shen Tuchuan's method does not say humble or despicable at first, but it is very feasible in terms of effect. At least the number of Shen Tuchuan no longer feeds Ji Ji's blind date.

After a day passed, Shen Tuchuan seemed to have opened up the second pulse of Rendu since he was frank. Although his eyes were still indifferent as before, he suddenly lost his awkwardness and obeyed instinct to listen to Ji every day.

After being stuck with him for twenty-four hours for three days, Ji Ting finally couldn't stand it: "Can't you live a little of your own life?" Although she also likes to be with him, it is him who opens his eyes and closes his eyes He, he has to wait at the door even when he goes to the bathroom, isn't it a bit too much?

Shen Tuchuan glanced at her lightly: "Yes."

"Then don't stick to me today, go live your own life." Ji heard immediately.

"not now."

"Huh?" Ji Ting blinked.

Shen Tuchuan's voice was as indifferent as ever: "Eight hours after you fell asleep, I have been living my own life."

Ji heard the words startled: "Are you going out to do bad things?" He would not hold a zombie meeting while he was asleep, to discuss the destruction of the earth, right?

"No." Shen Tuchuan saw what she was thinking, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Ji Tingxiao smiled: "Just don't ... wait a minute, what are you doing all night?"

"As before, dazed."

Ji listened for a moment: "Dad? You mean, your previous life was all in a daze?"

"Otherwise?" Shen Tuchuan asked back. He doesn't have an emotional system, and memory doesn't make any sense to him. All he can do is daze, when he didn't meet her, he was dazed during the day and night, and only at night when he met her.

Ji Ting pursed his lips and looked at him distressedly. Half a moment later he made up his mind: "I will sleep with you for an hour less every day to accompany you, so you can reduce your daze."

"You slept less than an hour the night before," Shen Tuchuan said calmly, "then he made up for three hours yesterday afternoon."

Ji Ting: "... Can I not make up for it later?"

"You?" With just one word, Shen Tuchuan expressed her ridicule and suspicion about her. Ji heard nothing distressed at all, and just felt that a dead man should be single.

Just as the two of you quarreled with each other, Jiang Yu's voice came from the door: "I'm eating!"

The two in the room had a meal at the same time, and Ji Ting's mouth suddenly became bitter: "Why are you looking for this time?" Since Shen Tuchuan came back, he has to try every means to refuse every meal, and every time he wants to make an excuse for an idea It's all her, she has phobia of eating now.

Sure enough, Shen Tuchuan's answer was: "You think of a way."

Ji Ting rolled his eyes and suddenly lay on the bed before he spoke. She froze a few seconds later and heard a knock at the door: "Listen to Xiaochuan and eat."

Ji heard it instantly, and quickly opened the door: "Mom, Ogawa is a little uncomfortable. Let's eat first, just leave him some food."

Jiang Yu frowned outside the door: "Don't eat again?"

"... Eat and eat, he said let's eat first, he will come out to eat after a while." Ji listened busy.

Jiang Yu glanced at Shen Tuchuan, who was asleep on the bed, and sighed, and said to Ji, "Wash your hands, and hurry out for dinner."

"Uh-huh, I'm going out." Ji closed the door when he heard that, and his ears quickly affixed to the door panel.

Shen Tuchuan's voice faintly came from behind him: "Don't listen, you have already gone to the kitchen."

"How do you know?" Ji listened and looked back at him, and yelled as soon as he asked, "Yes, you have a good hearing." He seems to be the same a few times before, and he can discover anything in advance.

Shen Tuchuan did not deny it at her glance. Ji Ting pouted his lips and sat down beside him: "It's not the way to go all the time."


Ji listened for a moment: "What you can't eat, they will be suspicious sooner or later. It's better that we tell them now, not so passive."

"Tell them that I can't eat or drink? The ability to heal fast and be intoxicated by poison can still be justified. Once they can't eat or drink, I'm afraid they will quickly guess the fact that I'm no longer human."

Ji heard it for a second, and suddenly became more worried: "What can I do?"

Shen Tuchuanton paused: "I have a solution."

"What?" Ji Ting looked at him immediately.

