The atmosphere was good, and Ji was ruined by listening to a word. Looking at Shen Tuchuan with vigilance on her face, she felt powerless and regretted her rhetoric again: "I won't do anything to you, really, hurry up and sleep. , I've been on the road today, and I'm particularly tired. "

"I don't want to sleep with you." Shen Tuchuan said with determination, and immediately got out of bed, anxious to stay away from her.

Ji Ting had a headache: "Who don't you sleep with me and who do you sleep with? There is only one bed in this room, and you can still stand overnight? So, let's find a wooden board in the middle, can I not stand next to you?"

Shen Tuchuan's ears moved, and it seemed to be persuaded, but when confronted with her eyes that seemed to have the ability to hook in the moonlight, he regained his firmness: "No." This pure man was too cunning, even though He can't be completely relieved across a wooden board.

After he said something, he turned around, and Ji Ting hurriedly asked, "What are you going to do?"

"Wait, I'll be back soon." Shen Tuchuan opened the door and went straight into the night.

Ji Tingben wanted to catch up, but when he saw that he hadn't closed the door when he left, he knew that he would definitely be back soon and simply waited patiently. Sure enough, it didn't take long for him to come back, still holding a lot of dried straw in his arms.

What Ji thought, he looked at him with a straw in his corner, and then lay down like this, knowing that it would not be useful to persuade him, so he had to sleep with a depressed face, until he was confused, and still regretted himself There was so much talk just now.

Long after she fell asleep, Shen Tuchuan didn't feel sleepy, and he was anxiously rolling around in the straw pile, and once again regretted the softness of putting Ji Ting into the room. The sight and hearing of the werewolf are so good that she can still hear her breathing from such a distance, and when she looks up, she can see her peaceful sleeping face. Her face was not as beautiful as a real person in the moonlight, disturbing him not to be sleepy at all.

After half a day of tossing in depression, Shen Tuchuan angrily turned his clothes back into a beast shape, grouped himself into a circle, and tumbled with the beast shape for a long time before reluctantly falling asleep.

When Ji Ting woke up early the next morning, the first thing he did was look at the straw pile in the corner. When he saw the huge wolf above, he was startled and screamed. Then he thought. This should be Shen Tu Chuan's original body.

The panic in her eyes suddenly became curious. When he saw that he was still asleep, he couldn't help walking towards him creptly, and wanted to see the big wolf up close. However, when she was three steps away from him, the big wolf suddenly opened his eyes, as if the eyes of Tong Ling stared at her blinkingly: "Is something wrong?"

... Although I know that he is not an ordinary wild animal, he was stared at it this way, and I heard him speak in person, Ji Ting couldn't help but tighten his scalp: "That ... I don't think you're awake, I thought you were Something's wrong, so come and see you. "

"What can I do." The big wolf yawned, and he couldn't help but slammed in the straw pile. After finishing rolling, he realized that Ji Ting was still there. He stopped moving stiffly, pretending that nothing had happened.

Ji heard that he was so relaxed and did not deliberately tease him, but instead sat down beside him with a smile, and reached out and curiously touched the smooth fur on the wolf's back.

"Your original shape is simply too handsome." Ji Ting looked sincerely complimented. It wasn't that she had a filter for him. It was really good-looking. The smooth body and smooth hair seemed to grow on her aesthetics.

Shen Tuchuan glanced at her lazily: "You even think of ears and tails that you can't hide." The implication is that she doesn't have high aesthetics, so she looks handsome when she looks at everything.

"It's very nice in the first place. I don't allow you to belittle yourself in the future." Ji was dissatisfied.

Shen Tuchuan sneered, not wanting to mention it again: "I'm going to be human."

Ji Ting knew that the idea could not be changed at half past one, so he didn't force it. When he heard that he was about to change back, he moved aside and stared at him without blinking: "You change."

Shen Tuchuan: "..."

Ji Ting waited for a long time, but he didn't wait for him to move. Instead, he saw a speechless expression on the face of this wolf ... How fresh, she could even see the expression on the face of a wolf.

"Why not?" She urged.

Shen Tuchuan was silent for a moment, and looked at her with some shame: "Ji listen! Why is your skin so thick!"

"... how did I mess with you again?" Ji listened helplessly.

