After the child said, he ran into the room, and seemed to call an adult at home. Ji listened to Shen Tuchuan with a complex look, and saw his expressionless muttering: "No, this is not my house ..."

"It must not be ours. It's been so long. My parents may have moved out. Let's wait and ask them where to move ..."

"Shen Tuxi! Who asked you to open the door casually ?! What to do if the trafficker took you away!" Before the words Ji heard, Jiang Yu's violent voice came to the room, completely breaking the illusion of the two.

Ji Ting opened his eyes slowly: "Really ..."

"Who?" Jiang Yu appeared at the door, and when he opened the door, he saw two people outside.

As if the world had followed the static button, the air was silent, and the three of them stood so quietly, without anyone speaking first.

In the end, the clattering noise broke the silence. The child who had just entered the room ran out and held Jiang Yu's thigh to watch Ji listen to the two: "Mom, who are they?"

Jiang Yu's throat moved, but he couldn't speak. Shen Tuchuan was even more silent. Finally, Ji Tingyun said, "Mom, we just come back to see you and your father. If you don't welcome it, then we still Go back ... rest assured that Ogawa will not harm any human being, we just want to see you. "

When she finished speaking, she slapped Shen Tuchuan's hand through the cover of her sleeve, and wanted him to say some pitiful words, but who knew that this person said nothing, but looked at Jiang Yu blankly. When Ji was anxious in his heart, footsteps came from the room again: "What are you two doing here?"

As soon as the words fell, Shen Tushu came out, and Ji heard a smile from his heir: "Dad."

Shen Tushu, like Jiang Yu, stood still for a while, stared at them for a long time, and suddenly frowned: "What are you doing back?"

Ji Ting was stabbed by the defense in his eyes, and he quickly explained: "We are not here to do bad things, really! We are just coming back to see you ..."

"Let's go," Shen Tuchuan finally spoke. He looked indifferently at the little girl hugging Jiang Yu. "This family doesn't welcome us."

Ji Ting stunned for a while, and turned around before leaving. Ji Ting hurriedly held him and explained to Jiang Yu in a hurry: "Parents, it was Ogawa that burned the data before, but he was also trying to survive. , Then he went with me to a place where no one lived until now, so as not to let the zombies continue to evolve under his influence ... "

"Forget it, don't say it." Shen Tuchuan pursed his lips.

Ji Ting took a deep breath: "You may think that it is an individual who should make such a decision, but he is no longer a person now. He has given up his own tribe for you. Those zombies had wisdom when we left. As long as he thinks, the zombies will grow into intelligent groups that can fight humanity, but he doesn't, can't this tell us anything? "

Jiang Yu's eyes had turned red. Don't open your face to endure tears. Shen Tushu held her arm silently without saying a word.

The child noticed that the atmosphere was not right, and stood beside Jiang Yu honestly, stared at the two people outside the door and watched for a long time, surprised: "You are brothers and sisters ?!"

Ji Ting: "..." The second child was hammered.

"You go back and play with the building blocks." Jiang Yu whispered, and Xiao Dou Ding could play with toys as soon as he heard them, and immediately ran into the house with cheers.

Ji Ting reluctantly smiled: "We are back this time just to see if you are okay, rest assured that you are doing well, parents, let's go first."

After saying that, she took Shen Tuchuan's hand, turned and walked towards the corridor. When she was about to reach the stairs, Shen Tushu was unhappy.

"I don't hurt people." Shen Tuchuan's voice was indifferent.

Shen Tushu snorted softly: "You are a zombie, and the instinct of a zombie is harmful. Do you think I will believe you?"

Shen Tuchuan's brow gradually wrinkled, and the irritability he couldn't say in his heart, just to refute, Ji Ting first spoke: "Yeah dad, he's a dangerous zombie. If you don't keep him at home, who knows him What do you want to do in the future? "

"Yes, I can't let you leave like this." Shen Tushu sullenly said.

Shen Tu Chuanton seemed to understand something. He looked at Ji Ting, and Ji Ting nodded surely.

