Ji Tingding stared at him, and he took a breath: "Shen Tuchuan are you still human? In order to let your father and mother enjoy the blessing at the base, you choose me to go?"

"Will that go?" Shen Tuchuan looked at her calmly.

Ji listened and laughed: "Let's go, I want to."

The corner of Shen Tuchuan's lips floated a little, and she stretched out her hand and rubbed her hair.

Ji listened and nodded, and found all his things, and it took only half an hour to pack them up. It was not enough time to sleep at the moment, and the two of them were sitting beside the bed facing a large bag of luggage on the ground, and they were suddenly silent.

For a while, Shen Tuchuan broke the silence: "Leave a note to your parents, otherwise they will be worried."

"Huh ..." Ji Ting said a softly, took out his pen and paper, and sat at the desk. He didn't know what to write for a long time.

After seeing her stagnant, Shen Tuchuan said quietly for a long time: "Tell them to take care of their bodies, and we will come back to see them if possible."

"... Okay." Ji listened to his lips and wrote as he said, writing that his eyes began to panic.

She is an orphan. She has never felt the favor of her elders since she was a child. She did not expect to wear a book, but instead met her parents who are very good to her. After more than a year of getting along, she has long regarded Shen Tushu and Jiang Yu as her own biological Parents, now it is unavoidable to feel sad to be separated from them.

She sucked her nose. Although the movement was slight, it was very clear in the quiet room. Shen Tuchuan moved her fingertips, and eventually did not come forward to comfort, nor did she say what she wanted to leave.

For him, Ji Ting and his parents are completely different. No matter how long, the parents are still parents, the love for him will not be reduced by half, but the season is different, she is too young, once he left her at the base, I will probably forget him before long, and then marry someone Have children.

As soon as he thought that her future side might be another man, he became impatient. Shen Tuchuan looked at Ji Ting's back, his eyes were full of possessiveness.

The clock hands on the wall slowly slid, and when Ji's mood gradually calmed down, the letter was already written. She carefully folded the letter into a rectangle and pressed the cup to the most prominent position on the table, so Jiang Yu could Find it right away.

After all this, it was eleven o'clock in the evening. Shen Tuchuan came to her and put her hand on her shoulder: "You sleep for a while, I will call you when you leave."


Ji Ting obediently followed him to lie down on the bed, pinching his fingers with one hand and closing his eyes. Although his mood was complicated and not sleepy, he forced himself to fall asleep. When she was sleeping, she was worried for a while. Shen Tuchuan would leave while she was asleep, but then she thought that this person was reluctant to leave her to be married at the base, and she would definitely take her away.

She wanted Shen Tuchuan for a while, and her parents for a while, and her mind was chaotic. Even if she fell asleep, she could not sleep well. I don't know how long, she suddenly awakened, opened her eyes and found no one beside her.

Ji listened for a moment, and she jumped out of bed with bare feet and searched the room, but found nothing, and hurriedly rushed towards the door.

As she was about to grab the doorknob, suddenly a force strangled her waist, and she rose into the air the next second. Feeling the chilly cold on the person behind him, Ji Ting suddenly relaxed, and then raised an anger: "Why did you go ?!"

"Going out," Shen Tuchuan said, putting her on the bed, watching her somewhat red feet, and frowning unhappyly. "Why would you let you wear no shoes on such a cold day?"

"If you didn't play away, I would be so anxious that I forgot to wear shoes?" Ji Ting looked at him coldly, apparently indignant.

Shen Tuchuan paused, turned and closed the window she had just skipped, blocking the cold wind outside: "I'm sorry, I didn't expect you to wake up suddenly." Then she took her foot and put it in her arms.

Ji listened for a moment, and the anger suddenly disappeared a lot. She pursed her lips and pulled her feet back: "Forget it, you don't even have a body temperature, the more you cover the colder."

Shen Tuchuan saw that she was out of breath, and looked at the clock on the wall: "It's almost two o'clock, let's go."

"Now?" Ji heard a little hesitant.

Shen Tuchuan looked at her: "When do you want?"

"... No, I just feel a bit too fast," Ji sighed after hearing that. "Forget it, now is the best time to leave. Mom and Dad, they must not sleep well tonight. I guess it should be noon." Woke up."

She wasn't ready yet, but if she didn't leave at this time, she might not be able to leave.

Shen Tuchuan took a look at her, put her socks on without saying a word, Ji Ting took a deep breath and took the initiative to get dressed. It took less than ten minutes for the two to pack up and jump out of the window.

