Shen Tuchuan shook his body after talking, and then Chao Chao heard and smashed over. Ji Tian was busy hugging him, but was directly hit the ground because he couldn't support his weight.

"Ogawa!" Ji whispered, and couldn't care about himself who was hurt everywhere. He hurriedly checked his condition, determined that he was only relieved after passing out, and then made trouble.

He was hurt all over, and Ji Ting didn't dare to help him easily, for fear of hurting him again, plus he had just turned into a beast, and the hide of his hide had been rotten into several knots, and there was still some distance from home. Even if she can drag it, she won't let him go back.

In distress, her eyes fell on the orcs who were holding Xiaowu ready to leave, and her eyes were immediately cool: "Give me one of the beast skins, and two people came over to help me carry Ogawa back."

"Why ?!" The partner was injured, and the other orcs had a bad attitude towards Ji Ting.

Ji listened with a sneer: "No matter what, I can't do it alone. If you don't help me, he may die here. Whose responsibility do you think?"

In the orc world, fighting with the same tribe can be, but once the murder case is committed, the situation will be serious, otherwise the man in the original text will not be executed by the male lead on behalf of the entire tribe after killing Primary Five.

Sure enough, when Ji heard this, the others were a little panicked, and after sending out two people, they sent Shen Tuchuan to help.

"Give him one of the animal skins." Ji Ting frowned.

The orc who came to help frowned immediately: "You don't go too far!"

"If you don't provoke it first, how can things get to this point now? I don't know who is too much." Ji Ting stared at them indifferently. "If you don't give animal skin, you don't need to help and let him die here. Well, you will all have to be buried anyway, we will not lose. "

The orcs didn't expect Ji Tingxin to be so fierce, and after tangling for a long time, the orc who was wrapped most tightly, threw the coat to her. This orc is more than two meters tall, and his clothes are relatively long. His coat just can cover most of Shen Tuchuan's body.

When Ji Tingchuan put on Shen Tuchuan, he gave way to the two orcs, and he supported Shen Tuchuan's back in the back. Several people brought him back home.

Armed to the bed, the two orcs shook their hands in disgust and left without looking back. Ji Ting didn't care about repairing them, and after taking the clear water, he began to help Shen Tuchuan wipe his blood.

There was almost no good spot on his body, either it was occupied by bruises or various wounds, and several bite wounds were too deep, and he was still bleeding slowly at the moment. Ji Ting became more and more frightened as he watched, forcing his tears to help him clean.

The clear water gradually stained red. She poured the water out and took the water again to continue wiping. I don't know how long it took to clear the dust and stains on his wound. In the process, Shen Tuchuan remained motionless. If it wasn't for his breath, Ji Ting really thought he was wrong.

After cleaning the wound, he began to apply herbs. The medicine yesterday was not used up, so Ji Ting took it directly and carefully applied it. There seemed to be something irritating the wound in the medicine, and Shen Tuchuan grunted, his brows gradually wrinkled.

Ji Ting hurriedly soothed in his ear: "You bear with me, it will be fine soon."

Shen Tuchuan seemed to be able to hear it. After moving his fingertips, he didn't say anything again. Ji Ting's nervous heart finally relaxed slightly, and Ning Mei continued to help him apply medicine. By the time all the medicine had been applied, he had completely become a 'little green man'. There is no way, the medicine is green. He has no injuries from the forehead to the toes. She can only do as a full body mask, except for the eyes, nose and lips.

After doing all this, Ji Ting was too tired to stand upright, and the original sadness had dissipated a lot. She was sitting on the bed with her back on her back, staring at the little green man on the bed in a daze, thinking he had just fed herself When it looks like a fruit, the heart beats hard.

Although strictly speaking, she already felt like an old man and wife to him, but when he appeared in front of himself with a wound and solitude, she still seemed to be tempted for the first time, and the whole person seemed to be Floating on the clouds.

"I've lost it to you ..." Ji heard a sigh. The gentle voice was helpless, but also full of love.

