After hearing about Ji, he looked ‘what do you think’ and waited for his response.

Shen Tuchuan looked at her expressionlessly, and slapped her head with a slap. "What **** is I talking about, I have poison all over my body, have children? It's almost like having a bunch of viruses."

Ji listened for a while and thought, "That's not bad. Let's have a bunch of viruses. Let's occupy the earth."

Shen Tuchuan: "..." I often do not agree with her because she is not perverted enough.

"Well, I just talked casually," Ji heard a sigh, and finally stopped teasing him, "but we can all accept the kisses. Why can't we be further done by Jinjiang Suowen? Or should it have been Yes, but you don't want to go further with me, so you deliberately lied to me. "

"... whenever you can, you won't sit here right now." Shen Tuchuan gave her an expressionless look and turned to walk towards the room.

Ji heard the inexplicable spine chilling, and after shaking a bit, he decided that it was okay to go and see his own pig, which was better than going back to the cold zombies.

The vegetables in the greenhouse are growing well. There are everything in the grain warehouse, such as wheat and corn. Chickens, ducks, and pigs are also fat and thick. Seasons of hearing have suddenly become a big farmer, with a mentality of planting large amounts of soil.

This mentality directly led to her leaving Shen Tuchuan in the cold. Her favorite thing to do every day is to go to the greenhouse to weed and feed the pigs, and she has worked a lot. Every time she returns to the house, she can go to sleep directly without chatting with Shen Tuchuan. . Shen Tuchuan stood by and did not mean to stop.

After a month and a half passed, Ji Ting's freshness continued unabated. Every time I talked to Shen Tuchuan the most, it was either the shed in which the insects were gone, or the pig was gaining weight.

"This place is so intimate, it's just tailored for me." Ji Ting sighed, "Before I wondered, the vegetables in this greenhouse were left unattended for a year. How did it grow out after so long? I finally knew the research. "

"Know what?" Shen Tuchuan didn't want to cooperate, but she stared with a rather oppressive gaze, and could only ask a difficult question.

Ji Ting shoved his arm, took him mysteriously to the front of the shed, and pointed to the ground slit where the shed was rooted: "Because this is the drip irrigation pipe that connects the inside of the shed, the water pipe burst out before, there was no water Yes, but the snow falls every day, and the temperature near the greenhouse here is high, it will easily melt into water and flow in. Do you think I am right? "

"How do I know, right? Before turning into a zombie, I was just an ordinary high school student." Shen Tuchuanmu answered with a face.

Ji Ting was stunned by his indifferent tone, and narrowed his eyes and said, "I have discovered for a long time that from the moment you came here, you were very unconcerned about my vegetable garden. Is it because you can't see it? So jealous of me? "

"Jealous?" Shen Tuchuan sneered, if he didn't have too much emotion, he might want to roll his eyes at this moment.

Ji Ting poked his lips and was not easily confused by him: "Come on, I saw you staring at my food fiercely that day, not because I couldn't eat it, so I wanted to destroy my greenhouse, friend? Both of us are related, can you stop being jealous of me in the future? "

Shen Tuchuan heard a moment of silence and said, "Are you sure I am jealous of you?"

"Otherwise, is it a dish or a dish?" Ji Ting raised his eyebrows.

Shen Tuchuan did not answer, but took a meaningful look at her and turned back to the room. Ji Ting was bewildered by him, and he went to feed the pig with a puzzled look. He didn't know what he meant after half of the feeding, and his face turned reddishly.

That night, it was rare that she was not addicted to raising pigs, but returned to the bedroom early. Shen Tuchuanton, who was leaning on the sofa reading a book, blocked the words on the cover, and looked at her with a strange expression: "The pig was finally fed to you?"

"... I'm sorry to disappoint you, my pig can eat and drink, it's very good." Ji heard nothing.

Shen Tuchuan calmly put down the book, and by the way took a coaster and put it on the book: "What are you doing back then?"

