Ji Ting was still facing the ears and ears of the plane, and a rough big hand caught one of the ears in the next second, and the pain on his man's face immediately appeared.

Ji Ting suddenly exploded, and rushed forward in three or two steps: "What are you doing? Let me go!" Such a cute ear can also go down, it is simply inexcusable.

Several tall orcs were taken aback. The man who ran the men's part let go subconsciously. The man immediately escaped the attack of the man and rolled out of the encirclement of several orcs. He originally wanted to leave here immediately, but Ji Ting grabbed his hand. He frowned, and looked at the two people's hands together.

His hands were rough and dirty, and the nails were covered with black mud, but her hands were white and clean. Every inch showed that she lived a noble and affluent life. His two hands were incompatible, and he and the woman in front of him were not. Like people in the same world.

The male partner pulled back with a cold face, turned around and left. Ji Ting was in a hurry to chase, but was stopped by a few orcs just now.

"Hello, my name is Xiaowu," the leading orc blushed, "I can't smell the smell of beasts on you, are you pure?"

Ji Ting glanced at him, frowning and chasing in the direction of the men's departure. The orcs gathered the courage to follow her, and they were anxious to see her ignore her: "I, I don't actually bully people, really, I can Kindness, the little wolves in the tribe like me. That was not an ordinary orc just now, so I ... "

"Not an ordinary orc, so you can bully others?" In a blink of an eye, Ji Ting couldn't find any trace of the male partner, and couldn't help but stare at the orc.

Xiao Wu felt nervous and helpless: "I, I didn't bully him, it was him who should fight, you do n’t know, his father is broken. If it wasn't for his father, the warriors of our tribe would not be hurt by the beasts ... "

"What happened to his father's fault? Did he hurt other people?" Ji Ting was a little impatient. "Furthermore, if he really had his father's debts to pay for this clan law, why didn't he give birth to him when he was born? ? "

Xiao Wu froze for a moment: "No one will strangle a baby, we werewolves never bully."

"Never bully the bully? What were you doing just now? Help the weak?" Ji Tingmulu mocked. As she spoke, the orcs who had seen her before came together.

Xiaowu opened her mouth and couldn't argue for a while. Soon her face turned red, and she was really anxious in the end. She didn't feel that this pure person was beautiful, and she was anxious and degenerate: "Do you like him! Otherwise why? Want to help him ?! "

Regardless of which tribe, it is very shameful to like an orc that cannot be completely transformed. Whenever an orc can't get used to bullying Shen Tuchuan, Xiao Wududing would say that if he said the other side, the other side would be thin-skinned. , Can cry directly, no longer helpless and no longer tangled with him.

So this time he followed the previous tactics and waited for the pure man to be indignant.

Unfortunately, he can never wait for this scene.

Ji Ting's eyes narrowed and looked at him leisurely: "I'm his fiancee. I don't like him. Who likes him?"

As soon as she said this, all the orcs present were shocked. One of the orcs who was there when Ji heard the tribe just asked in surprise: "The fiance you just said is Shen Tuchuan?"

"Yeah, isn't it?" The name Shen Tuchuan, in the orc world of little five, little six, is too exquisite, it sounds a little funny. Ji heard a cough, only to hold her back and laugh. come out.

Xiao Wu was so surprised that his fist was almost in his mouth: "How, how is it possible! How could there be a pure person willing to be a fiancee of Shen Tuchuan ?!"

"How impossible?" Ji Tingyi expressed his doubts seriously, "He looks much better than you."

"Hmm ..." The crowd didn't know who laughed, and then everyone laughed.

In their aesthetics, the orcs must be tall and strong to look good. Although Shen Tuchuan is nearly one meter nine, it is not really tall when the orc males are generally about two meters, and the face is dirty for years. Hey, nobody even looks good.

Now Ji Ting suddenly says that Shen Tuchuan looks better than Xiaowu. Although many people think she has no vision, she occasionally laughs at Xiaowu who is not attractive.

Although only a few people laughed at him, the seemingly rude Xiaowu felt complacent. He didn't like Ji listening at this time, glanced at this beautiful woman with a hate, and ran away with a red face.

Ji Ting was unwilling to ignore him. When he saw that he was no longer entangled, he immediately asked the people next to him: "Do you know where Shen Tuchuan's home is?"

"... Are you really going to be his partner?" The old woman asked by her looked at her anxiously. "You think about it, the wolf's life has only one partner. Once you marry him, someday If he wanted to repent, he might kill you. "

"Relax, I won't regret it." Ji listened and laughed.

The old woman sighed: "But he can't fully transform, and the prototype is thinner than the average werewolf. His hunting ability has always been bad. A pure people's congress like you can choose a stronger partner ..."

