The heads of the two of them have been lowered for a long time. In the last quarter, I couldn't help but say, "Ogawa, you make hair. It's very good."

Shen Tuchuan: "..."

Three seconds later, the door of the room rang, and in the fourth second of the quarter, she was knocked out. The moment the door closed behind her, she also shouted. The stock was sitting on the ground.

Ji listened and sighed. It's been so long, but I still can't control this mouth. It's really too much to beat. Thinking about it, she really reached out and gave herself a soft blow.

Because of the simple fire drowsiness yesterday, they were rarely awakened by cold air, so they slept a little longer than usual, and it was already noon shortly after waking up. Ji listened to the sun in the sky, remembering the very healthy picture of Shen Tuchuan just when he woke up, and gradually got a very unhealthy imagination in his mind.

... Stop, why is it getting more and more cumbersome? Ji Ting wiped his face before he made himself laugh. Although the orc is also a human, the instinct of the beast is still not degraded. If you force it, the pain will be very great. Now Shen Tuchuan has something to do with her if she wants to spend this period safely.

In other words, he had no reason not to marry her.

The corner of Ji Ting's lips kept rising, until there was a sound behind her, she quickly stood up, pretending to look at Tieqing's face worriedly: "What's wrong with you?"

"Don't you know?" Shen Tuchuan asked with a pillow on his face.

Ji listens, of course, and knows so much, but her people ca n’t collapse, so she can only pretend to know nothing, and she is very sorry to say: "It's all my fault, I burned the cricket too hot. That's why you change back into a human shape in your sleep, don't you get angry with me? "

Shen Tuchuanton paused, his face still solemn.

Ji Ting had to coax him: "I didn't see anything, really."

She didn't say this sentence. It was okay. When she said that Shen Tuchuan's face was red, the whole person was on the verge of breaking out: "Then you said me just now, and said that I am well developed!"

Ji Ting said: "..." She said a long time ago, she really can't hold her back anymore.

Shen Tuchuan's roaring voice seemed to be still ringing in her ears, she coughed and sneered, and finally couldn't help whispering: "Is it well developed ..."

"You didn't even know when you wore clothes when you were transformed into a wolf, how did you know that I had hair? Are you bred?" Shen Tuchuan's eyes flashed angrily. He just threw her out of the door shyly. I just remembered this problem when I was sitting in the house.

She must have seen someone else, and by comparison, she said he was better. Who was that person? Is she someone she likes before? !! As long as he thought of this problem, there seemed to be a anger in his body. He was already restless because of a special period, and he couldn't control himself for a while.

Ji Ting did not expect that he was feeling casually, and even caused his suspicion, and he was speechless for a while.

Seeing her not answering, Shen Tuchuan thought she was guilty and grabbed her wrist in a cold voice and urged: "Hurry up and answer me!"

"... You let go of me first, it hurts a bit." Ji Ting's brow frowned.

Shen Tuchuan immediately let go of her hand, but there was already a red circle on her wrist, apparently caused by too much force. A pure person is weak, and it is easy to break if he doesn't pay attention. He usually pays attention to it. Today, it seems that he cannot control his strength because of the first day of a special period.

Shen Tuchuan's brows froze, and there was some uneasiness in the bottom of her eyes, but she was afraid that she would hurt her later.

"I used to have a crazy woman in that tribe. I loved to tell colored jokes to children all day long, and I have heard some of them, so I have a comparison." While he was working hard, Ji Ting already thought of reasons.

In the special period, the orc possessed an appetite, but his intelligence was not enough. When she heard her say it, she believed it with almost no research, and the anger in her heart also dissipated, leaving only a little anxiety.

"You don't seem to be in the right mood," Ji heard a little uneasy. Seeing that he didn't seem to want to admit to sending .qing, he had to pierce the window paper himself. The hair qing period is so similar, have you grown up? "

"No! You think too much," Shen Tuchuan refused to think about it, and after realizing that he was too silverless, he added with a stern expression, "Even if I did, I would not be your partner. "

"Why?" Ji Ting stared.