"Marry," Shen Tuchuan glanced at her, and lowered her eyes indifferently. "After marriage, we moved out on the grounds that we want to live in a two-person world. If we don't live together, there will be no flaws."

This is the only solution that can solve the dilemma and be happy at the moment. After he said it, he thought that Ji will agree immediately, but he couldn't wait for her response, so he looked at her with a stretched face.

Ji Ting was silent for a long time under his eyes, then blinked and asked, "Are you proposing to me?"

"... You think too much." Shen Tuchuan turned away.

Ji Tingxiao smiled: "Then I'll go to eat first."

Shen Tuchuan didn't expect her to be perfunctory, her frown suddenly slightly, and she refused to answer for a long while.

Ji Hen turned and hesitated without hesitation. He just walked to the door and suddenly turned back. He took a sip on his face and said, "I promised your proposal." He didn't give him a chance to speak, and ran directly. Outside.

This set of routes was flowing. Although Shen Tuchuan could clearly judge her route through sound and vision, she was coaxed by her for a moment, and her lips were raised slightly.

Ji listened in a good mood and ran to the kitchen. After seeing Jiang Yu serving, he took the initiative to serve the plate. Shen Tushu cleaned the table and looked at the contents of the plate. He could n’t help but sigh: "No wonder Xiaochuan doesn't want to eat Although he is very good, he is the most picky eater, and it ’s really not as good as it is. ”

"It ’s good to have something to eat. It ’s our three labors in our family who got so much food. Others are not as good as we are." Jiang Yu glanced at him, and then his eyes were sad, "But you also said The reason is that the food is too bad. Ogawa has been reluctant to eat since he got home. Every time he listens to the room to coax and eat a little bit. If he goes on like this, he will certainly not be able to bear it. "

Ji Duancai bowed her head with a guilty conscience and was afraid to say that those who had been brought into the house were also eaten by her. Jiang Yu and Shen Tushu talked to you one by one. I listened with my ears up while listening, while thinking about how to tell them about marriage in a while. I was absent-minded for a while, and the plate on my hand fell down. On the ground.

She excited, reached for her hand to pick it up, and when Jiang Yu shouted that she should not be touched, her hand had caught the broken piece of porcelain, and then a pain in her hand and blood poured out.

"Listen!" Jiang Yu ran to her in front of her, squatting in panic, grabbed her wrist and rebuked, "Isn't I not let you touch it? Why not be so obedient ?!"

"I'm fine, just a little injury." Ji listened to look at the deep wound on his hand, and then looked at Jiang Yu's eyes were red, quickly put up with pain to comfort her.

"You clean up the house, I'll listen to Dr. Li's bandaging." Shen Tushu walked over, just to help Jiang Yu rise, a figure flashed in front of him, and Shen Tuchuan was heard next season. Hugged.

Shen Tu counted for a while and waited for Ji Tuchuan to be lifted horizontally by Shen Tuchuan before returning to God to help Jiang Yu. But in the blink of an eye, Shen Tuchuan had already put Ji Ting on the sofa.

He held her wrist with a cold face, grasped her fingertips with one hand, and gently stretched out. When the wound was fully displayed in front of his eyes, the blood smelled.

He has never eaten anything since metamorphosis. The most delicious human flesh for zombies can not attract him at all, but when he heard about Ji at the moment, he realized that humans were so sweet. The longing in his body suddenly started clamoring, making him squeeze the hand with her fingertips.

"His ..." Ji Ting took a sigh of relief, looked at his face in confusion, and found that his pupils suddenly turned red when he looked at her. She froze for a moment, then noticed a little sight, and then turned around. See Jiang Yuying standing behind.

She got up subconsciously to block Shen Tuchuan, turned back and smiled and said to Jiang Yu: "Mom, I have very shallow wounds, just a stroke, it doesn't matter."

Jiang Yu turned pale, smiled reluctantly when she heard the words, came over and grabbed her hand: "Show me again."

"It's okay," Ji heard she didn't seem to find something, and she couldn't help sighing. "You see that the blood has stopped by itself. The wound must be very shallow, and I don't feel pain."