"Come in, Xiaoxi isn't fun to play alone. Come and accompany her," Jiang Yu said after a pause, looking at Shen Tuchuan with a warning. "If you dare to do bad things, I and your dad will definitely be killed this time. you."

"... Um." Although Shen Tuchuan's heart would not be beating long ago, when she heard her threatening words, her heart trembled.

Shen Tushu glanced at them with a cold face, turned his head back to the home, Ji listened and smiled and pushed Shen Tuchuan into the house, very enthusiastically to please the two elders. Shen Tushou and Jiang Yu were both happy and complicated for their return. They were happy because they could see their children, and they couldn't help remembering the fire in the institute that day, and they felt very guilty about it.

Ji Ting can understand their thoughts, so when they were not cold or warm to herself and Shen Tuchuan at first, she did not feel discouraged, but doubled her filial piety, and at the same time allowed Shen Tuchuan to do more good things outside to reduce their cover. The guilt of the son.

Thanks to her and Shen Tuchuan's efforts, the two elders finally let go of their defenses and began to get along with them as before.

In the process of getting along, Ji heard that Xiao Xi was not Shen Tuchuan's biological sister, but that after they left, Jiang Yu and Shen Tu had no emotional trust, so they adopted a child. However, knowing the truth did not affect anything. It only made the family more hurt Xiao Xi, and Shen Tuchuan was infinite, even though Ji Ting often saw him cold-faced and riding Xiao Xi as a horse.

As the days passed, more and more people returned to their cities and began to rebuild the order of their homes. Gradually the power was restored, tap water was available, there were more and more shops doing business on the street, and the female tea shop no longer tasted like sugar water.

After more than ten years in the blink of an eye, one morning in the early morning, after seeing the sound of the season, I saw myself in the mirror, and suddenly froze.

"What's wrong?" She was called without receiving a response, and Shen Tuchuan came in.

Ji listened silently looking at the mirror, and after a long time shook his head slightly: "It's okay, I just feel a little dark-eyed."

"Yesterday I let you go to bed earlier and you didn't listen. Go to bed later to eat something." Shen Tuchuan rubbed her hair and turned to go out.

Ji Ting still looked at herself in the mirror and the obvious crow's feet on her face. In her head, she kept asking readers why she was aging. The reader's resentment is the same as before, and she hasn't moved at all. When she was getting impatient, a line of less clear handwriting appeared: To avoid the infinite extension of this world, the attributes of aging and natural death were added to the translator. This world will succeed only if you complete the mission before you die.

Ji listened for a moment before he understood what it meant. After Shen Tuchuan merged with the virus, he had the attribute of immortality, and if he has always been this attribute, then as long as Shen Tuchuan has been unwilling to let go of his grievances , Then the world is likely to extend indefinitely.

... But the question is, what is his obsession? Before he was bitten by a zombie, he was a kind and gentle boy. At that time, he did not have a birthmark. After he was bitten by a zombie, the emotional system disappeared. Now even if he has the ability to send emotional feedback, he can Not enough to support how much resentment and love he has.

There are no huge emotional ups and downs, and no birthmark will ever occur. As for the tragedy in the original text, it has been completely avoided in some sense. She thought that she had succeeded, but only at this point would she be surprised. Success, why hasn't this world disappeared?

What had been overlooked suddenly came to her eyes, looking at her crow's feet, Ji Ting could no longer be leisurely, the only thing she thought about every day was what Shen Tuchuan was obsessed with, but she never thought of it.

This state continued for almost a week until Shen Tuchuan's birthday. The family sat together for dinner, except that Shen Tuchuan and Xiaoxi were drunk. Shen Tuchuan sent Xiaoxi sleeplessly, and then moved his parents and wife back to the bedroom one by one.

After he had done all this, when he went back to the house, Ji Ting suddenly popped out of the door and hugged him with a blush. "I ask you a question."