Shen Tuchuan was angry: "You want to see my body, of course it caused me! I tell you, I won't let you see, you turn your back!" This woman is so shameless, first she wants to sleep with herself Sharing a pillow, and now want to see him again, to do everything to marry him.

Ji listened for a moment, and then laughed after understanding what he meant: "I don't know that the wolf is transformed without clothes ..."

"I won't believe you!" No one loves when he finishes.

Ji Ting was even more cried and laughed: "I really don't know. I have seen an orc transfiguration when I was so big, or a python who met yesterday. When she became human, she had clothes on her body. I thought that werewolves too, really There is no intention of playing hooligan. "

Shen Tuchuan's ears moved, and she still didn't want to care about her. Ji Ting had to coax: "I didn't lie, you think, I'm a pure person, and I don't usually transform, and no one will change in front of me. No one in the tribe taught me such common sense, I do n’t know that it is normal. ”

She couldn't help but put her hand on the wolf's back, holding her hair and shaking it gently, a flattering look. For a long time, Shen Tuchuan finally reluctantly looked at her: "I'm going to transform."

As soon as he said that, he knew that he was not angry. Ji Ting nodded happily, and hurriedly turned around. Shen Tuchuan looked at her quiet back, and her heart that had just extinguished her anger suddenly didn't taste anymore.

The woman said that she liked him, but she didn't want to see him. Was the love she said really true? Shen Tuchuan pondered for a moment, but didn't think about any results, so he didn't want to hum anything, and put on clothes directly after turning into a human form: "OK."

When Ji heard the words, he turned around, but Shen Tuchuan went out without looking at her.

... I'm angry again? Ji listened to his swollen ears and felt that he seemed like a steel straight man who would not coax his girlfriend.

Fortunately, Shen Tuchuan's anger came and went quickly. When he returned, he had forgotten what was happening, and he brought rough salt grains to Ji Ting. Ji Ting knew that it was used to brush his teeth, so he took it over. He went to wash, and Shen Tuchuan, who had been washed outside, took out his piece of barbecue and began to cut it with stones.

Ji Ting came back after washing, and before he sat down, a dark thing smashed over. She hurriedly caught it. At a glance, it was the piece of meat he cut for himself yesterday. He had patronized playing ears before, so Forget it.

Shen Tuchuan was already holding a large piece of meat over there and Ji began to scruff. Ji heard a glance at the dark and bloodshot stuff in his hand, which was a bit difficult to get out of his mouth.

"Why not eat?" Shen Tuchuan frowned.

Ji heard swallowing and asked, "Is this your roast?"

"of course."

... Oh, she thought the people in the tribe had bullied him, so she gave him the burnt meat on purpose. Ji Ting looked at the big piece of meat in his hand and sighed sadly.

"Are you abandoning my roasted meat?" Shen Tuchuan's eyes narrowed dangerously.

Ji listened for a moment and looked at him innocently: "No, I like everything you do, how can I hate it?"

"Then you eat." Shen Tuchuan didn't move at all, staring at her for dinner.

Being stared at him motionlessly, Ji Ting was under a lot of pressure, but he was afraid of hurting the self-esteem of the little wolf cub, so he could only pick the unburned position and grit his teeth ... huh? Although it doesn't bite, it tastes pretty good.

Ji Ting looked at the barbecue in his hand magically, and felt that it had changed a little. She stared at her teeth, and couldn't help but take another sip and determined that the taste was good, but it was a bit strenuous to eat.

Shen Tuchuan originally wanted to pick her thorns, but she did not expect that she really held up a barbecue that was bigger than her face, and didn't seem to dislike him. He glanced a little, and then frowned, "What are you doing?" After stunning for a long time, she didn't see her eat a piece.

Ji heard a sigh and honestly handed him the barbecue: "I can't bite."

Shen Tuchuan: "..."

"Don't look at me like that, I really can't stand it." Ji Ting was embarrassed by his staring.

Shen Tuchuan couldn't help but abandon her: "I really don't know how you live so big."

Although the words did not sound good, he took the barbecue over and sliced ​​them little by little with his face on his face. Ji Tingxiaoxiao sat closer to him, he cut out some and ate some, and soon filled his stomach.

"I'm fine." Seeing Shen Tuchuan cut, Ji Ting hurriedly stopped.