Shen Tuchuan's brow gradually stretched, it seemed that he had a dream, and the corners of his lips slightly raised. Unfortunately, Ji He could not see his happy lips through thick herbs.

Ji Ting quietly stayed beside Shen Tuchuan for a long time, until the sky was getting late, and her stomach groaned, and she said it was time to eat. As Shen Tuchuan often did, she went to the corner to find the barbecue that had become a lot smaller, and learned how to cut him piece by piece.

It is easy to see that Shen Tuchuan cuts easily, but it is really hard for her, but the stones are as stupid as a piece of wood in her hands. After a long time, she saw a little meat. She frowned and shook her hair behind, constantly changing the way to cut meat, and finally found a more labor-saving way, but unfortunately it was still frothy.

Without Shen Tuchuan, she would have difficulty even eating ready-made food in the primitive society. Ji Ting looked at the pile of meat foam in front of her, and suddenly felt discouraged.

Just as she was depressed, Shen Tuchuan grunted, and seemed to be waking up. Ji listened to this and remembered that he also wanted to eat when he got up. However, at the moment he was injured and obviously was not suitable for barbecue, but he should find some digestible food such as soup.

But the conditions are very limited now. It can be said that there is nothing except barbecue cold water. It is not possible to make a soup for him. Ji Ting once again sorrowed, and while thinking, she glanced over the bamboo tube that was usually used for water. She paused I looked at the meat foam I saw again, and suddenly I had an idea.

Ji Ting's brows didn't frown, and her mood seemed to be getting better. She wrapped her meat foam with large leaves, took the bamboo tube, and went out. She plans to mix the meat foam with water, and add some salt to stew it with a bamboo tube, which is also a simple bowl of meat porridge.

Thinking about this, she took things outside the house, afraid of disturbing Shen Tuchuan. She also chose to be more than ten meters away from her residence, and then began to learn from Shen Tuchuan's usual way of drilling wood for fire.

For the next half an hour, she proved what she called "the theory is very powerful, but no one is too good at cooking." She couldn't lift the logs to get tired, but there was only a little blackening on the straw. Nothing meant to be lit.

...... What should I do now, can't we always call the little green man to make a fire? Ji Ting began to feel depressed again.

While she was in a daze at the materials, a female orc brought two little orcs aggressively towards this side, and when she saw Ji Ji in the distance, she screamed angrily: "Bitch! You're fine if you don't run, the old lady will find your account. It's up! "

Ji listened for a moment, as soon as he looked up, he saw a female orc nearly one meter nine, and after a pause, he hurriedly stood up to block her things, for fear that this person would destroy her things.

"Where's Shen Tuchuan ?! Call him to his mother, who has to tear you two today!" The female orc yelled in disgust.

Ji listened and looked at her face like Xiao Wufen's face, then she knew who she was, and her eyes froze immediately: "I haven't come to you to settle the bill, you come to me first?"

"Of course I want to come to you. I ask you, what's wrong with my little five? How can you beat him like that ?!" It seemed to think of his son's misery, and the orc's eyes became red. "Today Why do n’t you give me an account, I smashed your house! ”

Ji heard that this woman was a vixen-like woman, knowing that she would not be good today, and after a second of contemplation, she learned that she was leaning on her waist, and she angered back: "I still want to ask you, why is my Xiaochuan holding your son? Have to stop us from picking the fruits of our hard work, or hit us Ogawa if we do n’t give, is he the patriarch or the elder? Why insult us so much ?! "

The wicked need to be grinded by the wicked. It is not enough to deal with such a woman's reasoning, but she must also pretend to be fiercer than her.

"What's wrong with him asking you for fruit? He and Shen Tuchuan grew up playing, what's the point for fruit? Even if you don't want to give it, don't you have to make him like that?" The female orc did not expect this pure man to look short Weak, even dare to dent oneself like this, after thinking for a while, I thought of a counterattack.

"Play?" Ji listened with a smirk this time, "You control him with his friends to bully my family called" Play "?!"

"Yeah! What's the matter with you? You just came here and know how to fart!" The female orc stared.