Her face was flushed with drunkenness, and there seemed to be fine starlight under her eyes. Shen Tuchuan did not want to deal with a drunk man, but her tears shed in the next second.

Shen Tuchuan: "... you can ask whatever you want."

Ji Ting jerked, "What is your obsession?"

"What obsession?" Shen Tuchuan frowned.

Ji heard it for a while, and put it another way: "It's what you always wanted but couldn't get, and it turned into a heart disease."

"I didn't." Shen Tuchuan said, tearing her off her body.

Ji heard dissatisfaction: "You must have."


"there must be!"

Shen Tuchuan: "..."

The two looked at each other silently for a while, Ji heard his mouth slip and cried, and Shen Tuchuan immediately said, "I have."

"What's that?" Ji Ting wiped his eyes.

Shen Tuchuan was silent again. After thinking about it for a long time, he finally came up with one: "I can't love you and my parents with the feelings of normal people, I'm sorry."

Ji listened for a moment.

"... I have forgotten what it means to truly love someone. If I can, I hope to have a sincere and rich love for you and your parents." After finishing Shen Tuchuan, he was a little embarrassed and didn't look away.

He didn't wait for Ji Ting's response, and for a while, he couldn't help turning back, and saw that Ji Ting was crying even more fiercely: "Is there something wrong?"

"No ... I just think," Ji Ting wailed, "My world is really doomed to fail ..."


"What to do, Ogawa." Ji Tingyi hummed in his arms.

Shen Tuchuan was silent for a moment: "Why have you been in a bad mood lately?"

"Did you find it ..." Ji heard that he started to be sleepy, and in the end he did not answer Shen Tuchuan's doubts.

Later, I couldn't remember it when I heard it. When I woke up the next day, I just felt my brain hurt. I woke up on the bed for a long time before waking up. Before I opened my eyes, I remembered the conversation with Shen Tuchuan yesterday— —

A guy who is destined to have no feelings, the only obsession is to have feelings, which is really ... God will die of her!

She sighed and buried her face in the quilt. It was not opened until the oxygen was thin, and her eyes stared at the ceiling for a long while, finally gritting her teeth.

Since this world is doomed to failure, then simply enjoy it, at least with him for a long time. After thinking about this, Ji Duan's dark clouds covering her heart suddenly disappeared for many days. Although Shen Tuchuan didn't know why she was in a bad mood at the end, everything seemed to be unimportant.

Time is like arrows and moons, and time seems to be run by eight horses. Soon they send Xiaoxi to marry, and then their parents grow old until one day they send away their parents.

Shen Tushu and Jiang Yu closed their eyes almost at the same time. They lived to be nearly ninety years old and did not suffer when they left.

On the day of the funeral, Ji Ting and Shen Tu Chuan sat quietly in the hall of worship that had not been demolished, and looked at him for a long time. He heard the makeup remover towel and helped him wipe away the old makeup on his face, revealing his handsome and clear appearance.

"Let's change the place to live, you don't have to put on makeup every day in the future." Ji listened softly.

Shen Tuchuan stared at her gray hair for a moment, then said slowly: "You are sixty years old."

"Sixty-three." Ji heard a smile, and a few layers of wrinkles were stacked on the corners of his mouth.

Shen Tuchuan lowered his eyes: "How long can you stay with me?"

Ji listened for a moment, and his very bright eyes were a little muddy: "There should be ... for decades."

Shen Tuchuan was silent for a long time, and suddenly drew his lips: "Very good."

Ji listened his head lowered, as if a child doing something wrong, and apologized to him for a while: "Sorry, it's all my fault ..."

"You don't need to apologize, I'm very grateful that you can work hard to live," Shen Tuchuan held her hand, and the skin of the two people contrasted sharply. "If someone must be sorry for someone, then I am sorry for you, Sorry, I have never been able to give you the same love. "

"... You're so good now." Ji heard a sigh, and she has been solving him for so many years, but unfortunately he has been stubborn and never let go.