When I was sitting in the driver's seat, Ji listened and thought it was like dreaming, but the cold air, the closed street lights, the empty base square at the moment, and the co-pilot sitting beside him. Shen Tuchuan told her that she was not dreaming. She really wanted to leave this place for more than a year.

She took a deep breath, held the steering wheel with one hand, and was about to start the car. A sudden riot came, and then she saw the faint fire in the northwest. Realizing that it was the direction of the institute, Ji Hean jumped out of the car when he unfastened his seat belt. However, at the moment he opened the door, Shen Tuchuan held his wrist.

She froze for a moment, and then her head seemed to split a lightning bolt, and she suddenly understood: "You set the fire ?!"

"No." Shen Tuchuan said lightly.

Ji heard that the suspended heart was slightly lowered, but before he spoke, he heard Shen Tuchuan added: "It was made by the zombies I saved yesterday."

Ji listened for a moment and forgot to breathe, and for a while, he said, "Why ..."

"Is the research institute always developing medicine to kill zombies?" Shen Tuchuan was a little annoyed. According to the plan, the fire in the institute should be after they left, and the fire spread as soon as they got into the car.

Although he was upset, Shen Tuchuan reluctantly explained: "Once the medicines are developed, they will attack indiscriminately. At that time, all zombies will die, including me, and I will not let them succeed."

The noise in my ears is getting louder and louder. Many people have heard the movement running from home and running towards the institute with the tools, and the vehicle where Ji Ting is now seems like a deadly sculpture, watching indifferently. This human self-help.

Although it has always been known that the degenerate Shen Tuchuan has stood on the opposite side of humanity, but when there was a day of confrontation, Ji Ting was still bitter. The people in this base have survived thousands of hardships, and each has flesh and blood. She can no longer treat them as npcs in a novel. At this moment, watching them rushing towards the fire, the pain is beyond words. .

"Those materials are their hope ..." Ji heard his voice mute.

Shen Tuchuan looked at her calmly: "I am also the hope of all zombies."

"But ... didn't you say that they are to you like monkeys to humans?" Ji Tingding looked at him.

"But now the zombies have evolved wisdom."

This sentence of Shen Tuchuan was like a bomb / bomb falling in Ji listens ear. Ji listens a roar in his ears. After a long time, he could barely hear his voice and asked, "What did you say?"

"They have already begun to have wisdom. With the wise monkey, can humans still treat it as a monkey?" Shen Tuchuan said, his eyes were slightly cold. "It is not a day or two that they have wisdom, The so-called Dr. Li in your mouth must be more clear than me, but he still tests them and does everything to them. "

"When is it? It's not a large-scale evolution, otherwise I can't help but know." Ji heard a little panic.

Shen Tuchuan looked at her: "No, only those closer to me have evolved."

... So just the zombies at the base for research have evolved? Ji heard a sigh of relief, and immediately realized his reaction, and could not help laughing. Under the premise that the situation was so bad, she didn't think it was too bad.

Shen Tuchuan noticed her reaction and taunted his eyes: "Zombies have no wisdom, are you assured?"

"... They are wise, not a good thing for humans." Although Ji Ting answered frankly, he was still a little cramped before the King of Zombies.

Shen Tuchuan glanced at her, looking calmly toward the smaller and smaller fire light forward: "According to the trend of evolution, after having wisdom, they will restore their memories soon. When they have a complete emotional system, they think of themselves Are your family and friends considered complete zombies? "

Humans hate zombies, because they lost their family and friends, but they never thought that zombies were once human, and it was not their intention to become zombies. Even if you are still saving your family a second before becoming a zombie, as long as you become a zombie, you will instantly become an enemy of your family.

Human beings are simply the most hypocritical beings. The eyes of Shen Tuchuan flashed irony.

"No ..." In a silence, Ji Ting slowly said, "The moment the human transmuted, he was actually dead completely, even if later zombies gave birth to wisdom and remembered everything when they were humans, they will just Moving corpses, their bodies will still rot, and they will still have the urge to destroy in the face of living people ... "

"Do you mean, you have always regarded me as a moving body?" Shen Tuchuan interrupted her with a cold voice.

Ji listened to silence for a moment, and smiled bitterly: "It's not a corpse, and it's not the same as before." She loves Shen Tuchuan. She loves no matter what he becomes, but she has to admit that she used to be kind and self-giving. He is really gone.

Shen Tuchuan heard the meaning of her words, a sudden anger hit her heart, he grabbed Ji Ting's collar, raised his foot to the driver's seat and held her: "Why, not yet, Do you regret it? Do you think I ’m not as good as before, or suddenly see my true face? "

"... Ogawa, I'm just a little sad." Unlike his anger, Ji listened softly and did not reject him at all. Until this time, she still expressed her sadness very frankly. .