Ji listened sneer: "I don't understand how you define 'play', but I know that every time your son plays with my family, Ogawa, my family is injured."

"Isn't that like a kid's house?" The orc could not help but follow her words.

Ji Ting narrowed her eyelids and glanced at her: "Yeah, it's normal for a child to have fun, so it's normal for my family to be injured after Xiaochuan's injury."


The female orc was stunned and speechless. Two apparently young orcs she brought with her saw one, and one of them immediately rubbed her hands: "Mom, what nonsense with her, I must teach them some lessons today, for me Brother revenge! "

"To mom, what's wrong with her being pure? I haven't grown up yet. Even if I hit her, the patriarch won't drive me out of the tribe!" Another little orc helped.

... Sure enough, no matter whether it is a modern society or a primitive society, little **** will always understand the law of minor protection better than normal children, and they also know how to use rules. Ji Ting glanced gloomily at the little orcs, and his heart was full of contempt for them.

When the orc saw that Ji could not listen, she thought she was scared, so she looked at her proudly and said, "Don't you be able to say it just now? Why not say it?"

"What? Tell me to let you bully me as much as Xiaowu did to Xiaochuan for so many years?" Ji Ting's eyes were full of sarcasm. "You can try it. After bullying me, wait for Xiaochuan. He will Wouldn't you take your knife and kill your family? "

The wicked need to be grinded by the wicked. The family like them is of low quality and arrogant. They must be more vicious and fierce than them, and they will be afraid to provoke her and Ogawa in the future.

After coming to this world, she always seems to threaten these simple-headed orcs in a way that harms her family, and she is helpless about this. There is no way, although Shen Tuchuan is already very strong, but her physical fitness is not outstanding here, let alone she is no different from a waste here. There is no possibility of winning physically.

Although the method is despicable, it is really easy to use. Besides, she is just talking. Unlike these people in front of her, there are no vicious words on her mouth, but her actions are more vicious than others.

Sure enough, when the female orc heard what Ji heard, she immediately pinched her neck in annoyance and lifted it up: "If you dare to move my child, I will kill you!"

Ji Ting's face turned red instantly, and there was a lot of red blood in her eyes. Sudden suffocation caused her great pain, but she opened her mouth hard: "Then you hurry up now, remember to kill the one in the house too Now that we are dead, you do n’t have to worry about someone threatening you ... yes ... unfortunately if we die, you will also be executed by the tribe, your child will have no mother, your man will have no wife, ha ... "

In the end, Ji Ting laughed out.

The orc suddenly let go, and she immediately fell to the ground, coughing violently against the ground. The female orc looked at the little one on the ground, Ji Ban, and said for a moment: "You are really a lunatic ..."

"... So after you go home, educate your children well and don't provoke lunatics again, otherwise I don't know what I will do." Ji Ting's eyes were full of tears, and the tip of his nose was red, looking It was so pitiful, but when she looked at the female orc, her eyes only made the other person cold.

The little orc next to him had not seen the situation clearly, and saw his mother let go of the woman, and immediately said, "Mom, do you want to teach her?"

"Shut up!" The female orc suddenly reprimanded.

This was the first time the little orc was scolded from birth to now. After stunning, his eyes suddenly turned red, and he ran to the house with a cry. Another little orc busy followed, leaving only the female orc standing in the quarter. before.

Look, some people are not unable to teach children, but when their interests are not threatened, they are too lazy to discipline, and when things really hit their heads, they suddenly have the consciousness to discipline their children. The taunts in Ji Ting's eyes were so thick that the female orc looked uncomfortable with her, and turned away after a cold hum.

"Stop!" Ji heard and yelled.

The female orc froze, and then turned back impatiently to hide her deep fear: "What ?!"

"Help me set the fire before leaving," Ji heard demandingly straightforward, "I'm going to cook for my family. If he doesn't have dinner in time today, you wait for me!"

Female Orc: "..."