"... I can't come back yet?" Ji heard a cough, pretending to sit next to him calmly, half pretending that it didn't matter, "I just didn't think I would accompany you after I've been here, so I came back here earlier. . "

Shen Tuchuan was silent for a moment, pinching her chin to force her to look at herself: "Conscience found?"

Ji Ting was rare and did not refute. He smiled and hugged his neck and pecked on the bridge of his nose: "Do you really want me to accompany you?"

"Of course, when you go to bed at night, I have been dazed alone for hours. I naturally want you to spend more time with me during the day." Shen Tuchuan admitted frankly that he rarely develops such high-level emotions as "shyness", so to be honest It's not difficult for him.

Ji Tingran took his arm and moved it into his arms: "Since you want me to accompany you, why don't you say it all the time, if I don't find it, do you plan not to say it all the time?"

Shen Tuchuan sniffed the lemon scent on her body, her eyebrows gradually stretched, and after a long time she said lightly: "It is not necessary to say that you can find something you like for the sake of isolation from human beings. I am grateful."

Ji Ting's heart was sore, facing the guilt and emotion that this handsome face could not tell, she coughed and restrained her emotions, and whispered against his head: "I like to grow vegetables and feed pigs, but I I like you more. "

"... You compare me with vegetables and pigs. I don't feel very happy." Shen Tuchuan looked cold.

Ji Ting couldn't help laughing, holding his face and kissing: "You are too cute."

Shen Tuchuan's ears turned red, and she hugged her with a stern face and walked straight towards the bed. Ji heard a little panicked: "Don't you say that can't be that?"

"Which?" Shen Tuchuan asked, noticed Ji Ting's blushing face, and paused after speaking. "Ji Ting, you seem to be looking forward to it."

"I don't, I'm not you, don't talk nonsense." Ji Ting quickly denied Sanlian.

Shen Tuchuan sneered and threw her onto the quilt, and she lay down next to herself. Ji heard a turn over, just shrinking into his words.

Shen Tuchuan laughed: "You're pretty good at finding a place."

"It's okay, mainly practice makes perfect." Ji Ting was rather subtle.

Shen Tuchuan looked at her eyebrows, her eyes gradually smoothed to her neck, her eyes gradually dim. Ji Ting was staring at him, and he could not help reminding: "What, we can't, you will turn me into a zombie."

"In fact, there is no workaround." Shen Tuchuan's voice was dumb.

Ji Ting frowned, wondering: "What's the solution?"

Shen Tuchuan met her for a moment, pulled up the quilt and covered them, and taught her how to work. The two had been in the middle of the night for a long time, and it was not over until Ji Ting couldn't hold it, which directly caused Ji Ting to wake up the next day, it was almost noon.

Ji Ting lazily opened his eyes, and just when he was about to get up, he hissed, and quickly fainted and lay down. Thinking of the ridiculous thing last night, she gritted her teeth so much that she couldn't think of anything. What he called a change was to wear her a pair of medical gloves to isolate his little viruses. She even didn't expect to finish serving him. Also bullied by him over and over.

Ji heard seeing the melting gloves on the palms of the ground, remembering what happened yesterday, and his face gradually began to turn red again ... I have to admit that some people have their own talents in some things, even if they have not been to the end One step, there are ways to toss people.

After a short rest, she was going to feed the pigs. As soon as she was about to move, she saw Shen Tuchuan come back with a black face and a black mud on her body.

"Where have you been?" Although she was a little shy to see him at this moment, she couldn't help being curious when she saw that someone who had been clean was suddenly dirty.

Shen Tuchuan glanced at her and sat down beside her indifferently: "I'm going to feed the pigs."

"What are you going to do to feed the pigs?" Ji heard nothing.

Shen Tu Chuanton paused, and her eyes gradually fell from her face. Ji Ting understood instantly: "... Okay, it's for me to feed the pigs. Where's the mud?"