Shen Tuchuan gave her a sideways glance, put away the roasted meat with a calm face, and muttered in the mouth, “Eat so little, no wonder it ’s not tall.”

After listening to every word clearly, Ji listened: "..." Thank you. Even if I eat more, I will not grow more than one meter eight.

After the two had used breakfast, Shen Tuchuan went out to fetch water. Ji Ting had nothing to do at home and began cleaning. By the way, he carried the animal skins out of the house and basked in the sun. When Shen Tuchuan returned from his busy work, he went home. It became very clean, and there was a smell of sunshine on the recovered animal skin.

He has lived here for so many years. For the first time, he found that he would feel at home here, and his tail could not help but sweep around. He glanced at Ji Yan, who wrote the word ‘commendation’ on his face. After barely exaggerating, he ignored her. Finally, after listening for a long time, Ji Yan forced her to pinch her ears.

After realizing that she really likes her ears and tail, Shen Tuchuan is not so resistant to her touch, and even occasionally likes it very much. If she does not ask for a touch for too long, he will even feel upset, fortunately This happens very rarely, every time it is Ji Ting chasing him to pinch his ears.

Ji Ting lived like this, the two got along more and more with each other, and Shen Tuchuan's attitude towards her gradually improved. Although the relationship between the two people is getting better and better, in the eyes of the rest of the tribe, it is not the case.

In the original text, the marriage deed was to ask the tribal chief to marry. They did not do so, so the entire tribe knew that although the pure man lived in Shen Tuchuan's house, he did not become a partner. He said everything at one time, but In the end they all became the same saying-

The pure man looked down on Shen Tuchuan, but didn't want to work, so he stayed in his home to cheat.

This news season was heard from a few wolf pups who often came to peek at her. After knowing that she was so angry that she didn't want to eat dinner.

Shen Tuchuan felt strange: "They seem to belittle me, why are you angry?"

"I'm just angry? I might as well say me, I don't like them bullying you so much!" Ji Tingqi hummed.

Shen Tuchuan pursed his lips and chuckled a bit, "I think it's good."

"What a fart ..." Ji obediently did not finish talking for a moment, looked at him incredible, "Did you just laugh?"

"... No." Shen Tuchuan raised his face, his ears shaking quickly.

Ji Ting narrowed his eyes: "I saw it clearly, you just laughed."

"I didn't." Shen Tuchuan denied again.

"You just laughed!" Ji heard that he smiled and darted to tickle him. Shen Tuchuan didn't expect her to make him laugh in such a shameless way, and hurriedly hid behind her, slowly backing to the bedside, where she was pressed and scratched directly.

At first he was still tense, but gradually he couldn't stop, and he laughed and threatened: "Ji Ting! Believe me or not I threw you out ..."

"No matter how hard I talk, I won't let go!" Ji Tingxiao laughed.

Shen Tuchuan rolled around and finally gasped for mercy: "I laughed, I laughed, you're about to let go."

"It's almost the same." Ji Ting reluctantly let him go, leaning on his arms to rest, it just took a lot of effort to scratch him just now.

The two were paralyzed on the bed, and Ji Ting was very skilled on the arms of Shen Tuchuan, so close that they could hear each other's breathing. Slowly, the sound of breathing was getting weaker, and the atmosphere in the room was getting stranger.

Shen Tuchuan looked down at her bright red lips, and her throat knot moved uncontrollably. Ji He noticed that his eyes immediately looked up, and the lips of the two came across unexpectedly.

The air freezes for a second, the man in front of him quickly deforms, and his clothes are torn. Ji listened for a moment, when he reacted, he was already in the arms of the wolf.

She looked at those animal skins with distress: "There weren't many clothes originally, why did you destroy one?"

"... Is it time to talk about clothes ?!" Shen Tuchuan was annoyed.

"Otherwise?" Ji listened for a moment, then suddenly saw his slightly slick hair tail, and smiled and held the wolf's head, "what would you say to me?"

"It was you who kissed me, why am I responsible ?!" The big wolf was so angry that he bit his teeth, as if to bite Ji's head out.

Ji Ting was not afraid of him and squeezed his ears and said, "I'll be responsible to you."