For a long time, the two were embarrassed, and after the wind impatiently blew and the stars hid in the clouds, the female orc looked helplessly to help her drill the wood, and as soon as the fire was made, Ji Ting asked her to help The bamboo tube is fixed, and then the water and meat are poured and the salt is added. The whole process of the season only moves the mouth, and everything is done by the female orc.

After the porridge started to cook, the female orc asked with a dark face, "May I go?"

"Not yet, the bamboo tube is too hot, you have to help me into the room." Ji Ting stared at the water channel that was not boiling.

Female Orc: "..."

Finally, when the porridge was sent into the room, the face of the female orc could not be simply described as 'black'. She put down the porridge and turned away, as if she didn't want to come back for a lifetime.

Ji Ting couldn't wait for her to leave a shadow on their home from now on, and then never come to trouble again, so after she left, she simply closed the door.

"Hmm ..." The little green man on the bed suddenly made a weak voice.

Ji listened and walked over, seeing his open eyes full of joy: "Are you awake? Are you thirsty? May I feed you some water?"

"Who's here just now?" Shen Tuchuan's eyes were narrowed, and he accidentally ate bitter herbs as soon as his mouth moved.

Ji Tingxiao smiled: "Little Five's mother."

"She's bothering you?" Shen Tuchuan's eyes darkened as soon as she heard it.

Ji Ting appeased him: "No, she was trying to get me in trouble, but I made more sense, she gave up asking for trouble after I was persuaded."

"How is it possible?" Xiao Wu's mother was well-known in the tribe. He didn't believe Ji could kill someone by listening to a few words.

Ji Ting's innocent face: "Really, she still helped me set fire. Just now I came in because I was afraid of being hot and could not get hot things, so she helped bring the bamboo tube in."

"... She will help you?" Shen Tuchuan was deeply suspicious, and it wasn't the mother of Xiaowu at all.

Ji heard a laugh: "Of course, I'm telling the truth, otherwise she won't leave so quickly, right?"

After speaking, she described the physical characteristics of Xiao Wu's mother in detail. After listening, she confirmed that she did not recognize the wrong person, so she was even more surprised: "It really is her ?!"

"I said I didn't lie to you." Ji listened funny.

Seeing that the juice had flowed to his lips, Ji heard that he was suffering so much, so he wiped off the herbs on the corners of his lips, then took water and dipped his fingers on his lips little by little. The dry lips were soaked with cold water, and Shen Tuchuan was a lot better. He looked at Ji Ting regularly and felt the touch of her smooth and soft fingertips on the lips.

The brain gradually regained his vitality, and the last picture before passing out suddenly appeared in his mind. Suddenly all the blood seemed to rush to his face, and one face was abnormally hot. Shen Tuchuan wanted to know how her face was now red, and she couldn't help but secretly rejoice that there were herbs hanging on it, and she would not easily see it.

What happened to him then? Otherwise, why look at her pitiful red eyes, the first thing turned out to be eating the rotten fruit in her hands. Yes, it must be a fruit problem. It is so big and sweet. He does n’t want to waste is one. In addition, he just needs to replenish his physical strength immediately after the fight. As for why he kissed her ... it must be because the fruit is poisonous and has some The orcs wanted to kiss the poison of pure humans.

"Ogawa ... Ogawa!" Ji heard a louder voice.

Shen Tuchuan shook, his ears flew up instantly: "What's wrong?"

"I've called you several times. What **** do you go to?" Ji heard that he looked into his ears and couldn't help frowning. "What were you thinking?"

"No, nothing ... what did you tell me to do?" Shen Tuchuan forcibly shifted the subject.

Ji Ting really did not worry about what he thought about, and brought over the burnt bamboo tube: "I cooked some soup for you. Would you like to drink a little?"

"Soup?" Shen Tuchuan looked at the bamboo tube in her hand in doubt.

Ji listened and nodded: "I've tasted it just now, it's not difficult to drink." Shen Tuchuan put a lot of natural condiments when grilling meat, the flavour of the meat itself is very rich, so add water and cook again. Not too thin.