"Just tell me where his home is." Ji Tingying looked at her with a smile. Although she knew that because of the setting, the entire werewolf clan did not like Shen Tuchuan, but she was still uncomfortable when she heard others say such bad things.

The old woman saw that her mind had been decided and had to show her the way: "You go straight along this road, and the 89th house you see is his house."

"Thank you." Ji listened politely, and walked along this road. Although there were occasional other orcs talking on the road, she was rejected.

At this moment, it was already afternoon, and the warm sunshine was drowsiness. Ji Ting yawned and went forward dimly, thinking that when he got to his house, he would have to take a nap first, so he accelerated his thinking.

As she walked forward, she counted the houses. She thought that they would be there soon. Unfortunately, although the population of the primitive world was not so large, the tribe was quite large. It was not uncommon to see a house every few dozen meters. By the time she counted to the 89th house, she was too tired to breathe.

Although the house in front of her was built with dirt and thatch like those she had passed before, it was rougher than those before. Looking at the mud just on the roof, it was a little doubtful. A heavy rain may have collapsed here.

She stood at the door and rested for a while, and then knocked when she was panting: "Is Shen Tuchuan here?"

After waiting, she waited patiently, but unfortunately she didn't see anyone coming out for a long time. Ji heard a cough, and smiled aunt Xue Xue with a smile: "Don't hide in there and keep silent, I know you're at home ... If you don't open the door for me, I can just go through the window and go in."

After speaking, she put it on the door and listened to it, but it still didn't ring. Ji Ting stood up and walked around the room. After finding the only high-hanging window, she climbed directly inside, but as soon as she climbed halfway, she followed it. People looked at each other.

Shen Tuchuan, with hairy ears and a fluffy tail, was applying her herbal medicine to her blushing area naked and expressionless. The animal skin on his body had been taken off, revealing a muscular upper body. Although there were many bruises on it, and some of them had strangely colored herbs, it could not conceal his thin male charm.

Ji listened to the window in the upper part of his body, and realized that after a long while admiring someone's look at him was not friendly, his ears even flew up a little alertly. She paused, pretending that it was normal for her to appear in a window, showing a smile as warm as possible: "Look, I know you are at home."

Shen Tuchuan watched the person lying on his window vigilantly: "What do you want to do?"

"... Introduction for the first time, my name is Ji Ting, yes, it's your fiancee," Ji Ting tried to squeeze in, but after two tries, he was awkward, but just sneered stiffly. "You don't know either Normally, our engagement was settled after you left Jia's aunt's house, and I will now have the opportunity to come to you when I am an adult. "

Considering his father's suicide and his mother's remarriage, Ji Ting felt that it was better not to mention them, so he chose his aunt as a breakthrough point. According to the description in the original text, he followed his aunt for a while after his mother remarried, and that period of time was arguably his happiest day. When his aunt got married, he returned to his tribe. As a result, it did n’t take long for his aunt to have an accident. died.

Although many years have passed, Auntie has always been the most important person in the man's heart. As long as it is her request, he will not refuse.

Sure enough, after hearing his aunt ’s name, Shen Tuchuan ’s expression was slightly lethargic, and then realized that it was not a time to remember, so he watched again with vigilance: “I have never heard of my fiancee, do n’t think to move out of my aunt Believe you, how could you, a pure man, promise to marry me, an orc who cannot be fully transformed? "

"I'm really your fiancee. It was a marriage contract set up by my aunt Jiazhi. I had a high fever in the tribe. My aunt worked hard to pick herbs and fed me."

As soon as Ji heard about herbs, Shen Tuchuan's ears moved, because when he lived at his aunt's house, he also had a high fever, and it was his aunt who picked the herbs to save him.

Ji heard the smile and laughed. She has become more and more capable of compiling stories after being tempered by several worlds. "I have always wanted to reward her since I was rescued. I heard that her worst thing is her nephew who ca n’t fully transform. , Just asked her for a kiss. She was unwilling at first, but our family insisted so, and she had to agree. "

She said that she was not afraid of tearing it apart after all. After all, the tribe was far apart from each other. After the aunt went away, the tribe quickly dissipated. He just wanted to prove it, and it was estimated that no one could be found.

Shen Tuchuan looked at her with certainty, and the vigilance in his eyes slightly lightened, but he was still in a state of defense. Why did Ji Ting know his status so clearly, because she looked at his ears with a little fluffy, and seemed to be looking at something, it was very ... cute.

In order to avoid the expression becoming strange, Ji Ting silently opened his eyes and forced himself not to look anymore, but his standing ears always appeared in his head, as well as the big furry tail behind him.

"But based on what you said, I can't believe you." Shen Tuchuan said, his ears gradually straightened.