"You want to be beautiful! You really didn't give up on me, and I won't be your partner!" Ohno snorted loudly. He wanted to continue to be angry, but a strange weird joy burst into his heart. Make him unable to maintain his angry look.

Ji Ting rubbed his furry head and said lazily: "Isn't it good to be a partner? Then those people outside would not dare chew the tongue, maybe they would envy you to marry a pure wife."

But that's what she said. For those people, Shen Tuchuan was the one who had been trampled in the mud. Once he found the pure human companion they all wanted, they were definitely more jealous than envious. You are not as good as me, so you should be inferior to me everywhere, and always inferior to me. Is it inferior?

"No." Shen Tuchuan snorted,

"Also, we just have to live our lives well, they just say what they like to say." Ji listened a little cold, so he put on his body again, Shen Tuchuan hid uncomfortably, but was taken by her I hugged.

"Hello." He looked at her with warning, his ears flying slightly.

Ji listened and smiled, patted him softly like a kid, and whispered in a low voice: "Sleepy, don't move, let me hug."

"... I didn't let you hold it, so I wanted to take advantage of me." Shen Tuchuan muttered, but did not push her away.

Ji Ting raised his lips and quickly slept on his natural 'blanket', even in his dreams. When she woke up, she was alone on the bed, and when she turned her head, she saw the thick sunset in the sky through the window.

She yawned and waited for Shen Tuchuan to come back, but waited for a long time but didn't wait for anyone, and her heart gradually became uneasy. Until the sun went down, he didn't see him come back. Ji Ting couldn't sit still anymore. He got up and went out to find someone.

When she was approaching the door to open the door, she suddenly felt a push from the door. She hurried to give way, and smiled and said to Shen Tuchuan who pushed in the door: "I woke up and didn't see you, I was worried ... "

Half of the words came to an abrupt end, and the smile was stiffened. Ji Tingyi looked at Shen Tuchuan, and half of her biting red eyes asked: "Who did it?"

The body of Shen Tuchuan in front of him was covered with gray soil, and the skin of his animal was also torn. His knees, lip corners, and bridge of his nose were all fine and red wounds in Qingzhong, apparently just scratched.

Shen Tuchuan turned away without expression, and suddenly felt a little helpless. In fact, when they met for the first time, he was more embarrassed than he is now, but at that time he didn't feel like he is now, and felt that her caring eyes made him more uncomfortable than the beatings.

"Shen Tuchuan! I asked who you did!" Ji heard that he didn't speak, and his heart burst into flames.

Shen Tuchuan glanced at her: "What if you know? You still have to call me back?"

"It's the one named Xiaowu again? That bastard, I'm looking for him!" Ji heard that she turned away and was caught by Shen Tuchuan. Her tears were falling, "You give up, I have to find him to settle accounts. "

"Forget it, they have a lot of people, I can't beat them, what can you do as a pure person?" Shen Tuchuan frowned.

Ji Ting gritted his teeth: "They killed me today if they had the ability, otherwise they must pay me back!"

After she had said it, she went to pull Tu Tuchuan and held her wrist, but before she opened her finger, Shen Tuchuan hugged her with a tired look: "Ji Ting, I'm ashamed now, don't you go? ? "

He was suddenly subdued. Even though Ji Ting was full of anger, she seemed to be drowned out by a basin of water. She remained silent for a long time and finally hugged him silently. The two hugged for a while, and Ji Ting began to help him apply medicine.

Although the two did not mention this matter again, the atmosphere at home was particularly bad. Ji Ting couldn't lift his spirits at the same time. He felt sorry for Shen Tuchuan while hating his intentions. The Taiping days a while ago made her forget about Shen Tuchuan's situation, and only today's incident happened. Looking at the injury on his face, she couldn't help feeling guilty.

She was in a bad mood, as was Shen Tuchuan. The two were so silent that they had eaten dinner. Shen Tuchuan thought of lying down in his straw pile, and Ji Tingmei frowned at him: "Bed in bed."

Shen Tuchuan paused a moment, subconsciously wanted to refuse, but seeing her cold eyes, her mouth moved but she couldn't speak, and half a moment she obediently lay down on the bed. As soon as he lay down, Ji Ting got into his arms, and Shen Tuchuan suddenly became stiff.