Although Shen Tuchuan did not understand what she had done, she also vaguely understood that she had made something to eat, and her mood was suddenly wonderful.

This is the first time someone has cooked for his aunt since he left. He decides that no matter how strange or unpleasant the food is, he will bear it.

Thinking about it that way, he nodded slightly, and Ji laughed immediately upon hearing it, but how to feed him was a bit of a problem. He now has a full wound, which hurts a lot when he moves, and it will crack and bleed, so he can only lie down like this, and there is no spoon here, she really doesn't know how to feed him.

Ji Ting once again realized the importance of utensils, and decided to start tomorrow to find ways to make tools that can hold things.

However, that's all to do tomorrow, and how to feed him today, we must immediately think of a way.

Seeing her stasis, Shen Tuchuan couldn't help asking: "Why didn't you feed me?"

"It's like this, most of the soup is water, and you need to pick something up to feed it into your mouth," Ji looked at him in embarrassment, "but I don't know how to feed it."

Shen Tuchuan frowned: "Is it so troublesome? I'll just drink it."

After speaking, he would hold up, but as soon as he looked up, he began to feel pain everywhere. He lay back again, and did not calm down for a long while. Ji Ting was startled by his sudden action and hurriedly rebuked: "You are fine with nothing!"

"I want to eat." Every time Shen Tuchuan saw her real anger, she couldn't control her shortness.

Ji Ting frowned and stared at him until he never dared to move again, before humming quietly: "I'm helping you find a way now."

"Oh." Shen Tuchuan knew that he had done something wrong, so he did not dare to speak loudly, and obediently answered.

Ji Ting's attention was not on him. After staring at the broth for a long time, he suddenly had an idea, so he slowly glanced at him: "I think of how to feed you, you don't disturb, otherwise I'm not polite to you. "

"... Um." Listening to her tone, I always feel that it is not a good way, but he is lying like a futile now, and for the time being afraid to go against her will.

As soon as he finished, he saw Ji Ting take a sip of the bamboo tube, and couldn't help but ask him if it wasn't his? As a result, before she asked, she suddenly leaned down.

When his lips were blocked, Shen Tuchuan's eyes widened sharply, and his body tightened suddenly, but the moment the muscles tightened brought great pain, and he hurriedly relaxed again. After working hard against myself, the hot broth has already slipped down the throat, and the taste is rare.

The warm broth was warm to the stomach all the way. Shen Tuchuan only felt that his body was smooth. He tasted the meat in the soup was his own roasted meat, and was surprised that the roasted meat tasted so good. As for the heartbeat caused by brief contact and the fever on his face, he deliberately ignored it.

"Your mouth is really bitter." Ji Ting straightened up after feeding, without concealing his suspicion.

Shen Tuchuan had been shy and forcibly pressed out, and stuttered for a long time. "I don't want to feed it! I'll eat it myself!"

After talking, Ji Ting hurried and calmed down, "Although I was suffering, I was sweet, but I finally managed to kiss the most handsome orc in the tribe."

"... Just talk about ghosts." Shen Tuchuan muttered, how ugly he knew the most, and every time he listened to the season, he boasted seriously, and he took it seriously over time.

Ji Ting looked at him sincerely: "I speak human words, why don't you always believe me?"

"... feed me quickly, starve to death." Shen Tuchuan felt the temperature on his face and almost dried the herbs.

Ji listened and smiled, took a bamboo tube and took another sip.

In the quiet room, two people didn't talk to each other. One person fed and one person ate, and soon they drank all the broth in a bamboo tube. Shen Tuchuan was still a little bit interested: "Are there any?"

"No, just so much. If you don't have enough, you can bear it. You should eat less today." Ji Ting wiped his mouth and put a layer of herbs on it.

After doing all this, she went to the straw pile in the corner, Shen Tuchuan's eyelids jumped, and hurriedly asked, "What are you doing?"

"Today you go to bed, I'll just sleep here." Ji heard, lying directly on the straw.

Shen Tuchuan frowned: "No, let's change."

