She turned out! She touched his tail!

After Shen Tuchuan fell to the door, he gritted his teeth and walked around the room. His ears became flat and backward, parallel, and turned into airplane ears. The hair on his tail was slightly blasted, and his body was filled with strange breath.

As he blew his hair in the room, the door was knocked suddenly, and then a careful voice came out from the crack of the door: "Sorry Ogawa, I just think your tail is too cute, so I didn't hold back for a while ... "

"Go!" Shen Tuchuan's eyes flushed, his face full of annoyance. Who doesn't know that his inability to retract his ears and tail is a symbol of shame? This was his physical defect and the source of his insults, but the woman said that they were cute, and she was teased with him as a little wolf pup.

Ji Ting was snarled by him, apparently did not expect him to be so angry, and apologized again after a moment of silence: "Sorry, I just owe it. I will never touch your tail again without your permission. "

"Get out! Get out of the tribe, don't let me see you again!" Roared again in the room.

Ji Ting pursed his lips, and instead of turning away as he said, he sat quietly on the floor and guarded the door, waiting for him to breathe out.

The sun was gradually moving west, and a large sunset was reflected in the sky, and clusters of clouds emerged like a large and difficult to dissipate fireworks.

Ji Ting quietly looked at the sunset, ears were always watching the movement in the room, thinking about when to knock on the door again. In the room, Shen Tuchuan's eyes returned to indifference after losing his temper. He knew that Ji Ting was still outside, but he completely ignored her, but just sat in the room expressionlessly, intending to force her to leave.

Although the anger has disappeared, her phrase, "Your tail is too cute" often appears in her mind. He had only heard this from his aunt's mouth, and no one had praised him so much since his death. Although he knew that the woman outside was not good words, his heart couldn't help being touched.

After realizing what he was thinking, Shen Tuchuan froze coldly, hit his bed with his fist in annoyance, and with the sound of a bang, he directly broke the skin on the knuckle of his hand. The sudden pain made him frown, but fortunately he didn't think about it anymore.

Unfortunately, as soon as he turned his attention, Ji Wan heard a worried voice in the crack of the door: "What's wrong with you? Did you fall? It hurts. Can you show me?"

Shen Tuchuan: "..." Shut up!

Ji Ting couldn't wait for a response. He could not help but sighed and let his voice soften: "Are you still angry with me? Or I'll let you feel it, don't you get angry?"

"You don't have a tail again!" She had already made up her mind to ignore her Shen Tuchuan, and could not help but hesitate to hear her.

Ji Ting was still very serious: "I don't have a tail, but I have a tail bone. If you look carefully, you can find it."

Shen Tuchuan froze for a moment, then thought carefully about the position of the tail bones of pure humans, his face quickly stained with a thin red, and his ears were edged: "Why is your skin so thick ?! How can there be a woman like you!"

"What's wrong with me, I just want you to calm down." Ji Ting pretended to be innocent, but chuckled in his heart.

Shen Tuchuan stunned for a long time and uttered a sentence: "Why don't you get out ?!" As soon as this sentence was spoken, the thoughts were immediately cleared. Now it's time for you to fulfill your promise, hurry up! "

"I've left." Ji listened seriously.

Shen Tuchuan's ears shook, and he said impatiently: "When did you ..." The words came to an abrupt halt, because he suddenly reacted. Now she is standing outside her house, and she has already left his house.

Ji Ting guessed that Shen Tuchuan had understood, and could not help but smile: "So I have fulfilled my promise."

"Are you playing with me?" Shen Tuchuan's face cooled down.

Ji listened for a moment and sighed slightly: "No, I'm just ... Ogawa, in fact, I came to you this time, not only because we are all the age of marriage, but also because the bully in the tribe has occupied my house. I am now I'm alone, I don't know where to go except you. "

Shen Tuchuan frowned for a moment, then frowned: "Even if you don't have a home, don't bother me? Pure people like you can be a wife to the patriarch wherever you go."

"What nonsense, I'm your wife!" Ji listened to the lesson of tears.

Shen Tuchuan gave a light sigh and then nothing happened.