Jiang Yu wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes: "I have to go to Dr. Li and let him show you if you need a stitch, it is better to take some medicine, or what to do if it becomes inflamed."

"Well, mother, you're at home. I'll be with Xiaochuan." Ji heard that, after waiting for Jiang Yu and Shen Tushou to talk, he pulled Shen Tuchuan's arm and ran out.

Shen Tushu walked to Jiang Yu in doubt: "Why does it seem so anxious?"

"... Should want to hurry up." Jiang Yu said without looking away, watching the hole in the sofa quietly.

Here, Ji Ting hurriedly pulled Shen Tuchuan and ran away. As soon as she arrived in the corridor, she was pushed vigorously toward the wall. She turned around with strength, and just faced Shen Tuchuan, he was pressed against the wall by him.

Ji Ting looked at his red pupil, and calmed down after calming down, "Calm down, you now ..."

Before she finished speaking, Shen Tuchuan bit her head toward her neck. She snorted and raised her head subconsciously, and her white neck showed a weak arc.

After being bitten by Shen Tuchuan, although it was painful, she did not bite directly, and she seemed to be experiencing great struggling. Ji Ting tried to make himself ignore the pain from his neck, and said quietly after breathing evenly: "Calm down, Ogawa, I am Ji Ting, listen, calm down, if you bit me, I might become a zombie It will turn into a kind of tattered and fuzzy zombies that can no longer speak with you ... "

She whispered, only that the pain was getting less and less, but she didn't dare to relax, still persuaded with a breath, until he completely let go of her neck and rested her chin on her shoulder. Ji heard a sigh of relief, leaning against the wall weakly.

"... Other zombies have evolved their language skills. Even if you become a zombies, you can still accompany me." Shen Tuchuan's voice was dumb.

Ji Ting ignored the sweat on his back and chuckled, "I don't know if I'm particularly stupid? What if I can't evolve?"

"That's also good, just because I think you talk too much."

"... If it weren't for you, you would have been beaten," Ji Ting's eyes were tender, but the words he spoke were not so tender. "Are you sure that would be good? If I become a zombie, I will growl every day. It ’s more noisy, and it ’s dirty, meat, blood, and mess, maybe the intestines will fall out, you ’re sure ... ”

"Should also like it," Shen Tuchuan interrupted her, straightened up and looked at her seriously. "Even if you break your arm and leg, your bones are exposed, and your head is smashed in half. As long as you, I I should like it. "

Ji Ting: "..." What kind of disgusting is this, and moving vows again.

Shen Tuchuan's gaze fell on her neck, and he whispered, "I'm sorry."

"... Forget it, you have to give up on me as a zombie. How could I be so embarrassed and forgive you ... By the way, you suddenly lost your mind because of my blood. Is it? "Ji Ting frowned.

Shen Tuchuan nodded: "Your taste makes me ... want to eat."

This eating is definitely not something that can be eaten by Jinjiang Suowen. Ji Ting looked at his serious eyes, and goosebumps were about to rise: "You have such a dangerous idea, big brother."

"Fortunately, if you don't get hurt again in the future, I will not lose control." Shen Tuchuan remembered what happened just now, but he felt a little scared.

Ji heard a giggle: "How can I guarantee that I won't be injured? No one can guarantee it without you and other zombies, but seriously, even if I become a zombie, it doesn't matter. Some people don't like me at all ? "

"I like it," Shen Tuchuan said very frankly. "But you are good. I only like you. Once you become a zombie, I may not help but like you as a dish."

Ji Ting: "..." This person can always make all kinds of sexually explicit scenes bloody.

The two of them walked downstairs while you quarreled with each other. Jiang Yu in the room was always absent-minded, and Shen Tushu said something to her several times, but she did not hear it.

"What happened to you?" Shen Tushu was helpless.

Jiang Yu turned back abruptly, holding his cotton suit with a white face, and said, "Take care of the things on the ground, and I'll see them."

"The research institute is not far away. You can go there if you have Ogawa." Shen Tu said halfway, Jiang Yu had already gone out. He sighed, took a rag and started to pack.