Shen Tuchuan gave her an unstoppable look, and lengheng walked out, with an unconscious irritability in her voice: "You can eat yourself later, I won't come back!"

Ji Ting: "..."

She watched him walking in the direction of the mountains and forests, and returned to the house with a frown for a long while, and began to worry as soon as she sat down. He is now in a special period and will not encounter a female orc on the road, so she will become a partner directly. ?

However, this idea only appeared for a moment. After all, in the eyes of other orcs in the tribe, Shen Tuchuan was just a semi-finished product that could not hide his tail and ears. No female orc would look after him ... I didn't expect my safety. Feeling, one day, it was possible to get it by others noticing Shen Tuchuan. Ji Ting was slightly sad.

As for what he said was not to become a partner, Ji Ting didn't take it seriously. If there is no relief in the special period, it will last for a long time, and it will make him more and more uncomfortable, and it will be difficult to survive, and the next time will come soon.

This is why, the man in the original text was bullied for a lifetime and never thought of revenge, but suddenly broke out some time after the beginning of a special period. It was only the dual torture of the mind and body that drove him crazy, and he only thought of bullying himself. Killer.

Ji Ting sighed again. He just got some food and settled for lunch. Then he waited for Shen Tuchuan to return. She thought he would be back soon, but she didn't see him until it was late.

Ji Ting was anxious, so he planned to go out to find him, but as soon as the door opened, Shen Tuchuan returned with a chill. She was startled, and after seeing the dark shadow in front of the door, he was busy and asked, "Where have you been all day?"

"It's okay, I'm going for a walk." Shen Tuchuan said with a grimace.

Ji Ting frowned, and planned to ask again. He went straight into the room and said, "I'm hungry."

Ji listened and took out the food that was reserved for him, and filled him with a big bowl: "Hurry up and eat, haven't you eaten all day?"

"Well, I didn't eat it." Shen Tuchuan began to gobble after finishing speaking.

Ji listened distressed, and said after he finished eating, "Why not come back when you are hungry? You haven't told me where have you been all day today?"

"I just go out quietly," Shen Tuchuan perfunctoryly said.

Ji listened and asked again, but he would not say a word, and after eating, he carried a pile of straw and spread it farthest from the bed. Ji Ting Leng Yan watched him lie there after doing all this, and then went back to sleep after a hum.

She would like to see how long he can last.

… However, Shen Tuchuan lasted longer than she wanted, and it was completely normal after that, except for a special period on the first day.

Is he on a special day? As soon as Ji Ting raised this question, he immediately denied that he was in good health. How could it be a day, it must have been done in a way she didn't know.

She carefully recalled his behavior in the past few days, and finally knew what was wrong-these days he often went out, although he went out every time shortly, but he could go out seven or eight times a day, and every time he came back with a chill This is obviously wrong.

In order to figure out what he did, Ji Ting decided to follow him secretly.

Unfortunately, as soon as she made this decision, Shen Tuchuan would not go out.

It was another morning, before Ji Ting opened her eyes, she smelled the smell of a meal. She rubbed her eyes, glanced at Shen Tuchuan who was tangent to the barbecue, and murmured, "Why do you wake up so early?"

"I can't sleep, I wake up." Shen Tuchuan answered her.

Ji Ting sat up, and half a while before he was fully awake: "Did it cool down again today?"

"Well, it's cold again." Shen Tuchuan looked at her.

Ji Ting frowned: "Don't sleep on the ground tonight, it's too cold."

"It's okay. I have thick fur and don't feel cold." Shen Tuchuan turned away, his ears moving quickly.

Ji heard that he knew he was lying, but unfortunately no matter how she persuaded him, he just refused to come up. She reluctantly walked to Shen Tuchuan, and as soon as she raised her hand to pat him, she quickly escaped.

Realizing that his actions were too abrupt, Shen Tuchuan pulled his lips awkwardly, and said for a moment, "I'm eating."