Ji Ting lay on the door panel and listened carefully. For a while, he was a little worried. Could it be that he had said something suspicious again, and he was angry again? Thinking of this, she leaned against the door again, and her whole focus was on the door.

When the door suddenly opened, she fell in unexpectedly, and Shen Tuchuan subconsciously hid back, and she fell straight to the ground. If she hadn't supported the ground with her hands, she had to brake with her face.

"Hey! Am I dirty? Are you hiding so far away from me?" Ji asked hotly and painfully.

Shen Tuchuan had never seen such a clumsy person, and wanted to make a sarcastic sentence, but closed her mouth subconsciously after meeting her angry eyes.

When she stood up, he threw his face with a slump.

Ji Ting hurriedly held it. This thing was very hard. There was a little red under the black casing. She didn't see what it was after reading it several times: "What is this?"

"Don't forget it." Shen Tuchuan went black to take it.

Ji Ting hurriedly hid behind him: "What is it? What is it?"

"Barbecue," Shen Tuchuan said with a serious face, "You take this piece of meat and leave, and walk for three days in the direction of the rising sun. There is a mixed widow tribe there are women, and you will later You can live there. "

"... Which tribe?" Ji Ting doubted his ears.

Shen Tuchuan repeated: "The widow tribe."

"This world is quite reasonable, is there still a widower tribe ... No, I will discuss with you what this is about, I won't go, my man is not dead." Ji Ting looked at him silently.

Shen Tuchuan looked at her coldly: "You can't go or not. In short, I will not be a partner with you, nor will I keep you. If you don't go, return the meat to me."

"That's for you, I don't need it anymore." This meat is roasted like this, and I don't know if it will eat the dead.

When she saw her, she decided to rely on her appearance, and she immediately turned her face down: "Don't enter my house."

"If you do n’t enter, don't enter," Ji said after walking two or three steps and went outside, then looked back at him seriously, "I'm not in your house now, wouldn't you drive me away?"

Shen Tuchuan and her stared at each other for three seconds, closing the door with anxiety. The fluffy big tail swept behind him, and seemed to be very annoyed by Ji Ting.

But Ji Ting outside the door smiled, because at the moment of closing the door, her attention turned to his velvet ears again. Although the menswear in this world is vigilant and refuses to be easily approached, but because the appearance is too foul, everything shows a lovely energy, and talking to him has become a pleasure.

It's a pity that now he hates himself too much. Every time he says a few words, he forcibly terminates the conversation. If he wants to have the next 'friendly' meeting, he has to wait for him to finish.

Ji heard a sigh and continued to sit on the ground and wait. At this moment, the sun has fallen from the sky, the earth is yellow, and it is always going to fall into darkness. After the sun was gone, the air was a little bit cold, and Ji Ting tightened the clothes made of animal skin, and couldn't help complaining.

Maybe it is because the reader's grievances are about to be emptied. She has not passed through the unstable these past few times, and her clothes are getting more and more rude. It ’s not windy!

Ji heard a sigh and moved to the door, finally blocking the wind by the house behind him. Shen Tuchuan couldn't help paying attention to her movements, thinking that it was going to leave when it was dark, and the man leaned on the door again, looking like he was going to fight him to the end.

He slammed the barbecue onto the table, took out the sharp stone and cut a piece, and began to enjoy his dinner.

Ji heard a shout in the room, and thought that Shen Tuchuan was lifting the table, and was about to ask. There were a few young boys shouting and making noises. She frowned and saw a few tall orcs. They are pushing towards each other, apparently coming towards her or Shen Tuchuan.

"Why are you sitting outside, isn't Shen Tuchuan at home?" An orc asked familiarly.

"I came out to see the stars," Ji Ting raised his vigilance and did not say that he was kicked out by Shen Tuchuan. "Are you all right?"

"No, no ..." The lead orc was a little nervous.

The friend behind him immediately helped: "We have never met pure people, so let's take a look. This is one of the most powerful orc warriors in our tribe. He wants to make friends with you."