Shen Tuchuan hugged her silently, and was reluctant to let go. After the funeral, the two said goodbye to middle-aged Xiaoxi and returned to the plantation where they had lived. The plantation already had a new owner. They spent all the money to buy it, and since then they have stayed away from the crowd again. Spend the rest of your life with each other.

Time rushed, and in the evening twenty years later, Ji opened his eyes after taking a nap, and realized that his breathing was weak for a long time. She thoughtfully looked at the clocks on the wall and knew that it was time.

She waited quietly, her eyelids getting heavier, and she was relieved until Shen Tuchuan returned.

"What's wrong?" Shen Tuchuan quickly walked to her and took her hand.

Ji Ting looked at his loose and old hand held by him, and closed his eyes half sadly, his voice was old and hoarse: "I may ... can't stay with you." Although I know I will see you again in the next world But tears appeared in the corners of her eyes.

Since the age of forty, the difference between them has become more and more obvious. It has been so long since others mistakenly thought that their siblings were in love, and that they were mother and son and grandchildren. Although the gap between appearances is getting wider and wider, their hearts have never been tortured because of this, they just cherish their time together.

"Ogawa ..." Ji Tingding looked at him definitively, seeing that his eyes were full of age spots, and he couldn't help laughing, "I used to be scared that I would grow old one day, but now it looks good, I am Isn't that pretty old man? "

"You are a pretty little girl." Shen Tuchuan touched her face.

Ji heard a weak gasp and took a long time to rest: "I want to spend more time with you, but I'm too tired ..."

"I know, wait for me." Shen Tuchuan's voice was soft, and she patted her hands after speaking, got up and moved the cabinet away, revealing the dark grid inside.

Ji Ting looked at him doubtfully, but didn't have the energy to ask when he found this thing. She watched Shen Tuchuan come back, still holding a test tube in her hand, and her dull brain hadn't remembered what it was. Shen Tuchuan drank the transparent liquid in the test tube.

"At the beginning of the metamorphosis, my mind was hazy, I only knew what to look for in the research institute, and who I could save if I found it, so I went with a perseverance and then I am now." Shen Tuchuan finished drinking She crouched beside her, holding her hand lightly.

"This medicine ..." Ji heard it, his thick eyes widened slightly.

The corner of Shen Tuchuan's lips radiated a little, and then a little ulcer appeared on his face. The ulcer gradually expanded and spread to his body. The handsome appearance just now was swallowed up by the ulcer.

"I am one with the virus. I instinctively treat antidote as a natural enemy, but I do n’t know why, after getting the medicine, I was not damaged, as if I was so ruined, I am sorry for anyone," Shen Tuchuan said. Then, the gums were completely exposed from the festering skin, "I think it should be because of your commitment to you."

... He once promised to save the lives with himself. Ji Ting slowly closed her eyes, and a murky tear came out: "Sorry, you who have failed to save this world ..."

As soon as her voice fell, a drop of tears hit her hands, and Ji listened for a long time before realizing that with her current posture, her tears could not drop on her hands. She looked at Shen Tuchuan with a last breath, and saw tears in his eyes that were about to rot.

"Listen, I love you." He laughed, apparently weird and embarrassing, but Ji Ting only felt at ease.

She raised a smile on the corner of her lips, watching the clock in the room suddenly stop, and then a force returned to her body. Ji Qing clearly felt that he was becoming younger, and then looking at the man in front of him, his limbs that had fallen to the ground turned into little stars, and rushed towards him.

In less than a minute, both men recovered completely, looking at each other's bright and clean faces, Ji listened for a moment and said, "You restore memory ..."

Before the words fell, she was suddenly dragged into his arms by him, and the siege generally gave her a fierce kiss, and then let her go. Ji Ting looked at him dumbly, and Shen Tuchuan stared at her deadly: "Go back soon, I will find you."

Ji listened and opened his mouth, before falling into words, he fell into darkness.

The author has something to say: Let's think about it, update it in advance. The next chapter is a new world. There are red envelopes. You can go to waves. Hey, orcs. 2k novel reading network

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