Ji Ting nodded silently, and sat at the table with him. For the first time, the two of them ate a meal so silently. However, the first time has the second time. It seems that from this early morning, the relationship between the two people is not so close. This makes Ji listen very distressed. I thought it was an opportunity for the two to get closer to each other. But alienated.

This rigid atmosphere continued until one night when a loud sound of a heavy object hitting the table suddenly came out of the room, and suddenly Ji Yuan was awakened.

Ji Ting sat up suddenly: "What's wrong ..."

Before she finished speaking, her eyes gradually widened, and her pupils reflected the picture of a huge wolf rolling painfully on the ground. A lot of things had been scattered on the ground at this moment, apparently when she fell asleep.

The wolf was still rolling on the ground with a layer of soil on his fur. It looked very embarrassed. He didn't seem to notice Ji Ji woke up. Although his teeth were grinning and terrifying, no sound came out.

Ji listening nervously crouched beside him, whispered his name: "Ogawa, Ogawa, what's wrong with you? Can you hear me?"

As she spoke, she reached for Claws, and when Shen Tuchuan's claws were caught, she became stiff, and then a pair of gloomy eyes brushed and looked at Ji listening.

Ji Ting was still calling his name, but he didn't find his abnormality, so when he patted him with a paw on the ground, he didn't respond at all.

His shoulder hit the ground fiercely, Ji heard a painful cry, and his expression was slightly twisted. Before she could slow down, the wolf bullied her, and her claws caught her animal skin and turned her upside down. Ji Ting was lying on the ground, and suddenly felt a sense of crisis in his heart, and he called out loud: "No! I will die, absolutely not!" Even if she knew that this was Shen Tuchuan, she couldn't accept it.

Shen Tuchuan looked at her resistive eyes for a moment, and suddenly felt a huge irritability. Although she knew in her heart that she could not be so hurt, her body was disobedient, and she was not willing to let go. After struggling for a long time, he yelled at Ji's back.

The prototype of the orc family is much larger than that of ordinary beasts. Even though Shen Tuchuan is relatively small in the orc, his prototype is a huge existence for Ji Ting, at least when he yells at her, the wolf Her mouth was wider than her face, and the white glowing teeth were exposed, and she could easily crush her skull a little bit down.

Even if you feel the breath of the beast clearly, Ji Ting is magically not scared. After slowing down, she still whispers softly, "Well, or can you transform into an adult? Is this not possible?"

Her voice was always gentle, as if she didn't care about his harm to herself. Shen Tuchuan's reason returned for a moment, roared, slammed the door, and ran towards the deep forest. Ji Ting was startled, and he hurried up to follow the fastest speed.

A wolf and a man ran back and forth in the dark night, and the distance in the middle increased. Ji listened anxiously and shouted his name, but he still refused to turn back.

Ji Ting chased her teeth and chased the mountain, which was easy to fall when she walked. This time she ran fast, but unfortunately she couldn't compare with Shen Tuchuan, so she soon lost it. She didn't go back immediately, but instead looked forward along the trace of Shen Tuchuan, and gradually began to hear the sound of the stream.

She had a bad hunch in her heart, and immediately quickened her pace. She soon reached the stream and saw someone sitting inside. In an instant, she understood how Shen Tuchuan had spent a special period before.

"Are you crazy ?! Do you want to freeze to death here on a cold day?" Ji Ting finally couldn't control her temper, and rushed to the stream with annoyance.

The mountain stream has always been cold and biting. This person is still soaked in the shape of a human, and it will be difficult to prevent the root cause of the disease for a long time.

Shen Tuchuan's lips were white and his ears froze, but his eyes were clear: "Wait, wait."

"You're here now, and you are not allowed to stay a second for a second!" Ji Tingban finished his face and said, grabbing his arm, the place where it touched was cold, which made her even more annoyed.

Shen Tuchuan glanced at her face and avoided her hand: "Just one more time, I can go back to sleep well."

"I count three, either you come up or I go down," Ji heard that he didn't cooperate, and he wouldn't say nonsense anymore. He simply said, "One, two, three ..."