Said to be friends, but looking at the red cloud on the face of the leader, he knew what his true purpose was. Ji Ting was funny, although she always knew that she was doing well, but never in a world like this, in two steps, she could meet a ‘seeker’.

The orcs' hearing was very keen. She knew that someone in their room of conversation could hear it clearly at the moment, so she coughed, and refused solemnly: "Can't you, sorry."

Suddenly a few young orcs suddenly didn't expect that she would reject a powerful orc warrior. One of the slightly weaker orcs couldn't help but ask, "Why? Is it because of Shin Tu Chuan?"

The orcs laughed before his words fell, apparently thinking that this statement was funny, and the orcs who spoke just now laughed and cursed: "Do n’t make trouble, just the waste that ca n’t even take back ears and tails. How can a pure person It's because he rejected our warriors, and he probably didn't really like making friends. "

The other orcs nodded in conviction, and behaved with contempt for him. Ji Tingyi looked at them and finally understood why she was so angry after she touched Shen Tuchuan's tail.

Since he was born, everyone in this tribe has been expressing malice towards his ears and tail. He grew up in this environment, and of course it is impossible to like his body, only that his ears and tails are good. All are murderers who have made him embarrassed.

Under this premise, even if she said that he liked his tail, he probably felt that he was making fun of him.

"Can't his tail and ears be retracted? Does it affect his hunting? Have you hindered your tribe?" Ji Ting said coldly, his voice mixed with anger, both to them and to himself, "if not What qualifications do you have to laugh at him? "

The orcs didn't expect that she would speak for Shen Tuchuan, and she suddenly froze. In the end, she responded quickly and refuted: "But he doesn't even have a complete human form."

Shen Tuchuan in the room listened to these conversations clearly, his hands fisted into a fist, and he just hit the knuckle of the bed just now. The anger in his heart surged, but as in many years before, he forcibly swallowed the anger, and did not intend to argue.

He was originally a monster without even a complete human form. Those people are right. If they could let Ji Ting recognize it earlier, he would be able to restore his purity quickly. There was a hint of taunt in Shen Tuchuan's eyes, and then he heard Ji Ting's voice: "What about it? The ears and tail are embarrassing things? If you think so, then you can simply cut into ears and tails. "

Shen Tuchuan did not expect that Ji Ting would insist on speaking for him, and suddenly hesitated. At the same time, there were those outside. They laughed at the Shen Tuchuan people and were glared by Ji Ting. The neck flinched. Although they murmured something in their mouths, they dared not speak loudly.

The atmosphere froze for a moment, and the orcs who took the lead coughed: "Don't be angry, they're just kidding."

"Joke always needs to be funny by the other person, is it just a joke? Otherwise, it's owed," Ji listened politely, and added, "Also, I'm Shen Tuchuan's fiancee, now it should be the entire tribe. It ’s all spread, knowing that I ’m his partner, but what do you mean when you come to talk? Your mother did n’t tell you, do n’t interfere in other people ’s marriage? ”

"Who's here to talk, we just want to make friends with you ..." Someone panicked.

Ji listened with a sneer: "Well, why don't we go to the patriarch and let him comment?"

As she said, several orcs finally retreated. After all, they made trouble with the patriarch. Even if they were guarded, they still had to lose face.

"Hurry up!" Ji Ting knew the preciousness of purebred humans in this world. If he didn't do anything to the utmost, the orcs who would be provoked in the future would be endless, so he simply tore his face.

"You! You really don't know what to do!" Someone scolded.

The leader orc who still maintained a good image just now, too lazy to pretend at this moment, and greeted her friends to leave: "Forget it, she is willing to follow the ugly and weird and let her follow it. After a few hard days, I know what it is like, we go."

Several orcs came back in dismay, and muttered something when they went back. Ji Ting calmly said, "Stop."

As soon as the leading eyes brightened, he immediately turned back and asked, "Have you changed your mind?"

Shen Tuchuan, who had been eavesdropping in the room and had a few ups and downs at this moment, unknowingly hung his heart high. After realizing his overwhelming response, he couldn't help purging his lips and forcibly shifted his attention from the outside.