Here Shen Tuchuan and Ji Ting talked all the way to heaven, and finally came to the institute. The research institute is actually a temporary reconstruction of the hospital. The latter half is the research institute. Some people are on duty in the front and usually perform simple treatment for the people in the base.

Ji Ting didn't want Shen Tuchuan to go in together, but thought that he just went to the clinic to get some medicine and didn't go to the backyard, so he took him directly.

The two arrived at the place where the doctor was usually on duty, but did not see a person. Ji Ting frowned: "Strange, no matter how busy it is, there will always be someone on duty, why not today?"

Shen Tuchuan glanced at the door leading to the institute and said lightly, "Maybe I'm in trouble."

"The base is the safest place. What trouble can it have?" Ji listened to his disapproval.

Shen Tuchuan looked down: "Is there a zombie behind?"

Ji listened for a moment, and quickly asked him, "What do you mean? Did you evolve with them just now?"

"I didn't," Shen Tuchuan said, adding before Ji Songsong's sigh of relief, "but I've been around them and they evolved independently."

Ji listened for a moment, and hurried towards the hospital. As soon as Shen Tuchuan was about to keep up, she stopped: "I can go in alone."

"You still don't believe me." Shen Tuchuan's eyes became cold.

Ji listened helplessly: "You have just lost control once, and your mental strength is weak. I'm afraid Dr. Li will see what, good, you stay here." She turned out a wooden warehouse directly on duty and turned around. Go straight.

Shen Tuchuan's eyes darkened for a moment, he walked towards the institute, stopped when he nearly walked to the door, and glanced at the grass in the corner, his voice as if mixed with ice moraine: "Get out."

The words did not fall, a zombie who could no longer see the humanoid crawled out, as if knowing that the opposite was its emperor, using all his strength to approach: "There is medicine ... destroy us ... destroy data ... destroy ... "

The body of the zombies was full of pipes, and the injuries in many places were neat and tidy. At a glance, it was known that they were cut out with a knife. Its language ability is still weak, but every word is pleading, and its eyes are full of hatred, desire to survive, and surrender to Shen Tuchuan, and each kind of emotion shows that it has preliminary wisdom.

Shen Tuchuan's eyes froze for thousands of years, standing in front of him, and the zombie was still wriggling towards him. Shen Tuchuan remained silent for a long time, squatted down and stretched out his hand, and put his fingertip on his forehead. The nails grew rapidly, piercing the carrion of the zombie, and a little white smoke gradually appeared on its forehead.

When he was doing all this, he was very attentive, and the five senses weakened. When he realized that there was someone at the door, the repair of the zombies had ended, and the zombies, which could only be wriggling, could gradually stand up. When the zombies saw the people at the door, just shouting and rushing up, she was stopped by Shen Tuchuan's eyes and turned to escape into the institute.

Shen Tuchuan stood alone for a long time before he got up calmly and looked at the woman with a pale face not far away.

"Ogawa ..." Jiang Yu's strength seemed to be completely emptied, and it was difficult to even call his name. Just now, she saw with her own son that there was some kind of communication with the zombies. The zombies, who were already dying, suddenly had a spirit.

Shen Tuchuan calmly looked at her, and she didn't know why she felt a little stuffy in her heart. Although it was not unbearable, it was also very disturbing: "You have seen it."

"Why is this ..." Jiang Yu stumbled a step back, holding the wall barely to fall. Although she was still reluctant to believe, but during this time Shen Tuchuan's performance and the facts she had just seen with her, all showed that her son is likely to be ...

The mother and son looked at each other across a yard, and no one stepped forward, and no one spoke first. Just when they were deadlocked, Ji Ting trot came out and was a little surprised after seeing Jiang Yu: "Mom, why are you here?"

Jiang Yuzhen looked at her, and suddenly thought of these days, she seemed to help Ogawa perfunctory herself, so I always knew what Ogawa was now. She figured everything out and felt that her breathing was painful.

"Mom ..." Ji Ting looked at her face and frowned and walked towards her. As soon as she took a few steps, Shen Tuchuan grabbed her hand.

Ji Ting looked at him in confusion, and after looking at him for a moment, he understood for a moment, pursed his lips for a long time and said, "... Go home first."