"I saw the pigs were too dirty, so I washed them with water, but they shook them around unconsciously, throwing all the mud and water on me." Shen Tuchuan stretched his face.

Ji listened for a while, and half a while finally couldn't help but laugh: "Bath the pig Hahaha what do you think ..."

"That's what I thought." Shen Tuchuan glanced at her.

Ji Ting quickly hugged: "So what, all right, the first time you feed pigs, it is normal to be unskilled."

There was a hint of killing in Shen Tuchuan's eyes: "If you hadn't been waiting to eat pork, I would have turned them all into zombies."

"Don't you," Ji was really scared to hear this time, "Pig is now all I hope for in life, and I still live by it."

"Pig is your hope, what about me?" Shen Tuchuan narrowed his eyes dangerously.

Ji did not change his face: "Of course it's everything to me."

Shen Tuchuan's expression was better, and Ji couldn't help hearing the sweat in the pigs in the fence. She rested on the bed for a while, and finally got up. When she went to the bathroom, she passed the sofa and noticed the book he read yesterday. At this moment, a coaster was covered on the cover, which just blocked the cover.

She was curious and walked over to pick it up. Shen Tuchuan noticed her course and immediately got up to pick up his book. As a result, Ji Ting still showed the most important information: "" Let your girlfriend see only you Daquan Daquan? What is this page you are folding? 'How to make girlfriends with a wide range of interests only focus on themselves, the best way is to pretend to be pitiful' ... What a mess? "

After she finished the book, she was taken away by Shen Tuchuan. Looking at his rare guilty conscience, she realized for a moment: "What did you say yesterday that I was grateful for what I like to do, all lie to me?"


Ji couldn't be deceived: "You come less! What you said yesterday is very similar to the answer to a sample question in the book ... No, can't you change a few words when you copy the answer?"

"This is not my book." Shen Tuchuan was still dead and did not admit it.

Ji Ting was laughed at by him. As soon as he was about to speak, he held her face and kissed him. Ji Tingqi hummed and yelled at him. He also pretended not to know anything. Gradually Ji Ting was too lazy to resist. Continued the kiss with his arm. It was only gradually that the situation had heated up a bit, and Ji Tingyi had already given him a hand when the response came.

It seems that I'm sorry for the routine of listening to Ji Ting. From this day on, Shen Tuchuan has taken over all the work of feeding pigs and vegetables, and vowed to use rich meat and vegetables to raise Ji Ting in vain.

The only clocks in the plantation were broken long before they lived in. They can only judge the date by the rise and fall of the sun, but they remember it every day at the beginning of the season and wait for a long time to ignore it. Already.

Days passed, big pigs gave birth to small pigs, hens laid a lot of eggs, and even vegetables were grown one by one. Ji Ting and Shen Tuchuan lived a secluded life in the plantation in this way. Although they sometimes felt boring, they were very happy most of the time.

I didn't know how long it had elapsed in the blink of an eye. One morning, after a good night's sleep, Ji Ting woke up early and opened her eyes to see Shen Tuchuan facing her, sitting on a chair and reading. , Stomped towards him, intending to scare him behind him.

As he was approaching him, Ji He suddenly yelled and jumped over. Shen Tuchuan caught the person with one hand without turning his head, and hugged him directly.

"... You can't pretend to be scared by me?" Ji Ting was silent.

Shen Tuchuan simply refused: "No." Then she moved her aside and got up and walked outside.

"Where are you going?" Ji Ting looked up and asked.

"Feed the pig."

Ji Ting: "..." Why is he more like a farmer than himself?

It was too cold outside and Ji was too lazy to listen to it, so she sat in the house and ate roasted sweet potatoes, but she ate the third piece, and she did n’t see Shen Tuchuan return.

Shen Tuchuan usually went to several greenhouses, so Ji Ting went directly to the greenhouse, and sure enough, he saw him in front of the third greenhouse.