When Shen Tuchuan saw Ji listen to jump, he stood up awkwardly, and the stream was rattled by him. Ji listen took a step back. Before he could see that he had changed into a beast type: "Go back."

"... Are you calm down?" Ji Ting stared at him.

Shen Tuchuan threw away the water from his fur: "It's all like this, and if you don't calm down, it's an animal."

... Do you think you are different from cattle? Ji Ting laughed directly.

On the way back, the two did not say a word. The mountain that was still able to run fast just now, Ji Ting suddenly would not leave again. He stepped on the small gravel several times and almost fell. Shen Tuchuan's eyes never left. After her, she rushed over every time her feet were unstable. As a result, Ji Ting always regarded him as air, and did not even look at him.

Shen Tuchuan became more and more uneasy, his tail fluttered constantly, and his ears gradually became airplane ears. He tried to talk to Ji, but he didn't get any response.

Until arriving at home, Ji Ting only said to him the first sentence: "Become human, and wipe yourself dry."

"Oh oh, okay." Shen Tuchuan couldn't keep up with Aojiao, and nodded his head quickly. When she turned around and started cleaning herself, it didn't take long for him to poke Ji Ting's shoulder carefully with his fingers. "I'm ready."

Ji listened and turned his head calmly, and looked at him for a while, then his eyes fell on the ear of his plane, and he sighed softly, "Is that just reject me?"

"No ..." Shen Tuchuan's face was awkward, and some uncomfortably shifted the subject. "It should be dawn soon, or we should rest."

When Ji heard that he still wanted to confuse him, he simply said, "Shen Tuchuan, it's this time, don't you plan to tell me the truth?"

"... I don't understand what you're talking about." Shen Tuchuan's head refused to raise.

Ji heard expressionless: "No need to pretend, I knew it when I first saw it."

The blood seemed to be concentrated on his face, and Shen Tuchuan's blush seemed as if he was drunk. At this moment, he had no thoughts and asked her why she knew this, and only wanted to know how to get through.

Ji Tingning eyebrows looked at him and said for a while: "I thought you left me because you liked me and wanted to live with me for a lifetime, it seems that I think too much."

He had acted like he was in love with her before, but when he talked about marriage, he would run away. If it wasn't for him, I'm afraid she would think he was a scumbag. It is because of the shadow of the parents' marriage that they refuse to be partners with her?

Ji listened to silence for a moment and tempted: "Are you not willing to be my partner because of your parents?"

"... What does it have to do with them?" Shen Tuchuan looked puzzled.

When Ji heard it was not a psychological shadow, he felt relieved a lot, and at the same time he couldn't help asking: "Why don't you marry me? Don't you like me?"

"I ... I like it," Shen Tuchuan answered with a bit of difficulty, and then lowered his head. "But I think we're fine now, so we don't have to be partners."

Ji Ting: "..." What is this **** male quote!

After realizing that the atmosphere seemed worse, Shen Tuchuan continued to explain in a panic: "I am not going to marry someone, neither I nor I will marry, I will take care of you, and we will have a partner for a generation ..."

"Forget it," Ji listened to him for a long time, and finally sighed, "I see, rest."

Shen Tuchuan opened his mouth and finally said nothing, nodded weakly.

Ji Ting took the initiative to walk next to the straw pile, and Shen Tuchuan busily said, "I can sleep there."

"Tomorrow, you have just soaked in cold water now. If you are not warm enough, you will be sick tomorrow," Ji Ting said, "I will be hunting collectively in a few days. I am still waiting for you to get me a thick woolen cloth." , You can't get sick now. "

"I gave you the skin of the animal. I've dried it now, and I'll just change back to sleeping in the animal shape." Shen Tuchuan said, and moved her to the animal skin.

Ji Ting didn't refuse. He stretched out and went to sleep. The sky was already bright at this point, and neither of them had any drowsiness, and each lay in their own place. Shen Tuchuan has been restless in his heart, and always feels that Ji Ting's reaction is not right.

After a moment, he spoke carefully: "Are you asleep?"