"Tell me something about today." Ji listened for a long time before asking.

Shen Tuchuan pursed his lips and began to talk for a long time. In fact, it was very simple. He wanted to pick some fruits while he was sleeping in the season, but he met Xiaowu on the way and was maliciously spotted.

Ji Ting quietly listened, his eyes were dark. This small five in Shen Tuchuankou is the orc who has taken the lead in bullying him in the original text. According to the development of the original text, it will not be long before Shen Tuchuan will kill Primary Five, and the male leader will suddenly appear as a teacher of justice and kill Shen Tuchuan. Little Five revenge.

After Shen Tuchuan said what was happening today, when Ji Ji was slow to speak, she felt a little stunned for a moment, but her words were hard-hearted: "I just can't beat them. If you think I'm useless, then move on. Place to go, I'm tired of it anyway ... "

"Since my heart is so scared that I leave, don't tell me to leave, what if I really go?" Ji heard a sigh and interrupted what he might not think very well.

Shen Tuchuan clenched his fists with both hands, and his eyes were a little red, but the words he said were still stubborn: "Walking is a decision you make yourself. What does it matter to me? If you want to go, even if I say It sounds good, you still have to go. "

The orc world is strong and respectable, and weak people like him cannot keep any talents normal.

Ji Ting looked at the expression that he was about to cry. It was rare that he didn't coax him first, but looked at him seriously with a look: "I can't walk and look at you all. If you say something unpleasant again, I might really leave , But if you are willing to say two soft words to coax me now, I will not leave in my life. "

When she had finished speaking, the room suddenly quieted, and the night was late, and the light of the moon shone in through the window, making the two faces clear.

I don't know how long, Ji heard a helpless sigh, and smiled bitterly and wanted to tell him that he was just joking. No matter what he did, she wouldn't leave. But before she said these words, she heard a voice that was not much louder than a mosquito: "Don't go."

She stunned, and then laughed. Shen Tuchuan thought she hadn't heard it, and her ears trembled uneasily. She would repeat it as soon as she struggled, but she covered her mouth: "Big fool, how could I go, I won't go if you drive me. "

As soon as her voice fell, her palm was bitten, and then his voice sounded muffled: "Since you don't leave, why should I ask you?"

"Who asked you to ask me, I just feel bad and want you to say two soft words." Ji Ting smiled and hugged his neck.

Shen Tuchuan snorted softly, thinking that the tone you just expressed was definitely not the meaning, but now he has a hot face and is dizzy in front of his eyes.

Ji Ting hugged him for a long time, and then spoke again: "If they bully you again in the future, you will call back, otherwise they will be more presumptuous."

"Do you think I haven't tried it? They have so many people that I can't beat them at all. Instead, I will suffer more serious injuries because of the resistance. It is better to die and then find a chance to get away." Obviously it was a long time to adapt, I do n’t know Why, in front of Ji Ting admitting that he is inferior to others, Shen Tuchuan still couldn't help feeling embarrassed.

Ji Heping appeased his ears until he calmed down, and then sighed softly: "However, this way you can cure the symptoms but not the root causes, they will still bully you when they see you, but if you follow my method, Make sure they don't dare to bully you again. "

Shen Tuchuan did not believe: "How is that possible."

"You will know if you try." Ji heard to whisper a few words to him after hearing.

After listening to the silence for a long time, Shen Tuchuan said sincerely: "This method is too poisonous. If I can't shock them, I may die even worse ... No, even if I am shocked, I guess it will be fine No. "

"But this is also no way out. I can't fight for you. Instead of trying to fight them all the time, it's better to try to solve it once. Of course, at any time, you can't make a life out of it?" Ji Ting Patiently urged.

Shen Tuchuan couldn't help laughing at him: "You think too much, I have to have that ability."

His words were full of self-confidence in himself. This kind of self-confidence was accumulated over the years. Ji heard that she said too much, and it is difficult to change his concept, so he simply changed to a light topic.

The two talked for a while, and finally embraced each other and went to sleep.

Ji Ting slept for a long time during the day and went to bed early at night, so she woke up early the next morning. As soon as she reached out, she felt a thick 'blanket'. She paused and turned around to see a giant wolf Suddenly early in the morning, I was sober.