"What are you doing here stupidly?" Ji Ting was still gasping in his mouth, and walked in doubt.

Shen Tuchuan still stood still, Ji He was puzzled, and the pace at his feet slowed down. When he walked to his side, he saw his eyes staring at a certain place. I don't know if it's a psychological effect. Ji Ting suddenly felt that time seemed to slow down, and changes in everything in the world began to be clearly visible.

She followed Shen Tuchuan's gaze and saw that a green branch was drawn out in the snow, like a god, driving away the winter day that was too long.

Ji Tingyi looked at the green strip, and for a long time he couldn't return to God. After a long time, he dumbly said, "Is spring coming?"

"Um." Shen Tuchuan finally said aloud.

Ji He swallowed and looked at Shen Tuchuan in a loss. If spring really comes, it means that the ice and snow are melting, grasses are flying, and the weather is gradually warming up. Once warm, those zombies that have survived for a long time because of ice and snow will quickly rot, and humanity will win without a fight, and the world will be restored. peace.

... All these are good things, but it is not necessary to stand on the stand of Shen Tuchuan.

As if knowing what she was thinking, Shen Tuchuan said quietly after a long silence: "The difference between man and monkey is wisdom, and the difference between zombies and zombies is the same. Things that have not evolved wisdom are not my kind."

Ji heard a sigh of relief, and then thought of a change of face: "Will you also rot with the coming of spring?" If all zombies will die, then he ...

"Ji listen," Shen Tuchuan said lightly in her panic. "If I would rot because of the hot and cold temperatures, I would have stink as long as you held me to bed the first day."

Ji Ting: "..." Imagine the picture. Although the words are a little disgusting, they are extremely convincing.

She adjusted her mood and asked, "Why do you look unhappy?"

"Am I looking upset?" Shen Tuchuan frowned at her. "I didn't notice. I was thinking about something just now, so I was distracted."

"What's the matter?" Ji listened and asked, afraid that it would be something that would have a bad impact on him.

Shen Tuchuan was silent for a moment before slowly speaking: "If spring comes, will we one day be able to return to our parents?"

Ji listened for a moment, looked at his uncle's side face, and suddenly realized that although he had no emotional system, he was just like her to his parents. Love had penetrated into the bone marrow and penetrated into the blood. In fact, he always missed his father. mom.

Shen Tuchuan was slightly uncomfortable by her, so don't murmur: "If you didn't take me home at the beginning, I won't have feelings for them again."

"If you don't take it home, you are probably going to rebel with zombies now," Ji Tingxian gave him a glance, then laughed. "Then we wait until the weather is completely warm, then go back to them, they will definitely accept us again of."

"So sure?" Shen Tuchuan wasn't sure.

Ji Ting nodded immediately: "Of course I am."

Shen Tuchuan was silent for a long time and smiled softly.

From this day on, the two people started looking forward to spring every day, and the weather was very powerful, and finally it became very warm. The snow has melted, the grass has grown, and the big trees have started to shoot. The whole world is no longer white, and when the first wild flower blooms, the snow has melted.

The weather is getting hotter, and soon transitions from spring to summer, and then from summer to autumn. When the leaves turn yellow and slowly fall, Ji Ting finally spoke: "Shen Tuchuan, let's go home."

Shen Tuchuan was silent for a long time, and the corners of his lips were slightly raised. Although I do n’t know the specific time, it should be several years before they leave. Parents may not be at that base anymore, but it does n’t matter where they are. Home Where it is, he and Ji Ting just find them.

Before they left, the two did not forget to settle alive poultry, so they set off with a cart of vegetables and meat in the direction of city A.

Due to the return of heart, although there was no heavy snow on the way back, it seemed to be much slower than when they came. After two people drove day and night, they finally arrived in city A.

On the way, two people passed through many cities and witnessed the countless former no-man's realm returning to the prosperity before the outbreak of zombies, so when I saw the lively city A, I was not too surprised, just more than other places. A little emotion.