Shen Tuchuan opened his mouth and muttered, "How could you answer me when you fell asleep, and you didn't sleep?"

Although he was a little angry with him, when he heard such lovely words, Ji Ting couldn't help but keep his mouth light. After laughing for a while, he felt that he was too unproductive, and quickly hugged his face.

"I don't hate you ... I, I just think that you may not know the consequences of becoming a partner," Shen Tuchuan said for a moment, and then continued after a long time, "the wolf's life has only one partner, if we do With your partner, then even if you see my incompetence, ugliness, and embarrassment one day, I won't let you go. The most painful thing is you. "

After speaking, he paused: "But if life is the same as now, if you regret it one day and want to go, I can let you go because I am not your partner and I am not qualified to leave you."

Ji Ting quietly listened to him, her heart was so soft and confused, she just wanted to hug him, but she couldn't do it. His inferiority and vigilance had penetrated into the bone marrow, and not partnering with her, was not a way to protect himself.

Worried that she would leave, she chose not to start, so that even if she did leave one day, he would not be too sad. After all, she didn't do well enough to give him a sense of security.

She opened her eyes for a long time, and then closed her eyes slowly until a uniform breathing sound came from the bed.

Ji Ting slept until he woke up at noon, and after seeing that Shen Tuchuan was still sleeping, he did not wake him up, sat alone for a while, and went out.

Shen Tuchuan didn't see anyone when he woke up, his face changed immediately. He ran out to find someone just like crazy. Ji, who was washing the animal skin, listened to his doubts and turned back, and then he stunned when he saw the unclear shock on his face: "what happened to you?"

"No ..." A hint of embarrassment appeared on Shen Tuchuan's face.

Ji Ting came over and squeezed his ears: "Don't you think I'm gone?"

Shen Tuchuan didn't speak, but his tail revealed his heart. Ji listened and laughed: "Yesterday I saw that you hurt your body. I was really a bit angry, but I was not going to leave. I promised you that I would not leave."

"I'm not worried ..." Shen Tuchuan muttered inadequately.

Ji Ting has long been accustomed to his righteousness, so he didn't say much. He just smiled and held his hand. He was careful and said, "It's better to ask someone to help build a house."

"What are you doing?" Shen Tuchuan watched her alertly.

Ji heard a sigh: "After this period of time, you should not be willing to sleep with me on the bed. Winter is coming soon. You can't always sleep on the ground."

"I like to sleep on the ground," Shen Tuchuan said immediately.

Ji Ting helpless: "The ground is cold, even if you like it, I don't agree with it. Let's decide this way. It's built directly with the current one. We only have one wall."

In fact, she can also choose to have a husband and wife directly with him when his self-control is not strong, and even if he does not want to, he will definitely become a partner with him. But in the end, she couldn't bear to force him, so she chose to go step by step. The first step in step by step was to sleep in separate rooms. After all, it was not a long-term plan for him to sleep on the floor.

Shen Tuchuan was very reluctant, but thinking of pulling her to the ground last night when she was impulsive, she could only promise it. Although he promised, he hated his body especially when he thought that he would not be in a room in the future.

Why do orcs have to go through this awkward period? Can't we never have this reaction? He doesn't need to breed offspring, why give him this ability?

Ji Ting squeezed his face: "Don't be upset, go wash your face and have lunch."

"... Oh." Shen Tuchuan responded dully.

Ji Ting coaxed him a few more words, and then pulled him to dinner until his brows opened up. After the two had eaten, they went to find other orcs. After a few days of hard work, they quickly built a smaller house. Shen Tuchuan consciously moved to the hut, and Ji Ting did not compete with him.

On the first night when they lived apart, both of them had some insomnia, and they both unknowingly stuck to the wall. I wanted to listen to each other's movements, but unfortunately there were no smooth ears, so I could hear nothing.

Ji listened several times and wanted to go to the next door to find Shen Tuchuan, but in the end he resisted and forced himself to fall asleep earlier so that he could get up earlier tomorrow and see him soon.