Ji Ting blinked, and constantly flipped through his head about the men's content. The last book was serious: "Aunt Jia Zhi said that you have a small round mole on the root of your tail. If you touch that mole, your tail Will shake and shake, you are most afraid of others touching your chin, because as long as someone scratches, you can't help but raise your head and narrow your eyes, and your ears will follow ... "

"Enough!" Shen Tuchuan stood up angrily, and after walking back and forth in the room twice, looked at Ji Ting angrily, "Why did my aunt tell you everything ?!"

"Because she said that you are too vigilant, if you don't tell me this, you may not believe it." Ji Ting smiled and looked at him.

Shen Tuchuanton paused, and his eyes regained coldness: "Even if I believe it? I don't need a companion, you can go."

"But I made it for your aunt ..."

"So what ?!" Shen Tuchuan interrupted her impatiently. "I said no need or no need. If you really want to marry someone, then just find one in the tribe. Any orcs like pure people anyway. . "

Ji Ting didn't expect that he would refuse so firmly, and suddenly he was a little embarrassed. Shen Tuchuan glanced at her and sat down, continuing to apply herbs to her body.

Ji heard a cough, and he didn't turn his head to look at her, but his ears moved slightly. Ji listened to Meng in her heart, and she was still pretending to be pitiful: "You are so ruthless. I dreamed of marrying you early, but you'd better, even let me go find other orcs, if my aunt knew Will definitely blame you. "

"Don't mention Auntie!" Shen Tuchuan's face was dark, and he didn't forget to emphasize, "Also, that's my aunt, you're not allowed to call her that."

... Oh, what about the food? Ji Ting wanted to rub his two ears very much, but at the moment I can only hold back: "Okay, then I don't call her like that, and tell us about our two things. I have come to you with great pains. You ca n’t Let me just go back like this? "

"Otherwise?" Shen Tuchuan heard the plane ear again, "I didn't give you anything to eat."

Ji Ting: "..." It really is very protective.

When Ji heard that it was useless to move out of his aunt, he knew that he was so determined that he didn't want to stay by himself. Shen Tuchuan, who had finished all the herbs here, saw that she was still on the window as soon as she looked up, and her expression suddenly cooled down: "Not yet?"

"... I can't walk." Ji listened helplessly.

Shen Tuchuan squinted his eyes: "How could it not go?"

"I can't walk, I'm stuck." Ji heard an innocent look.

Shen Tuchuan: "..."

The two looked at each other silently for a long time, and Shen Tuchuan stood up with a stretch of face, grabbed her arm and pushed out.

If he was pushed out by him, he didn't know when he could enter the house, Ji heard a scream immediately, Shen Tuchuan's ears trembled, and he asked unhappyly, "What's your name?"

"It hurts," Ji Ting frowned. "Don't push away, you try to pull me in."

Shen Tuchuan didn't want her to set foot in her territory, but she didn't want a pure person to hang on his window, blocking most of his light, and it was easy to attract others to watch. After tangling for a moment, he reluctantly grabbed her arm and dragged directly into the room.

"It hurts ..." Ji heard it really hurt this time, but when he uttered his pain, Shen Tuchuan had already pulled the person in by pulling out the radish with his brute force, and pulled out the stuck place. Shen Tuchuan immediately let go.

The position of the window was opened two-thirds of the height of the house. When Shen Tuchuan pulled people, Ji Ting was leaning on his head and feet. When he let go, she would fall face down instantly. In a hurry, Ji listened and hugged his neck. Shen Tuchuan didn't expect that she would do this suddenly, and she was dropped by the inertia directly on the ground. She also made a cushion for her.

As soon as his back fell to the ground, Shen Tuchuan grunted, his face coldened, and the hair on his ears and tail exploded slightly: "You get me up! Get out!"

Although Ji Ting had him on his feet, it wasn't much better. The orc had a strong body and muscles as strong as a washboard. She was also hurt by being stung. Person: "You wait for me slowly ..."

The orc's body is strong and the body temperature is high, but the person in his arms is as soft as boneless. The body temperature is also warm and cool. Although separated by a layer of clothes, Shen Tuchuan still clearly feels the difference between the two. He tried to push people away with a stern face. As a result, he heard her hum before he even started, and it seemed that he really fell.

... Pure people are really delicate.

Shen Tuchuan, who had no intention of marrying, strengthened her determination not to marry this woman, but she was unwilling to push hard.

The two kept their posture when they just fell. Ji listened for a while and it didn't hurt, but he couldn't bear to release him and lay in his arms and continued to cry.

"If you don't go down, I will just throw you out." Shen Tuchuan was quite cold this time.

Ji Ting looked up pretending to be dissatisfied. He wanted to look at him, but he couldn't help but move his ears: "Why are you orc like this? I just got up slowly, why are you so fierce? "

"You're fine," Shen Tuchuan said firmly.