It was normal for her to change her mind. There was nothing remarkable. In the previous tribe, no one had spoken for him, but in the end either he was silent or agreed with those people. He had long been used to it. Although thinking about it that way, Shen Tuchuan still had a pale face, and his tail swept fast, seeming to be uneasy and angry.

What makes him most unhappy is that although he really doesn't want to listen to Ji listen to talk, but his ears can't help but stick to the door, and then he hears Leng Qingqing: "How come you have this idea? Although I am young , But there should be some aesthetics, even if I'm not Shen Tuchuan's fiancee, wouldn't I like your ugly monster with big eyes and big nose?

Shen Tuchuan froze a moment, and the corners of his lips suddenly raised uncontrollably.

The orc who was ridiculed by Ji listened for a moment, then heard the laughter of the partners behind him, and immediately stared at Ji listen.

Ji was unmoved, and calmly finished his words: "I'm sorry, I want to say that I like Shen Tuchuan's ears and tail. I have liked it since the first time I saw you. Trash may not appreciate it, but it doesn't matter, he doesn't need you to appreciate it, just hope that your mouth will be cleaned later, and then let me catch you saying bad things about him.

"You're welcome, what can you do?" The orc was laughed at directly.

Ji Tian's eyes were cold: "You hurt my family, I can only be the same as you. Should there be more or less little wolf cubs in the family without the ability to protect themselves? If you have the ability, don't go hunting for your whole life, otherwise ... "

Shen Tuchuan heard her threaten others like this, and accidentally moved her ears. I didn't expect Ji Ting to be soft and weak, but she was a hard-hearted woman ... But when she was vicious at outsiders, he liked it .

Realizing his own thoughts, Shen Tuchuan was startled, not only surprised that he would use the word 'like' for her, but also because he took the initiative to distinguish Ji Ting from 'outsiders' when dividing the boundaries.

Ji's words made the orcs suddenly panic. After all, all tribes would treat the cubs as hope, and everyone would take care of them together. I did not expect this crazy woman to think of revenge on the little wolf cub. Yes, after listening to these words, Ji Ting has become a crazy woman in their eyes, no longer a delicate and beautiful pure person.

"You! I will tell the patriarch to kick you out of the tribe!" Said an orc fiercely.

Ji listened with a chuckle, and looked at him with a simple expression: "Then you go and say, if the patriarch came to ask me, I would certainly not admit it, and I would say you are frivolous."

The face of the orcs who ca n’t turn their heads is okay.

Ji Tingyou looked at them with a glance: "Also, if someone rumours what I said tomorrow, I will retaliate directly on all of you, even if the dead net breaks, it won't make you feel better." She said with a bright smile, "Of course, if you close your mouth obediently, I won't be okay with everything, everyone will be a stranger in the future."

Orcs: "..." They were threatened by a pure person, and they really didn't dare to provoke her anymore, after all, this lunatic could do anything.

Ji listened and watched the orcs and young boys leave with a smirk, and couldn't help sneering. Before being proud of it for three seconds, a small wind rolled on the leaves and trembled on her body. She shuddered, hurried to the door, and blocked the wind through the house. .

The temperature difference between day and night in the primitive world was greater than she thought. When the day was on the way, she was sweated by the sun. At this moment, the wind was blowing and it was a bit cold.

Now that it's night, there is still a long time before dawn. If you really want to resist it, you might get sick before dawn. Ji listened sadly and sighed, wondering whether to find a shelter from the wind to avoid the night, the door behind him squeaked open.

Ji listened in confusion, looking at the moonlight and Xiao Mengchuan, the beast ear in the house, after three seconds silently opened his face ... No, I still want to rua.

"Why don't you go?" Shen Tuchuan asked with a stretched face.

Ji listened again and came to drive himself away, can not help but feel a bit discouraged, just said that he was leaving now, and saw the tip of his tail dangling sharply, obviously in a good mood. Her words came to her lips and suddenly changed her meaning: "I have no place to go except you."

"Go to the patriarch, and he will arrange a place for you," Shen Tuchuan said without a face. "It's better than me here."

When he was talking, Ji listened silently and stared at his shaking tail. After he finished speaking, he pitifully grabbed his hand: "But I just want to follow you, Ogawa, I only have you."