I've been hurrying ahead, but I was really at the door of my house, but I was a little bit homesick.

"It's afternoon. They might be working. Maybe ... let's go later?" Ji listened carefully.

Shen Tuchuan was silent for a moment, and gave a soft reply, so it was settled. The two were wandering around in the city driving a car, watching the original deserted place revived, feeling very sad.

After walking around for a while, Ji heard that there was even milk tea on the street, and immediately demanded that Shen Tuchuan stop the car and go to buy milk tea by himself. As soon as he arrived at the tea shop, he suddenly remembered that he had no money.

"Little girl, what kind of taste do you want?" A delicate and beautiful long-haired woman asked softly.

Ji Tingyi smiled: "I just came to see, don't ..."

"You don't need any taste, just have a drink."

The familiar voice sounded in his ear. Ji listened in surprise and found that it turned out to be Beiyun. Beiyun smiled: "Now there are a lot of wastes to be enjoyed. Many things are not as delicate as before the zombie tide. The milk tea here looks good. In fact, there is nothing except sweetness, so there is no need to worry about choosing too many flavors."

"Hey! What are you talking about, but I still have to open the door to do business." The woman was dissatisfied.

"This is my girlfriend, we are about to get married," Beiyun smiled and introduced to Ji, and then said to the woman, "This is my sister Ji Ji, who went out with her boyfriend more than three years ago, and has just returned. "

More than three years ... In other words, just five years have passed since the tsunami broke out. Ji heard of the timeline in the original text, and suddenly felt a little bit emotional. The novel world also has its special order, so after the antidote and materials were destroyed, the order brought four seasons to the world.

"Sister, your milk tea." The woman smiled and handed her milk tea.

Ji Tingxi took a moment to take over and took a sip to find that it really has nothing but sweetness, but for her who has not drunk for a long time, it is already good enough.

She took another sip and greeted him when she saw Shen Tuchuan getting out of the car. Beiyun laughed after seeing him: "I know that Ji heard it, you can't be outside, can you come back this time? ? "

Shen Tuchuan was silent for a moment: "Not sure."

"Why ... Ah, are you worried that your uncle and aunt don't forgive you?" Beiyun felt stunned.

Shen Tuchuan and Ji Ting at the same time thought that what they had done was exposed, but fortunately Beiyun continued: "You were also at the beginning, it is also good for your uncles and aunts to let you get married a few years later, why do you leave because of this little thing Home away? Do you know how sad they are? "

... I didn't expect that after they were done sorry for all human beings, their parents were still trying to find an excuse to help them get away. Ji Ting was uncomfortable, he could not help lowering his head, and Shen Tuchuan was silent.

Beiyun couldn't bear to blame when he saw this. He thought for a while and said, "Okay, let's go back quickly. This weekend, they should take care of at home ..."

With that said, he stopped abruptly.

Ji Ting looked up at him: "What to take care of?"

"... Go back quickly, you'll know when you get home." Beiyun coughed and turned away.

Ji Ting has never seen Beiyun so hurried, frowning for a while, a little worried whether something happened, and then seeing that Shen Tuchuan was also frowning, and the two dared not delay and hurried to the house .

When they drove all the way to the door of the house, the two ran upstairs quickly. Ji heard the panting and knocked on the door, and soon the door opened from the inside.

"Who are you looking for?" A little daikon who was more than two years old opened the door and stared at them with wide eyes.

Ji Ting: "... is this Shen Tushu and Jiang Yu's home?"

"What are you doing with my parents?" Ding Xiaoyao tilted her head.

Ji Ting: "..."

Shen Tuchuan: "..."

So, did their parents give them a second child? !!

The author has something to say: This story ends tomorrow! In fact, I have been in a bad mood and poor sleep during this time. I have not updated too much every day. I will try my best to adjust it a little more every day starting from tomorrow to return to the previous diligent state! 2k novel reading network

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