Feeling the sound of Ji Hean, the big wolf's ears moved, and then slowly opened his eyes. Some confused eyes looked like two halves: "What's wrong?"

"... It's okay, why did you suddenly become a prototype?" Ji heard a cough, and quietly caught his two big furry ears with both hands, rubbing constantly.

The big wolf was rubbed by her spirits, with her eyes half closed and said lightly, "It's more comfortable to sleep like this."

"Really?" Ji heard a glance at his clothes on the bedside, and couldn't help laughing. "This time, I'm clever. I also know to take off my clothes first ... wait, did you take them off with me yesterday?" "

Shen Tuchuanton paused and looked at her silently: "What do you want to say?"

"Nothing, just a bit of regret. I knew I would not sleep, and I glanced at it secretly." Although Shen Tuchuan of this world is relatively thin in the orcs' eyes, in the eyes of Ji Ting, he is really wide and narrow. A model of waist.

Shen Tuchuan was so angry and embarrassed when she heard her words such as righteousness and insignificance. She sneered a bit: "Relax, you won't have that chance."

"Who said, I'll be staring at you from now on, you can't always maintain the animal shape, right?" Ji Tingxiao smiled at him. Maintaining the animal shape required more physical strength to supplement more food, but the distance The next tribal hunt is about five days away, and their meat is not enough to maintain his beast shape.

Shen Tuchuan obviously also thought about it. After listening to the silence for a long time, he flipped her with a claw.

Ji listened with a brutal face and fell into the soft animal skin. Before he could react, he was wrapped in animal skin. She returned to God and immediately protested like a cicada: "... I Talking to you, I will never peek at you, you quickly let me out ... "

It's a pity that Shen Tuchuan was quite indifferent. She ignored her no matter how she moved, and finally blushed when she released the person.

"You are really ..." The skin of the animal was impermeable, Ji Ting was covered with blush, her hair looked messy, and she looked very embarrassed. She glared at Shen Tuchuan and was speechless.

Shen Tuchuan, who had been transformed into a human figure and put on her clothes, gave her an oblique look: "Are you still watching?"

"... Don't watch." Ji Tingquor bowed his head.

Shen Tuchuan's lips angled slightly, and seeing her scattered hair couldn't help worsening, and then stretched out his hand again, but the touch from the hand made him blink for a moment, and his hand rubbed again without listening.

"Hey, my hair is knotted." Ji heard dissatisfied protests.

Shen Tuchuan stared at her thoughtfully and said slowly: "I finally know why you like playing with my tail."

Ji Ting raised a bad hunch and heard him continue in the next second: "It's quite fun." If I really want to say it specifically, it doesn't seem to be fun, it is a very wonderful and warm feeling, called One can't help but continue.

Ji Ting: "..." How did you accidentally open the door to the new world for him?

The two laughed for a while, and Shen Tuchuan was going out to pick her up again. Ji heard that he met the orcs again and hurried with him. The two went to work in the forest behind the tribe for one morning, picking full A bag of fruit, one of which is red and large, is particularly sweet at first sight.

Ji Ting held the fruit unwilling to let go, and the baby held it in his arms as well. Shen Tuchuan's eyes were smiling, but what he said was very disgusting: "Can you be a little bit prosperous?"

"I don't care, the fruits I eat during this time are particularly astringent. I finally encountered a sweeter one. This one is mine. You are not allowed to eat it." Ji Tingxiao laughed.

Shen Tuchuan hummed slightly, seeming to be very disdainful: "I don't eat."

Ji Ting bumped his arm: "I won't give it to you if I want to eat."

Shen Tuchuan didn't move. After a moment of silence, he bumped back again. As a result, he bumped Ji Ting a few steps forward. He couldn't help laughing: "Give me and I don't want to eat."

Ji listened to his teeth, riveted back and revenge, Shen Tuchuan quickly ran, and the two chased after each other like three-year-olds. As soon as I was out of the forest, I saw several orcs in front of me. The smile on Shen Tuchuan's face faded, and Ji Jin was about to turn.

"Stop!" The orcs still found them.

Ji Ting frowned and looked at Shen Tuchuan. Shen Tuchuan gave her a comforting look and turned to look at each other. Ji Ting also turned around and saw an orc named Xiaowu again, cursing inwardly.