Her tone was full of entreaties, as if taking him as the most important person. Shen Tuchuan had never been taken so seriously, and somewhere in her heart trembled fiercely. He stared at her facelessly in the moonlight, watching the stars in the sky rub into her eyes and become a thin sheen.

It's easy to get lost if one is not careful. Shen Tuchuan doesn't like this, so he interrupts the strange atmosphere stupidly: "If you freeze to death in front of my door, the tribe must look for me, come in."

Ji heard a cheer, as if he was afraid to change his mind, he quickly entered the house, Shen Tuchuan hummed, and closed the door with a shaking ear.

As soon as the door was closed, the room became much darker, but moonlight came in from the high-hanging window, and it was barely visible.

"The meat is on the table. You are allowed to eat one piece, and you are not allowed to eat more." Shen Tuchuan's attitude was ‘bad’.

Ji Tingyou glanced at him, what he was so proud of, that one day he must press you on the wall rua. When she thought of that picture, she couldn't help herself, afraid that she would be seen by Shen Tuchuan, and hurried to the table to eat, but she was silent for a while.

"Why not eat?" Although Shen Tuchuan didn't face her, Yu Guang had been staring at her. Seeing that she was standing still, she couldn't help urging.

Ji Tingyi smiled: "That ... how do you eat this thing?"

"I don't know?" Shen Tuchuan gave her a scornful look, walked over to pick up the stone piece, drew a piece of meat with his knife, and then poked at Ji Ting's eyes, "That's it, isn't it!"

Ji Ting silently looked at the weight of two pounds of meat, thinking that even if you cut it in half, I can't finish it. She sighed as she looked at the meat of the very dark cooking, and noticed that his skin was broken at the phalanx, just grabbing his wrist, and frowned and asked, "When was the injury?"

Her hands were very fair and clean, and at first glance she grew up in pride, out of step with his wounded wrist. Shen Tuchuan likes her temperature, but she doesn't want to be found, so she shakes her face and shakes her off. As a result, she hears a scream.

"... You pretend to be less, I didn't try hard." Shen Tuchuan watched her with vigilance, as if he had just lifted the old lady's young man.

Ji Ting was amused by his own brain, and he reached out and showed him: "I didn't pretend. When I fell into the house today, my hand was rubbed on the ground."

Shen Tuchuan frowned, and she saw a few scars in her palms. This kind of small wound that doesn't even leak blood is worth mentioning. Not to mention that he is a person who often has major injuries and small injuries, even a little wolf cub in the tribe who has never gone out to hunt. Save five or six.

For some reason, Shen Tuchuan felt that this kind of injury should not have appeared on Ji Ting. She was like an extremely delicate and precious item, and there should not be any flaws on it.

Ji heard Shen Tuchuan not speak, and could not help but reach out and wave in front of him: "What do you want? I still talk to you, what **** do you take?"

Shen Tuchuan's eyelids moved, and she held her wrist with a stretched face: "Don't move, I'll clean it up for you."

"No, I just scratched the skin. It's yours. Hurry up and deal with it." Ji Ting cared.

Shen Tuchuan looked at her impatiently: "I have a minor injury!"

Ji Ting: "..." If all his injuries were minor, wouldn't she not even be injured? Is it so nervous?

However, being concerned by Shen Tuchuan was a good thing, Ji Ting didn't seriously express his doubts, but rather sat down on the bed quite cooperatively, reaching out to let him clean up.

Shen Tuchuan lowered his head and wiped the dust on her hands little by little. When she was applying medicine, she simply and rudely applied the body to her, but she couldn't help but move lightly Tap again.

When he sat beside her and lowered his head, his ears were just right at her, and he could catch them with a hand. Ji He swallowed: "When I helped you apply the medicine, I met one of your requirements. Do you also have to satisfy me?"

"Are you gone?" Shen Tuchuan gave her a cold look.

Ji Tingmei raised his eyebrows: "Let's go! Now it's you who made me come back ..."

"Then you still go out."