When she thought so, a knock came from outside the door, and Ji Ting sat up immediately: "Who?"

"It's me, I can't sleep a bit," Shen Tuchuan's voice was a little stuffy, and he was pitiful, "Can I go in and talk to you?"

Ji Ting: "..." Who can stand it?

She opened the door, and Shen Tuchuan's ears seemed to be stingy under the moonlight, and she didn't even look good with the whole person. Ji listened for a moment and was worried: "Are you uncomfortable?"

"A little." Shen Tuchuan pursed his lips.

Ji heard busy pulling him in, and took it to the bed to wrap it with animal skin: "It must have been soaked in cold water yesterday, will you not be allowed to use this method again in the future?"

"Um." Shen Tuchuan's voice was soft and not aggressive at all, like a big dog afraid of being abandoned.

Ji Tian stared at him for a long while, but couldn't help but laugh. Shen Tuchuan couldn't help laughing when she saw her, and the two of them smiled for a long time, their cheeks were a little hot.

The atmosphere gradually became strange, and Ji heard less and less. Shen Tuchuan couldn't stand the silence, and couldn't help but start to say, "Why don't you talk?"

Ji Ting plopped down and lay down, looking at him sideways: "A bit sleepy."

"So, then I'll go back first ..." Shen Tuchuan said, but refused to move.

Ji listened to his appearance, and asked a little funny: "Don't you adapt? Or let's change our place."

"No, I'm just not sleepy, I don't want to go back." Shen Tuchuan's eyes moved.

Ji listened for a while, and patted the position around him: "Sitting very tired, lie down and talk."

"Oh ..." Shen Tuchuan agreed.

Ji Ting smiled and moved to the side. When he lay down, he talked to him without a word, and gradually his eyelids became heavy. He didn't know when he fell asleep. Shen Tuchuan looked at her face quietly, and slowly followed the sleepiness. Although she was going to sleep in her room, she soon fell asleep beside Ji Ting.

Early the next morning, the two were awake at the same time, watching each other's faces silent for a long time.

"I must sleep by myself tonight." Shen Tuchuan vowed, as if a three-year-old child was going to bed with his mother.

Ji Ting is like a mother who is very accustomed to children, and nodded in conviction.

Then that night, the two fell asleep again in 'chat'.

After doing this for three or four days, Shen Tuchuan realized that his special time was coming again, so he made up his mind: "I won't go to chat with you tonight ... even if you go, you are not allowed to open the door for me."

"... Um." Ji Ting didn't have much confidence in himself.

After the two had discussed it, when it was dark, they said good night to the other with a solemn expression, and then went back to the house. The expressions on their faces seemed not to go to sleep, but to fight on the battlefield where they died.

Ji Ting lay for a long time without falling asleep. Her ears were still angling to listen to the movement of the doorway, but this time Shen Tuchuan seemed to make up her mind until she was about to fall asleep, and did not run to knock on the door.

She woke up the next day, and then could not sleep anymore, she just got up and went out. As soon as she opened the door, something was falling on her feet at the door, and she stepped back subconsciously to see that it was Shen Tuchuan who was helping him.

Shen Tuchuan, who was sitting on the ground and was sleeping soundly, was awakened and looked at her with a sleepy eye: "Why do you get up so early?"

Ji listened to his hand and felt cold, immediately annoyed: "You slept outside the door last night ?!"

Shen Tuchuan was suddenly awake, and hurriedly stood up and said, "No, I, I just woke up too early to do nothing, so I came to your door ..."

What do you do at your door, and sleep? He didn't even believe this statement.

Ji Ting stared at him for a long while, and finally sighed helplessly: "What do you want me to do with you?"

"... No, didn't you just sit at your door all night? As for being stingy?" Shen Tuchuan's anger was dry. "This is originally my house here, what happened to my overnight stay?"

"You're embarrassed to say? I made another room just because I didn't want you to sleep on the floor, but as a result you were okay and went straight to the door?" Ji Ting laughed at him.