"Your fruit is good?" Since Xiao Wu first met after being humiliated by Ji listened, she did not treat her as a woman and said she was a bit disgusted with her, so she was in front of her again. Speak, no longer cover up.

Shen Tuchuan glanced at them and lowered his voice to Ji: "You go back first."

"Then, leave you alone?" Ji listened unwillingly to leave, and watched Xiaowu's group vigilantly, blocking Shen Tuchuan behind him, "What are you doing?"

Suddenly behind this weak and pure man who was one head shorter than himself, Shen Tuchuan was a little lost for a moment. From his memory, it seems that no one has been guarded. This feeling is very strange, but he was severely touched, but it is obviously not the time to think about it at the moment, and he forced the reason to return.

"Just a few of us want to eat, just leave the fruit." The orc behind Xiaowu grinned, and the other orcs laughed.

The orc world is the strongest, and telling Shen Tuchuan to give them food is tantamount to treating Shen Tuchuan as a first-class person deep in their hearts. This move is a shame in itself.

Shen Tuchuan was bullied by them from an early age. When they faced their provocations, their hearts were not fluctuated from time to time. But today, in the face of Ji He, he suddenly burst into anger, holding his fruit bag in his hand Tight, with clear blue tendons.

Ji Ting realized his anger for the first time, and quickly grabbed his hand. Although she had just taught him, the next time she faced them, she had to slam out and teach them a hard lesson, but the injury he just suffered yesterday Not good yet, obviously it is not the time.

"Give you the fruits, will you let us go?" Ji Ting frowned.

As if I heard something funny, the orcs laughed in a lump, Xiao Wu gave her a scornful look: "You are a pure man, and you can marry a patriarch. Why should you follow this mess?"

"No more nonsense, I ask you, fruit for you, can we go?" Ji Ting asked angrily.

Xiao Wu snorted: "Okay, I'll give you face today, leave things and you go."

Ji heard Shen Tuchuan's glance and saw that he refused to look at himself. He sighed and fell on the bag in his hand. After a moment of silence, he took the bag in his hand and dragged it twice without dragging.

"Forget it," Xiao Wu interrupted them, "I guess that pile is not good, just give me the one on your hand." Although you are not interested in the fruit, it is rare to see such a big one, and bring it back to Xiao The wolf pups also play well.

Ji Ting immediately released Shen Tuchuan's bag and took it to Xiaowu, but was caught by Shen Tuchuan. She worriedly whispered: "Now they have too many people, we can still tolerate Forbear. "

Shen Tuchuan did not know if she had heard her, staring blankly at Xiaowu: "Come and get it yourself."

When Xiao Tuchuan was seen this way for the first time, Xiao Wu made a sudden break in his heart, but when he thought of how he usually allowed himself to bully, he sneered dismissively and walked towards them lazily.

He walked in front of Shen Tuchuan, looked at him scornfully, and stretched out his hand towards Ji quarter: "Give me ..."

The words didn't fall, and Shen Tuchuan smashed into his face with a punch. Ji Ting only saw Xiao Wu's face deformed for a moment, then fell out a tooth, and then the whole person fell heavily on the ground. She was shocked and had no time to stop in the future, she was warned by Shen Tuchuan, she took a stun, and stepped back subconsciously.

Obviously, those friends of Xiaowu did not expect that Shen Tuchuan would suddenly attack. When he smashed Xiaowu Sanquan, he rushed up and tortured. However, Shen Tuchuan was like crazy and only aimed at Xiaowu one. His fist fell on his body, and he didn't bother to look back, only to focus on the small five.

Xiao Wu's friends were anxious. One of them rushed towards Ji with a black face, Shen Tuchuan was slightly different, was punched by Xiao Wu, and the corners of his mouth that were not good were bleeding instantly. Ji Ting trembled and looked at the orcs rushing towards him with a cold face: "If you dare to do something to me, unless you kill both of us, the crime of hurting pure people will be passed on to see who can afford it. ! "

The man froze, and suddenly remembered that Ji Ting was pure. Seeing that he stopped, Ji Ting was relieved, and he continued to look at Shen Tuchuan with a stretched face.