"I don't!" Ji heard a pause, and looked at him pitifully, "You promise me a request, just a good one?"

"Not good, don't mess around." Shen Tuchuan not only refused ruthlessly, but also accelerated the speed of cleaning up. She released her hand three or two times and got up to clean the room.

Ji Ting poked his lips and stopped talking. After Shen Tuchuan put all the things in place, when he looked back, she still kept her original posture, but her head was lowered. It seemed pitiful that she could not speak.

Shen Tuchuan wanted to ignore it, but he couldn't help turning his gaze on her, and finally couldn't help it: "What do you want to ask? If it's too much, I won't agree."

"It's not too much!" Ji Ting stared at him immediately, his speed so fast that he suspected that she was just pretending.

Shen Tuchuan snorted softly, lay down on the bed with his face closed, covered the animal skin and closed his eyes: "Say, what do you want?"

"I just want to rua ..." Ji listened to a guilty conjecture.

Shen Tuchuan didn't hear clearly and could not help but frown: "What are you talking about?"

Ji Ting stared at him for a moment, and suddenly leaned closer to his ear, humming softly: "I want to rua your ear, just click."

Shen Tuchuan froze for a moment.

"I really like it, I really like it, you are the best-looking man I've ever met, and I really didn't lie to you ..." I was afraid he would think more, Ji listened to explain quickly.

After Shen Tuchuan returned to his heart, a thin layer of redness suddenly appeared on his face. He rebuked in shame: "Shut up!" He would have to have kicked her out if he hadn't heard what she said to those people outside the door. of.

"If you don't want to, just forget it. When I haven't said it, don't kick me out." Ji Ting hurriedly said.

Shen Tuchuan stared at her fiercely, turned her back to her, and seemed to want to ignore her. Although Ji Ting was a little disappointed, he was more afraid of his sadness, and for some time regretted his advance.

While she was thinking about how to remedy, Shen Tuchuan's impatient voice came from her side: "Just touch it!"

Ji listened for a moment, realizing what he said was overjoyed, and rubbed his hands incredibly and asked, "Really? Are you sure you want me to touch it? Will you regret it?"

The red on Shen Tuchuan's face had spread to his neck, but "If you ask more, I will take back ..."

Before the voice fell, a small hand was added to the ear. Unlike those who insulted him, this time, the hand holding his ear was very careful, and he seemed to treat his ear as a treasure. This feeling is very strange, but it is so warm that people want to cry, as if the pond that has been dry for a long time suddenly has a clear spring, not used to it, but it doesn't feel bad.

Shen Tuchuan's back was stiff, and after Ji Ting successfully grasped the beast's ear that he was thinking of, he was a little worried whether he would be angry. Just when she was stunned, he saw his tail shaking wildly under the skin.

She chuckled, and suddenly fell on him, falling between his arms and the wall by inertia, rubbing her furry ears with both hands.

"Do you like it?" Ji Ting couldn't help asking.

Shen Tuchuan expressionless: "I don't like it."

Ji Tingji glanced at his tail that fluttered like a dog, and his eyes were bent with a smile, instead of tearing through him, he concentrated on playing with the animal's ears.

Although Shen Tuchuan tried hard to put on a cool expression, in the end, he couldn't help narrowing his eyes and even slightly raising his head, which meant that he wanted to change back to the prototype to scratch his chin.

Ji listened to a certain level of joy, and couldn't help but tease him: "This is a bed here, should we both have to sleep together?"

Shen Tu Chuanton paused, and his wobbly tail came to an abrupt end.

Ji Ting: "?"

"I won't let you succeed." Shen Tuchuan looked away from her with vigilance, and the women of the good family usually covered her neckline.

Ji Ting: "..." She shouldn't owe anything, just scratch him to sleep.

The author has something to say: Ji Ji listens: I often do stupid things because of being ecstatic.

you guys! Tyrants can, zombies can be, beast ears can also be, do you all have no bottom line? !! That ’s right, the next world is the governor (a few students think they are the governor, but there is a distance of ** centimeters between them!), This time it is the true governor, not a fake eunuch. Haha, the next world is back to reality! 2k novel reading network

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