The family didn't know how to go home. When they heard it at home, they realized that the blood on their hands had dried up and had not been bandaged, so they couldn't help sighing.

Immediately after entering the door, Shen Tuchuan took her to the sofa to sit down, took out gauze alcohol from his pocket and helped her clean it up. Although Jiang Yu was nearby, Ji Ting couldn't help but be surprised: "When did you get it?"

"When I came out just now, it was in the clinic." Shen Tuchuan didn't look up.

Ji listened to the corners of his mouth, but he didn't expect it was such a time, he still has the mood to get something for himself. When he cleaned his wounds, Shen Tushu walked out and saw that the crowd was sitting beside Jiang Yu, and the family was here.

"I am a zombie," Shen Tuchuan said slowly, in a quiet place, "not only the zombie, but also the king of zombie ..."

He explained his experience word by word, and Jiang Yu choked a few times during the period without interrupting his story. His eyes kept looking at Ji Ting until he had said everything, before looking at the two elders who seemed to be old for a moment: "Sorry, I did not survive in the end."

The emotion that Jiang Yu had been holding back because of his sudden outburst, lying crying in the arms of Shen Tushu, Shen Tushu looked at them silently and took Jiang Yu back to the room.

Only Ji Ting and Shen Tuchuan were left in the living room. The two looked at each other silently. After a long time, Ji Ting said with some heartbreaking: "What should I do now?"

Shen Tuchuan was silent. Ji heard a sigh and leaned on his arm.

Seven hours later, Jiang Yu and Shen Tu came out, and their emotions seemed to have stabilized. Ji Ting and Shen Tuchuan looked at them, Jiang Yu paused and said lightly, "Xiaochuan, clean up, we leave the base."

"Why?" Ji listened in surprise.

Shen Tuchuan looked down: "I'm a zombie. Humans are everywhere on the base. My parents won't allow me to stay here."

Can't watch his son hurt his compatriots one day, but can't bear to wander alone, but can only accompany him to drift. This choice, whether out of conscience or affection, is beyond reproach.

Ji listened to silence for a long time and raised his spirit: "It's okay to leave as soon as possible. Didn't my mother say that she wanted to go to the mountain to be self-sufficient at that time? At that time, I was afraid that animal corpses would be dangerous. Now that I'm fine, Ogawa can control the zombies, so I'm not afraid It's dangerous. Let's take some seeds to live in the mountains. "

She walked to the bedroom as she spoke, and Jiang Yu's voice came just after she walked away: "... Listen, you stay."

Ji Ting stopped abruptly and looked back at her incredibly: "Mom ... what do I mean by staying?"

Jiang Yu said no more than stop talking, and Shen Tushu, who had been silent, said, "Child, we don't plan to take you with you. You stay at the base, and you ... don't know us." Once you leave here, it means you will never be. Isolated from humans, they cannot bear the child's suffering.

Ji Tingyun looked at him, and half a moment looked at Shen Tuchuan, who had been silent: "Do you also think so?"

After being silent for a long time, Shen Tuchuan calmly said, "I listen to my parents."

"You tell me again." Ji Ting coldly walked towards him.

Shen Tuchuan lowered his eyes: "Dad, mom, go pack up, it's too late today, we will leave tomorrow."

"... Um." Jiang Yu couldn't bear to watch Ji Ting again, wiped the corner of her eyes and started to pack things.

Ji heard Shen Tuchuan return to the bedroom, followed immediately, and slammed the door as soon as he entered the house: "What do you mean? You found it, but why didn't you let me follow ..."

"Shh." Shen Tuchuan frowned and put his index finger on her lips. Ji listened for a moment.

Shen Tuchuan watched her quietly and said for a while: "Gather up everything you need, and we leave in the early morning."

"... What do you mean?" Ji listened for a moment but didn't respond.

Shen Tuchuan still looked at her motionlessly, and half a moment gently raised her lips: "Ji Ting, if someone must accompany me to hell, then I must choose you."

The author has something to say: I really don't hide it. When I wrote Ogawa's neck biting, I was eating a duck neck, really fragrant ...

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