Xiaowu responded desperately after the reaction. He was stronger than Shen Tuchuan. He was a steady winner. However, he was afraid of death. He hit Shen Tuchuan with two punches. Shen Tuchuan had to fight back even if he could only hit one punch. Hit back. In the end, the two turned into beast-shaped bite fights, blood was dripping on each other, and Xiao Wu occasionally showed pain, but Shen Tuchuan didn't seem to know the pain.

Gradually, Xiao Wu began to be scared by his deadly attacking method. When he was fighting, he was not as focused as before, and he fell into a disadvantage when he was distracted, but Shen Tuchuan did not reduce the offensive in the slightest. Other orcs did not expect such a big disturbance, and panicked for a while. From the earliest group of beating Shen Tuchuan, they became racked, but the crazy Shen Tuchuan couldn't stop him. Xiaowu gradually lost his strength and collapsed in Like a dead pig on the ground, Shen Tuchuan bit his neck instantly.

"Ogawa!" Ji Jin, who has been paying attention to this, suddenly called.

Shen Tuchuan's eyes were clear for a moment, and after breathing a moment, he released Xiaowu, staring at him condescendingly: "Fruit, do you want?"

Xiao Wu's wolf is very big, but at this moment, he has no momentum at all. He looks at Shen Tuchuan generally, his eyes are full of fear for him.

Shen Tuchuan didn't wait for his answer, his eyes cooled down: "Do you want any more?"

"No, no ..." Xiao Wu shuddered, and more blood was flowing in his mouth when he opened his mouth.

Shen Tuchuan looked at him indifferently, and walked in front of Ji Ting with a scarlet wound. Ji Ting watched his bright and thick fur at this moment, and his eyes gradually became red: "Xiao Chuan ..."

"The fruit has been scooped out by you." Shen Tuchuan sighed.

Ji listened for a moment, and looked down at the fruit in her hand, only to find that the original round and bright red fruit had been caught by her into mud, and she couldn't eat it. Somehow, her nose was sore.

Before the tears fell, a warm sensation came from her hand. She froze, looking at the big wolf who had taken away the fruit and ate it, and did not forget to slap the juice from her hand clean.

In the next second, the mighty wolf's body began to twist and change. After a while, Shen Tuchuan, who was full of wounds, stood in front of himself. One of his eyes was swollen and his eyes were full of bruises. Half of his face followed the bulging. The blood on the corners of his lips had dried up, and his lips were bright red. I wonder whether it was blood or something.

Ji Tingyi looked at him, and his tears finally fell. Shen Tuchuan was silent for a moment, pinching her chin, and leaning down to kiss her lips, Ji Ting only felt a **** smell coming towards her with an unknown sweetness, making her head straight.

"The fruit is quite sweet and I will give you a taste." Shen Tuchuan stood up straight, smiled calmly at her, and flung the tail behind him frantically.

The author has something to say: Bian Chuan Er: It hurts today, I want to reward

Season listening: reward one rotten fruit ~

More 10,000 words today! Not surprised! Thorn is not exciting! I ca n’t help but praise when it ’s updated. It ’s time to show my sincerity to show your sincerity. Hehehe, it ’s going to be opened next month.

"Clotting into Ex-wife His Ex-wife [Wear Book]" Learn about it!

Zhi Huan, dressed as the glamorous ex-wife of the leader of the dog's blood, can get a huge alimony as long as he maintains a three-month marriage with him according to the original text. However--

System: Ding Dong! During the marriage maintenance period, please ask the host to achieve the ‘scum lord once’ achievement, otherwise you will be automatically cleared by this world when the divorce time is up!

Zhi Huan: ... What?

After understanding the rules of derailment without derailment, Zhihuan became a **** girl with tears. After looking for a long time, she stared at an underground boxer. He asked for a lot of money every day and finally cheated people

However, the next morning, he found out that his true identity was the overlord husband he had never seen—

Chief Executive: Let's make up a wedding

Zhihuan: Don't don't, don't, don't do it, I just beat your body

Chief Executive :?

(Zhi Huan wears the book after signing the marriage contract, so the CEO knows her, she doesn't know the CEO)

Gorgeous Rich Sand Sculpture Outburst Female Host vs Rich Rich Crash Protective Male Lead

This is probably a story of ‘I almost got green’, ‘wife is thinking about scum and I can only pet it’, as always, the sweet pet

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