Shen Tuchuan's mouth moved, and in the end, he couldn't say anything to refute. After a moment of silence, his ears drew down: "I don't want it, but I can only sleep if I am closer to you."

As soon as he spoke pitifully, Ji listened with no temper: "What can we do? You can't easily control yourself if you sleep in one room, and you can't sleep without a room."

"I already thought of a way," Shen Tuchuan said earnestly.

Ji Ting looked at him curiously: "What is it?"

Shen Tuchuan narrowed his eyes and made a hand-to-hand gesture to her.

Ji Ting: "?"

"I cut that thing, and I can do it once and for all." Shen Tuchuan was proud of his words.

Ji Ting: "..."

"You don't have to worry. The orcs have a strong recovery ability, and I will raise my body soon," Shen Tuchuan said for a moment. "Let's wait until the hunt and prepare the winter food and clothing. Right, this I ’ve got more herbs for a while, and maybe I ’ll need to apply ... ”

"Shen Tuchuan!" Ji Tingren interrupted him unbearably.

Shen Tuchuanton paused: "What's wrong?"

... what else? She has never seen a man who is so **** herself when she is so old! Ji Ting took a deep breath and said to him as calmly as possible, "I don't want you to hurt yourself."

"But there is no other way than this," Shen Tuchuan said, not forgetting to add, "I don't want to sleep alone in a room." He didn't know why. He had been used to things for many years, but suddenly he couldn't. Accepted.

Ji listened to him silently for a long time, and then said lightly when he felt panic: "But like you said, one day I regret going away, you will still be alone."

Shen Tuchuan froze for a moment, apparently did not expect this, and the thought of one day that he was going to return to a person, his mouth and nose seemed to be submerged in water, and he was about to suffocate.

"I was going to do it step by step, but now it looks like it can't be done ..." This is all from the palace. I won't know what to go crazy when I come back next time. Ji Ting has to worry.

Shen Tuchuan's heart hung up, and she vaguely guessed that she was about to be a partner again, and began to look for reasons in her heart, ready to refuse after she finished speaking.

"Actually ... I can't have children." Ji listened seriously.

Shen Tuchuan froze: "What?"

"I ca n’t have children. You heard me right. As a pure person, I have no fertility. This is worse than your inability to fully transform as an orc. So if you do n’t want me, I wo n’t be able to tie up with others in my life. As a partner, even if it ends, you will be disgusted by those people, do you understand? "Ji listened with a single look.

Confucius said (Confucius didn't say it, she made it up by herself) that ‘miserable’ is better than anything. As long as she is miserable, there is no need for Shen Tuchuan to inferiority.

Sure enough, Shen Tuchuan murmured after listening to God for a long time, "Why haven't you said before ..."

"I'm afraid you can't accept it," Ji heard a bitter smile, "I just want to tell you now that I'm not as good as you think, and I don't have anyone other than you to choose, so you don't have to worry about it I will leave you one day ... "

Shen Tuchuan looked at her: "You didn't lie to me?"

"I will lie to you with this kind of thing?" Ji Ting asked, staring at his eyes.

Shen Tuchuan hurriedly didn't look away, and for a long time he said, "Even if you can't have children, you are the best in my eyes." As for the eyes of others, I'm afraid that's not the case. It was a deep regret to remember that he had bullied her so much when he first met.

"So marry me, although I can't have children for you, but I can stay with you forever," Ji listened with a smile, then went to the house, whispered before closing the door, "If you agree, come knock My door. "

The door closed, and she sighed a sigh of relief, and it was really hard to pretend that Xiaobaihua was bitter, and did not know whether he believed in himself. Ji listened impatiently and poured a glass of water, before hearing the knock on the door.

"... Ji Ting, let's be partners."

The author has something to say: 串 儿: I still feel that it is easier to pick up and drop the knife.

Ji Ting: Shut Up ...

Inferiority Chuaner is offline! From now on it will be a super a string to protect his wife! There is really no car, oh, you do n’t want me to drink tea, in order to compensate everyone, this chapter

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