Before he moved, Ji listened to the cool voice and said: "If you dare to move, I will twist your ears in a circle."

Shen Tuchuan's ears shook a bit, and he didn't dare move immediately. After a long silence, he made a compromise proposal: "Will you come to sleep next to me?"

"No, I'm afraid I'll run into your wound," Ji Ting refused, without thinking. "Okay, don't you usually sleep here? I think it's fine. I should be fine for a few days."

"That's different." Shen Tuchuan's lips narrowed.

Ji listened for a moment, and asked a little funny: "What's different?"

Shen Tuchuan stopped talking, but insisted that this was different. He could sleep in the straw pile, but Ji should not sleep there, and a delicate person like her should sleep in bed.

But he could think clearly in his heart, what he really wanted to say, but he did n’t know how to express it. When the language was organized, Ji heard the sound of Ji Hei sleeping.

Shen Tuchuan was silent for a long time, but finally she was not willing to wake her up, she opened her eyes for a long time, and finally went to sleep.

The next day, he woke up directly. When he opened his eyes, he saw Ji Ting sitting beside himself, and his hands were covered with green herbs.

"Wake up? Wait a minute, I changed the medicine on your body, it may hurt a bit, bear with it first." Ji heard that, and began to help him clean up seriously.

Shen Tuchuan lay down honestly, and realized that something was wrong after lying for half a day, and suddenly looked at her with a look of panic: "Am I wearing no clothes last night?"

"Not only did you wear it yesterday, but you don't wear it now." Ji listened seriously.

Shen Tuchuan's face was flushed, and with pain, he pulled a piece of animal skin quickly, covering the key part of the body, and then gritted his teeth and asked, "Why not say it earlier ?!"

"Don't you know?" Ji heard a strange look at him.

Shen Tuchuan was stunned, and it reminded me that she had applied herbs all over the body yesterday, so she always felt heavy, and she didn't expect that she was fruitful. Until now, she started to clean up the herbs for herself. Conscious awareness.

"Okay, you wo n’t lose a piece of meat when you look at it," Ji Tingran calmly glanced at him. "Also, tell me what you want, don't take it yourself, doesn't it hurt?"

Shen Tuchuan paused, and then began to feel the pain, and could not help humming: "If you don't say it, I'll forget."

"Naughty, how could the pain be forgotten?" Ji Ting poked his lips and lifted off the animal skin from him again.

Shen Tuchuan's scalp was numb: "What are you doing ?!"

"Help you continue to clean up," Ji listened for granted, and saw his face blushing, and couldn't help but smile, "You are a patient now, don't feel so embarrassed, it's normal."

Instead of feeling comforted, Shen Tuchuan wanted to close his eyes and pretend he was a dead fish. And he did the same.

Ji Ting didn't care about him. He cleaned and examined the wound carefully after making sure that there was no cracked area, and then reapplied the herbs. Finally, he barely put the animal skin on him to help block the key parts.

Shen Tuchuan then opened his eyes a little slit. After seeing Ji Ting still being with him, he closed his eyes immediately, pretending not to look at her secretly.

Ji listened and squeezed his ears funny, without saying anything to tease him.

The orc's ability to recover is very strong, and with good care of Ji Ting, Shen Tuchuan is almost like a day. When his wound is completely crusted, Xiao Wu, who was also seriously injured, has not even gotten his bed.

"Although he fainted that day, I didn't get seriously hurt." Shen Tuchuan listened to Ji's obedience to the tribal wolf cub, and was worried for a while. "Did he pretend to be there, just to have the opportunity to go to the patriarch?" Sue me? "

"Probably not. I heard the little wolf cub said that in order to get him better soon, his mother gave him meat every day and nothing else, but the wound kept healing badly." Ji Ting shrugged.

Shen Tuchuan said "Oh," he lowered his head and continued to study the crock.

Some time ago, Ji heard that he wanted to burn some utensils with mud. He tried several times as she said, and each time he could n’t burn the intact shape. After more research in the past few days, it seemed to be stronger than before, and there was already a big one. The crockery was successfully fired.