The light in the corner of her eyes seemed to be a single bow single, hitting Shen Tuchuan's heart severely, no matter how angry she was, she pulled out along the single hole of the bow. He hugged Ji Ting weakly, pressed all his strength to her, and gave himself without reservation.

For a long while, he murmured in Ji Ting's ear: "Let's go to a place where no one lives, as long as we stay away from the zombies, they will not be affected by me, and they will not evolve again. Right. "

If fate wants humans to perish, then humans will perish whether or not he is there. If fate is not correct, then humans will find new ways to kill all zombies that no longer evolve.

"Okay ..." Ji Ting softly agreed, two hands covered his back, and patted him like a kid.

With his eyes closed, Shen Tuchuan gradually relaxed himself surrounded by a touch of lemon. For the first time, he had a lazy mood. He didn't want to do anything lazily. He just wanted to be held by her like this, but it didn't take long for him to realize that Ji Ting had froze.

He looked up at Ji Ting, and after seeing the shock in her eyes, he paused and turned to see Jiang Yu outside the car.

Shen Tuchuan was silent for a moment and got out of the car.

"All the materials of the institute were destroyed. Dr. Li's research for more than a year was ruined. Did you do it?" Jiang Yu's voice trembled slightly when he asked this sentence.

Shen Tuchuan didn't deny it, just looked at her calmly.

Jiang Yu's eyes were red and he slapped him on the face. Ji Ting heard a crisp sound as soon as he got out of the car. He hurried to trot in front of Shen Tuchuan: "Mother, calm down, Ogawa, Ogawa ...

"You know this, right ... You, you, didn't plan to separate from the beginning. You promised me yesterday that you were lying to me. You planned to leave together from the beginning ..." Jiang Yu looked To her, Ji listened for a moment, and there was no sound for Jiang Yu. The expression suddenly became painful. "Listen! How can you become right and wrong ?! Dr. Li's research can save all human beings, but it is totally ruined now. It's up! "

"... But that medicine will kill Ogawa." Ji listened in a low voice.

Jiang Yu shouted in pain: "I would rather he is dead than a human traitor!"

She ran over after she said the number of Shen Tu. She paused after seeing Ji Ting and Shen Tuchuan, holding Jiang Yu with a cold face, and indifferently said to Shen Tuchuan: "Monitoring at the institute shows that it was a zombie. Yes, no one has found your trace ... You go, this time my mother and I can say nothing with conscience, but only this time, starting today, we will not have born you, if later We will meet you one day on the battlefield and we will no longer show mercy to you. "

"Dad ..." Ji heard a step forward.

Shen Tushu looked at her: "Are you going with him?"

Ji Ting bit her lip, which is the default.

"Okay, you can go, take care of yourself," Shen Tu said with no expression on his face, and his voice was extremely indifferent, but there was a flood of light in his eyes. "Don't ... come back later."

Ji Ting's hands clenched into fists, tears fell down like broken beads, she silently hugged Shen Tu for a few moments, and then hugged Jiang Yu. Jiang Yu, who had endured her emotions sobbing, held Ji Ting in her arms.

"Mom I'm sorry for you ... Mum I'm sorry for you ..." She tossed over and over only this sentence, and couldn't say anything else.

Ji couldn't help shaking his head, sobbing and telling Jiang Yu a few words, then she let go of her: "Dad, mom, you must live well, you must be good ..."

"Let's go!" Jiang Yu sternly turned away.

Ji Ting cried and walked to Shen Tuchuan, holding his hand gently. Shen Tuchuan, who had been indifferent from the beginning, knelt and knelt after moving his throat, solemnly rubbing his head against the second elder, and then pulled Ji Tingzhuan and got on the car.

When Ji Ting started the car, her eyes were drenched with water, and she could hardly see the road ahead. She needed to wipe her tears constantly to drive normally.

The car slowly pulled out of the base and drove in an unknown direction. Ji Ting doesn't know where the destination is, but just keeps driving in one direction.

After the mood stabilized a bit, Ji listened to the silent Shen Tuchuan next to him, and asked softly after a long time: "Are you sad?"

"I don't know," Shen Tuchuan looked at the front lightly. "It's just a little stuffy, a little empty, and a little bit lost."

Ji Ting held his hand, and half a moment smiled reluctantly: "I'm the first time I'm so glad you don't have an emotional system." Without emotion, you don't need to hurt too much.

Shen Tuchuan was intertwined with her fingers, and she did not speak for a long time.