Ji listened for a moment: "How do you know?"

"I didn't breathe just now." Shen Tuchuan's face didn't lie to me.

Ji Ting wanted to pinch his face very much, but because of this situation, he could only hold back: "Doesn't it hurt if I don't breathe fast? I can only say that I can still bear the pain now, and why you Want to pay attention to my breathing? You also said that you don't want to be a partner with me.

"... the orcs are all good at listening, who cares about you ?!" Shen Tuchuan's ears were raised again, and she was put aside by one hand.

He got up and walked straight to the door, and opened the door directly: "Go out!"

Just when Ji Ting was about to stand up, he saw that there was a small stone where Shen Tuchuan had been lying. The stone was pointed upwards and stained with blood. She frowned and frowned randomly: "Are you hurt?"

"What's your matter? Go out quickly." Shen Tuchuan said impatiently.

Ji Ting raised his lips and walked towards the door. Shen Tuchuan kept staring at her, intending to watch her leave, but as soon as she came to the door, he closed the door while he didn't notice it.

"... Do you really think I don't hit pure people?" Shen Tuchuan looked at her too delicate face very seriously.

Ji heard a sigh: "Turn over and show me your wound."

"Why?" Shen Tuchuan's eyes were cold.

Ji heard that this is like a stray cat who has been bullied. He needs constant appeasement to let him feel relieved: "You hurt your back, you can't apply medicine by yourself. I will help you clean up and apply some herbs. ? Just paint the one you just painted yourself. "

"No." Shen Tuchuan refused decisively.

Ji Ting said with patience: "If you don't apply medicine, you may become inflamed, or the dirty things in it won't come out. After the wound is healed, it will be dark and very unsightly."

"What matters to you?" Shen Tuchuan refused to enter.

Ji listened to silence for a moment, and had to painfully prescribe the conditions that made him heartily: "If you do n’t apply the medicine, I wo n’t go out, but if you obediently apply the medicine, I will not only go out immediately, but I will never go back What do you think about our engagement? "

In this primitive society, medical treatment is extremely backward, and any minor injury may kill someone. She can't leave him alone.

Although she feels that this pure person is not like a person who utters the word, Shen Tuchuan still feels excited, but he cannot promise so easily, otherwise she will definitely have to keep bargaining. Shen Tuchuan thought so, even though he had agreed in his heart, his face was still reluctant.

Ji Ting held back a smile, pretending not to see his ears shaking.

After a while, Shen Tuchuan glanced at her coldly: "There is clear water near the wall, hurry up and help me with medicine."

"Oh! Go to bed and get down first. I'll get some water and come over." Ji heard that he would regret it, and hurriedly greeted him to lie down.

Although Shen Tuchuan was reluctant, she thought she could drive her away if she had to endure it, so she stretched her face and lay on the humble bed.

Ji Ting used the lotus leaves in the house to take a bit of water and sit next to him. When she saw that his back was not covered with strange herbs, she noticed at first glance that Shen Tuchuan was much cleaner than her face and wanted to come. He usually pays much attention to hygiene, but he is bullied as soon as he goes out, and the exposed places are dirty.

Ji Ting dipped in water with a small piece of animal skin and scrubbed where he was hurt by the small stones. Although the wound is worthless compared to the old scar on his body, she still moves very carefully, as if cleaning up carefully A baby.

She passed it to Shen Tuchuan carefully through her fingers. Shen Tuchuan was a little embarrassed for a while. He no longer remembered how long she had been treated as a treasure since her aunt died.

As soon as Ji Ting helped him clean it, he saw his tail dangle. For a while, it was strange: Why did he suddenly feel better?

She lowered the animal's skin for no apparent reason, took the herbs and applied it to his wound, and then she saw the tail dangle again.

Ji Ting: "..." Does he like the feeling of being injured and applied medicine, so he keeps being beaten?

There was a strange thought in her head, and then she couldn't control her eyes and fell on his tail.

Unlike the dog's thin tail, the wolf's tail is big and puffy, and looks soft and fluffy ... it feels very good. Ji Ting forced not to look away, and secretly warned that his impulse was the devil.

However, after she turned her face away, Yu Guang clearly saw that he shook even harder. In all fairness, a soft, seemingly happy tail is wagging in front of it, who wouldn't want to go to Rua for a normal person?

Ji Ting thought she was normal, so she grabbed the shaking tail.

Shen Tuchuan who is inexplicably happy: "?"

After the air was quiet for a moment, the door was violently pulled open, the next second quarter was thrown out, and then the door closed behind her.

Ji Ting looked at his hand that just scratched his tail, and sighed with hate for iron and steel.

The author has something to say: Ji Ji listen: Why can't I control this hand!

Oops, it ’s getting late. Fifty red envelopes in this chapter

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