"I heard that the orcs who played with Xiaowu were severely scolded at home, and they should not dare to trouble you in the future." Ji listened to gossip. Those orcs have bullied Shen Tuchuan for so many years, their parents have never said that they are not, it is because they feel that bullying others ca n’t afford it, and now seeing that Xiao Wu was beaten so badly by Shen Tuchuan, it is estimated that it is possible that their children may You will lose money, so you must hurry up and educate yourself.

Thinking that the orcs were not staring at the door at home during this time, Ji heard it very funny.

Shen Tuchuan was completely uninterested in this kind of thing, and there was not much response after listening to it. Ji heard it boring and snorted: "Shen Tuchuan, are you a bit boring?"

"What happened to me?" Shen Tuchuan looked up at her.

Ji Ting held his two ears with his hands and narrowed his eyes to threaten: "It's always perfunctory like this, believe it or not you will lose me in minutes?"

Shen Tuchuanton paused and broke her ear from her hand displeasingly: "You said you would never leave."

"Yeah, I won't leave, but I will get angry. Haven't you heard your wife is trying to coax?" Ji Ting asked with his arms folded.

Shen Tuchuan's face was reddish slightly, her eyes were guilty of guilty aside, but she still set up the beneficiary to the end: "Nonsense, you are not my wife!"

"Hey you wolf-eyed wolf. Whose days are you injured? Who cares for you? Who is the one who seriously cooks the broth for you every day? Who does n’t sleep in the bed all day in the straw pile Just for you to have a good nourishing environment? "Ji Ting asked.

Shen Tuchuan's eyes fell on her Yingying's waist, and suddenly her hands were a little itchy. He sneaked to think whether Ji Ting would have this reaction every time he wanted to rua his ears.

"Speak, guilty?" Ji Ting narrowed his eyes.

Shen Tuchuan turned back and hummed softly: "It is your own willingness to take care of it. I have never said anything from the beginning to the end to ask you for help."

"You ..." Ji Ting was amused by his shameless spirit. After seeing his uneasy shaking ears for a while, he thought that he had nothing to do with a cute person in the world, and he was enough.

Thinking about it that way, she stopped the topic and turned to wash the skin of the medicine.

Shen Tuchuan walked away when she saw that she turned her head, and hurried to follow her: "What are you doing?"

"Wash the skins, why are you following me?" Ji heard a strange look at him.

Shen Tuchuan's mouth moved, and she began to regret the words she just said, but she couldn't pull her face to apologize. She could only watch her take the skin of the animal to wash, but didn't look at herself again.

... is she angry? Really, I have nothing to say about those messy things. I was so grateful to her that she was going to die, but I still had to talk about it to make her sad. It was like she said. Shen Tuchuan regretted that he was about to bubbling, and he was no longer interested in the wares business he had always been intoxicated with, but was anxious to pace back and forth.

Ji Ting soon washed a piece of animal skin, and looked back to the position where Shen Tuchuan had been walking back and forth, but there was no one there. She paused, and went to the house again, but no one was seen. .

Strange, where can he go at this time? Ji Ting frowned, and wanted to go out looking for someone, but he was afraid he would be anxious if he suddenly came back and couldn't see himself.

While being tangled, Shen Tuchuan himself returned, his hands stiffly behind his back, his face glowed with a little unnatural red, and the whole person felt an uncomfortable feeling.

Ji heard that he was relieved when he came back, and didn't notice his abnormality: "Where did you go? Why didn't you tell me?"

"I ..." It took a long time for Shen Tuchuan to hold her face and raised her two hands to her, holding in her hand a large number of wild flowers of various colors.

Ji listened for a moment: "What?"

"Coax you ..." Shen Tuchuan's voice was as low as a mosquito humming, his blush was almost cooked, his ears were shaking quickly, and his tail kept swiping around, as if he was irritable, and like Emotions.

The author has something to say: 串 儿: I am a straight steel man

Ji Ting: I am angry

Chuan Er: Coax you coax you ~ 2k novel reading network

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