The car kept driving forward, and when it was tired, it stopped at the side of the road to rest, and continued to drive after the rest. In the early season, he couldn't rest assured that Shen Tuchuan's car skills had been driven by himself. Later, he couldn't hold it anymore, so he gave him the steering wheel, and he lay on the co-pilot to sleep.

She hadn't slept for almost a night, and fell asleep as soon as she closed her eyes. Before going to bed, she saw the sun hanging in the air, and woke up to find that she was still in that position.

"Why can't you sleep?" Ji listened lazily and looked at the sun for a while, confused.

Shen Tuchuan glanced at her: "It's almost twenty-four hours, haven't you fallen asleep?"

Ji listened for a moment, and when he understood what it meant, he was a little surprised: "I slept for a day and a night?"

Shen Tuchuan stopped the car: "It's your turn."

"... You won't be tired. Why should I start?" Ji heard muttering, but he changed positions with him.

Shen Tuchuan leaned back in his seat relaxedly: "You have been sleeping for so long, and your eyes are moving."

Ji Ting skimmed his lips and continued to drive forward. The two men alternated day and night driving. If they encountered a gas station on the way, they tried to fill up the gas and then continued on.

After nearly ten days of continuous driving, the two finally arrived in a sparsely populated city. Instead of going to the city, they went directly to the wider countryside and wanted to find a place where there were neither zombies nor humans.

Finding this kind of place is not easy. At least two people arrived in the city a few days ago, it can be said that nothing was found. When they felt discouraged in the season, and their dry food was almost finished, they found a plantation. .

The plantations are one-by-one greenhouses. Except for the ones that were crushed by the snow, the others are all fine. When Ji Ting and Shen Tu Chuan entered, the crops inside grew wildly. The most surprising thing for Ji Ting was this. There are also many animals such as chickens and pigs.

Ji heard a round, I think he understands what happened. Originally there were few employees here, and most of them turned into zombies after the outbreak of zombies. Because there are many sheds here, the temperature in the shed is relatively high, so it is not as difficult to rot as zombies outside, it has long turned into bones.

As for those chickens, ducks and pigs, they broke through the fence because no one was feeding them, ran directly into the plantation house, and found the feed silos to eat and drink, so they can live intact until now.

Ji listened and checked the feed silos. Most of them were wheat and corn. What was not considered rare in the past seemed so precious at this moment.

"I think it's just tailored for us." Ji Ting was moved by tears.

Shen Tuchuan glanced at her: "So happy?"

"Of course, you also saw what we usually eat, not even the pigs here," Ji heard and swallowed. "Speaking of pigs, I have n’t eaten pork since the zombie tide began. , Choking. "

Shen Tu Chuanton paused: "Have you eaten before the zombie tide?"

Ji Ting just wanted to say that he had eaten it of course, and he heard Shen Tuchuan quietly say: "At that time, the price of pork increased, and the ribs in the school cafeteria were gone, and the remaining pork buns were more than twice as expensive."

Although he can't resonate with his previous memories, he still instinctively complains about the days when he didn't eat ribs.

Ji Ting, who had the same experience, expressed his deep sympathy: "It doesn't matter. Now we have a lot of pigs, and the ribs are for you. I just want to make some braised pork and crispy pork."

"I don't eat now." Shen Tuchuan tilted her a look.

Ji Ting: "..." Right.

Pretending to be difficult for a moment, she said fakely, "What can I do, just let me eat it myself?"

"If you can kill pigs," Shen Tuchuan calmly said.

Ji listened for a moment before realizing that the road ahead was difficult. But she is not worried, after all ...

"What do you think I do? I won't help you," Shen Tuchuan said earnestly.

Ji listened and laughed: "Well, I know." Even if some people become zombies, they are quite right-minded.

After admiring the property now owned by the family, the two went to the small villa on the plantation together and buried the bones together before they started cleaning.

Although no one had been here for more than a year, the house was not too dirty, and the two were quickly cleaned up.

Ji listened to the sofa, looked at this nicely decorated small villa, and said for a while: "I knew it would be so smooth after coming out, so I brought my parents."

Shen Tuchuan sat down beside her: "Parents and mother shouldn't leave the base," he said for a moment, "I burned the institute, they are ashamed, so they will protect the base."

Ji Ting didn't want to mention this again, so he put his legs on his knees and thought: "Ogawa, look, we live here, and it's considered stable, should we consider something else?" "

"What?" Shen Tuchuan's attention was attracted.

Ji listened with a serious face: "Anyway, there is nothing to do, let's take advantage of this time to have a little zombie."


The author has something to say: I talk about pork ... my biggest dream at the moment is to eat pork ribs and stewed winter melon ... 2k novel reading network

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